Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Devoured (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Devoured (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 7

by Marian Tee

  When the car stopped in front of the building’s revolving doors, Luca stepped out first, but instead of following him out, Vivian tried pulling the door shut. Startled, he kept the door open and bent down to peer at her inside.

  “Why aren’t you coming out?”

  Vivian stared at him like he was mad. “I thought you wanted your driver to drop you off first, then he’ll take me to my first job.”

  Ah. Shaking his head, he murmured, “I apologize. I forgot to let you know that I already spoke with your other employer.”

  She gaped, asking faintly, “E-excuse me?”

  “He understands the change in your circumstances and wishes us well in our new life together.”

  “But---” Even as she started to protest his high-handedness, Luca was already gently but firmly pulling her out of the limousine, and Vivian tried not to cringe at the way all eyes immediately swung towards them.

  She looked up at Luca, expecting him to at least feel marginally self-conscious at the way they were attracting attention, but his handsome face only had its usual impassive expression.

  Seeing the way Vivian was staring at them, Luca raised a brow, asking, “What is it?” He curved an arm around her waist as he spoke and led her towards the revolving doors. He felt her trying to inch away from him, which of course only made him pull her even closer.

  “They think it’s odd I’m with you,” he heard her mumble under her breath.

  He drawled silkily, “And I should care about what strangers think because?”

  If he put it that way, then of course she wouldn’t have any good answer for that, Vivian thought ruefully. Stealing another furtive look at him, she couldn’t help but be impressed at how his arrogance seemed not to have suffered one bit even though everyone they passed was clearly thinking he was crazy for dating someone like her – a plain, boring cleaner---

  As they walked, Luca suddenly lowered his head and whispered into her ear, “I can hear you putting yourself down, Vivi, and I forbid it.”

  She nearly stumbled in surprise. “W-what?”

  He eyed her shrewdly. “Am I not correct?”

  Vivian bit her lip. “It’s just…I don’t even blame them for what they’re thinking. You and me, it doesn’t make sense---” She stopped speaking mid-sentence when she realized where they were heading.

  Oh, fudge.

  “Luca, I don’t---”

  But it was too late. Luca had already stopped in front of reception, forcing Vivian to stop beside him – as well as come face to face with the very same blonde receptionist who had treated her condescendingly yesterday. She then felt Luca’s arm drop from her waist, making Vivian blink in confusion. After making such a show of possessiveness, he was letting go of her now…why?

  Ida was busy texting under the reception counter when a shadow fell over her, forcing her to look up. Shock had Ida dropping her phone when she realized that it was her employer standing right in front of her, but she recovered quickly enough, straightening with a smile as she pushed her breasts as far out as she could.

  “Good morning, Mr. Valencia,” Ida simpered just before she noticed the girl standing impossibly close to the Italian billionaire. Oh my God, wasn’t this the cleaner yesterday who had the audacity to give her added work? What did she think she was doing, clinging to Luca Valencia like some desperate leech?

  Fluttering her lashes at her boss, Ida said with a sigh, “I am so sorry you had to be bothered in such a way, Mr. Valencia.” When the billionaire nodded, Ida shot the cleaner a triumphant look, now feeling perfectly assured that she had read the situation correctly, but when she turned back to face her boss, her lips were curved in a helpful smile, and her tone was just the right touch of concern as she asked, “Would you like me to call security, sir?” The last one, however, was spoken in a suggestive tone, Ida unable to resist the chance of coming on to someone who was the embodiment of her ideal man: handsome, sexy, and most importantly of all, loaded beyond her wildest imaginations.

  “Yes, please,” Luca murmured. “Let them know that I would like to have someone escorted for sexual harassment.”

  Vivian’s eyebrows shot up.

  Ida’s gaze glittered. “I’ll make the call right now, sir.” When it was done, she reported in a sweet, dutiful voice, “They’re on their way, Mr. Valencia.”

