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Lady Cannibal

Page 7

by Tim Miller

  “What is going on? What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to cut you up and kill you, you crazy bitch,” Bailey said.

  “What? Why? No! You can’t do this! You’re not some killer!”

  “You have no idea.”

  Bailey grabbed the butcher knife and held it over Cassie’s face, letting her take in the shine of the blade. She grabbed a wad of Cassie’s hair that hung in her face, which brought out her worst scream yet.

  “No! Not my hair! Please don’t hurt my hair!”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Bailey asked as she stretched out her hair and began cutting through it with the knife. She was going to gouge her eye out with it, but now wanted to cut her hair off just to piss her off. As she sliced through Cassie’s luscious brown locks, Cassie squealed the most inhuman sound Bailey had ever heard. Even the men she’d eaten alive didn’t shriek like this. She cut off several huge strands until Cassie’s head looked like it had mange.

  “I’m gonna fuck you up, you sniveling little cunt!” Cassie screamed. Her eyes were wide and it was obvious that at some point in this altercation, she had gone completely mad, though she didn’t have that far to go.

  Bailey didn’t waste her breath replying to Cassie as she began cutting her shirt open, exposing her bra. As she cut the bra off, her chest revealed her golf ball sized breasts. Bailey looked inside the bra to see several inches of padding.

  “Ha! You had Styrofoam tits all along!” Bailey yelled. “What does Brian think about your twelve year old boy chest?”

  “Fuck you!” Cassie screamed as Bailey grabbed one of her tiny titties and sliced it clean off, yet she basically just cut off the nipple. She did the same to the other, causing Cassie to scream yet again.

  “Hell of a titty twister huh?”

  Bailey tossed the severed nipples aside as they stuck to the floor. They looked like little pepperonis. Unable to resist the urge, Bailey picked one of the nipples up and put it in her mouth. She chewed several times before making a face and spitting it out.

  “Bitch, you even taste like shit!” She yelled. Another idea hit her. She got up and ran to the bedroom. Digging through her drawer, she found her dildos. She had a few, one was a strap on she got as a gag gift years ago. She kept it for some reason, but now it might come in handy. She took it into the living room and knelt down next to Cassie. She picked up one of the knives and wrapped duct tape around the handle, securing it to the dildo. She did the same with a second, smaller knife as she took off her jeans and slid the strap on around her waist, securing it.

  “All right bitch. You ready to get fucked?”

  Cassie just screamed as Bailey pulled off her shorts and panties, rolled her onto her stomach and entered her vagina from behind. Cassie finally screamed worse than the hair event. Cassie’s screams turned to grunts and yelps as Bailey shredded her pussy to ribbons. After several minutes, she stopped and looked down. Her crotch and the dildo was covered in Cassie’s blood. Cassie’s lady parts were now nothing but shredded chunks of bloody flesh.

  She had stopped screaming a while ago though. Bailey slapped her across the face a few times, but she was fading fast. Either due to shock or blood loss. Maybe both. She grabbed the butcher knife and turned Cassie’s head to the side and began cutting. Blood gushed from her severed jugular vein as Cassie let out a final groan before going silent for good.

  It took a lot of cutting to get her head off. Bailey had to switch hands and massage her forearm to relieve the cramps. Finally, she got her head off and held it up, staring at Cassie’s lifeless eyes. She took the head and lowered it to her waist and began fucking the stump of the head with the dildo. She could hear the flesh and bone scraping and tearing as the blades went in and out.

  She thrust harder and harder, rotating the head on the dildo and moving it up and down. Eventually, Cassie’s eyeballs popped out of the head and dangled just below the eye sockets. Bailey tossed the head to the side and laughed as she looked around her house; the place was wrecked. Furniture was knocked over or utterly destroyed and there was blood everywhere. Looking down at herself, Bailey was covered in Cassie’s blood. She wasn’t going to waste her time cleaning up. She needed to get to Dallas. It was time to set the place on fire.

