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Saving Their Queen

Page 8

by Beth Rosalee

  I want to explore every part of her mouth. I want to explore every part of her. I drop my hand from her hair and trail it back around to her large full breast, filling my hand completely, making my dick throb painfully. They are heavy and I can feel her tight nipples straining against the fabric of her shirt, begging me to suckle them. Instead, I brush my thumb across one, forcing a mewl from her as she latches on and sucks my tongue into her mouth. She grinds her body against my shaft as it lays heavily on her belly.


  I’m going to explode if I don’t touch her. I drop my hand down to the hem of her shirt and snake it under, sliding my hand back up to her breast taking the shirt with it. Reaching her breast, I lift it into the palm of my hand enjoying the weight to it. I growl as I take her nipple in between my fingers and roll it. Breaking from her mouth, I trail kisses down her jaw to her neck and collarbone through Gray’s shirt.

  I bend as I continue down until my mouth is lined with her nipple. Sticking my tongue out, I swipe it once over the sensitive tip, then I suck it into my mouth…. Then, a throat clears from the doorway, making Celia squeal and jump back away from me, pulling Gray’s shirt back into place. Her face is beet red with embarrassment at being caught, but I just chuckle. Glancing over, I look at Tate with the smirk on his face. I knew the fucker was watching, but didn’t think he would interrupt me.

  I glower at him grumpily as he speaks in my mind, “She’s not ready, brother, you know that. Now, come on, so we can chill for a while before she finally breaks down. You know just as much as I do that she will- this is a lot to take in.” Speaking out loud before I had a chance to say anything, he looks at Celia with his mega-watt smile, “Movie and snacks are ready, Babe. Still want to watch it with us?”

  I growl because I know that he is right. I storm off, angry at myself for losing control.

  I never lose control.

  “I’ll be in the office if anyone needs me,” I grump into Tate’s mind as I storm off.

  Pausing as I get next to the door, where Tate is still standing, I turn to look at my beautiful mate, “I am sorry, Celia, I lost control and it won’t happen again until you are ready.”

  I don’t wait for a reply as I walk out of her room, past Gray and Wyatt, then into the office on the opposite side of the house. Closing the door, I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

  Chapter 18


  Holy fucking stars!

  That was the best kiss that I have ever received.

  My body is still on fire from it and my lady bits are throbbing painfully. All of this is topped with embarrassment that Tate caught us like that. I’m not really sure why Liam stormed out like he did, or even apologized for one of the best moments in my life. I decide to put that thought away for later and answer Tate.

  With a smile, trying to hide my embarrassment further, I respond, “Absolutely, I’ll be out in a minute, just going to take care of business.”

  Pretending nothing happened is always the best route, right?

  Tate starts coughing with a wide-eyed expression, making me realize how that must’ve sounded to him after what he just witnessed, making my face flame even harder.

  I quickly correct it.

  “No, no! That’s not what I meant, I meant I needed to pee and freshen up, and then I will be right out.”

  I start to giggle a little from the absurdness of it, making Tate laugh with me.

  “It’s ok, Babe, we will be waiting on you,” he replies as he turns and heads out the bathroom, then out of the bedroom, closing that door behind him.

  Using the restroom and cleaning up, I take one more deep breath and follow the path that Tate took out of my new room and into the large living room where Grayson is relaxed in a recliner with a bud light in his hand. Wyatt is on one side of the large sectional with his feet kicked up on the stretch of the couch, also with a beer in his hand.

  “Go ahead and get comfortable, Babe. Would you like a beer?” Tate asks me, startling me a bit.

  He hops up from the arm of the couch and heads towards the kitchen that I didn’t get to see since we ended my tour in the bathroom- and with an amazing kiss. Thinking of that kiss, I have to fight a moan that is trying to escape me.

  Shaking my head to clear the heated thoughts and cool my flaming face, I tell him, “No thanks, I don’t drink beer. Do you have any soda? Anything but diet is ok with me. If not, water is fine as well.”