  “Good. Women who think they can get their way and have men falling for them simply by flashing some skin and acting aggressive are delusional and pathetic.” Gazing at the blonde under hooded lids, Luca drawled silkily, “Do you not think so, Miss---”

  “Ida, Mr. Valencia,” the receptionist supplied before adding throatily, “But you can call me whatever you want, sir. After all, I’m here to do your every command.” Out of the corner of her eye, Ida noticed the way the cleaner was gaping at her, and she shot the other woman a nasty look before turning back to the billionaire and gushing, “You’re also absolutely right, Mr. Valencia. It’s just so gross, the way some women---” She inclined her head towards the cleaner. “Overestimate their beauty,” Ida finished with a roll of her eyes.

  “Quite so,” Luca averred and stepped to the side as security arrived.

  Oh, this will be so bad, Vivian thought and turned her uneasy gaze towards the floor.

  Oh, this will be so good, Ida thought and smiled nastily at the way the cleaner lowered her head and avoided everyone’s stares.

  “Inform HR that I have been subjected to improper advances and that I suggest immediate termination,” Luca murmured.

  When the billionaire gestured towards her, Ida’s smile widened, thinking that she was about to be introduced as the woman who had helped him deal with his pathetic and delusional admirer.

  “Make sure that she’s not allowed back in here for whatever reason or in any premises under my ownership.” Luca curved his arm around Vivian. “Shall we go?”

  Ida’s smile froze on her lips.

  A moment later, security had gotten around the reception counter, with one of them saying stoically, “Please gather your belongings and allow us to escort you to HR.”

  “No, you’ve got it wrong,” Ida snapped. “I’m not the one---” She turned towards the billionaire and the cleaner. “It’s her---”

  Hearing that, Luca raised a brow. “Do you have a problem with my fiancée?”

  Ida whitened.

  Luca shook his head and turned away from her. Pulling Vivian closer to him, he said in a voice that was neither loud nor soft but one that was just right for everyone to hear, “It’s an unfortunate fact, cara, but experience has taught me that the world is filled with many unpleasant women exactly like her. Please do me a favor and promise to stay away from such trash.”

  A screech of rage followed Luca’s words, and unable to help it, Vivian looked back over her shoulder and flinched when she saw the other woman actually climbing over the counter in her desperate need to get to them. Hatred flashing in her gaze, she sped towards Vivian and Luca, clearly intent on inflicting harm---

  Vivian jerked. “Luca---”

  Luca didn’t bother to turn back. “There is nothing to worry about.”

  And he was right.

  Before Ida could take another step, security caught up with her, holding her back and even as she struggled and cursed, there was no way for Ida to go against the two burly men holding her captive. They marched away, half-carrying the receptionist towards the service elevator---

  Which was the dirty little hole that people like her came from, Vivian couldn’t help thinking.

  And if the irony wasn’t enough, Luca was now leading her towards the elevator at the other end of the lobby, which was reserved exclusively for the use of the company’s executives.

  “Good morning, sir, ma’am.” Everyone they walked past were painfully quick to greet both Luca and Vivian, the nervous expressions on their faces making it clear that they were aware of what exactly had gone down earlier – and who Vivian was to Luca, despite the fact that she was wearing her c
leaner’s uniform.

  When they entered the elevator, no other passenger was willing to ride with them and the doors slid close, leaving Vivian alone with the billionaire.

  Noticing the way Vivian was again gnawing on her lip, he asked calmly, “You are troubled?”

  “A bit,” she admitted reluctantly. “You know, don’t you? About…her and me…last night?”

  “Yes.” He didn’t offer an explanation and was glad when she didn’t waste his time asking for one. It meant she was beginning to understand him in a more fundamental way despite the short amount of time they had known each other.

  Vivian took a deep breath before confessing, “You were…surprisingly ruthless.”

  Luca almost shook his head. Trust his Vivi to be so softhearted that rather than feeling properly vindicated, she instead felt pity for the one who had treated her abominably in the past. “You are too soft,” he told her in chagrin. “But then, that is also why I have chosen you, so I am not complaining.”