  Chapter 19

  Bailey was on the highway by the time her home exploded. As she left the place, she had set a small fire in the bedroom while leaving the gas on the stove. She had poured gasoline around the house and put Cassie’s body next to the stove in the kitchen. She kept the head, but tossed that into the river as she drove over the bridge. She had wrapped it in several plastic grocery bags weighed down with some rocks.

  Her hope was authorities would mistake Cassie’s headless and burned body for her own. If everyone thought she was dead, they couldn’t be out looking for her. After she was done in Dallas, well she hadn’t thought that far ahead. She even loaded her stuff up and took Cassie’s Honda CRV. Not near the room of the Tahoe, but leaving her car behind will help maintain her deception.

  Several hours later, she was back in Dallas. It was well into the afternoon. Just in time for her to swing by the elementary school. As she parked across the street, she pulled out the papers she had printed. Ezra’s daughter had a Facebook page. On that page she posted pictures of her only son, seven year old Kyle. Bailey watched as the first graders were all lining up outside waiting for some parents to pick them up. She couldn’t just walk up and grab him. She had to be more careful.

  She saw a young woman walking up as little Kyle ran over to her. She hugged the young boy as they got into their car and drove off. Bailey followed. Once they were a few blocks away, she pulled up next to them at a stop sign, on their passenger side. She stopped and jumped out of the CRV. This would have to be quick. No hesitation and no mistakes.

  Bailey unclipped the small window breaking tool from her keychain and walked toward the car on the rear passenger side. She pressed it as hard as she could in the center of the window until it exploded, showering glass into the car. The woman and little boy screamed as she unlocked the door and pulled it open. In the same motion she used the seatbelt cutter to cut him free and jerked him from the backseat and placed him in the CRV.

  Quickly, she hopped into the driver’s seat and took off, turning to her right. The boy’s mother was grabbing onto the door handle, screaming and banging on the window until she could no longer keep up. Once the woman was out of sight, Bailey took a series of turns until she was on the freeway. The little boy was crying in the backseat.

  “It’s ok Kyle. I’m a friend of your grandpa. Grandpa Ezra?”


  “Yes. Papa. We’re going to go see him.”

  “Why did you break my mom’s car?”

  “It’s supposed to be a surprise. I’m going to call him right now.”

  She took out her phone and called the number for his security company, which as far as she could tell was just him. Sure enough he answered on the third ring.

  “Hello Ezra. Remember me?”

  “Bailey,” he said.

  “Yep. You still looking for me?”


  “Well, before you look any further, someone wants to talk to you.” She reached back and handed the phone to the boy.

  “Papa!” The boy said into the phone. “Yeah, I’m ok. Your friend broke mommy’s window on the car. But she said I can see you later.”

  Bailey reached back and grabbed the phone.

  “You hear that Papa?”

  “What the fuck have you done?” For once the steely coldness was gone from his voice and replaced with pure rage and she was fairly certain, some fear as well.

  “Me and little Kyle are just on a drive. If you’d like to see him again in one piece, you’ll meet me. I’ll text you the directions.”

  “If you touch a hair on his head bitch, I swear to you…”

  “I don’t think you’re in the position to be making any threats, Papa. Might want to dial
the hostility down just a bit. Be there at eight o’clock and bring Lawrence. Or you start getting small packages in the mail.”

  She hung up and texted the address, which was an old industrial park she’d found in her Google searches. That was her next stop. There was an old meat packing plant in the park, it had been owned by Friedman Foods, but shut down years ago to move to a larger place. She went ahead and duct taped little Kyle up and sat him inside the plant while she set up.

  Tears ran down his face as he watched her setting up the tables. As she went through her bags, she realized there was no Wendigo mask. She’d left it in the storage unit. Fuck. How was she supposed to do this without the Wendigo? So far, it had been a symbol of her strength; no way she could go back and get it. Then again, she took care of Cassie without it. She was totally brutal with Cassie and completely on her own. Maybe she no longer needed the Wendigo. She had evolved. The Wendigo was now inside her. She was the embodiment of the Wendigo.

