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The Third Corridor

Page 5

by The third corridor (NCP) (lit)

  They walked for what seemed like hours. The length of the rise on Protogio seemed to correlate to what she was accustomed to. Sera noted the path of the sun through the sky, and its present position, directly overhead, told her that it was now full rise. At least she had retained her sense of time. It seemed trivial at the moment. She was exhausted and could not move any further. She stopped and sat on the ground. Dex stopped with her. Jerad kept moving for at least several paces. Then sensing isolation, he too stopped, turned around and noted that Dex remained with Sera. Jerad approached his charger and gave her the most inauspicious look, but stroked her gently.

  "She is a loyal creature." Jerad rubbed the thick bristles on his chin. "I must question however, with whom she keeps her loyalty." He raised an accusing eyebrow at Sera and sat down beside her.

  "Tell me how our worlds are linked," Sera was slowly growing frustrated by the black hole that was her life. She had been deposited on Protogio, without any inkling as to why she was there. Jerad seemed to know things about her that she herself could not recollect. Perhaps it would prod her into remembering.

  "It is written in the Protogio Principles: The Treatise of History, Doctrines and Rites. It was centenaries, long ago…"

  Jerad waved a hand through the air and began a summation of his world’s history, including the tale of the Origins. Sera recognized some the names but her connection to them was impersonal. She thought he spoke of mythological gods but because Jerad referred to them as being tangible, she was not certain. When she questioned him about this, he repudiated the idea claiming that the ancients were ancestors, not gods. He told her of the link to Gaia and how the Origins ruled the peoples of both worlds for many centuries, but eventually they retreated from Gaia and came to live on to Protogio. A mighty magistrate intent on single rulership descended on Gaia. So great was his power that he gathered many followers. There were wars and crusades. No boundary was left uncrossed. The Origins were finally banished from the land.

  "We always believed some of the Origins still dwelled on Gaia. When Argilos and Tomas arrived, we were sure of it. At first, it was presumed that they were the Gaians of the Edict, but the pieces did not quite fit. Now, with you Sera, my eyes could see no clearer."

  Sera listened with interest. She would like to read more of the text from the Protogio Principles, and asked Jerad if it would be possible. He told her he possessed a copy of the book in his library and would show it to her.

  "It is an enigma as to where the Origins first called home. Some say their beginnings were here, but out of boredom, they abandoned Protogio to find entertainment elsewhere. Others say they fled to us, falling from the stars," Jerad tilted his head and looked toward Sera with sideways glance. "Like you."

  After pondering this, Sera commented, "Maybe they traveled back and forth."

  "It is a possibility. Argilos and Tomas would often disappear, but then return to Protogio within several rises."

  "How did they get here?"

  Jerad turned to Sera and lifted his hand to her hair. He rolled a lock of it between his fingers, indulging in the silky feel of it. Sera’s immediate impulse was to pull away, but she held herself steady.

  "I was in the garden with my mother, and the Gaians appeared as you did, from nothingness." He leaned forward inhaling Sera’s locks. "My mother was quite annoyed that they had crushed her favorite betrus shrub."

  Jerad twisted a strand of Sera’s hair and held it between his fingers and thumb. He moved his hand downward, allowing the strand to slide through his pinch. He tugged at it lightly before releasing it and smiled as the freed lock of hair sprung up into a perfect spiral.

  "You have pretty hair."

  Sera felt an unexpected flush rise to her cheeks. Not wanting to respond to his admiration, she pursued the previous subject. "Well, what did you do when the Gaians appeared?"

  "I had never seen an Origin afore. I opened my arms and said ‘welcome.’"

  "I wonder how they did it, I mean travel between both worlds?"

  Jerad straightened his back and pressed his palms onto his thighs. He tossed his head back. "Ah, that is a mystery. I do not know. As much as we asked, the Gaians refused to tell us. Their being here was doomed however. When the Fourth Zone learned of their presence, they sent warriors to our Zone."

  "Were they captured?"

  "Ochi--no. They returned to Gaia. It has been nearly twelve term cycles since they have been with us. Now that you have come into my keeping Sera, no one except those I can trust with my life, will know who you are."

