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Cowboy Crush

Page 2

by Ivy Banks

  For more than two-hundred years, he went from woman to woman, rarely having sex with the same woman twice. Getting tired of the one-night-stands, he retreated to Nebraska to claim land he had purchased in the late 1800s. He figured with such a small population, he wouldn’t be tempted.

  But then Violet appeared the very week he moved into his house. He had instinctually craved her body and her curves, and the second she threw that sassy playful charm his way, he knew he was done for. Just thinking about her made him want to once again taste her sweet blood and feel her sex wrapped around his hard cock.

  No. I can’t. I am going to make a good life here for the foreseeable future. I need to avoid those types of temptations for a good long while.

  As the days passed, that seemed impossible. He had made her forget that he was a vampire, but not the sensual experience they had shared. He wondered if she was angry or disappointed that he hadn’t called. Likely, she was waiting for him to make the next move.

  He wouldn’t.

  Instead, he went to the bar for a whisky.

  Violet waited for weeks for Brooks to contact her, but he didn’t. Thoughts of the ecstasy-filled day flashed through her mind, but something seemed strange. She enjoyed herself, but something was mysterious about Brooks that she couldn’t place, as if part of her memories were missing.

  Her thoughts were brought back to the present moment when her favorite song came on over the speakers. The small bar was alive with locals who were letting loose on a Friday night after working hard all week.

  “Come on, Violet. We have to dance,” said her best friend, Melissa, in a singsong voice.

  Violet rose to her feet shaking her booty on the way to the dance floor. She immediately fell in sync with the orchestrated steps of the line dance. With a clap and a twirl, she bumped into the person next to her.

  “You turned the wrong way! You were supposed to turn to the—” She started to kindly reprimand the man, but stopped when she realized who it was.


  “Violet, I’m so glad to bump into you.”

  “Quite literally!” she exclaimed.

  Was that witty? Oh god, no. That was just stupid. Why did I say that?

  Luckily, he chuckled at Violet’s failed attempt at a joke. “Can I talk to you for a minute? In private?”

  Violet wanted to say yes, but then questions as to why hadn’t he contacted her replayed through her mind. She was about to refuse, when she looked over at Melissa who was standing with her mouth agape. Melissa was obviously as taken with the guy’s good looks as she was when she first went to his house.

  Melissa mouthed, “Go with him. He’s so hot!”

  Turning back to Brooks, Violet relented. She followed him off the dance floor and passed the wraparound bar until they reached the front door. The cool summer night breeze was a welcome reprieve from the smoke-filled establishment.

  “So…” said Violet, waiting to hear what he had to say.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t tried to contact you. I’ve just been busy with getting the ranch up and running.”

  “Oh, it’s no big deal,” she said, trying to play if off like she wasn’t bothered by his rejection.

  “It’s just that I moved here only recently and I really just want to get settled in...” He trailed off and tried to look at her, but quickly averted his eyes. “And ya know, I’m just not looking for a relationship right now.”

  Trying to play it cool once again, Violet said in a harsher tone than she expected, “It’s not like I asked for a relationship. We just had a little fun, right? Nothing wrong that.”

  Brooks flinched as Violet used his own words against him.

  “Listen, Brooks, let’s just forget about it, okay? I’m going to go back inside and we can both go on pretending nothing happened.”

  “Ya, all right. I think that would be best.”

  His words hurt, but she wasn’t going to let him know the effect he had on her. She turned on her heel and headed back indoors.

  Earlier in the evening, she noticed two good looking guys who she didn’t recognize sitting at the bar. She would just go flirt with them to make herself feel better.

  Chapter 4

  Brooks’ stomach tightened as he watched Violet walk through the doors. He’d hurt her feelings and he didn’t intend to do that. He’d brought her outside to ask her if he could see her again, but he chickened out.

  She was too sweet and he knew it wouldn’t end well. Violet was the type of girl he wanted for a relationship, not a one-night-stand. But his relationships never worked out. It would have been better if he just left her alone.

  He walked back into the bar and noticed Violet talking to two men at the bar.

  Serves me right, he thought to himself.

  Not wanting to return to the dance floor, he left the bar and sat in his truck contemplating how to make things right with Violet.

  He stayed in his truck for hours, running every scenario through his head. He could continue a relationship with her until she tired of him, or…he could turn her into a vampire.

  Maybe I will just make her forget me altogether.

  It was closing time and Brooks watched as the drunk patrons poured out from the bar. Melissa walked out the front door and Brooks anticipated seeing Violet right behind her, but she never walked out. As the last people trickled out of the bar, Brooks felt a sense of worry growing within him.

  Who were those guys she was talking to?

  The realization hit him. Pasty skin. A strange glow to their eyes. The unusually fluid motions when they moved.

  Vampires. Why didn’t I notice? My thoughts were transfixed on Violet.