  Once it all was set up, she checked her phone; they’d be there in fifteen minutes. She guess she should have been nervous, but quite the opposite, she felt exhilarated. About forty-eight hours ago, Lawrence had her tied up and was torturing the fuck out of her. Well, he was trying to anyway.

  Now she has completely turned the tables on them. Once again, they under estimated her. Now they will pay dearly. She looked outside as headlights lit up the parking lot. A pickup truck was pulling in. Looking at her phone she saw they were right on schedule. It was show time.

  Chapter 20

  Bailey stood holding Kyle in front of her as Ezra and Lawrence pulled up. Lawrence wasn’t looking nearly as smug as the last time she’d seen him. He looked really concerned over Kyle. Good. Ezra looked as if he’d set her on fire with his mind if he could. They stood in front of the building glaring at her.

  “Well,” Ezra said. “Here we are. Let him go.”

  “Not so fast. Take your boss inside, and strap him to one of the tables,” Bailey said. Lawrence’s face turned pale as her eyes darted about the parking lot. This is why she picked this area. It was open enough she’d see if they brought someone else.

  “Are you out of your fucking mind? I’m not doing that,” Ezra said as he drew a gun. She held Kyle up directly in front of her, with the knife pressed to his throat.

  “I will cut his fucking head clean off. Throw the gun on the ground. Now!” She ordered.

  “Kill him and you’re fucking dead.”

  “So sure are you? I won’t just kill your precious grandson. I will gut him like a fucking pig right in front of you and bathe in his insides before you can shoot me. So drop it.”

  Ezra looked at Lawrence and tossed the gun to the ground.

  “You’re not going to do this are you?” Lawrence said.

  “I’m not losing my grandson for you,” Ezra said.

  “Ezra. She’s bluffing; she’s not going to hurt…” Before he could finish, Ezra punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. Lawrence looked up at him, terrified. For the first time he was on the receiving end of his own attack dog.

  “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be Lawrence. Just play along for now.”

  “She killed Gordon. She cut him to pieces. You don’t think she’ll do that to us?”

  “Too much talking!” Bailey yelled. Get going or I cut off a finger!”

  “You heard her. You lost your son. I’m not losing my grandson.” Ezra grabbed Lawrence by the jacket collar and walked him into the plant. Bailey walked behind holding Kyle close. They stopped before one of the tables.

  “Ok, strip.” Bailey said. “Everything. Get naked and lie on the table.”

  “Do what she says Lawrence. I doubt you want me to undress you,” Ezra said.

  Lawrence removed his jacket and tie, tossing them to the floor. He continued until he was completely naked. Bailey giggled at his tiny wiener poking out from the jungle of pubic hair around his crotch.

  “What’s so funny?” Lawrence asked. His whole body was white, pasty and looked as if he had been molded from cookie dough.

  “You’re needle-dick, it’s funny. Now get on the table. On your stomach.”

  “You’re not going to get away with this. I hope you know that.”

  “It doesn’t matter if I don’t. Nothing can change what is about to happen to you.”

  Lawrence looked away and lie onto the table. She wondered why he didn’t try to run. It was unlikely he cared as much about Kyle as Ezra did, but maybe he feared Ezra that much. Once lying flat, Ezra used the duct tape to restrain his arms and legs to the table ends. Once he was sufficiently taped, he turned and looked at Bailey.

  “Well? Happy?” He asked.

  “So far.”

  “Let my grandson go.”

  “Not yet.”

  “Look. I know you’re going to kill me. I really don’t give a shit. I want to make sure he’s safe.”

  She pointed to the other table in the room. This one had a set of handcuffs hooked around a post at the end. She’d picked them up at an Army/Navy store when she got into town.

  “Walk to that table and lie on your back. Then handcuff yourself to that post.”

  “Let him go first.”

  “Yeah let him go so you can bum rush me? I don’t think so.”

  “I’m not moving until you let him go. I know you won’t kill him with me standing right here.”

  In one smooth motion, she lifted the knife and cut Kyle’s ear off. The boy screamed and cried as his bloody ear fell to the ground. She picked it up and tossed it at Ezra who had started moving toward her. After a few steps, she put the knife to his throat.