  "Who do you think I am, Jerad?"

  "The Edict of Oneroi tells of the Ptino asteri who will unravel the mystery to use the Key to Orion’s belt. As I have said, you are the one, Sera. It is plain to me. The Edict claims a bond will be forged with the Keeper of the Key, a joining so fierce that space and time cannot divide it. I am the Keeper of the Key, and you Starbird will be bonded to me. It is written."

  Bonded? Sera furled her brow in confusion. "You’re kidding, right?"

  He blew out a gust of air. "I do not know how the Edict will be fulfilled. What I do understand is that I hold the Key to Orion’s belt, and you possess the knowledge to use it."

  Whatever it was she was not remembering, she was sure it wasn’t that. The story was fascinating to say the least, but it surely did not refer to her. Jerad seemed to believe it however. It seemed pointless to argue with him about it for the time being.

  Sera looked skyward again. "Isn’t Orion’s belt part of a star formation?"

  "It is now, but Orion was an Origin of Gaia afore that."

  "So what happens when I use this key on his belt? Do his pants fall down? Then what?"

  Jerad tapped his finger to his lips as though he were in serious thought. "Perhaps you will have full view of his man parts."

  Sera snorted. She should have been shocked at his comment but she wasn’t. "Why, that would be sacrilegious wouldn’t it?" she teased, delighted to have discovered he had a sense of humor.

  "I supposed it would depend on what the Oneroi had in mind."

  Jerad sighed, standing upright. He took Sera’s hand and pulled her to a stand. "Come, you will ride now. We have only a short distance to go."

  Sera withdrew her hand from his. He was beginning to touch her more freely, and she did not want to encourage him. Especially since she now knew that he expected to share some kind of bond with her. She would rectify that situation later, once she learned more about the Protogio Principles and his deeply rooted belief in this Edict.

  Sera agreed to ride Dex. She didn’t think she could walk much further. She was fatigued and very overwhelmed with the events of the last few rises. She lifted her foot to place it in Dex’s stirrup. Jerad unconsciously and with no intention other than courtesy, moved behind her. He put his hands to her waist to give her assistance. His body was so close to touching hers that Sera could feel his heat. Jerad felt her body stiffen instantly and she cowered. He removed his hands from her and rested them atop of Dex, one arm on each side of Sera’s body. He leaned closer. His warmth surged through her. She shuddered with the thought that even without fever Jerad’s flesh would likely sizzle with sensual fire.

  Jerad pressed his lips to Sera’s ear. Sera’s breath caught, part with apprehension and part with another feeling that she could not explain at the moment.

  Desire maybe?

  "Sera," he consoled softly. Again he seemed to chant her name, causing a tremor to erupt from deep within her. "If I so wished, there would have been favorable opportunities."

  Truth be told, he wanted to touch her, to have her feel his touch. He looked at her hands, delicate but strong. He was hit with a jolt of arousal as he pictured those fingers caressing his body. Sera had laid hands on him, mostly to attend to his injuries. He liked the feel of that touch. When she rested her head on his chest in the savanna he longed to take her in his arms, but resisted. There would be plenty of time to hold her, to kiss the length of her, but only after he
gained her loyalty, when she could give herself to him freely and without uncertainty. Jerad tore himself from his thoughts, stepped back from her and crossed his arms, his stance wide. His eyes roamed her backside, stopping briefly at her shapely bottom. He drew a hardy gulp of air and held it, attempting to contain the longing building inside him. There was much to deal with first, her lack of trust in him being most significant.

  He blew out an exasperated breath. "I think I will worship and adore you from afar for now."

  Sera flustered at his words, unaware of his scrutinizing tour of her backside. Jerad stepped closer and his arm came around the front of her. He put a hand on her shoulder and turned her to face him. Sera tilted her head to look up at him. He was beautiful to look at, despite his ailing condition. It amazed her that someone as large and warrior-like as he seemed to be, could also be so amicable, chivalrous even.

  "I warn you though it will only be from afar for a short time." His mouth curled devilishly to one side. "A very short time."

