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The Warrior's Mission: A Celtic Historical Romance (The Warriors of Eriu Book 3)

Page 25

by Mia Pride

  Flynn smiled to himself. His mother would be even more elated when he and Maggie announced the news that— “Och… there is that smile again, you dolt.” Brennain said, catching Flynn off guard as he punched his shoulder harder than necessary.

  “Leave your brother alone,” his mother chided. She stepped away from Maggie and over to the hearth, wrapping her arms around his father’s waist from behind. “He is finally happy, and I wish the same for you, Brennain. ‘Tis truly all that matters in life.” His father grinned widely, his large hazel eyes twinkling as they did every time his mother showed him affection.

  Turning to face Una, Brocc grabbed her close and stared down into her green eyes, the eyes she had passed on to her sons. “Your mother, as usual, is correct. I almost lost her more than once. Brennain, you were already kicking within your mother’s womb before she finally gave me a real chance.”

  Brennain made a gagging noise and rolled his eyes. “Must I hear the story of how I was created every year? I understand! She was your foster sister. You loved her! She loved you! You… bedded one another,” Brennain made a gagging sound again and scrunched up his nose, “and created me. Then a horrible woman tried to split you up and made Mama leave you. I know! ‘Tis disgusting!”

  Flynn laughed at his brother’s ire, thankful that the story of his creation, though told often enough, was not nearly as detailed as Brennain’s. Mama and Papa always said that Brennain was born of a passionate love affair and Flynn knew they wanted that same sort of love for their sons. Flynn had found it. Without Maggie, he was nothing. A wife was never anything he expected to have, or ever sought out. But in his heart, he knew that only Maggie could have claimed his heart so fiercely that he would willingly give up his life of traveling to start a family. Which reminded him…

  “Speaking of creating a child…” his eyes shifted to Maggie and he smiled, her face visibly turning red and her eyes grew wide. The knife in her hand stilled, carrots forgotten, and the room went silent. “Come here, Mags,” he smiled, and beckoned her with his finger. She put the knife down carefully, wiping her hands on the linen apron around her waist. As small as ever, nobody could possibly have noticed the changes to her body quite yet, but the time had come to share their news.

  Maggie shyly walked over to him, tucking a wisp of blonde hair behind her ear before wrapping an arm around his waist. He looked down at her and felt that same flutter in his belly that he felt every time he saw her. He would never tire of his beautiful wife.

  Looking up at his parents, he wanted to laugh at the expressions on their faces. His mother’s green eyes were as wide as he had ever seen them, and she fervently wrung her hands together while his father tried to look casual, but could not hide his stifled grin beneath his short black and gray beard.

  “My beautiful wife has informed me only a fortnight ago that we shall have our first child.”

  A shrill screech filled the room as his mother literally jumped into the air and waved her hands before punching his father in the arm.

  “Ouch!” His huge father grimaced as he rubbed his aching bicep. “That hurt, woman.”

  “I told you! I told you so!” she screeched again, before she turned to Maggie and embraced her so hard he half wondered if he should pry his wife away before his mother suffocated her. “I am so very pleased, Maggie!” She made a gasping sound and clutched her heart. “I am going to be a grandmama! Oh!”

  Then his mother turned her delight on Flynn, and his eyes grew wide as he watched her lunge at him next, wrapping her arms tightly around his body, trapping his arms to his side. “You will be the very best father, Flynn Mac Greine. I am so proud of you.” His mother was wee, and her head only went up to the center of his chest, but that did not stop her from kissing his arms, chest and any part of him she could reach. His arms were still pinned at his side. He could shrug her off if he wanted to, but his mother’s reaction to his news was much too charming to try to stop. He felt his cursed stupid smile spreading over his face again.

  “Och, Una. Give them some space,” his father said lazily.

  “You owe me a back rub,” Una said with a grin. “I was right.”

  “You were placing wagers upon my wife’s womb?” Flynn asked in shock, pulling Maggie into a tight, protective embrace. Maggie just watched the chaos silently with a proud grin across her face.

  “Aye. I knew she was with child… I just knew it! Your father thought I was only being overbearing and dreaming of wee babes. I decided I might as well get something out of my over-sensitive intuitions.”

