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Loving the Playboy

Page 26

by Scott, S. L.

  Mallory squeezes my hand and I squeeze back, letting her know that I’m good with that decision. My life is here with her, not in Manhattan.

  She pulls me by the hand, and offers, “You wanna go for a walk down on the beach?”


  After setting my drink on the bar, we work our way down the stone steps and onto the beach.

  She holds my hand and we walk just where the water meets the sand. At home, we try to walk along the beach and just touch base with each other. It’s always a nice way to wind down after our hectic day. I like that she wants to do that even here.

  Looking up at me, she smiles. “We’ve spent so many good times here on this beach. I always enjoy being back and being alone with you.”

  “Yeah, I do too.” I stop, taking her other hand in mine. “I don’t know if I’ve told you lately, but I think you’re even more beautiful than when I met you.”

  She lifts my palm to her lips and kisses it. “Thank you. I think the same about you, all the time.”

  “Life is busy these days.”

  “I love our life, Evan.”

  “You look happy.”

  “I am. I have you and a beautiful home and a job I like. I could almost say life is perfect.” She turns and looks out at the ocean.

  We stop and I wrap my arm around her shoulder as we face the sea and admire the setting sun.

  She looks back at me and says, “I’m really proud of you and all you’ve accomplished.”

  I bend down and pick up a broken seashell and throw it, skipping it into the water. “I feel good. I think we’re both in a really good place.” I see an iridescent shell and pick it up. Bending over, I rinse it in the water before I give it to her. “You can add this to our collection.”

  She examines it. “It’s beautiful. Good find.”

  “I have a keen eye for beautiful things.” I grab her and pull her to me.

  “Are you calling me a thing?”

  “You missed the beautiful part.”

  She stands on her tiptoes and kisses my neck before she pulls me back toward the steps. “C’mon, the night is young and we still have some partying to do.”

  Two hours later, I’m hanging with the boys, and Caroline, watching the girls dance, including our moms. I let my eyes wander down the curves of Mallory’s body thinking about how I’m going to lick, suck, and rub up against every inch of it later.

  Gail takes Caroline from Murphy just as Zach nudges me. Both of us are heavy-lidded from the alcohol, but still can appreciate how sexy our girls are, even if they are taunting us. “I need to fucking go,” he says, smirking. “I have some honeymoonin’ to get to.”

  “Take a cab.”

  “It’s already waiting out front.”

  “Congrats again, man.” I grab him into a one-armed hug.

  “Yeah, look at me, all married and shit. I fucking love that I get to take that little woman home and legit make love to her now. Who could’ve predicted that?”

  With a chuckle, I ask, “You weren’t making legit love to her before?”

  “Eh, you know what I mean. I’m drunk. I’m going. Surfin’ at ten, cools?” We do a very sloppy version of our handshake as I nod.

  When Kate joins Murphy, I saunter over to my wife and rub against her from behind. My hands slide around her hips.

  Her hands snake behind and she pulls my hips closer. I know she can feel my erection. Tilting her head back, she sighs, “Evan.”

  I grab one of her hands and pull her from the dance floor and we make our way up the path. Not waiting around for the fireworks, holiday toasts, or goodbyes. I need to be in her. I need to be home with her and I need to fuck her.

  We hop into the waiting cab, and I give the driver directions. When I look at Mallory, she’s tired and has closed her eyes. “Don’t fall asleep,” I whisper, “I have plans for you.”

  A sly grin crosses her lips and then she sits up a little straighter, opening her eyes. “Care to share?”

  “Nope. Just be prepared.”

  She raises a challenging eyebrow up, and says, “Bring it on, Surferboy. Bring. It. On.”

  We’re home in a flash and as soon we walk in the front door, I grab her arm and spin her around. “Here will do.”

  I see confusion in her eyes before clarity sets in. She stands there and looks at me as if waiting for me to make the next move… like I wouldn’t. I shake my head, and smirk. “My beautiful wife, you underestimate the power I have over your body.”

  “Remind me then.”

