Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Devoured (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Devoured (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 6

by Marian Tee

  “Naughty, naughty girl,” the other woman cooed as Vivian plopped down on her seat and began stuffing her face with cereal. “Are you really going to marry your billionaire?”

  Vivian lowered her spoon with a groan. “Will you please stop calling him that? You make me sound like---”

  “You’re after his money?”

  She glared. “I’m not.”

  Maggie’s face softened. “I know you’re not, hon, but the world doesn’t so you just gotta be prepared for some backlash.” She stared at her friend, who was, as always, the picture of innocence in her cleaner’s uniform, and sighed. “Are you sure about what you’re doing, Viv?” When her friend had come home all flustered and starry-eyed, lips swollen with kisses, Maggie had honestly no idea what to do or think. And then Vivian started telling her the most amazing story about Mr. Photocopy being a billionaire in disguise and, to top that, a father looking for someone to be his wife and mother of his daughter---

  If it hadn’t been Vivian, Maggie would have thought she was being conned. But this was Vivian, who could never really lie well no matter how hard she tried. It had to be true, but the question was – could Mr. Photocopy / Mr. Billionaire be entrusted with her friend’s gentle heart?

  She said carefully, “I don’t want to burst your bubble or anything, but…don’t you think everything sounds too good to be true?”

  Hiding her face behind her coffee mug, Vivian asked haltingly, “Are you saying you don’t think it’s possible that he’d want to marry someone like me?” It was hard, voicing out her worst fears, and she held her breath as she waited for what her always-blunt friend had to say.

  “If you mean someone pretty and unbelievably nice---”

  Vivian choked on her coffee. “Mags!”

  Maggie smirked. “Serves you right for wasting time on self-pity.” Her voice became firm. “I’m not saying this as your friend, okay? You know I always call it how it is, and I’m telling you that any guy with average IQ should consider himself lucky to have someone like you as his wife. That said, I still think there has to be a catch, and before you marry him, it’s important that you find out what it is.”

  Anxiety had Vivian chewing on her lip. A catch, she thought uneasily. Logically speaking, she knew that Maggie was likely right and there had be a catch for someone like Luca Valencia to go to such extraordinary lengths just to marry someone like her.


  What if the impossible had happened and there was no catch? What if, in the course of all those weeks they had spent time with each other, he had realized they were greatly compatible and he had gone as far as buying her IOUs just to make sure he had a chance with her? What if he was just covering all his bases, simply to make sure that she would be forced to spend more time with him and realize what he already knew?

  And that was that they were meant---

  “Stop that,” Maggie said darkly, knowing what was going on the moment she saw her friend’s dreamy expression.


  Maggie scowled. “Seriously, it’s creeping me out.”

  Vivian blinked. “Huh?”

  “That look on your face,” she snapped. “Quit it.” Doing her best to resist the urge to shake some sense into Vivian, Maggie said emphatically, “Just ask him, okay?”

  Vivian slowly shook her head.

  Maggie’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re not going to ask him if there’s a catch?”

  “I want to trust him.”

  “I know you do, and naturally you should, but asking doesn’t mean you don’t trust him. It only means you want to know the truth. Okay?”

  Vivian shrugged.

  “Oh my God, you’re so stubborn!”

  A smile wobbled on Vivian’s lips because she knew it was true. She was pretty stubborn, once she had made up her mind. “I promise I’ll consider asking him, okay?” Taking one last sip of her coffee, she stood up and took her bag from the living room. “I have to go now. See ya!”

  When Vivian stepped out of the apartment building, the first thing she saw was a stretch limousine parked by the curb. The door opened almost immediately, and her jaw dropped when she saw Luca stepping out of it. He was dressed in a dark blue suit, his sense stylish but conservative, with an air of quiet authority that was rarely seen on a man of thirty-one years.

  “What are you doing here?” she blurted out.

  Instead of answering her, he drew her towards him firmly, and when she was close enough, he bent his head down to kiss her.

  Luca almost smiled when he felt Vivian still in shock, but instead of letting up, he deepened the kiss, causing her to whimper under the sweet pressure. Her lips slowly parted and he took advantage, his tongue sliding inside the warm, moist cave of her mouth.

  Vivian’s hands curled into fists between them, her heart beating so loud and fast that she wondered how it was that none of the people around them could hear it. The apartment building she lived in had a very busy sidewalk, and even as her mind whirled at Luca’s passionate kiss, a part of her could sense people’s gazes on them, some shocked, others affronted, and then there were those who were so fascinated that she could feel their gazes burning at the back of her head.

  She could sense all these, but even so she could just not stop kissing Luca back. There was just something so exquisitely masterful about his approach, and she found herself getting addicted to it rather than turned off. It almost made her feel weird and ashamed, but it was hard to dwell on such negativity with Luca’s tongue still exploring her mouth and all the while doing his best to make her knees give out.

  When he finally lifted his head, she couldn’t stop inhaling deeply, needing to breathe, which she had quite forgotten to do in the first few moments.

  “Buon giorno, cara,” he said huskily as their gazes met.

