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The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

Page 8

by Natasha Davis

  “Let go Ava, if he catches you and latches onto your mind, he’ll have full control over you. Let it go, now!”

  “I can’t, it mesmerizing, I just want to see more.”

  “Don’t Ava, he’ll hurt you.”

  “No he won’t, he’ll protect me and keep me safe, he says so.”

  “Damn its too late, he’s latched onto her. Someone go get Jess, maybe he can pull her out of it.”

  Misty went and got Jess, he came running into the meeting room like I was on fire. Jess placed one hand on each side of my shoulder and started shaking me.

  “Ava, snap out of it. I can’t lose you. Stop it, do you hear me?”

  Then Jess kissed me and my mind started reeling in. Now all I can see is Jess’s thoughts. We’ve never shared this type of intimacy before, I can see into his soul. I see how beautiful he truly is, and the way he sees me. I remind him of a guardian angel, here to protect him. Not only can I see his thoughts, he can see mine as well. We’re both exposed to one another, but one part of his mind is blocked.

  “Jess, what are you hiding?”

  “Nothing, stay away from there, it’s not for you to see.”

  “Jess we’re soul mates, it is for me to see. We’re meant for one another, you can tell me anything.”

  “Not this Ava. I can’t tell you, you’ll hate me for it.”

  “No I won’t Jess, you know I love you, and that’s for better or worse. We both know that there are things, I’m not proud of. You can tell me Jess, I won’t judge you.”

  Jess’s wall came down in his mind to let me see, and without thinking I pulled away from him in shock. Jess killed someone on his first hunt, a man was wondering around in the woods hunting. Jess looked so ashamed; he held his head down to the cave’s floor and said “See I told you, you would hate me.”

  “Jess I don’t hate you. I’m just shocked by it, that’s all.”

  “So you don’t think I’m a monster?”

  “Jess don’t you think that it would be hypocritical of me to call you a monster, after all of the things I’ve done since the transformation, that includes hurting you, the one person that I love more than anything in the world.”

  Jess didn’t say anything more, he knew that I understood. I could tell that the burden wasn’t quite lifted from his shoulders. I wonder if there’s more in his mind that I didn’t see. We’ve never experienced being connected like that before. Being able to see each others every thought, every fear and etc. Words can’t quite explain how wonderful it felt, being that close to Jess is amazing.

  “What are you two talking about?” Davie asked.

  “Oh, it’s nothing. No need to worry.”

  “Ava, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what just happened.”

  “Okay. Okay. Jess and I were able to read each others mind. Well it was more than that really. I saw into his soul and it was beautiful.”

  Everyone looked at each other with a worried expression on their faces.

  “What’s so weird about that Davie?”

  “I don’t know really, I’ve never heard of anyone being able to see that far into someone else’s mind. Are you sure you saw his soul Ava?”

  “Yes Davie I’m sure, why?”

  “How are you sure?”

  “We were able to communicate back and forth to one another, and I saw his beauty for itself. His soul is bright and it has innocence to it. It was like a reflection of the person he is. That’s how I know it was his soul and not how he felt.”

  Davie was pacing now and pinching his forehead like he has a terrible headache that he just couldn’t shake off.

  “What is it Davie? I really don’t see the need in worrying, it’s not like we hurt each other by it, and it just made us a little closer. I really don’t see the need in worrying about it, what’s done is done.”

  “I’m not worried Ava, I’m confused. You and Jess are experiencing things that have never been done before. If I’m worried about anything, it’s the fact that I don’t know how to help you, or anyone else that can.”

  “Well I guess Jess and I just have to wing it. Figure out things for ourselves and wish for the best.”

  “Well I guess you’ll have to. I’m afraid our time is up. I was hoping we would be able to teach you more in our last days alive, but as we all know it, tomorrow Kim and I will meet the sun.”

  “It’s time already; I thought we had at least a few more days.”

  “I’m afraid time moves much faster than we expect. So, I suggest we all get some rest. Tomorrow will be an exhausting day for all of us.”

  “Can’t we just stay up a while longer? Spend a few more hours together.”

  Kim walked over to me and put her hands on each side of my face and looked me in the eyes, “Ava sweetheart please don’t make this any harder than it already is. You know that we love you both dearly, but the time has come for us to say our goodbyes. I want you to know, that no matter what happens tomorrow, I’m very proud of you. I truly hate the fact that I will not get to see what you become. I can sense the power in you already. You’re such a beautiful young woman, and I will always love you.”

  “Oh Kim, this is too hard,” I wrapped my arms around her neck and started bawling. I’ve never had the chance to say goodbye before, but now having the chance is very hard.

  “I love you too Kim and I will miss you dearly. If I’ve never said it before, then I will say it now, you’ve been such a great person to me. You and Davie have both provided and protected us over the years, and for that I’m very grateful. To be honest I’m scared, we’ve never been alone.”

  “I know sweetheart, but you won’t be alone. You and Jess will have Misty, Edwin, John and old man Peters to protect you. You should know that they will not let anyone bother you.”

  “I know, but it’s not you and Davie. I don’t want you to go.”