  I scoop her up and toss her over my shoulder before she can resist. Laughter and giddiness surround us as I toss her on the bed in front of me. Her skirt flops up on her lap exposing her very skimpy, very sexy little panties. I point. “I want those off.”

  She lays there watching my hands as I unbutton my shirt, keeping her eyes focused on my fingers. I reach for the waistband of my pants and start unbuttoning those too, but stop. “Mallory, panties. Now!”

  Pulling them off quickly, she tosses them at me. They hit my chest, then drop to my feet.

  I watch her as she leans back on her elbows, tilts her head, and licks her lips. I drop my pants and kneel down at the base of the bed. “Nothing like the real thing, Baby.”

  Her lids seem to grow heavier as her body falls back. I rub my nose along the inside of her thigh before kissing her clit. She encourages me by spreading her legs even further and moaning my name. My cock is hard and pressed against the side of the bed as my tongue works with precision. I know her, her body, and what gets her off. I fucking love getting her off.

  When her hands find my head, she holds me tighter to her, pulling my hair. I start fucking her with my tongue, alternating with sucking. “Evan! That feels so… Fuck! I’m already so close, babe,” she cries out, arching her back up and pushing herself against my mouth even harder. Her hips start moving wildly as I try to hold her steady on the bed. She tenses before the little sexual earthquakes take over, and she calls my name. As she slows, I lick her sensitivity and slide left, dragging my days’ growth against her skin. She squirms again when I suck on the skin at the top of her thigh—hard and fast. I hear her gasp as she sits up to look at me. Suddenly her hands release my head, then her body drops down like a weight back to the bed.

  Proud of the deep red hickey I’ve given her, I run my fingers over it, and then tend to my cock that is throbbing for her. I stand up quickly and command, “Mallory, move up higher on the bed.”

  She scrambles up with a mixture of excitement and lust in her eyes. I reach into the nightstand drawer and pull her birth control pills out. I hold the pink disc in the air and tell her, “I don’t want you taking these anymore. Alright?”

  I catch a glint of light in her eyes and a small smile plays on her lips.

  I ask her again to make sure we’re on the same page. “You understand what I’m saying, right?”

  She swallows and responds, “Perfectly.”

  I toss the pills in the garbage pail across the room and climb onto the bed. As I hover over her, I lean down and kiss her on the neck. When I lift up, I see she has the beginnings of tears in her eyes. I whisper, “I’m going to give you babies, Mallory. Everything is going to be perfect. I promise you we’ll have a family.”

  She nods as her legs wrap around my waist and I make love to her.



  I turn my head and see Evan deep in sleep next to me. His sweet slumbering face makes me smile. I look out the window across the room. The sun is starting to peek above the water.

  Carefully and quietly, I slide out of bed. Once in the bathroom, I giggle that my dress never even came off. It came up, but not off. I use the restroom, then straighten my dress the best I can before brushing my teeth. Tiptoeing back into the bedroom, I sneak out through the large sliding glass door, not bothering to close it behind me. I settle on the double lounge chair and lean back to enjoy the beauty that surrounds me.

  I’m not out here for e
ven five minutes when I hear, “What are you doing out here when you could be in bed with me?” Evan asks, his voice groggy from sleeping. I look up over my shoulder and he yawns while scratching his stomach. He’s wearing a pair of black boxer briefs like when we first met. I smile from the memory.

  I scoot over on the chaise and pat next to me, hoping he’ll join me. He does and then he pulls me to his side, wrapping his arm around me. His hand rubs my stomach gently. The sweet gesture gives me security, warmth, and makes me feel loved. I lean over and kiss his chest. “I love you, Evan.”

  “I love you too, Baby.”

  “You really want babies?”

  His gaze is fixed on the ocean ahead when he says, “I have the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known, with a heart to match, wanting to have my babies.” He looks at me. “I’m no fool, Mallory. I know I’m the luckiest fucking guy in the world, so abso-fucking-lutely, I want babies with you.”