  Her cheeks turned pink as she mumbled shyly, “B-buon giorno.” A pause, then she added earnestly, “I’ll self-study Italian, I promise.”

  Luca traced her lips. “It means a lot that you wish to do so, but allow me please to hire a tutor for you so that you will not need to struggle unnecessarily with the lessons, si?”


  Once inside the limousine, Vivian recovered enough of her senses to once again ask him what he had been doing outside her building.

  “I wish to drive you to work, naturalmente.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  “Ah, but before we get to the office, I believe it is proper that you wear this…” He pulled out a box from his pocket and offered it to her.

  Heart beating madly against her chest once more, she took the box with shaking hands and flipped the lid open. Inside was a breathtakingly beautiful heirloom ring, and as she stared at it in wonder, Luca said over her head, “It is passed from generation to generation, for the women we promise to marry during the engagement. May I?”

  At her nod, Luca took the ring out of the box and slowly slipped it on her finger. It was a strangely perfect fit, which her whimsical mind considered a nod from Lady Luck.

  Watching her keenly, Luca asked, “Do you like it?” A quick nod. “Good. We’ll all make the necessary announcements today, and we’ll get married on the day after---”

  Startled, she asked, “Aren’t we moving too fast?”

  “Is there any reason for us to delay our wedding?” Luca asked levelly.

  “No, but---”

  “Then we shall proceed as planned,” he interrupted her in the same tone, “si?”

  Ruthless, she thought as she gazed at his implacable expression. He was a lot more ruthless than she had initially given him credit for, and now she had her first taste of how it was to try going against him. Wetting her lips, she asked haltingly, “If I don’t agree?” She held her breath, expecting Luca’s temper to ignite any moment.

  But he didn’t.

  She almost reared back as he reached for her, just the smallest part of her wondering if the billionaire would strike her.

  Luca’s hand stille
d mid-air and a frown touched his forehead. “Did you think I would hurt you, cara?”


  It deeply offended him to know she thought him that kind of man, but Luca reminded himself that it was only to be expected. Right now, she probably felt she was being bullied into a corner and any sign of rebellion would be quashed with brute force. He said quietly, “I promise you, Vivi. No matter what happens between us, you will never come to physical harm in my hands.” His lips twisted. “My entire life, there has only been a single instance into which I had been provoked to forget the lessons my mother had instilled in me about treating the fairer sex with courtesy and respect. I struck my ex-wife in the face, but it was only that one time and I have not done so again, no matter what the provocation.”

  Holding her green eyes captive, he said gravely, “I tell you this so that there are no lies between us.”

  She thought about what he had revealed, and swallowing, she said, “Thank you for telling me the truth.” She might be naïve, but even she knew it wasn’t easy for any man to admit to having been provoked into hitting a woman, and she appreciated the risk he took for doing so. “I won’t blame you for what happened. I…” This time, she swung her gaze away as she mumbled, “I researched about you a bit on the Internet, so I k-know, just a bit, about what happened between you two.” She almost winced at the words, knowing that she couldn’t blame Luca if he considered her actions as stalking. Maybe it really was, but she had just wanted to know more about him and his past.

  Unfortunately, the knowledge she acquired hadn’t been what she expected at all, with the tabloid reports including all sorts of sordid and sensational details about their supposedly wild and rocky marriage, their constant fights, and later on, the scandalous way in which his wife had left him for an older and – at that time – wealthier man.

  Suddenly, she felt Luca cupping her chin, and Vivian reluctantly allowed him to tip her face up so their eyes would meet.

  “Do you think less of me now because of what you’ve learned?” Luca managed to keep his voice steady even though he was mentally cursing all the paparazzi to perdition. Even now, he could remember the headlines tackling his doomed marriage to Maria, and the majority of them had painted him the stupid, cuckolded husband whose sexual infatuation with his wife had cost him his fortune.

  He prepared himself to see pity in Vivian’s gaze, but instead she was shaking her head vehemently at him. “Even if I’m not as worldly as you are, I’m not stupid either,” she said sharply. “I can read between the lines, and after seeing you with Eula, I know that all of your sacrifices were for her.” After a moment’s hesitation, she touched his hand, saying softly, “I don’t think there’s any shame in that, Luca. If you ask me, I…think you should be proud of how much you’re willing to do and give up out of love for your daughter.”

  The words caught him off guard, Luca never having expected to hear something like it from someone so young, someone who barely knew him.

  But then – wasn’t this the very lesson he told himself not to forget?

  Time was no way to measure how much you knew a person, Luca reminded himself grimly. You could spend forever with someone and still not know her, but you could also be with another for just a moment and know everything about her.

  Maria had taught him that…and now, Vivian was reminding him of the same lesson, albeit in a different way.

  A small sigh escaped him. “Sometimes, cara, you simply take my breath away.”

  Luca’s admission, spoken almost reluctantly in a low undertone, had her toes curling. “I d-do?”


  She smiled helplessly, saying, “You don’t sound happy about it.”

  “No,” he agreed. “I don’t.” When she choked at his answer, his broad shoulders moved in a Gallic shrug. “I do not wish to lie to you.” He reached for her again, his fingers encircling her wrist, and then with a quick firm tug, he had her falling against him.