  “I told you not to fuck with me,” she said.

  “Papa! Help me please!” Kyle cried.

  “It’ll be ok bubby, Papa won’t let her hurt you again.”

  “I’m not going to say it again, next time it will be his nose. Fucking lie down and cuff yourself.”

  Ezra walked to the table and lie on his back, and clicked the cuffs onto each of his wrists. Once he was secure, she moved the knife away from Kyle and walked over to him. Keeping her distance, she carefully checked the cuffs, making sure they were secure. They were on good and tight.

  “Now let him go. We had a deal,” Ezra said.

  “You’re right. We did have a deal.”

  She walked over to Kyle, knelt down and cut the tape lose. The little boy was still crying his hand went to his bloody ear.

  “I told you I’d let him go, he’s free to go,” Bailey said just before she grabbed the boy by the hair and ran the knife across his throat. The cut was so deep, the boy’s head almost rolled completely off his neck as blood sprayed from his throat. Ezra tried to sit up as he screamed.

  “Noooooo! Kyle! No!” He cried out as tears filled his eyes. She didn’t expect a guy like Ezra would cry, but she had found his soft spot. “You fucking cunt! You didn’t have to kill him! He had nothing to do with this shit! This was between us!”

  She let the boy’s body drop to the floor as blood continue to ooze from his partial stump. The boy’s head lying to the side facing the wrong direction.

  “You guys tried to kill me. You stood by watching with amusement while he fucking raped me with power tools and shit. Did you think I’d just lie there and let you kill me? Did you think I’d just run away and hide in fear from you assholes waiting on you to come after me? You thought wrong.”

  “You’re a psycho fucking bitch!” Lawrence screamed from the other table.

  “That’s right Lawrence. You thought what I did to your son was bad? What I did to Graves is fucking Candyland compared to the hell I’m about to unleash on you two. You two assholes fucked with the wrong girl. Now I’m about to make both of you my bitches.” She walked to the workbench and removed her clothes, folding each article of her clothing and putting them in one of her bags. Once her clothes were put away, she grabbed a cordless drill from the table and held it up. As she squeezed the trigger she watched the bit sp
in and looked at the two men on the tables. This was going to be fun.

  Chapter 21

  Lawrence was howling and screaming like a wild animal. On the floor next to his table was a pile of his own skin. Bailey walked up and down, looking him over. She was naked except for the blood that covered her. She’s pulled her hair back into a pony tail and had been slicing away at the back of his legs, his back and even removed huge chunks of skin from his ass.

  “You know Lawrence, I bet I could remove a bunch of your skin, and have enough to make another person.”

  He wasn’t even talking anymore. At some point his mind had gone. Lawrence had left the building. Next to him, Ezra lie on his table staring up at the ceiling. He hadn’t moved or flinched no matter what she’d done with Lawrence. No doubt, he knew what was in store for himself and had no desire to watch Lawrence go through it.

  She thought she had one way to snap Lawrence out of his trance. Heading to the table, she picked up her modified strap on with the knives still attached and wrapped it around her waist. With it secured in place she walked to Lawrence’s table and stood in front of him. Her plastic and steel erection inches from his face.

  “All right Lawrence,” she said. “You ready to get it on?”

  “No! Just kill me! No! Please!” He screamed. That woke him up. She walked around behind him and climbed on onto the table. Mounting herself behind him, he began fighting and struggling. This was the most he’d struggled through anything so far. Amazing how much a fight guys will put up when something is about to go up their ass.

  She leaned in and thrust the dildo into his ass, more blood gushed as he screamed again. Moving in and out, blood, flesh and tissue squished loudly as the blades shredded his anus. She reached up and grabbed his hair as she picked up her pace. He jerked and bucked, but was far too weak to have any effect. Bailey was in control now and there was no stopping her.

  After several more minutes she climbed off the table. Once off, she looked down and saw shredded chunks that looked like bloody ground beef where his asshole used to be. As she adjusted the strap on, Lawrence’s bowels let loose as shit piled onto the table. The stink was powerful and instant as Bailey cringed.


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