  Within seconds, he opened the door to his truck and ran around to the back of the bar.

  Oh my god. I’m too late.

  Violet was lying on the ground while the two vampires fed from the veins in her wrists.

  “Get away from her! Now!”

  One vampire dropped the limp hand he held to his mouth and looked up at the intrusion.

  “Get out of here if you know what’s good for you,” one of the vampires feeding from Violet commanded with narrowed eyes.

  The second vampire lifted his head and stared at Brooks, sensing something about his presence. His eyes began to widen as he studied Brooks.

  He recognizes me.

  The terrified vampire motioned to his friend to move away from the girl. “Dude, you need to stop. It’s one of them. It’s a child of Atticus.”

  The two vampires stood, taking a few steps back and looked at Brooks with disbelief.

  In a shaky voice, one asked, “What are you doing in Nebraska?”

  In a brooding tone, Brooks replied, “You do realize who is in charge here? I’ll ask the questions. Are you the two responsible for the string of murders around here?”

  The two shifted uncomfortably, and Brooks saw the shorter one’s eyes flicker over to his friend in a fleeting question of whether to admit their guilt. Without waiting for an answer, Brooks grabbed two sticks lying on the ground, and with a force as strong as a tornado, whipped the sticks into the hearts of the vampires. At once, the vampires vanished, turning to piles of dust.

  Brooks rushed to Violet’s side and ripped open a vein in his wrist with his elongated fangs. He lifted her head and pressed his wrist to her lips, allowing his blood to flow into her mouth and down her throat.

  Not knowing if it was too late to save her, he picked her up and walked her back to his double cab pick-up truck that sat waiting in the parking lot. He laid her down gently in the backseat and silently hoped that his blood would do the trick.

  He drove down the dark winding road to his house. If she did wake up she would be hungry and confused.

  Please, don’t let it be too late.

  The drive home was excruciatingly long. He wanted to hold her one more time and tell her how sorry he was that he didn’t realize his coldness had sent her directly into the arms of vampires. His attempts to save her from
himself ended up being the worst decision he could have made.

  As he pulled into the driveway, he heard a light movement, and then a small cough. He turned off his truck and shifted his body to see Violet in the backseat.

  It worked!

  Violet sat up. “Brooks? Where am I? What happened.”

  He had to fight to keep from yelling her name in excitement. “You’re safe, Violet. I promise, you’re safe,” he said, as gently as he could. He didn’t want to scare her and she no doubt had no idea what was going on.

  After convincing her to come up and sit next to him in the front seat, Brooks relayed the night’s events. Violet looked at him without any emotion on her face.

  “I’m a…a vampire? I… I don’t even know what that means. Is everything gone? Is my life over? Will I ever see my family again?”

  “The first thing is just to stay calm. We’ll figure all of that out, Violet. But, don’t worry. I’ll be here to help, every step.”

  “You don’t even like me,” she said with disgust in her voice. With the dust of the recent trauma settling, her emotions returned to the last couple weeks and the pain Brooks had caused her.

  “Of course I like you. I like you too much. Don’t you understand now? It’s why I had to pull myself away. I couldn’t be with you because you’re a mortal, and I didn’t want to complicate your life.”

  “And now I’m not,” said Violet, taking it all in.

  “When I first met you, I was drawn to you. I didn’t want to be, but I couldn’t resist. And tonight confirmed what I’ve been suspicious of these last weeks. I believe you’re my mate. I don’t know what this means for either of us, but I do know that I want to make this work. I want to be with you, more than you can imagine. I can’t promise you we will be together for all of eternity, but I can promise you that I want nothing more than to be with you and I hope this feeling lasts forever.”

  Violet was silent as she stared up at the millions of stars illuminating the sky.

  Finally, she spoke. “You’ll teach me what to do and how to act?”

  He nodded his head, sensing that she wasn’t done talking.

  “I have so many conflicting feelings coursing through my body. And I don’t know how else to say it, but I’m scared.”

  “I promise you, I’m here to protect you.”

  Violet crawled across the front seat and straddled Brooks. “Everything feels so intense. Even my attraction to you seems more than I can bear.”

  “Every moment we are together I can feel myself falling more in love with you,” he responded as he cupped her cheek with his hand.

  He couldn’t have anticipated a better response from her learning she was a vampire, and her words only served to fuel his surging passion. He kissed her lovingly, his hand gliding down her side. She kissed him back with longing bliss.

  Brooks opened his door and grabbed her hand, asking her to follow him. She remembered back to what happened the last time he asked her to follow him and with a giddy smile, and eagerly obliged.

  Brooks grabbed a blanket from the backseat and led Violet to the bed of his pick-up truck. After spreading the thick quilt across the hard surface, he lifted her onto the tailgate and gently pushed her down so her back was against the quilt.

