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The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

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by Natasha Davis

  The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

  Natasha Davis

  Copyright © 2010 Natasha Davis

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1456448021

  ISBN-13: 978-1456448028


  I dedicate this book to my entire family.





  The Night Life Part One



  The Night Life Part Two



  The Night Life Part Three



  I’d like to say thanks: To my mother, Shelia, she’s been a fantastic supporter and motivator. To my wonderful husband Dusty, for patiently listening to me rant constantly about my book. Let’s not forget my caring friends Jeannie and Angel, who has encouraged me to continue my writing, and just can’t wait for more, and last but not least, to all of my family and friends for just simply caring. Thanks to all.

   The Night Life Part One

  I lie here in bed next to Jess. I can’t help but think to myself, on how things might be if our parents were still alive. I do know we most defiantly wouldn’t be in a dark, musty, damp, nasty cave. Just thinking about this place makes me cringe.

  But, I do wonder if Jess would have still chosen me if his pickings weren’t so slim. Considering we’re the only living people amongst this place, I can see just why we’re so close. Knowing that someone else here could eat you at any moment is enough knowledge to keep your distance. I’ve never had the courage to ask him myself, who knows, maybe one day I will.

  I can’t remember much about my parents, except they were loving, caring and very supportive towards me. My parents didn’t have a lot to offer anyone, but they always done their best to make tourists feel welcome. If you were to ask me, I’d say that’s why, Jess and I are in the situation we’re in today. I wouldn’t quiet jump to conclusions, saying I entirely blame my parents. Who knows what you’d do until you’re in that particular situation. I do know it’s easier to remember the good memories I have than the bad ones, trust me. Plus, I could use all the good memories from the past, to make up for that one stinking nightmare, I always have.

  I wouldn’t say life here is entirely miserable. They did at least make a little bedroom for us, in one of the darkest corner in the cave. Jess and I share a queen size bed, a tall dresser, and a bucket for a commode. We even have a small water hole to bathe in, and a divider screen that blocks the water hole and commode just in case someone comes in our area. I had to fuss with Kim and Davie to get that, once I hit my teen years.

  Jess and I may share many things in life, but one thing I want to clarify, we do not share parents. No. No. No. Nope, no incest’s going on here! Jess’s parents, Lauren and Ross Stone, and my parents Patty and Nick Withington all grew up together, went to school together, got married, had babies, and even lived together. The economy was really tough back then, it still is, but everyone manages. I like to think because they were so close, that Jess and I would’ve ended up together no matter what. I guess you could call it fate.

  Tired of all this thinking, I finally decide to curl up against Jess and subdue to unconsciousness.

  Mommy, Daddy what’s happening? My dad came running over to me tugging Jess by the hand. You two need to get in the corner and close your eyes. Now! Why do we have to get in the corner, daddy? We don’t have much time; just do what I tell you! The door swung open with a bang and ten men came barging into the front room. They all were wearing black attire with a bow and arrows strapped to their backs. My father and Ross-Jess’s father were yelling at them, telling them to leave, but the men didn’t budge. They were angry.

  “Where are they?” the men kept yelling, “I know you have them.”

  Kim and Davie came running in through the back door. They came over and stood in front of Jess and me. One of the men stepped forward, “I knew you’d come sooner or later, better that it’s now rather than later.”

  Davie let out a growl, “you leave these kind people alone, they know nothing about us.” The man started laughing, “you see we have a hard time believing you, because we’ve seen it with our own eyes.”

  “You’ve seen nothing,” Davie said. “Well either way, enough of this, off with their heads, stake’em in the chest,” the man yelled.

  I was too afraid to close my eyes. I saw momma and daddy rustling with two men. One man had Ross pinned to the floor, hovering a wooden stake over his chest. Lauren was trying to get to him shrieking, “No. Don’t do it!”, while a man held her back. Kim and Davie already broke two men's neck and was working on two more. Then it felt like time had stood still. A man rammed a stake through Ross’s chest, and everyone stopped to look at him. My heart racing, everyone caught off guard, I screamed and Jess held me tighter so I couldn’t get free. “Momma, Daddy” I screamed, their bodies hit the floor, eyes wide open and their bodies motionless.

  I finally broke from the nightmare gasping for air, face clammy with sweat, and tears streaming down my face. Jess wakes up startled, “Ava what’s wrong, is everything okay?”

  I couldn’t quiet answer him, I was only able to nod and continue to concentrate on my breathing, “it was just a dream. I mean the nightmare that I always have Jess, I think something bad is going to happen soon, that’s the only time I have this nightmare.”

  Jess wrapped his arms around me and pet my hair to try and soothe me, “it’s going to be okay Ava; we have each other. At least that much will get us through this. So, don’t worry okay?”

  “That’s easier said than done Jess. We both know the drawings coming up, and this year our names will be entered along with the others.”

  I just can’t stand the thought of loosing Jess. He’s the closest thing to family that I have. I’ve known him my entire life; I’d be lost without him.

