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Saving Their Queen

Page 6

by Beth Rosalee

  Smiling, I close my eyes and lose myself to the music again until I suddenly feel someone press up behind me, startling me. I jump and try to spin to see who it is, but arms wrap around me and hold me in place.

  “You look fucking gorgeous out here dancing all by yourself,” Wyatt growls in my ear, pulling me a little closer, pressing the biggest erection that I’ve ever felt into the crease of my ass, making me quiver with want.

  “How did you know I was here?”

  I have to yell slightly since he won’t let me go to turn around and talk to him. He starts to move his hips against my ass to the beat, gripping mine to encourage me to start dancing again. I obey his unspoken command simply because he is a great dancer, and he feels amazing pressed up against me.

  Once we find a good rhythm, he finally answers me.

  “We didn’t, we just decided to come out and have a few beers after dinner. Gray was a bit worked up tonight and we were trying to get him to loosen up,” he laughs. “Seeing you here has completely thrown that chance out the window.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, once again trying to turn around and face him, this time he lets me.

  As soon as I’m facing him, he pulls me right back into him holding me tight, making me groan involuntarily. He looks down at me and smirks.

  “I thought we had a no touching rule,” I say to him, well pant is more like it.

  I’m so turned on by this giant man, with his now rock-hard cock pressed against my belly. My panties are completely drenched.

  “What I mean is, seeing you out here swaying these perfect hips in this sexy as hell dress, getting completely lost in the music. You had every man in this place staring at you, Beautiful. It had us already to rip their heads off,” he growls the last part, making my eyes widen a bit. “As for the no touching rule, well, fuck that rule. I don’t think I could keep my hands off of you a second longer after seeing you out here.”

  He grabs my hips again and starts moving us to the music again. Sighing, I lay my head on his thick muscled chest and just lose myself in the music with him. After a while, I realize that I’m dying of thirst, so I lift my head to say something, only to see that Wyatt is already looking at me. It seems he was watching me the whole time. His intense hazel eyes appear to be glowing a bit, like they are lit from within.

  Gasping, I say, “Your eyes! They are glowing!”

  Seeming to break out of the trance with my words, he closes his eyes and shakes his head.

  “Come on, Beautiful, let’s grab a drink and cool down.”

  He grabs my hand and ignore my comment about his eyes like he never heard it.

  “Sure, I was thinking the same thing,” I yell as we head off the dance floor and towards a booth that I can now see is occupied by the rest of the guys.

  “What would you like to drink?” Wyatt asks as we get to the table, leading me to sit in the empty seat on the bench directly next to Grayson.

  “Amoretto Sour with a shot of pineapple juice, please,” I say, making the guys laugh.

  “Hey boys, what’s up?” I ask after I sit down.

  “Hey, babes!” Tate says with a huge smile on his gorgeous face.

  “Hey, pretty girl, how are you?” Liam asks with a shy smile.

  “Hey,” Grayson grumbles at me, not even bothering to look up from his beer.

  “Umm, hey to you, too,” I say awkwardly, suddenly not feeling very welcome. “I’ll uh…I’ll just go grab a spot at the bar guys; I’ll catch you later.”

  I try to hide the hurt in my voice at Grayson’s indifference but, apparently, I’m terrible at hiding my feeling from these guys.

  “Hey, don’t go, pretty girl. Just ignore the big guy. He’s had a long day. He’ll get over it,” Liam says putting his hand over mine, sending instant tingles through my whole body.

  Chapter 12


  “Ok, if you are sure because he sure doesn’t seem to want me around,” I say, glancing at Grayson- who starts growling under his breath, making me scoot away some.

  “Knock it off, Alpha, you are scaring her,” Wyatt says as he returns with drinks loaded in his hands for everyone.

  “We all know you are a grumpy asshole; you don’t have to flaunt it to our pretty new friend,” Tate says with laughter in his voice, earning another growl from Grayson and a smack on the back of the head from Liam. “Ouch! What, we all know it’s true. I even heard Celia say it under her breath earlier at the office.”