  “Luca!” But before she could figure her next move, he had already scooped her into his lap and his mouth was already bearing down on hers. Vivian’s eyes widened and she automatically placed her hands against his chest, intending to push him away.

  But again, she was too late.

  His mouth swooped down on hers, tongue driving in to claim her, and the heat and passion in his kiss drove all thoughts of resistance away. In an instant, she went from wanting more distance to wanting him closer.

  Closer and closer, she thought dizzily, until their bodies touched like the last time---

  As if hearing her silent plea, she felt Luca’s hands move down, cupping her buttocks before using it to push her firmly towards him, squashing her breasts against the rock-hard wall of his chest. She whimpered against his kiss when she felt her nipples prickle into life, and he growled back before kissing her even more deeply.

  Her need for him became a wild, hungry urge that had her moving restlessly in his arms, and she found herself instinctively rubbing herself against him, moving up and down as she started to crave the throbbing pressure of his erection against the folds of her femininity.

  Luca didn’t know how it happened, but somehow the seducer had become the seduced. The way Vivian rubbed herself against him was incredibly arousing, causing his usually iron control to slip and his arousal to rise unabated. He groaned at the way she was grinding herself over his erection, harder and harder, just the way he liked it, and every second that passed he was coming closer and closer to losing his grip on sanity.

  She was all womanly power now, and even the way she kissed was of a natural-born temptress, her tongue moving coyly against his, and he found himself sucking hard on her lip and then her tongue.

  She let out another whimper, and his control broke. Tearing his mouth from hers, he pushed her blouse up, pulled her bra down, and started sucking on her nipple.


  His name on her lips was a choked whisper, unbelievably sexy, but he wanted more.

  Lifting his head, he grated out, “I want to hear you scream, Vivi.”


  He didn’t heed her protest, knowing that in the end she would do what he wanted – which he knew was what she wanted as well. She might just be too innocent to be aware of it yet.

  He started sucking on her nipple again while fondling her other breast. When she started to buckle against his mouth, he sucked even harder, knowing that it would only be a few moments---


  And this time, she did scream his name, the same time she reached out to clutch his head by the hair and push her nipple deeper into his mouth.

  “Luca, please. Please.” His name both became a plea and a chant, and it was the most arousing sound he had ever heard in his life. To reward her for giving him what he wanted, he slid his free hand behind the waistband of her loose uniform pants, and slowly he started to stroke her folds against the wet cotton.

  She buckled once more, this time against his hand, and he started stroking her faster, wanting her to come.

  “L-Luca…” The way she was trying to catch her breath told him she was near, and he moved his thumb up to press gently down on her small bud of pleasure. When Vivian arched her body with a gasp, he bit her nipple hard, and her grip on his hair tightened almost painfully.


  Her body jerked and shuddered as she started to come, and he moved his fingers even more quickly to prolong her pleasure. When it was all over, she slumped against him, and he gently released her nipple from his mouth.

  “Oh, Luca.” A faint, tired whimper as she curled against his chest, and his lips curved, thinking that his Vivi was very much like a kitten at that moment.

  She jerked when he pulled his hand out of her pants, and when her gaze fluttered open, he held her eyes captive as he tasted the few drops of her cum by licking his fingers.

  Vivian shuddered at the sight. It was almost too painfully erotic, if that made sense.

  “I in
tend to do this to you every day---”


  “Probably more than once---”


  “Starting today,” he continued, “and the time or place won’t matter to me.”


  “If I have need for you, like I do now---” Almost on cue, she felt his erection twitch against her still-sensitive folds, and she bit back a moan at the reminder that he was still so large and hard under her.

  “I will call for you, and you will come for me.” The words were spoken almost languidly, but in his gaze was a fierce gleam of possessiveness that Vivian somehow felt unable to deny.

  She heard herself whisper, “Yes.”

  Luca’s lips curved. “Good.” His tone turning silky, he murmured, “And so I shall leave it to you then. Knowing what I expect from you and what you may expect from me---”

  Vivian stiffened as his fingers grazed the side of her neck before slowly trailing downward, his touch becoming increasingly tantalizing as it moved over her swollen breasts. As his fingers encircled her nipples, he asked, “Are you certain you have any objections to the fact that I shall make an announcement today?”

  “Umm…” She could barely understand a word he was saying, with the way he was now playing with her nipples, alternately pinching it between his fingers and soothing the pink tip with feather-soft strokes.

  The movement stopped. “If I don’t make an announcement now, and they see you come and go from my office frequently, they might think you’re my---”

  Understanding dawned, and her cheeks heating, she said hastily, “Y-you can make the announcement.”

  He kissed the top of her head, murmuring, “I thought you’d say that.”

  Even as her toes curled at the tender gesture, she mumbled half-resentfully, “You’re too manipulative.”

  His mouth moved to the side, and she shivered uncontrollably when she suddenly felt his tongue lick her ear. “Not manipulative, Vivi,” he said softly. “I simply know what I want, and I prefer not to waste time in getting it.”


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