  “As if I would ever turn down giving you a back rub,” Brocc said suggestively to his wife. “You need not make wagers to earn one.”

  Brennain gagged again and Flynn pursed his lips to prevent himself from laughing at his brother. He felt Brennain cuff him hard on the shoulder from behind. “I am very happy for you both. Maggie is a true treasure. She is just what you needed in this world, brother.”

  “May I say something?” Maggie’s sweet, timid voice whispered beside him.

  “Of course,” Flynn said. “You should always speak your mind in this family, mo chroí.”

  Maggie turned to look at Brennain before taking his large right hand in hers. Brennain’s brow furrowed as he clearly wondered what Maggie was going to say. Flynn could not help but wonder as well.

  “Before the day you approached me and asked if I could leave Ráth Mór to save Flynn, I was scared of all men. I could not even stand to be alone with one. I always wanted a family, but it had seemed so far out of reach. How could a man ever love me if I was incapable of speaking to one? But Flynn was always special to me, and though I admit I did fear him as well, my heart was still drawn to him.” She looked up at Flynn and gave him a sweet smile that made him feel as if he was melting from within. Aye, his brother was right. He had become a soft fool for this woman and cared naught who knew it.

  “When you told me he was dying and needed my help, I did not even hesitate. The healer in me could never allow a man to die. But in truth, the love I already bore Flynn could never allow me not to go to him. Once I was on that horse with you, I was frightened, traveling alone with a giant of a man, your arm wrapped tightly around me for several hours. You could have snapped me in two or done any number of awful things to me. I began to wonder why I had put myself in such a position.”

  “I would never do such a thing to any lass, Maggie,” Brennain said, with obvious hurt in his voice.

  “Aye, I know that, Brennain. ‘Tis my very point. I knew within just a short time in your presence that I was safe. You were the first man besides my brother I ever truly trusted. It was because of your goodness that I knew men could be kind. It helped me while I was alone with Flynn…” her cheeks pinked and Flynn hid a proud grin, knowing she thought of their time together, especially the love they had shared. “I would have eventually trusted Flynn on my own, but that trust I bore for you, because of your honor, made it easier for me to accept that he was also honorable. I thank you, Brennain, for bringing me to Flynn. The Mac Greine’s are a family full of honor and I am proud to now be one.”

  Releasing Brennain’s hand, she wrapped herself around Flynn again and faced his parents, rubbing her abdomen with a sigh. “And now I shall be adding to the Mac Greine clan. I never thought I would see the day. I thank you all for taking me in and accepting me as one of your own. I love your son so much and vow to always be a faithful, loyal wife and a loving mother to many babes… we hope.” She said with a hesitant look in her eyes.

  “Aye… many more, Mags,” Flynn said, feeling as if he would burst from happiness. Was it possible to actually die of love for a woman? How could he ache so deeply inside?

  “Oh! You are such a blessing to us all!” his mother cried, and scooped Maggie up in her arms, once again nearly suffocating her. “Maggie, I know you had an awful life and you lost your mama. I know your papa was also very unkind. Brocc and I can never replace your parents, but I want you to know we both truly love yo
u as our daughter.”

  “Aye, Maggie. ‘Tis the truth,” his father said, and he opened his arms wide, ready to envelop both his wife and Maggie in one strong embrace. Flynn watched, stunned as his parents devoured his pregnant wife. Had they truly wished for his happiness so profoundly? They never said a word to him about settling down or starting a family, and yet it clearly made them happier than anything had in a very long time. A sense of calm came over him. He felt whole in a way he never expected.

  “I think you are their favorite son,” Brennain pushed him playfully.

  “Nay, ‘tis not me they love so,” Flynn said wryly as his parents finally released Maggie.

  Just then the door burst open as their entire family poured into their home, shouts and loud laughter filling the air with familiarity. His family was not a quiet one. In fact, he was the quietest of all, yet it was not so much a lack of things to say; it was more a need to observe. It had always been his greatest skill: to observe his surroundings, the actions of people, study them until he knew their every move before they even made it. It was what made him the best informant Tuathal had. Those skills would still come into use for his king. For now, he was quite content to observe his family, especially Maggie.