  Chivalry indeed, the scoundrel! Sera bit her lip and averted her face to hide another blush. Her attention was drawn to the bandages covering his wound. They were damp but the bleeding had apparently subsided for the time being. When she tipped her head toward his face again, he turned away. The abrupt change in his mood was alerting. She stepped in front of him. Jerad was sweating profusely. His face was still pale and drawn. He remained hot with fever. He was not well. Worry replaced her tension. She wiped the sweat from his brow with the backs of her fingers, and hoped they would reach their destination soon. Being unfamiliar with the territory, Sera would be of little help in finding his Corridor should Jerad collapse. She knew that despite his obstinacy, if he did not reach his people soon, and receive medical help, his condition could become grave. Then she wondered what kind of medical aid it would be. It was pointedly obvious that care in this place could not compare to an advanced society.

  He could still die.

  Chapter Three

  They had been traveling for at least three or four hours. It was half set--four o’clock in the afternoon. The tedium, combined with the scent of meadow flowers, which blanketed the savanna and the warmth of the beating sun was tranquilizing. Sera would have dozed, but she kept nudging herself awake over her concern for Jerad. He walked the entire distance. Several times he had fallen to his knees, only to pick himself up and continue onward. Sera admired his stamina, and from her seat on Dex’s back, she also admired the beguiling spectacle of muscle that flexed under the strain of his gait. She could not deny his physical allure, but there was another unsettling tugging that she could not describe. Even without the horse beneath her she had the unnerving sense that she would follow him into eternity.

  Jerad smirked each time he turned his head forward. He caught her looking at his backside. It was gratifying to know she was attracted to him. He had waited too long to fully enjoy a woman’s gaze, much too long to entertain the idea of a woman against his naked body. Such restraint he suffered in his quest, but no more. Sera would be that woman, for he never wanted another, until now. The thought of only Sera in his arms, in his bed, was quite appealing. How wise of the Oneroi to send a woman, to send this woman. Their union would be unbreakable and boundless.

  Jerad slowed his pace until Dex and Sera were at his side. He hoisted himself to sit in the saddle behind Sera and reached around to take the reins. Sera impulsively sank against his chest. She marveled at how comfortable and natural it felt. An inaudible groan vibrated in Jerad’s throat. Sera molded his embrace like a custom made glove. She fit his soul like she was born to be there. Sera proved her courage, fighting the squire from the First Kingdom instead of cowering, and her trust in him was beginning to emerge. She stayed by his side despite her misgivings of him. He was gaining her loyalty. In that moment Jerad knew. He would protect Sera at all costs, put her life before his, and give his very breath to save hers. There was a kindred spark flaring within him and it was glowing with intensity.

  Could she feel it too?

  They continued their junket through the plain. The terrain was beginning to ascend. At first, it was gradual, but then it became somewhat steep. Because it took much effort to climb, they dismounted from Dex to give the gracious mount ease. They finally reached the apex. It revealed only a gradual descent on the other side that tapered into another open field. Just beyond, perhaps twenty yards from them, Sera spied two steel masts protruding from the dirt. Each took ownership of a distinguishing flag bearing coats of arms. The posts were positioned at each articulation of a stone arch and its adjoining walls.

  Jerad stopped and pointed toward the structures. "We are at the margin between the Eighth and Tenth Zones. We will be in safe territory soon."

  Sera did not respond. Jerad turned to locate her. Sera was holding Zoren’s sword, attempting to swing it, the weight of the weapon throwing her. She was frustrated with her inability to wield the blade and dug it straight into the ground. Jerad smirked and approached her from behind. He reached around each side of her and slid his hands down her arms. A slight tremor coursed through Sera. She gasped, but did not pull away from him. She dismissed the pleasurable sensation.

  "It is a great piece of weaponry. Use two hands." He tugged her close to him, his chin at her temple, and pressed lightly against her. Sera sucked in her breath and gritted her teeth. She could feel his muscles flexing against her back. It felt rather…nice.