  He laughs when I choke on me drink.

  “Didn’t know anyone heard me,” I say quietly, making them all laugh again- even said asshole quirks one side of his mouth and my heart nearly stop. Stars above, he is beautiful.

  “So why are you out by yourself, babe? You could’ve messaged Wyatt and we would have come and picked you up,” Tate asks me from across the table.

  “Um, well…I…I…” I gulp and take a breath and try again. “I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything that was going on, so I was just reading and hanging out at the hotel, when um….”

  I trail off not knowing how to explain it.

  “Go on, Beautiful, you can talk to us.”

  “Right, well, I’m probably going to sound crazy but here goes…. after I ate some lunch, I decided to take a nap. Well, um, after I laid down, I was feeling a bit lonely I guess you could say, and as I was feeling like that, this… I don’t even know what to even call it… this ‘something’ that has always felt like its deep in the back of my mind slammed forward making everything go crazy for a second. Which terrified me and sent me into a horrible flash back. Anyways, dancing has always been my escape from the hard things in life, so I decided to find some where to let loose a little. When I was leaving the hotel, I….”

  I take a deep breath and glance around nervously. I feel Grayson shift slightly closer to me, as well as Wyatt, who wraps his arm around my shoulders in comfort and support. Liam and Tate nod their heads in encouragement for me to continue. Swallowing thickly, I take a sip of my drink to try and gather my nerves.

  “It’s ok, pretty girl, you’ve got this,” Liam prompts me.

  “Right,” I clear my throat, “after I closed and locked up my room, I noticed a note on the ground right in front of my door. I didn’t really think anything of it, so I picked it up and read it…” I take in a shaky breath and pull out the note and hand it to Wyatt. “My ex has found me already; I don’t know how, but he did.”

  They are all instantly talking at once and I can’t understand any of them. Wyatt growls and wipes away a tear from my face with his thumb. Grayson shuts them all up instantly by simply lifting his hand.

  “You will not being staying at the hotel any longer, Celia; we have two extra rooms at our house at the compound. You will be staying with us from now on, and you will not go anywhere alone.”

  He says the last part as he makes eye contact with the other guys.

  “You can’t just order me around! And I can’t stay with you, I barely know y’all. Plus, you’ve said barely anything to me and now you just want me to follow your commands?”

  Growling, he starts to speak as he reaches for me.


  His hand makes contact with my arm as he turns me to face him, but my whole world lights up with a bright light and so much pain, it’s worse than what Nathan did to me to land me in the hospital. My breath is sucked out of my chest and my back bows, my head slams back into Wyatt’s chest as I open my mouth wide and try to scream, but no sound seems to be coming out.

  Or I’ve gone deaf with the intense pain.

  I have no clue what is going on around me, only that it feels like my entire body is about to implode on itself. That something in my mind makes its presence known, slamming to the forefront of my mind as my eyes go into super sharp focus. I can see every little detail of the ceiling. I seem able to suddenly smell everything all at once, and it’s overwhelming to my senses, making bile rise up in my throat, but I can’t move. My body seem
s to be paralyzed in this position, as I realize that Grayson’s hand is still on my arm keeping the connection there. The pain intensifies as I hear someone panicking.

  “Oh shit, it’s happening; her wolf is breaking free. We have to get her out of here.”

  “Fuck! I know; I‘ll carry her.”

  “No! I’ll carry her, we can’t break our connection until whatever is happening finishes. Go get the car, Liam,” comes the final sharp growl of a statement.

  With those final words my body decides that I’ve had enough- again, and finally lets the darkness take me under, bringing sweet relief with it.

  Chapter 13


  She stirs awake and gasps in air as her eyes fly open. She looks down at herself, trying to understand what’s happening. White fur ripples up her arms like a wave in a pond after you throw a rock in it. It disappears as soon as it appears.

  “What is this? What is happening to…. AHHHH!!!!” she screams as her bones begin the process of breaking and realigning themselves. “WHAT. IS. THIS?!?!”