  She grimaced. “You make being soft sound like a sin, but it’s not.”

  “And you say that so easily, despite the fact that your enormous debt is all because of---”

  Knowing he had a point but hating to acknowledge it, Vivian couldn’t stop herself from sticking out her tongue.

  Luca let out a startled laugh. “How refreshingly…immature.” Deliberately taking her by surprise, he tugged her towards him and as she fell against him with a gasp, he didn’t waste any time and covered her open mouth with his.

  Her heart slammed against her chest at the first touch of Luca’s lips, and her body melted in a pool of heat as the kiss deepened. She found herself clutching at his shoulders as his tongue played with hers, and with each second that passed, she could feel her knees starting to weaken.

  The elevator reached the penthouse floor and the doors slid open.

  Dimly, she heard gasps and realizing belatedly what it meant, Vivian froze. “Luca,” she begged against his lips.

  With a sigh, Luca lifted his head but he didn’t let her go. Instead, he kept her chained to his side as they stepped out of the elevator. Again, everyone at the penthouse stared at them, but everyone was also wise enough not to question what they saw. News had traveled fast, with everyone greeting Luca and Vivian and congratulating them on their engagement.

  Vivian smiled and mumbled incoherently while Luca took everything in stride.

  When they entered his office, Luca turned around to lock the door. When he turned back to Vivian, it was to see her slowly falling to her knees like a wilted flower. She told him seriously, “I don’t think I can take it anymore.”


  “The way they look at you and me.” She shook her head morosely. “And I can’t even blame them.”

  “Do you mean because I happen to own this company and you’re one of my employees?”

  She sighed. “It’s worse.”

  Luca echoed with genuine puzzlement, “Worse?”

  “Yup. They see you and then they see me, and they’re like ‘whut?’”

  Another startled laugh escaped him.

  “If we’re really going to marry tomorrow---”

  “We are,” he assured her swiftly.

  “Can you do me a favor? Can you please make yourself, I don’t know, a bit uglier?”

  Grinning, he crouched down on one knee in front of her. “I’ll do my best,” he teased her, “but I can’t promise anything.” Her sigh made his grin widen, but inside of him, Luca became aware of the slightest bit of misgiving, like a bad omen. It was starting to dawn on him just how oddly he had acted, to go to such lengths simply to ensure that no one would harm Vivi.

  The sudden tension in the air had her stiffening and she gazed up at Luca searchingly, asking, “What is it?”

  Such innocence in those green eyes, he thought broodingly. It could have been an exquisite sight – if only they did not, at that moment, remind Luca of how his ex-wife’s gaze was once like that, too.

  “Nothing,” he heard himself say.

  And it was nothing, except that he silently wished she would not change like Maria had.

  Because if she did---

  What Luca would do to her would make his treatment of the receptionist earlier appear the height of kindness.

  So for your sake, cara, never change.

  Chapter Six

  Wednesday. This – and not Tuesday nor Monday – was the real beginning of a new chapter of her life. Today was the day she would be Luca Valencia’s wife and Eula’s stepmother. Today was the day everything would change---

  “For the better,” she finished out loud. Staring determinedly at her reflection on the mirror, she told herself firmly, “Got that?”

  The bathroom door opened, and Maggie complained, “Will you please stop talking to yourself when you can talk to me?” Sauntering inside the hotel suite’s expansive toilet, she took a hold of her friend’s shoulders and used it to get Vivian to face her. What she saw almost had Maggie wincing, with the way Vivian’s pale face looked even smaller and thinner, her body dwarfed by the too-large terry robe wrapped around it.

  Scared out of her wits, Maggie thought, like she should be.

  “Are you going to tell me I’m making a big mistake?” Vivian asked fearfully.

  Maggie smirked. “I would…if I didn’t know that’s exactly what you want to hear from me.”