  “Greetings!” His loudest uncle, Garreth boomed from the door as his equally loud Aunt Ceara followed in his wake, laughing at something Aislin had said. Alastar trailed in after Aislin, carrying their wee son Conor. Eoin and Treasa followed next with Neassa and their newest child, a son named Colin.

  “I hope you cooked enough food for an army, because half of Ériu is coming through!” His Uncle Liam laughed as he and Aunt Gwynneth followed through with Alyson, Freyne, their three children, King Tuathal, Queen Leannan and their two children, and their youngest son, wee Duncan who always trailed in the very back as if he had no idea what to make of his own family.

  “We have plenty!” His mother cheered as she guided her sisters and their families through. “Beltane is my very favorite night of the year!”

  “’Tis also the anniversary of your births, do not forget,” Garreth informed Una as he looked from her to Gwynneth and then his wife.

  “Aye… thirty summers ago, on the eve of Beltane, we were born,” Aunt Ceara said nostalgically.

  “Thirty?” Wee Duncan furrowed his brow and opened his mouth to remind his aunt that she was well beyond thirty summers of age, before she sent him a scathing look of warning.

  “Maggie is with child!” Brocc announced unceremoniously, clearly trying to change the subject before Ceara boxed wee Duncan’s ears.

  “That was not your news to tell!” Una scolded, wagging her finger in her husband’s face.

  A round of shouts and cheers boomed in their small home as everyone Flynn loved huddled together in one small space, patting him on the back and hugging Maggie, who seemed stunned by the sudden onslaught of attention, yet flushed with happiness.

  “I knew you had it in you!” Alastar shouted above the din. “The quiet ones are always the most virile,” he winked. Flynn just shook his head at his cousin’s husband. Alastar was always full of words to speak, yet did tend to make Flynn chuckle on most occasions. Aislin whapped Alastar upside the head and took wee Conor from him with a wink to Maggie.

  Once the celebratory words were exchanged and everyone settled down, the women, as usual convened in one area of the house while the men convened in another. A serious look came over Tuathal’s face and Flynn knew he had ominous news to share. Though it was a celebration, the state of the tuath’s safety was always on Tuathal’s mind.

  “We’ve had news of Mal,” Tuathal whispered, so only his men could hear. Flynn looked wearily from his king, to his brother. “He fled to Alba with a score of men, Eoghann included. He means to gather a following and return with an army.”

  “But, you are from Alba,” Flynn’s cousin Eoin interjected. “Alba supports you entirely.”

  “Not entirely,” Àdhamh said with a sigh. “I grew up there, and my tuath is most loyal to Tuathal, as are most. But as with any land, people are divided. There are always those ready to start a war if it means more power for them. My wife must not learn of any of this. She has been quite weepy since our daughter was born. She cannot be bothered with news of her father,” Àdhamh warned the men with a scowl. Everyone nodded their understanding.

  “I need to send two men over to Alba to seek more information,” Tuathal groaned, and ran a hand through his dark hair. “My informants are all currently scattered across the land. I must call them back and refocus our efforts.”

  “Not all,” Brennain said with a smirk. “I am more than willing to go across the sea to Alba. I learned a lot about the man while in his camp. I have nothing holding me here for now. I am free to journey, and I think I can track him down.”

  Flynn looked sideways at his brother. He seemed over-eager to head back to Alba. “Mal knows your face, Brennain. Is it wise to take this on?”

  “This is not an undercover mission,” Tuathal shrugged. “It matters not if Mal knows their faces, so long as they can avoid trouble, find the man, gain support, send word back to me, and stay on his heels. Can you do that, Brennain?”

  “Of course, I can. I am itching to go,” he smiled widely, green eyes shining with the prospect of adventure. Flynn’s brother had always been much wilder and more prone to getting wrapped up in trouble. That was precisely what worried him.

  With a decisive nod, Tuathal clasped forearms with Brennain. “I appreciate your eagerness to go. You are a fine warrior and I trust you. You shall travel with Reaghan.”

