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Lady Cannibal

Page 1

by Tim Miller



  Tim Miller

  Copyright © 2015 Tim Miller

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright laws.

  Cover photo made from Stock photo by Tim Miller

  Chapter 1

  Bailey hated her mom’s boyfriend. She had no real reason to. The guy was nice to her and treated her mom well. He’d never touched Bailey inappropriately or looked at her wrong. On most days, he waited on them both hand and foot. It was a big change of pace from her real dad. Since her dad had died, it had just been her and her mom. Her younger brother, Brian hadn’t coped well with his death. So he had gone off to live with some relatives. It hadn’t been so bad, she kind of enjoyed the girl time. Now she was dating Ricky or Reggie or whatever his name was. Wasn’t that terrible? She couldn’t even remember the guy’s name.

  “What’s up princess?” He asked. Reggie, that was his name. He looked like a Reggie, he looked like he just came walking out of an Abercrombie and Fitch store. He even frosted his feathered hair do. Who still does that? Reggie, obviously.

  “Why you always seem so angry? I’m not trying to come between you and your mom. I care about you both.” He was sitting in the easy chair her dad used to occupy. Her mom didn’t mind, but it bothered Bailey. She tried to hide her disdain for the guy, but apparently wasn’t doing a good job of it.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, feigning concern. “Things are just weird for me. I’m just used to me and my mom. I never did understand why dad had to kill himself. I turn sixteen next month and I just always thought he’d be here.”

  Reggie’s forehead wrinkled as he looked Bailey over. Even at fifteen she looked closer to nineteen. Most guys mistook her for much older all the time. She got up and walked over to him, standing before him. Bailey was wearing a cotton tank top and a pair of men’s boxers. It was her usual bum around the house wear. She immediately noticed his eyes going to her breasts. At fifteen she was blessed with 36c’s. On her small frame, they looked huge. She often wondered if she would grow into them, or if they’d grow with her.

  As she approached him, she put her hands on his shoulders.

  “Bailey,” he said. “What are you…” He was silenced though as she pressed his head in between her breasts while caressing the back of his head and neck with her fingertips.

  “Shhh,” she said. “I guess I do accept you. I need you. I need a real man to hold me. To touch me.” She slid the tank top off her shoulders, exposing both breasts as she slid it down around her stomach.

  “Bailey, what are you doing…I…I can’t,” he protested.

  “Why? You think I’m ugly?”

  “No! God no! You’re a kid. I’m with your mom, I…” but she pushed her breasts into his face and he immediately began kissing her breasts. She moaned as his lips ran across her nipples while he nibbled them gently. It did feel good to her, but not as good as she was letting on. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he abandoned all caution and began sucking and licking her breasts intently.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Her mom called out from the doorway. Reggie looked up, surprised as Bailey immediately began crying. She pulled away while pulling up her tank top.

  “Get away from me!” She screamed as she ran to her mom. Her mom hugged her as Bailey began sobbing into her shoulder.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Is that why you’ve been dating me? To get to my teenage daughter?” Her mom screamed.

  “No! I…I don’t know what happened. We were just talking and…” He tried to explain.

  “And what? My daughter’s tits accidentally fell into your mouth?”

  “No! She came on to me!”

  “That’s a lie!” Bailey turned and screamed. She had full tear streaks running down her cheeks now. “He tried to rape me!”

  He stood, looking genuinely scared now.

  “That’s a lie! I wasn’t…honest! I…”

  “Go to your room pumpkin,” her mom said while hugging Bailey and stroking her hair. “I’ll take care of this. He’ll never touch you again.”

  “Ok mama,” Bailey said as she headed down the hall, to her room. Once inside, she closed the door and wiped away the tears while listening to them fight. She’d caused a few fights with them before, but nothing of this magnitude. This one should do them in for sure. If not, then she’d have to take other measures.

  From what she could hear, her mom was tearing him a new one. He hadn’t gotten a word in edgewise as her mom screamed at him. Bailey climbed on her bed and listened to the noise. Normally, she’d be putting on her headphones, but not this time. The real music was out in the living room. Before long, the door slammed and it went quiet.

  Her door creaked open as her mom came into her room. Bailey quickly produced some new tears as the woman stuck her head inside.

  “Hey, you ok?” Her mom asked.

  “Yeah,” Bailey whimpered. “I think so.”

  “I am so sorry. First your dad, and now this. Don’t worry though. He’s gone, and he’s not coming back.”

  “Thank you mama,” Bailey said. She was lying on her side as her mom sat next to her, stroking her blonde hair.

  “Just so strange. He seemed so perfect. Reggie has a good job, he’s always been so sweet and attentive. God, I should have known. No one is that perfect, I’m so stupid.”

  “No you’re not mama. You didn’t know. At least you walked in before he could hurt me. Thank you.”

  “Of course honey. It’s getting late. Will you be ok?”

  “Yeah. I’m feeling sleepy. I think I’ll be fine.”

  “Ok. Good. You come get me if you need anything, ok?”