  Jerad helped Sera lift and extend the sword. With both of his hands cupped over hers, he guided the blade in smooth long strokes, down to the right, circling and turning it left, then down again, their bodies swaying in rhythm with the gliding blade. "It is an intimate dance you play with the blade, Sera. You must anticipate your opponent’s weakness and use the sword to bring him to submission."

  I’ll bet, she thought as she turned her head toward his chest and inhaled. He emanated an untamed and rugged essence that flooded her senses like frenzied pheromones.

  Jerad released his hold on her, and drew his own sword. Sera nearly crumbled and fought to regain her composure. The abrupt separation and his physical lack of support made her realize that she had been unconsciously leaning against him. He stood opposite Sera, his feet widely spaced and knees slightly bent. One foot was slightly forward. His sword was extended at midline. Jerad lifted his chin and stood firmly. Every muscle in his chest, shoulders and arms rippled with intensity as he prepared for mock battle. He was the epitome of sinewy, warrior splendor, now towering in front of her. It was enough to make her drop her sword and dive for cover, under his body, naturally. Instead, she stood tall, all five feet, four inches of her.

  "Sometimes a long stroke is needed." Jerad demonstrated the movement. A muscle in his jaw ticked with intimidation. "Sometimes only a quick thrust will do."

  Sera stiffened with the sudden heat that coursed through her, pooling in places that were just unacceptable. She silently wondered if it were another kind of sword play he referred to. His affect on her was becoming increasingly alarming.

  "Strike." His deep voice was commanding and defined.

  "What?" Sera was jerked from her daze. "Oh..."

  Sera imitated his position. She drew the heavy blade outward to the right and then forced it to the left. With a clang, it made perpendicular contact with Jerad’s blade. The impact rattled her bones. Her teeth chattered. Sera dropped the weapon, and lost her footing. Unfortunately her back was to the slope of the hill and she toppled, somersaulting half its length. She stopped with a thud, her feet in the direction of the hilltop, her head to the bottom of it. Jerad was astride her instantly, dropping to his hands and knees.

  "Always strive to unbalance your rival," he stated mockingly. His lips turned up in a smirk. Sera shook her head at him, but she could not resist returning a curt grin.

  Jerad’s chest thumped, as he gazed down at her. He swallowed hard. Her eyes twinkled when she smiled, and Sera indeed had the most stunning eyes, the color of sparkling, molten gold. They san
g to him--a lulling melody as enchanting as a temptress’ croon. Whenever he looked into those eyes it took every fibrous strand in his core to tear his gaze from her. Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Jerad angled his head and bent toward her. His lips surrounded her mouth, caressing her lips gently. He drew them between his own lips and sipped at the crease where her upper and lower lips met. Then he withdrew, summoning his well used self-restraint to retreat from the warm, tantalizing mouth that he had kissed a thousand times in his dreams.

  "You breathe fire into my spirit, Sera of Gaia." His voice was low and sensual. "I do intend to have you, Starbird."

  Sera felt panic rise within her. Although her initial feelings of animosity for him had softened, she still did not fully trust him. She did not trust what she felt when he was close, and she certainly did not want to ponder the kiss, that sweet, delicious, and much too short kiss. Right now she needed to put space between them, before she did something stupid like rap her legs around him, pull his face to hers and ravenously start tongue slapping him. No, Jerad was too much of a stranger with many mysteries surrounding him. Sera was a stranger to herself, the pieces of her past still lay unassembled, a lifetime of memories tucked in the pockets of her mind. She really needed to find something distasteful about this man who was beginning to make her hum with his every touch. So she pulled open her mental file cabinet drawer and yanked out the head.

  He is a savage who severs heads. Disgusting.

  There, that did it. She stiffened beneath him. Aware of the abrupt and negative change in her demeanor, he rose away from her and sat back on his haunches.

  "Do not fear me Starbird. It was just a kiss I sought to steal from a rare beauty."

  How noble, and damn didn’t he reek of it.

  In the days she had spent with him, he was ever the gentleman, bestowing nothing but respect on her, and she had not seen his fury. Even when he fought the squire from the Fourth Zone he demonstrated controlled expertise in his swordsmanship, maiming instead of killing. Sera sat upright and wrapped her arms around bent knees.


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