  The only thing I have from the past- aside from Jess, is a letter my parents written, before I witnessed their deaths. I always carry it with me. At times my right jean pocket feels so heavy. But, I still can’t bare to let it go. The letter is badly creased from being folded for so many years. Some of the creases have holes forming, but I’ll never forget their last words to me. Maybe, one day I’ll remember to buy some tape to fix it.

  I always take the letter out of my pocket and read it when I have the nightmare. I do it so I won’t forget how dear they were and still am to me.

  The letter says:

  Dear Ava,

  Please remember how we loved you so. We’ve always tried to provide the best for you. But if you’re reading this, then you know we’ve failed. Kim and Davie will protect and provide for you now. We know when the time comes; you’ll too be forced with a tough decision. Just remember who you are, what we’ve taught you, and just do what’s best for you. Tell Jess we love him. Ava you’ll always be in our hearts. We love you so much. Please be strong.


  Mom & Dad

  When I finished reading the letter I put it back in my pocket and turned to face Jess. He was smiling at me knowing what I was going to say.

  “Mom and Dad say they love you.”

  With a smile he says, “I know and I love them too.”

  I can tell by looking in his eyes he’s worried, but like my parents said, “please be strong”, continued to flow over and over in my head. I nodded to myself and leaned over across the queen sized bed to kiss Jess on the cheek. After a pause, I said, “I love you.”

  Jess kissed me on the cheek and said, “I love you more.”

  This made me shiver all over, the man has no idea, I thought to myself.

   2
  Kim and Davie came walking in our room “we don’t mean to interrupt you two love birds, but its eating time. And when we finish, Davie and I need to have a long talk with you, it’s very important. We’ll see you in the meeting room in ten minutes.”

  Jess and I looked at each other a little curious, but we just shrugged it off. Because, who knows with them two. I turned on the battery operated lantern so we can see to get dressed. The others don’t need any light but we do. Our vision is stronger than humans but not as good as vampires eyesight’s either.

  After Jess and I cleaned up and got dressed, we headed to the meeting area taking our lantern with us. If we hadn’t lived here for years, even we would’ve gotten lost. To me every crook and cranny looks the same. Slag tights; hang from the ceilings, where water drops down from them forming pools of water over the clay dirt in various areas throughout the cave. There are also slag mights, which grows up from the cave’s floor in the shapes of sharp spikes. So, Jess and I always have to be very careful when walking around. Jess always helps me find our way through the cave.

  There aren’t many people in the meeting area. Its night time and everyone’s headed out to catch some prey. But, Kim and Davie are standing there waiting on us. “We got you some food; it’s over in the cooler. While you two fuel up, Davie and I will go and do the same. We’re not going to venture to far off so; Ava if danger approaches just let us know.”

  I looked at Kim and Davie a little confused, “How can I let you know?”

  Davie smiled at me in a way that made me shiver, “sometimes Ava when you’re scared, we can hear your thoughts, but we’ll explain it all to you when we get back.”

  All I could do is nod. I really can’t make heads or tails from our conversation, but the echoing growl from my stomach broke my concentration. So, I decided to join Jess by the cooler for a dinner picnic.

  I sat down next to Jess to make my usual peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk. Jess is eating a ham sandwich with a bottle of cold water. We don’t have a whole lot to say. We are just content with filling our stomachs. Plus, no matter how many questions we asked one another we’ll still be confused with what Kim and Davie were talking about.

  While finishing our meals, Misty comes over and sits down next to me. “So, Ava-Jess has Kim and Davie talked to you guys yet?”

  I hurriedly swallowed my mouthful of food to answer her, “No not yet. We’re waiting for them to come back.”

  “Oh, that’s too bad. I had something I wanted to say, but it’ll just have to wait. I’ll talk to you later then,” Misty said.

  “Okay… Yeah, we’ll talk later. I guess.”

  I looked at Jess and fumbled for the words to say, “What do you think that’s about?”

  He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders “Who knows, we’ll have some answers soon, hopefully very soon.”

  I finally, finished my sandwich and decided to step out for a moment. I stand up and dust the seat of my pants off, “Jess, I’m going outside for a moment would you like to join me?”

  “Yes. Sure. Just for a minute though, we can’t go to far Kim and Davie should be back soon.”

  “Okay,” I grab Jess’s hand and lead him to the cave’s main entrance, but once we got there Kim and Davie came walking around the corner.

  “Where do you two think you’re going?” Davie said.

  “Ava and I were just going to get some fresh air. That’s all.” Jess said.

  Kim smiled, “We’ll perhaps some other time, we have much to discuss.”

  I nodded at them both, “Okay, let’s get this over with.”

  “You act like this is a life sentence, it’s not. Just relax guys.” Kim said with a smirk.

  I really don’t see the humor in what she said, but these days there’s a lot I don’t see, mainly because I can’t.

  “We have a lot of stuff to discuss with you two. And some of it, you will not want to hear, but you must listen-so just hear us out, okay?” Kim said.