  “I hate you,” Vivian mumbled. “I really, really, really hate you.” Maggie clearly knew her too well, she thought. She should have asked for a private talk with the judge first. A third party would no doubt tell her that---

  Maggie gave Vivian a quick shake when she saw her friend’s eyes beginning to glaze. “Keep it together, Viv,” she growled. When Vivian blinked at her, she told her friend firmly, “This is something only you can decide, okay?”

  Vivian nodded.

  “So we’re going to talk about it, and maybe it will help clear your mind.”

  Vivian nodded again.

  “First – have you asked him?”

  “Ask him if there’s a catch in marrying me?” Her friend’s gaze skittered away.

  Maggie gave Vivian a harder shake this time. “You didn’t ask him, did you?”



  “I didn’t want to,” Vivian cried out, “because I already know the answer to it.”

  Maggie froze.

  Finally looking at her friend, Vivian said haltingly, “If there’s one thing I was able to understand about him all those times we were talking, then it’s the fact that he’s a control freak. And honestly? I don’t mind that, at all. You know how my dad was like. He was the opposite. He was way out of control, and people always had to rein him in and when you grow up with someone like that, it gets tiring.”

  Looking down at her bare feet, Vivian mumbled, “When he practically threatened me about my IOU, he probably thought I’d get mad, but I didn’t really care. At the back of my mind, I was thinking, at least he was doing something about what he wanted. I know it’s bad, but I couldn’t help comparing him to my dad, who blamed everyone but himself for how his life turned out.”

  When Vivian fell silent, Maggie was at a loss for what to say. “Viv…” She knew the kind of childhood Vivian had, with her on-off father, who had acted more like an overgrown child than anything else. She could see where the attraction lay because of that, but was that enough reason for Vivian to risk everything on a marriage?

  “Did he get you to sign a pre-nup?” Maggie asked abruptly.

  Vivian’s lips quirked. “Did you really believe there was a possibility he wouldn’t?”

  Maggie sighed. “You’re right, that was a stupid question. And of course you signed it, but were the terms fair at least? I mean, what if he---” She caught herself in time before saying anything negative.

  “It’s okay, Mags. I know ours isn’t exactly the template for the perfect marriage, and to answer your question, yes, the terms were fair. M
ore than fair, actually. It was more like an employment contract, and I get a financial incentive---” Vivian rolled her eyes. “That was the term they used, for every year I stayed married to him. I had his lawyer change that. It was pretty insulting.” She paused. “Other than that, I only asked for one other change, and that was that I’d have the right to see Eula---”

  “His daughter?” Maggie asked, surprised.

  Vivian nodded. “If for whatever reason we had to file for a divorce or whatever, I wanted visitation rights. I just…I just wanted to make sure she would never have any reason to think I’d abandon her---”

  “Like your father did,” Maggie finished, “when he left you and your mother.” With a heavy sigh, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Vivian square in the eyes. “Well, that’s enough drama for now. I just have one last question for you. Are you certain this is what you want to do? Because if you feel you need to get out of it, you still can.”

  Vivian slowly shook her head. “I know what I’m doing is insane. But Mags, it’s just that – ever since he came into my life, he gave me a reason to look forward to the next day. Even before I found out who he was, he made me happy and excited to wake up because I knew my life wouldn’t just be all about going from one cleaning job to another. I don’t want to let that feeling go.”

  Watching Vivian speak, Maggie realized she had never seen her friend this happy, and it was both an incredibly touching…and terrifying sight. “If this is what you want,” she said gruffly, “then we need to hurry up.” Pushing Vivian towards the marble bath at the center, she said, “If your guy’s the control freak you say he is---”

  “He is,” Vivian confirmed.

  “Then you need to take your bath now because we’ve just under two hours to make you pretty.”


  The wedding was a private ceremony held at the banquet hall of the hotel where Vivian and Maggie had stayed overnight. The reception area outside the hall was crawling with paparazzi, everyone hoping to be the first to introduce to the world the woman who had been able to bring Luca Valencia back to the altar.


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