  When she playfully grasped his bulge, pulling him toward her, he shuddered and cracked a grin. “I’ve been thinking about you every moment that we’ve been apart,” he breathed.

  He attacked her with ardent kisses while he unbuttoned her little denim shorts. Violet wrestled to get his belt off, motivated by his slow drawn out moves. As soon as her shorts were off, his hand slipped into the waistband of her panties and rubbed her mound sensually.

  Violet didn’t bother waiting to pull off his pants before she reached into his boxers and formed her hand around his thick cowboy member. She stroked him carefully, feeling him grow longer and thicker in her grasp.

  He gripped her ass with one hand as he pushed his finger into her. Violet groaned into his ear before kissing down the train toward his shoulder, letting her tongue lick and caress the skin of his neck. Every sensation seemed magnified.

  The thought briefly flickered through her head that her heightened senses must be because of her transition, but the thought quickly dissipated as his caressing touches combined with his skillful manual manipulations made her body shudder with desire.

  She rolled her pelvis upward, and his thumb moved to rub her clit. Violet’s teeth grazed against his neck, moving her hand faster up and down his erection.

  He suddenly jerked back from her motions, looking deep into her eyes with a sensual intensity. He let out a low, lust-starved growl. Brooks quickly removed his pants and boxers. The night air blew coolly across their naked bodies. Turning her onto her side, Brooks laid down behind her, pulling her body to meet his and pushed himself into her slick heat.

  “Brooks,” she moaned, her hand clutching the blanket next to her head.

  He kissed along her shoulder and kept his hips lifted and moving into her. His body was smooth, strong, and felt so right against hers. Brooks’ hands explored her body freely as he ravished her, kneading her breasts and stroking her sides. He buried his face into her thick country-blonde hair.

  Eventually, his hand found its way back to her mound. Brooks teased her clit with light, sporadic strokes. They grew more and more frequent, her sex growing wetter as she was lost in the waves of pleasure he provided.

  Violet reluctantly pushed him away before rolling onto her back, and pulling him on top of her. Brooks happily followed her lead, bringing her knees to his waist and hooking her ankles around his back. Violet lifted her hips into his with each pump of his pelvis.

  “I love you,” he breathed against her lips.

  “I love you,” she repeated back to him, gripping his muscular biceps.

  He took three slow thrusts before gaining momentum and pounding into her like a bucking bronco. Violet’s legs spread out as she lifted her hips, taking in every inch of his intensity like he was filling a deep craving she’d always longed for. Her nails scratched at his back, fighting off her climax as long as she could. It was no use, however. Soon enough, her body trembled from satisfaction; her breathing became shallow and labored. Brooks released into her, groaning and laying his head on her chest.

  Brooks moved off of her and grabbed an extra blanket from behind them, draping it over top them and cuddling her close while she lay dazed by pleasure.

  “Let’s lie here for a while. I want to relish this moment with you. Our first night together as mates,” he murmured softly, though it wasn’t like anyone was around to hear him.

  “That sounds perfect,” Violet grinned, nuzzling into his neck and cuddling up to his side. His hand drifted down her back and lingered on her bare bottom, tucking his other arm behind his head. They both looked up at the dazzling display of stars above, and as if on cue, two shooting stars trailed across the sky, crossing one another’s paths.


  Did you enjoy Book 5 in the Royal Vampire Kingdom Series?

  Jump into Book 6 now…

  House Call

  Foreplay isn’t for everyone…

  If you just can’t take the book-by-book suspense, sink your teeth into The Complete Royal Vampire Kingdom Collection (Books 1-15)

  What To Read Next?

  Pick up Book 6 in the Royal Vampire Kingdom series.

  House Call

  Also By Ivy Banks

  Vampire Kingdom Series

  The Complete Royal Vampire Kingdom Collection (Books 1-15)

  (Each is a stand-alone story)

  The Hitman’s Weakness (Book 1)

  Private Lesson (Book 2)

  Taming The Billionaire (Book 3)

  Billionaire Boss’ Obsession (Book 4)

  Cowboy Crush (Book 5)

  House Call (Book 6)

  Double The Fun (Book 7)

  Waves of Pleasure (Book 8)

  Rock Hard (Book 9)

  The S
tarlet’s Bodyguard (Book 10)

  Billionaire Blackmail (Book 11)

  Mountain Mayhem (Book 12)

  Nurse On Duty (Book 13)

  Trouble In Paradise (Book 14)

  Dancer’s Delight (Book 15)

  About the Author

  Ivy Banks is a respectable lady by day…well, for the most part. But being a loving wife and upstanding citizen doesn’t mean you have to lose your racy side! Ivy writes hot contemporary romance stories. She likes to create a world and then play in it for awhile, letting her imagination run wild and her fingers type without inhibition.

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