  “Okay, we’ll listen, but can we go to our room and discuss this; I want to be comfortable at least?”

  Davie looked at me and nodded his head. Kim led the way to our room. Jess and I sat on the bed, while Kim and Davie stood beside it. Vampires didn’t feel the need to sit like we do.

  “Are you guys comfortable?” Kim asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  Jess nodded, “let’s get on with it.”

  “Alright, I’m going to start from the beginning,” Kim said.

  Jess and I looked at each other and nodded, in understanding what she meant by the beginning.

  “Davie and I were told about a great alchemist who experimented with black magic. But, this alchemist lived in a small county called Deerneck.”

  I gasped, because Deerneck is where Jess and I are from. “I’m sorry Kim, please continue.”

  “But when we got to Deerneck, we were surprised, because there were others like us that lived there as well. Davie and I were running through the woods, when we came upon a small cabin. There were two women, two men, and a small boy and girl playing outside in the yard. At first, we thought the little girl and boy was in danger, but after a few moments of watching them enjoy life, we knew other wise. So, Davie and I walked out of the woods and yelled, “Hey there”, to the two families. The two men came over and introduced themselves as Ross and Nick. They both asked if they could help us. I told them that we were just so happy to find other’s like us. And that we were looking for the alchemist Damon.

  Ross asked me, why we were looking for him. I told him the truth. That we were told he was the best in black magic. That our kind was looking for a cure against the sun and Davie and I were hoping that Dalton could come up with a potion for us to drink that would cure us. Ross told me that Dalton is his father and he would take us there the next night. In the meantime, we stayed in the cabin with all of you.

  It took your parents a while before they realized that Davie and I could be trusted. Your parents’ had dealt with a lot of danger before you two, were brought into the world. The cabin was the first place in years where they’ve gotten any peace. They told us we had to be cautious, because a team of vampire hunters always tracked them down. But, they had decided running was no longer an option, especially with you kids.

  Their main concern was to keep you guys safe. We were informed that they would help us. But, if something were to go wrong, we’d have to take you two to a safe place. Your mother, Lauren told me about this cave, Jess. She said this is where your grandfather Dalton, the alchemist, used to stay and practice his magic in his younger days. She told us that Dalton put a protective barrier around the cave so no one could bother him while he was practicing. Davie and I reassured them that if worst came to worst; we’d protect and provide for you both.

  Patty also informed us, that you Ava are very special. That you’re a one of a kind and one day you’ll need some strong guidance. See Ava, your parents weren’t human. No. They were vampires like Davie and I.”

  “No they weren’t, you’re lying. I’ve heard enough of this crap. You just stop spreading lies about my family.”

  “I’m not lying about anything, Ava. I told you-you wouldn’t like what I had to say. That we just needed you to hear us out and you agreed,” Kim said.

  “Ava we have a lot more to say and you’ll listen even if we have to hold you down. Now, which will it be?” Davie said.

  I let out a breath of air, “I guess I have no choice…. Go on.”

  “Thank you”, Kim and Davie said.

  “Ava, your father was a vampire for centuries. He met your mother and fell in love. And over time Patty learned about Nick’s ways. She said, she was skeptical at first, but had learned that Nick wouldn’t harm her in any way. But, eventually she became pregnant with you. They were very scared because no one has experienced that before, so they didn’t know what to expect. But, you grew very fast while your mother carried you. And after four months you were born. But, if it weren�
��t for Nick turning your mother into a vampire then she would have died. There were some complications while having you, Ava.

  So you see, Ava you’re very special. You’re a half-breed. What I mean is your half vampire and half human. You can survive off of human food, unlike us. Davie and I have kept you away from blood in all accounts, because we felt you weren’t quiet ready for that.

  Davie and I are very aware that since, Jess and you’ve both been bitten over the years- your human senses have intensified immensely. And being bitten has put you both in a stable position, if you were to decide to finish the process and become like us.

  Jess you two come from a family with quiet an impressive back ground as well. Black magic is a strong power to have on your side- when needed. I know you’ve met your cousin Damon- the alchemist who comes to visit from time to time. He’s your grandfather’s assistant, because Dalton isn’t able to travel such the distance to get here. He’s gotten up there in age. So you see, you both come from families with such extraordinary backgrounds. We know this is a lot of information to take in at once, but if you have any questions, now would be a good time to ask them.”

  I was so confused and stunned by the time Kim finished the story. At that moment I really didn’t know how I felt. “Kim, Davie- What did you mean earlier when you said you can hear my thoughts, when I’m scared?”

  “Well I’m glad you remembered that Ava,” Davie said.

  “The first time we heard your inner voice it frightened us because, we weren’t quiet prepared for such powers. That and we really thought something was wrong. When we first brought you here you were only seven. Being in a new place and around new people frightened you. And let’s not forget Misty wasn’t making matters any better for you. She was terrorizing you and you became so scared, that’s when we heard your inner voice shout, “leave me alone. Stop that. Davie. Kim. Please help me.” That’s when we knew you had unnatural powers,” Kim finished.


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