  She screams in pure agony.

  “Shhh, it’s ok, baby girl, I’ve got you. Your body is transforming for the first time. This is the worst shift you’ll experience, they get easier, but your wolf has been suppressed your whole life until now,” I explain to her, but I’m not sure she understands or completely hears me.

  “My….my whAAAAHHH!!!” she screams, confirming that she did hear me after all.

  She starts panting after the bones break and realign again. I wish I could help her more, take the pain from her, but all we can do is be here with her. She bellows out in pain again and again as her back arches off my bed. I reach over and stroke back her hair from her face, telling her everything will be ok, as Wyatt sits on her other side holding her hand. Tate and Liam sit at the foot of the bed, each having a hand on one of her calves.

  This seems to settle her a bit, that is until her teeth begin to extend out of her mouth, making blood spill past her lips. Her jaw stretches long, reshaping her face into that of her wolf’s. Her bones finally start to break and arrange themselves to accommodate her wolf. She arches even further away from the bed then flips over onto her stomach as her spine breaks and bows out hunching her body over.

  After a few more minutes of whimpering and now growling, she completes the transition. There is a bright flash of light, making us shield our eyes. Once it clears, there, laying on the bed panting heavily from the pain and adrenaline, is the biggest, most beautiful pure white wolf that I have ever seen- I mean completely white.

  Everything on her is white, even down to the pads of her paws and her claws- holy shit, her claws are like long draggers. I imagine those are deadly and I will do my best to steer clear of them. Where most white wolves would have either a black or pinkish-red nose, hers is snow white. I wonder what her eyes will look like, but I can’t see them yet since they are still closed from the residual pain. Plus, I’m sure her senses are overwhelming her.

  She stands on wobbly paws for a moment, then hops off the bed to stretch out her foreign limbs. My dick is instantly rock hard as I watch her push her ass in the air stretching her front legs out in front of her. I can feel the guys in my mind struggling with the same feelings, but trying to block them from the rest of us at the same time. Now that her wolf is unleashed, our desire to mate with her is going to become tenfold. We all felt it when we first met her, but her human scent helped mute the uncontrollable urge to fuck.

  When a pack first finds their mate, the need to mate is fierce and unrelenting. It becomes physically painful the longer you fight it. Which is why mating usually happen immediately after finding your mate. I’m not so sure it’s going to work that way with us though. Not with everything Celia has gone through and not with that bastard still out there looking for her. I will kill him if he comes anywhere near her again. Plus, she knows nothing of this life. Probably didn’t even believe it was real before this.

  “Hey, baby girl, you ok over there?” I ask her from my spot on the bed. We all stay put, so as not to scare her. She whips her head around like she is startled by us being there- like she completely forgot that we were here. I try to remember that she doesn’t have a clue about this world and not to feel hurt by that. She whimpers and pushes herself into a corner cowering away from us. I feel everyone’s hurt with that.

  “Remember guys, she has no clue what is going on; we didn’t even get to explain to her our theory before this happened,” I tell them all through our bonded connection.

  They all nod their heads in agreement.

  “It’s ok, Beautiful, we aren’t going to hurt you. Everything is going to be ok,” Wyatt explains while I finish examining her captivating form.

  She is huge- even bigger than my wolf, which stands at 7 and a half feet tall. She has got to be at least eight feet or just under. I can finally see her eyes, which are clouded over, completely white- you can’t even see a pupil, just the faintest of blue behind the cloudiness. It looks as though she is blind.

  Oh shit, is she blind?!

  But she can’t be. Not when she is looking directly at each one of us as she observes us. She literally has no color whatsoever on her. I have never seen anything like it in all my two hundred and forty-five years. This has to be the prophecy that we were told as boys for sure. If only we could remember the second damn part to it, we could know what might be in store for us. I remind Liam to research and find some answers for all of us through our link. In the meantime, we have a lot of work to do if we are going to help Celia understand and bond with her wolf. She’ll need it and more to help her gain full control of her shifts and the beast itself.