  “Ok. Night mama,” Bailey said as her mom stood and headed out of her room. As the door closed, she could hear her mom crying down the hallway. It sucked to hurt her mother this way, but it was just part of how Bailey was wired. She lie in bed listening to her mom crying from her own room. Bailey closed her eyes as a smile crossed her face.

  Chapter 2

  Twelve years later

  Bailey sat in the office, staring at the clock on her computer screen. This job sucked. Hard to believe she went through four years of law school to be little more than a glorified law clerk for a large law firm. They handled all kinds of cases, but mostly criminal law. Not that Bailey had ever had any idealistic dreams of truth and justice. She studied law so she could get herself out of trouble if the situation arose.

  Either way the job was boring and tedious. She spent most of her days doing research for the lead attorneys. It was a perfect situation actually. The job paid great and helped her to keep a low profile. It was probably best for her not to be going to court and being too visible. Over the years, she had caused her own share of trouble, she just hadn’t been caught.

  Since chasing off her mom’s boyfriend at age fifteen, she’d perfected the art of manipulating men. She wasn’t just good at it, she was proficient. If there were a hall of fame in getting men to lose all sense of dignity, she would be the headliner. Usually it was just fun stuff, like money. She’d get them to buy her things, take her on trips. If she felt so inclined she’d have sex with them; most times it never occurred. It was more fun watching them beg for sex, or if she played it right, even a single touch from her.

  Her first act of violence was just a couple years ago. It had been by accident, sort of. She’d begun to move on from some of the lower self-esteem guys and onto the more arrogant ones
. It was all a game to her and it had become too easy, so she wanted a challenge. Well, Alex had been her challenge. He was a rich frat boy in law school. Although, there were no fraternities in law school, he’d been in a frat during undergrad. His dad was a state senator, so he apparently thought that made him untouchable. He was wrong.

  After they’d been dating for just over a month, Alex had taken her to his beach cottage in South Padre. It was there he made his move. Figuring they were isolated enough for him to pull some shit, when she refused his advances once again, he decided to get rough with her. He’d put his hand on her thigh as they sat on the couch, but she gently moved it away.

  He then leaned in and began kissing her, while grabbing her tits. Not having any of it, she punched him in the nose which only pissed him off further. He unloaded a barrage of punches, knocking her to the ground and then several kicks. She could tell it wasn’t the first time he’d roughed a girl up, not the way he was enjoying himself and laughing about it throughout the assault. He even had a cattle prod in the cottage. No need for those in South Padre unless you’re up to no good.

  Before he could zap her with the cattle prod, she made it to her feet, grabbed him by the back of the head and slammed her knee into his crotch as hard as she could. She wasn’t a big girl, but he wasn’t much taller making it easier. Once he was bent over, she blasted him several times in the face with her knee. She continued, for several blows, long after she felt his nose explode and saw his teeth falling to the floor.

  The years of taking Krav Maga seemed to work in her favor. They focused on street fighting and self-defense and it worked like a charm. Once the fight was out of him, she picked up the cattle prod and went to work on him. Between the cattle prod and some tools she’d found in the cottage, Alex was a blubbering mess by the time she’d finished with him. He no longer had teeth, nose, or eyeballs. He kept crying and begging her to let him go and giving some sob story about how he was sorry, but fuck him.

  She drove him out to a pier and dumped him in the ocean. She figured he’d wash up on shore and it would look like some drug cartel bullshit. That was the first time she’d killed, but wasn’t her last.

  “Bailey baby!” A voice called from behind her. It was Dirk, one of the trial attorneys. She hated him calling her Bailey Baby, but he seemed intent on doing so. “You get that brief ready on the Owens case?”

  “Yeah, it’s almost done. I should have it ready before I leave,” she said.

  “Almost? Shit honey, I needed it an hour ago. Deadline is tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, the end of the day tomorrow. You’ll have it.”

  “If you weren’t so hot, I’d go talk to the old man about you.”

  Images of cattle prods danced through her mind every time he spoke.

  “Yeah, you don’t want to do that. I’ll have it, but I can’t finish it when you’re here talking to me.”

  “You have a mouth on you don’t you?”

  “Yeah. We all do. Can I finish my work now?”

  “Sure. Hey, you want to grab a drink afterwards? I’m a member at Pluto’s lounge. Not just anyone can get in there you know.”

  Pluto’s was an Austin high end, high class, uptight and private club for rich douchebags to sit around and jack each other off with their money. Bailey had actually been there a couple times with guys she’d been dating, or playing. It really was boring as hell. There were some women there who were members, but they usually kept to themselves. The DJ played shitty techno and the security guys were assholes.

  “Yeah, I think I’ll pass. I have stuff to do tonight,” she said.

  “Like what?”

  She turned from her desk and looked up at him.


  He laughed as he backed away. If she had to describe Dirk she’d say he acted like Don Draper, but looked like Steve Buscemi.

  “You’ll come around!” He called out as he walked away. She went back to work on his stupid brief. As she finished it up, she fantasized about ways she could make Dirk scream. No picking on co-workers though, too close to home. A girl can dream though.