  I laugh at his response. But deep in my soul, I know that I’m actually the luckiest girl in the world. As we sit here on the porch of our beach house holding each other and knowing we’ve found our soul mates, we also know that we’ve found our paradise – forever and always together.



  “Don’t touch me! You will never touch me again, Evan Ashford!”

  “Baby, pleeeasssee. I’m so sorry—”

  I watch as she struggles, as she screams words that don’t make any sense, words of hate and the pain I’m causing her. My hand goes to my head, my fingers weaving harshly through my hair while feeling completely helpless.

  She cries, the sound breaking my heart. I would do anything to take her pain away. Shit, I thought this is what she wanted.

  A woman shouts from behind me, “One more big push, Mallory, and your baby will be here. C’mon, you can do it. Puuuuussssshhhh!”

  Mallory grabs my hand and pulls me to her. Her eyes lock on mine as she whispers, “I love you, Evan.”

  “I love you too. I’m here. It’s gonna be okay. Now push.”

  She nods, closing her eyes tight and starts to push while grinding her teeth together. Mallory’s grip on my hand feels as though she might break my fingers, but I don’t care. She needs me and if this is all I can do for her right now, I’ll do it.

  Mallory screams and a little cry from behind me echoes hers.

  “It’s a boy,” the doctor calls from the end of the gurney.

  I stand there frozen to my spot, Mallory’s hand loosening around mine. “Evan.” Tears stream down her face and my hand automatically goes to her cheek. Wiping away her tears, I try to comfort my wife. “We have a son,” she says, our eyes connecting. “Go to him.”

  As if my feet need her permission before moving, I’m instantly standing in front of my baby, my son, as he is quickly cleaned, weighed, and measured. A nurse wraps him like a burrito in a blanket and holds him out for me.

  I take him in my arms, and it’s the most natural thing I’ve ever felt, the bond already existing between us. My love for this child is overwhelming, and obvious, as a tear drops onto his forehead.

  A scuffle, along with loud beeping and soft sirens breaks into my peaceful moment as a nurse brushes past me in haste to get to Mallory.

  “It’s dropping. We’ve got 68... 65... 63... 60. Still dropping.”

  “Prepare the defibrillator.”

  “I need ten more seconds.”

  “Stay with us, Mallory.”

  I’m stuck in a haze of commotion. Feeling like my life has truly just begun with this baby, when I see everyone in the room rushing to my wife, I realize my life is about to end.

  A nurse stops me as I start to rush to her side. I want to show her our baby, to show her how perfect and beautiful he is and to tell her how perfect and beautiful she is. I want to save her, but the nurse says, “Stay back.”

  I break away and try cutting through while cradling our baby protectively to my chest. The nurse yells for me to stay put, but I can’t stand back and wait. I have to get to her. Mallory has her eyes closed. She looks so peaceful, like she’s in a well-deserved rest. But the words of panic surrounding her, around us, don’t match the serene scene of her sleep.

  “Her pulse is steady at 55.”

  I drop down and put my lips to her ear. “Mallory? Wake up, Mallory. I need you. Our son needs you. He needs his mama.”

  A tear hits her cheek as I listen to the sounds of the machines regulate and calm. The chaos of a moment before slows and balances around us.

  “She’s steady at 70 and opening her eyes.”

  I feel the tension release as relief settles in. I breathe, welcoming the air into my lungs, unaware I wasn’t breathing before. When I glance down at our baby, his eyes are closed. He’s content in my arms, oblivious to the previous drama. I reach down and take Mallory’s hand as her eyes slowly open. She seems out of sorts at first, until her eyes land on me, and then him, and then a slight grin graces her perfect features.

  She tries to speak, but nothing comes. She tries again. “Hi.” Her voice is scratchy and jagged, but sure and strong.

  I can’t stop the smile that crosses my face. “Hi, pretty girl,” I say, pushing the hair off her forehead to kiss her there. Her eyes go back to the baby. “I think you know this little guy.” I hold my arms out as she weakly lifts hers, taking our son in her arms for the first time.

  “Mrs. Ashford, how do you feel?” a nurse beside me asks.