  “What?” Flynn growled. Och, he still hated that man for touching his wife, even if he was only playing a role. He played it over-well. His brother would be gone for several moons with that lout?

  “Reaghan is good at what he does, brother,” Brennain slugged him in the shoulder. “’Tis why you hate him so. He even convinced you that he wanted your wife and you cannot let it go.”

  Flynn wanted to defend his reasoning, but decided to let it go. He had Maggie as his wife, and that was all that mattered. If Reaghan was safely away in Alba, even better.

  “Shall we all go out to the Beltane festival?” Queen Leannan stood from her bench seat and slowly walked over to Tuathal, putting a hand out to him. She looked like a true queen with her dress of dark blue silk that Tuathal had searched the land and juggled many trades to procure for her, and a sparkling gold circlet upon her head, golden blonde curls tumbling about her face. His cousin had once been a timid, self-conscious lass before Tuathal fell desperately in love with her. Now, true happiness and radiance shone off her and she fit the role of a queen quite well.

  “Aye, we must light the fires and begin the festivities,” Tuathal grinned.

  “Let the ale flow!” Brennain cheered, and most of the family responded in kind as they rushed through the door of his family home. They were ready to celebrate the beginning of spring, a time of renewal and fertility.

  Looking at his beautiful wife standing on the other side of the house in her flowing yellow linen dress, her wavy blonde hair tied back into a braid, he was struck by the happiness that flowed through his body, tingling his skin all over. Maggie had only meant to save his life, yet somehow along the way, she saved his soul. And now, she carried his child. Telling their family had made it all feel so real and a sense of rightness filled him.

  Walking over to him slowly, Maggie crinkled her brow. “Are you all right, Flynn? Are you disappointed to be staying behind while your brother goes on a journey?”

  Shaking his head as his wife’s sweet scent filled his senses, he pulled her to him gently and leaned his forehead against hers. “I am more than all right. I do not wish to be anywhere other than right here, right now. How have I gone from a traveling informant with nay future aside from service to my king, to husband of the most beautiful woman in all Ériu, and soon to be a father? You have made me happier than I can say, Mags.”

  A mischievous glint twinkled in her blue ey
es as she licked her lips before looking around the empty room. “If words are not enough, perhaps you can show me in… other ways,” she whispered, grabbing his backside and pulling him closer to her.

  “Other ways?” he cocked a brow. “I can think of several more ways…”

  “I am certain we will be alone for quite a while now. Shall we see how many times I can make you call out my name?” she said seductively, cupping his desire in her hands with a proud grin.

  “Och, Maggie,” he groaned.

  “That is one…” she purred.

  “This is not fair. That is my game,” he murmured against her lips as she slowly walked him backward toward their bed on the other side of their home. When the back of his knees hit the bed, she pushed him backward and, before he could speak, pulled the string on his trousers.

  “You have taught me much in the past several moons, husband, but this is by far my favorite,” she said, and lifted her dress up to her knees to straddle his thighs.


  “That’s two and we have not even begun,” she chided. “You are terrible at your own game.” Her hands reached up and she quickly pulled the faded blue curtains closed around them, enveloping them in the darkness.

  “I love you, Maggie Mac Greine,” he whispered into her ear. “You are the strongest woman I know.”

  “I love you more, Flynn Mac Greine. Now make love to me,” she demanded.

  How could he ever say nay to that?

  * * * *

  At the Beltane festival, Maggie felt love buzzing through her entire body. She watched in wonder as Flynn’s family drank ale, laughed, and danced around the fire. Last Beltane, she had sat alone on a log around a fire and watched as everyone around her enjoyed themselves with family. This year, she still sat and watched, but now she was part of a family… a very large, loud and loving family. A smile slid across her face as she rubbed a hand over her flat abdomen. In just a few moons, she would give birth to yet another member of Flynn’s growing family, and she felt a sense of self-satisfaction and contentment she never thought she’d feel. The best part was that Flynn was truly happy with his life as well. In the beginning, she feared that he would grow restless or resentful for having to stay tied up in Ráth Mór with a family, but she knew now that Flynn was more devoted to her and his unborn child than to anything else.


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