  Chapter 3

  After work, Bailey headed out to a nearby bar. She hadn’t been to this one in a while. She wasn’t lying to Dirk about having stuff to do, she did. This was it. Ever since her encounter with Alex, she’d had very few incidents in her activity. The thing was, a lot of these guys threw money at her and she didn’t need it. She made well into six figures a year at the law firm. These games were all just fun, suckering these guys into buying shit was all shits and giggles.

  Most of them thought they could buy her, or at least, buy her love and emotions. Problem was, she had no emotions; at least she never actually felt one. Her freshman year in college she took abnormal psychology, it was there they learned about sociopaths and serial killers. While she was far from a serial killer, she definitely fit the definition of a sociopath. While this should have bothered her, she almost felt a sense of relief. At least now she had an explanation for why she enjoyed fucking with people so much. For awhile, she couldn’t figure out why she couldn’t have a boyfriend like normal girls.

  Knowing what she was, made it easier for her to accept her circumstances and try to make the best of it, and tonight she planned on doing just that. She was at Stefan’s Bar checking things out. It wasn’t a total dive, but it wasn’t upscale either. She found this a good spot to meet guys. For some reason they liked to come here to keep a low profile. Almost every time someone came over to her. All she had to do was sit in the corner and look bored. This night it took less than an hour.

  “Well hello there!” One guy said. He was tall and scruffy with long hair pulled into a man bun. She immediately wanted to stab him.

  “Hi!” She said, smiling.

  “Mind if I join you? You look awfully lonely.”

  “Go ahead,” she said, pointing at the seat next to her. He slid in and looked at her.

  “I’m Graves,” he said.

  “You’re what?”

  “Graves. My name.”

  “Graves? Your name is fucking Graves? Is that a joke? Or are you some goth type?”

  “No, not goth. I’m an artist.”

  “Sounds right.”

  “Wow. You sure are cynical aren’t you?”

  “Sorry. I’ve been in Austin a few years now, some of the types here are so cliché it’s almost comical. Like artists with man buns named Graves. I’ll bite though. What kind of art?”

  “I paint mostly. Nudes.”

  “Nudes huh?”

  “Yeah, usually abstracts. Sometimes more conventional too. I saw you sitting here and, well you have magnificent bone structure.”

  “So what? You want to paint me? Is that it? Want me to go to your studio and get all naked and you paint me while playing some ambient music in the background?” She could tell she was making him uncomfortable, and she liked it.

  “I’d like to paint you, yes. You’d be a fantastic subject,” Graves said.

  “Wow, subject. So personal! So you always go looking for subjects in bars?”

  “Honestly no. I just stopped in for a drink and saw you here. Usually girl’s like you don’t hang out here.”

  “Girls like me?”


  He was on his game, she had to give him that. The whole sly artist thing going on. Not that he impressed her, but she was intrigued. She usually met the businessy types, had never really looked at an artist before. She figured they were all broke, but this guy was dressed like he had some money.

  “Beautiful? So is this like usually a skank hang out?”

  “Didn’t mean that. Just mean there usually aren’t many women in here at all. The ones who do come in usually have, um, more mileage on them.”

  “Right. Ok. You can paint me,” she said.


  “Yep, nudey ass naked. Let’s go.”

  “Go where?” He asked. His mask of confidence was slightly cracking. He wasn’t exp
ecting this response.

  “To your place. You want to paint me don’t you?”

  “Yeah, but…now? I figured…”

  “Hey, it’s now or never Gravy.” She stood and undid the top two buttons of her shirt. “You want to see the rest of what’s under here don’t you? I’m feeling adventurous.”

  “Well. Ok then. I just live a few blocks from here.”

  “Great! Let’s go then.”

  She walked out with him to his car. His car was a black sports car. She didn’t recognize the model and didn’t really care. She had no idea what her endgame here was. It just seemed like fun so she’d see where it went. He held the door for her as she climbed in and in a few minutes, they were pulling into a parking garage. Soon they were into his apartment which was bigger than she had suspected.

  There were nude paintings lining the walls along with various weird looking statues. Some of the nudes were really fucked up looking. The girls were nude, but some looked dead and mutilated. In one painting, the girl was decapitated and there was a nude man standing over her holding her severed head. Well this just got really interesting.

  “Ah, you found my work.”

  “What’s with all the gore? You got mommy issues?”

  “No. I find a certain beauty in death and darkness. So I take something beautiful that I painted and add in the death and darkness. You’re looking at the result.”

  “Did the girls pose like this? With fake blood and stuff?”

  “No, I painted them originally with her lying there. Later I added the blood or removed her head. Though I guess it would be easier to dismember them first, but much more messy,” he said.

  “Cute.” She began unbuttoning her shirt, and tossed it aside. She had never been incredibly shy. While she wasn’t skinny by any stretch, she wasn’t fat either, just a little curvy. Curvy enough to get guys’ attention, especially her tits. She was quite proud of those.

  Once her clothing was gone, she stood there smiling at Graves.


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