  Chapter 14


  I have only ever felt this much pain one other time in my life and I’m not going down that road right now. I can feel every. Single. Bone. Breaking. In my body and if fucking HURTS so much! Stars, please just let me pass out. Grayson said this is my first transformation…. that the shift will get better. What does that even mean?

  That…that…. I’m a wolf?

  How am I a wolf?

  The supernatural isn’t real.

  It can’t be…. right?

  I mean, I’ve always loved reading paranormal books but, I mean, that’s just fantasy….

  My brain won’t stop trying to process everything right this second though. It’s getting a little overwhelming. I’m an extreme over-thinker, especially in stressed-induced times. But this just isn’t making sense. I’m screaming and panting, in so much pain, but my mind is almost acting like the pain isn’t my pain… the wheels in my brain are still just turning. It feels almost like an out of body experience. I can feel everything happening to me. But at the same time, my thoughts are coming through clearly. My senses keep sharpening and I can here every little breath around me.

  I can see every little detail of the grain on the door across the room when I glance at it. And the smells, oh stars, the smells are making me crazy. I smell rich earth, some musky cinnamon- if that’s even a thing, and it’s making my mouth water.

  My back arches off the bed as I scream bloody murder.

  Then, the pain finally stops, and I realize that I’ve somehow ended up on my belly, but I feel weird- not quite like myself. It also suddenly feels like there is someone else in my mind, that I’m no longer in control of my body….

  “That’s because you are not,” a sweet, slightly deep feminine voice says inside my head, making me jump.

  “Wh-what is happening to me?” I ask as I suddenly stand up on wobble legs, all four of them…. four? I have four legs to stand on…holy fuck. I guess I really am a wolf….

  I start to hyperventilate, but the voice says, “Calm, my sweet child, no harm will ever come to you again. You are stronger than ever before; Nathan will never hurt you again.”

  “Who…who are you? How are you in my head?” I ask her

  “I am you, as you are me. We are two halves of one whole. My name is Svana (S-vah-n
ah), and I am your wolf half,” she tells me as she hops off the bed and stretches out, pushing our ass in the air. She looks around the room as I respond.

  “Svana, that is a beautiful name. Have you been here my whole life? Why didn’t I know about you? Why were you never there for me?” I ask, starting to get a bit hysterical with all the over whelming feelings that pour over me with that thought.

  “Hush, child. Yes, I have always been here. But it is not time to reveal everything to you. First you must connect yourself with all four wolves. It is time to claim your mates,” she tells me.

  “Claim my wha…” before I can finish, I hear Grayson ask if I’m ok, startling me as I whip around to face them. As soon as I turn, their scents hit my nose full force, making me whimper and back away into the corner- its strange feeling aroused in the form.

  “Yes, Celia, they are your mates. Don’t fight it, the harder you try and resist the pull of your mates and the bond, the more it physically will hurt. I can sense how you feel about each one of them. You are destined for them all. You don’t have to rush, but you must complete the bonds…” Svana says as she fades to the back of my mind.

  Then I’m suddenly in pain again as my body returns to my human form. And that’s how I end up I’m stark naked on the floor….in front of four extremely sexy men. I cover myself as best as I can and look up. I gasp at the intense looks on each of their faces as they just sit there staring at me.

  Liam is the first to snap out of it and he snatches the throw blanket off the foot of the bed. He rushes over to me and wraps it around my shoulders, pulling it tight in the front. After covering me up, he moves to the right side of me, but his fingers brush across my shoulders as if he touching my pussy. I can feel myself start to drip down my bare thigh. I take a deep breath as an unfamiliar scent fills the room. It’s a heavy sweet smell, like honey straight from a hive. I take another big sniff as I hear everyone else take a deep inhale, each growling at the scent. Then it hits me…. that smell showed up as soon as Liam touched me, and my pussy lit up like the Fourth of July. Oh, my Stars! I bury my face in the blanket to hide my utter embarrassment. They have been able to smell me every single time I got turned on by them….


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