  Smiling and making my breath catch, I look into his eyes and realize that they are pooled with heat. Clearing my throat and turning my head as he turns back to the kitchen, I notice that both the other guys are staring at me in the same fashion, making me groan and cover my face with embarrassment. This wolf thing still isn’t computing in my brain; I’ve forgotten they can smell my emotions. Wait a second…. why aren’t my senses enhanced like they were before…I pause mid-stride with this thought.

  Thankfully, Svana comes forward to reassure me, and my senses react instantly as if I’m on steroids suddenly.

  “It will become easier to access those things as we bond more and your human form adjusts to me; so, the more we shift, the less I will disappear into the back of your mind. I will become more of a natural part of you and we will be able to talk, always,” she informs me.

  “So why do you keep disappearing now though? This is all really so strange to me, Svana,” I ask her with bit of whining in my voice -if that’s possible in your own mind anyway.

  Chuckling, which is strange sounding- it’s more of a chuffing noise than an actual laugh and really cute, she responds, “It’s your mortal mind reacting on instinct; it will adjust quickly since you are no longer mortal. Your brain just needs some time to get the memo. We will be just fine, C.”

  She retreats after her reassurance.

  “You ok, Beautiful?” Wyatt startles me, making me realize that I was basically frozen with one foot in the air for Stars knows how long, making me look crazy.

  Smiling shyly, I nod, “Yeah, sorry, was chatting with Svana and it seems to take all my focus. But she says that will get better with time though.”

  I clear my throat, then continue on to the couch and sit in the middle. There should be plenty of space on the other side that I’m not on top of either of the guys. Of course, as soon as I get settled, Tate returns with a Mt. Dew in one hand and a bowl of popcorn in his other arm. I was so distracted with my thoughts that I didn’t even smell it. But my stomach rumbles loudly once I do get a good whiff of it.

  All the guys chuckle as Tate hands me the bowl and sets my drink on a coaster on the table in front of me. Then he proceeds to plop down on the couch directly next to me, making me bounce slightly and fall into him. Smiling down at me, he leans forward and grabs the remote then leans back putting his arm along the back of the couch right behind my head, getting comfortable. He doesn’t actually touch me, but he leaves the invitation open to snuggle up if I want.

  I straighten back up and fold my feet Indian-style with the bowl in the middle, making our thighs press together, effectively starting up those deliciously magic tingles that make me want to just forgo my fears and shyness to press up against him and snuggle in. Tate just props his feet up on the table, keeping our thighs together and settles in a bit more before hitting play. I look up at the TV and get a bit excited seeing John Wick is starting.

  “I’ve been wanting to see this since it came out but…. never mind,” I clear my throat and trail off before I get caught up in bad thoughts.

  Grayson growls loudly, probably realizing why I trailed off. No one pushes me for me to explain though, so I take a deep breath and settle in to watch the movie.

  Chapter 19


  Since Celia is so close to me, I’m struggling to pay attention to the movie- not that it really matters since I’ve already seen it. It’s one of our favorites though, so it never hurts to watch a second time. Looking down at this beautiful woman sitting next to me, all I can think i
s the gods truly blessed us with an extraordinary mate. I have never met nor seen an albino woman in person, and those I have seen on TV or the internet have always had that pinkish tint to them. Not Celia though; she is completely pale from head to toe from what I can see, all except her soft, barely-there pink lips and matching nipples that I caught a glimpse of in her bathroom.

  I can’t wait to taste her again. I subtly reach down and adjust my straining cock, hoping she doesn’t see. I look back up to her face and she her blushing while trying to keep her eyes on the TV.

  Chuckling, I lean down and whisper in her ear, “Sorry, Princess, I can’t seem to help myself this close to you. I promise to keep my hands to myself until you are ready though.”