  She doesn’t take her eyes off the baby. I understand. I can’t take mine off of her. She replies with tears in her eyes and the sweetest of smiles, “Thankful.”



  In the future...

  My hammock sways gently in the wind as I watch them play. I still can’t believe how blessed my life is. Evan loves me with an unwavering passion and he loves our children even more than that.

  He chases two sun-bleached blondes and a strawberry blonde. All boys and all look a lot like their father in coloring. All of them gifted with the true charms and features of the Ashfords with a little Wray mixed in for balance. Our little Ashford clan – they’re ours—our hearts, our love, our complete lives.

  Evan pretends to run as fast as he can, and yet, a three-year-old is outrunning him, dodging his grasping hands and giggling. Then he ‘lets’ his daddy catch him. His daddy grabs him with both hands and tosses him into the sunshine filled sky of paradise. I hold my breath until he safely returns to his daddy’s arms again. I smile and laugh at my silliness. He would never drop him, but I can’t help my cautious maternal instinct from coming out.

  He waves his hand in my direction, our youngest copying his dad and waving too. I smile and wave back. Then he tries to wrangle the other two. A quick round-up of the kids and they come racing toward me. I should brace myself. They will barrel into me if I’m not careful. I’m always home-base, the finish line, home. I love it, but I should steady myself for the impact all the same.

  Their daddy always loses to them… only them, sometimes me too. He loves us that much that he doesn’t mind losing to us, only us. He has a strong competitive side that is always ever present when it comes to games and such with others.

  Three kids come charging onto the patio and grab onto my legs and waist.

  “I won!” our oldest son Kai exclaims.

  “No, I did!” Duke whines, “I was first. Tell them, Mommy.”

  “It was a close call. I thought you both came in first.”

  “I come fwurst, Mama,” Reef, my littlest, says, looking up at me after wrapping his arms around my leg.

  I lean down and say, “Yes, you did, honey.”

  “No fair! You always tell him that and it’s never true,” Kai complains.

  I smile at my seven and my five-year-olds. “Come on, guys. He’s only three. Let’s just humor him, okay?” I wink at them, my signal to let it go.

  They huff and go inside as my husband wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight. I love the smell of his salty oc
ean skin mixing with his natural sexiness. He’s all man and he’s all mine. He kisses the top of my head, and asks, “Did you get to relax?”

  I lean against him, molding my body to his. “I did. Thank you. Did you have fun?”

  “Yeah, they really are getting fast. I held my own though,” he says proudly.

  I rub my palm flat against his abs, letting my fingers enjoy the feel of the sculpted muscle beneath his skin. “I just bet you did.”

  “I’m squmched, Dada.”

  We laugh and look down at Reef, who has remained wrapped around my leg the whole time.

  Evan releases me and laughs. Patting Reef’s head, he apologizes, “Sorry, buddy. Sometimes your Dada needs a Mama hug too.”

  He looks up between us as if trying to comprehend what he means but his curiosity is short lived as he gets distracted by his green Hot Wheels car that he spots on the chaise.

  “You need help with dinner?” my dear husband asks.

  “Wanna help me make a salad?” I give my most sincere smile, hoping to get a few minutes alone with him, even if it is just to make dinner, before the kids need us again.

  “I’ll help you with whatever you need, pretty girl.”

  He smacks my ass as he follows me inside. I yelp, but secretly I love it. The sting he left behind tells me he’s feeling playful. Maybe we’ll have some real alone time tonight… after the kids have gone to bed.

  During dinner we talk about the trip that Evan and I are taking tomorrow. We remind them that Ms. Chart is in charge at all times and that we’ll Skype with them every day from New York.

  Since I’ve been pregnant and had little ones for the last eight years, Evan and I haven’t had time to get away just the two of us, except for a few one-night escapes to a local resort on the island. Or we traveled with them to visit my family or his. I couldn’t stand the thought of being away from the kids, but I knew it was time to do my duty as an Ashford and make an appearance at the annual company holiday party.


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