  I lean back, not waiting for her response, and tune back into the movie. About thirty minutes in, Celia relaxes and leans into my side placing her head on my chest. Warmth blooms from deep in my chest as I look down and realize she has fallen asleep and is using me as a pillow. I grab the bowl of popcorn and flick it like a frisbee over to Gray since he is the closest in the recliner- which he catches without dropping a single piece.

  I adjust my body over into the corner of the couch and pull her up against me to let her lay down more, then use my legs to guide hers into a stretched-out position. I wrap my arms around in a hug and take a deep breath of her scent.

  She feels like home and we haven’t even mated with her yet. I will simply just enjoy her being snuggled in my arms for as long as possible. I’m sure this will be a long road to get her to completely trust us and to start healing from whatever that motherfucker did to her. I can’t wait to tear him limb from limb slowly. Leaving those thoughts for now, I tune back in and watch the movie, just enjoying the feel of her pressed against me.



  I wish so badly that I was Tate right now. He’s got her held tightly in his arms, with her body pressed against his. The sight makes my dick stand at attention; I growl softly as I readjust myself. The call to mate is strong in all of us, and I want so badly to be able to claim her as ours.

  I just hope we can control ourselves and the urges long enough to allow her to get comfortable with us. To allow her body to become accustomed to her wolf form and us being able to hunt down that bastard and get rid of him once and for all from her life- regardless of how we need to achieve it.

  “We need to find her ex- and soon. I know she isn’t going to be ready to have any true relationship with us until he is out of the picture. I just need out there so that I can track him,” I say to Gray through our mind link.

  “I know; we will take shifts in watching her. I will talk to dad and ask for a couple of other trackers to get out there and help you. If he is really here, we will find him and end this shit. Let’s get some rest tonight and we will start tomorrow,” Gray responds, then stands up and heads to bed.

  “Night, Alpha,” I yell at him.

  He grunts in response, making me laugh. He’s always been a straight shooter and a big asshole, but he owns it, never pretending to be someone he isn’t.

  He’s an asshole, take it or leave it.

  “Want me to grab her, bro?” I ask Tate through our bond as well.

  No reason to speak out loud and wake up our Sleeping Beauty.

  “Yeah, man, that’s fine with me,” he tells me, then gently kisses her temple.

  I stand from the couch and walk over to where they are laying. Smiling, I gently wrap one arm under her thighs and Tate rolls her carefully so that I can wrap my other arm around her shoulders. Once she is secure, I lift her up. Carrying her through the living room and down the hall, I stare at her the entire way, using muscle memory and my senses to pay attention to where I’m going.

  I haven’t been able to take my eyes off of her anytime she is within sight. And seeing her wolf for the first time, gods, there is no way she is just a regular wolf. The way her whole form flashed with that bright white light. None of us have ever seen anything like it. We all confirmed it with Liam to make sure that he hasn’t ever read anything about that type of shift.

  Maybe it was just the spell breaking with the first shift, and it won’t happen again. I think that I will work with her tomorrow after they get back from getting her belongings from the hotel.

  I open her door with my foot; thankfully, she left it open just slightly so that I didn’t have to jostle her around to get the doorknob. Laying her down in bed, I carefully pull the covers from under her and tuck her in before gently kissing her forehead and turning out the bedside lamp. Then, I head out of her room- I don’t want to linger and end up doing something stupid like climbing in the bed with her.

  Our night vision is phenomenal since we are bonded to such a strong alpha male. Gray is the last of his pure blood line, and even stronger than his dad, the alpha of the entire pack. He could easily take his place, but he told Jack that he didn’t want it until after our family was complete.

  Now that we found our mate, once she is introduced to the pack, I’m sure that Jack will approach him about it again. He is more than ready to retire with his mates. I glance back one last time to look at Celia tucked into bed, finally in our home. I can’t wait to be able to share that bed with her- if she will allow it anyways. Shaking those thoughts, I whisper goodnight and softly shut the door. Heading to my room, I lay in bed, tossing and turning, as I think about her all night.

  Chapter 20


  I wake up with a gasp, not knowing where the hell I am or what exactly woke me up. I wipe my eyes then take in my surroundings. Oh, that’s right- I’m at the Adonis squad’s house. I sigh in relief; for just a split second, I thought that I was back there with Nathan. I must’ve fallen asleep watching the movie last night. The events of the past couple of days have just been too much. I just want to go back to sleep…..right after I pee. I flip back the covers and swing my legs over the edge right as there is a knock at the door

  “Come in,” I yell, forgetting that they have super hearing and I don’t need to shot. Wyatt pops his head in the door and I sheepishly apologize. “Sorry Wyatt, this whole werewolf thing is going to take some getting used to.”

  “It’s ok, Beautiful; I know it’s a lot to take in. Breakfast is ready; after we eat, I’ll take you over to the hotel to get your things to bring home,” he tells me sweetly.

  “Wait, I thought that Liam was supposed to take me?” I ask him.

  “Ah, yeah, he was supposed to, but he has some urgent research and pack things to handle this morning. He has actually already gone up to the main pack compound to try and get it all done quickly. He’s the Brainiac of the entire community, so this happens a lot to him, honestly,” Wyatt reassures me with a genuine smile.

  “Oh, that’s ok. I was just wondering. I’m happy for you to take me, but I need to potty before we do anything, so I’ll be right back!”

  I hurry and handle my business and come back out to the room where Wyatt is settled against the door frame waiting on me.

  “Okie-dokie, let’s get some food,” I say happily because, well, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

  Always has been.

  We all gather around the dining room table and dig into our food, chatting idly about this and that, just sort of learning new things about each other. Well, Wyatt, Tate, and I are anyways. Grayson is apparently back to ignoring me and being a giant asshole and Liam is off putting his brain power to work. After breakfast, I head back to the room that they have me in. Closing the door behind me, I strip out of my borrowed clothing and set them on the bed and then head for the shower. Once done, I wrap myself up and walk back out into the bedroom to get dressed, only to find fresh clothes that look to be more my size.

  I get dressed quickly and head out to the living room to find Wyatt relaxed in the recliner with his eye closed. I start to turn back to my room to let him nap when he startles me.

  “You ready to go, Beautiful?”

  I squeak loudly at his deep voice, not at all
expecting to hear him talk. My squeak makes him laugh as he stands up and stretches, letting me get a peek at his lower abdomen. I swallow hard at the glimpse of his defined abs covered in tattoos and the tight V leading down to his…..I clear my throat and my mind as I look back up at his face. He has that gorgeous smirk back on his face, making my face heat.

  “Sorry, I, uh, I thought you were asleep. I was just going to let you nap for a while. You startled me is all,” I stammer out awkwardly, like he asked me what I was doing or something. “Yeah, right, um, let’s go,” I say as I turn away from his stunning, knowing hazel eyes.

  We walk out of the front door and down to his big truck. He opens the passenger door for me, and as I’m hoping in, he places his hand on my ass, giving it a light squeeze as he helps hoist me in. I look down at him as I settle in with wide shocked eyes, but he just raises his hands in innocence, smiling dazzlingly at me. He closes the door, then jumps in the drive seat and off we go.

  I get lost in my head trying to figure out how to strengthen my connection with Svana, but with no success. I can’t seem to feel her at all, no matter how hard I try to force it. She seems to be locked up tight in my mind and it’s starting to frustrate me. I learn something amazing about myself and I can’t even really experience it because I’m somehow subconsciously blocking her. Sighing out my aggravation with myself, I look up and realize that we are pulling into the hotel parking lot.

  I start to feel nervous suddenly, like someone is watching me. I glance around, but don’t see anyone around. So I shake off the feeling as Wyatt pulls in the parking spot right by my hotel room. There is one other car a few spots down from us and a few others scattered around the lot.

  We are safe, Celia, you got this, I mentally pep myself.

  “It’s ok, Beautiful, I’m right here. No need to be nervous,” Wyatt says as he reaches over and squeezes my hand.


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