  “I know you don’t, and I don’t want to leave you, but the time has come. We have known that it was coming for two weeks now. So, give me a hug and go crawl in bed. We will see you in the morning.”

  I hugged Kim once more and kissed her on the cheeks, and then I walked over to Davie and hugged him.

  “I love you Davie, I will miss you both very much. You both have been great guardians for me and for that I want to say thank you.”

  “I love you too Ava, you don’t have to thank me. I’ve enjoyed watching you two grow up over the years. You have made me very proud, now go get in bed,” Davie kissed me on the forehead and turned to say his goodbyes to Jess.

  I didn’t stay to hear what they had to say to one another, I went on to our room to wait for Jess. I was still crying, this is a very harsh situation, that one, we can’t get them out of and two they’ll more likely not be a good ending. Not every story has a happy ending.

  Jess joined me shortly after I had crawled into bed. I could tell that he was upset as well.

  “Jess, are you okay?”

  “I’ll be fine Ava, I think we should get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be an exhausting day, like Davie said.”

  “Okay, goodnight Jess, I love you.”

  “I love you too Ava.”

  I scooted across the bed to where Jess was and snuggled up to his side. Jess put his arm around me tightly and we both fell swiftly to sleep.

   12

  I wake up to find once again, Jess has left my side. There’s a light warm breeze blowing through the cave, with a sweet sun kissed smell enveloping me. That’s when I realized that today is the day. Kim and Davie will meet the sun at any minute, and no one was going to bother to wake me up, so I could see them one last time. I jump up out of bed quickly and with my vampire speed zip through the cave like I’ve done it a thousand times before, but before I realized it I was already at the meeting area and I couldn’t stop, I run into Misty whom surprisingly is standing far away from the entrance.

  Misty stumbles off balance, “Hey, watch where you’re going.”

  “I’m sorry Misty. I di
dn’t expect you to be standing so far out from the meeting room.”

  “Well what did you expect to find me standing directly in the sunlight? We all are staying our distance, so that we don’t get burned.”

  “Oh, okay, that makes more sense, so what’s going on now?”

  “Damon is about to start his chant, he does it before the chosen vampires walk out into the sun. We’ve never really understood what he’s been chanting, but we’ve been told not to question his powers either.”

  “Okay, where are Kim, Davie and Jess?”

  “Kim and Davie are standing to the left of Damon, and Jess is standing to the right of him in the shadows. I don’t know why, but he was there when the other’s and I came to join the ceremony.”

  “Okay, thanks Misty, I’m going to go join Jess and see what he’s doing.”

  Misty just nodded at me, I wouldn’t quite say we’re the best of friends, but we have come a long way since, I’ve transformed into my vampire side.

  I started walking towards Jess slowly, hovering against the side of the cave, with my right hand pressed against the wall for guidance. It’s not like I can’t see my way, but I can feel my strength draining out of me from the sun’s powers. At least that’s what it feels like. Plus, there’s only a small shadow of darkness now that protects me from being burned. So, I have to be very careful.

  I finally made it to Jess; I pressed my free hand against his arm. “Jess, why are you over here in the corner all by yourself? Why don’t we go stand with the others?”

  “I came to support Kim and Davie, and I really want to hear what Damon is chanting. I can feel his words vibrating through out my entire body. So, just please stand here with me, for support.”

  “Okay, anything for you.”

  I stood next to him, wondering what he was going through, and what Kim and Davie must be feeling at this point. That just depressed me more; I can feel the eeriness through the air, its very nerve racking, and unpleasant. I wish I could make everything better, but today is the day, that I more likely will lose more people that are important to me. Unfortunately, this made me focus more on the task at hand. I can sense that something is about to go wrong, but from what, I don’t know. Damon is still chanting, what-who knows. Kim and Davie are still standing to the left of Damon holding each other earnestly. Jess and I are standing to the right of Damon, and the others are still hidden in the shadows; I can see them all too well. So, if no one here holds a threat, than who does?

  “Jess, something doesn’t feel right. I sense a threat, but I don’t know where it’s coming from.”

  “Oh Ava, everything’s okay, it’s just all of the tension floating through the air. Don’t worry.”

  “No Jess, it’s not that. I felt that earlier, and I’ve gotten use to it. This is something else, this I felt before when the man came out of the woods to attack you.”

  “Are you feeling okay?”

  “I can feel my powers strengthening. It’s like my body is telling me that we’re in danger. Jess, you may want to get behind me, just in case.”

  Jess snarled and turned his head towards the cave’s entrance.

  “What is it Jess?”

  “I can hear them coming. Everyone on alert, danger is approaching,” Jess yelled.

  Damon stopped chanting as he heard Jess’s demand, and everyone in the cave tightened up and crouched over in an attack stance. That’s when five men came into the cave. Not just men, vampires. That can’t be. No vampire can walk into the sunlight. Not that we know of, this confused us all. We didn’t know how to defend ourselves, not against this. If we walk into the sunlight we will die, but if we let the intruder’s follow through, they will kill us.

  “Jess, don’t go towards them. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Jess just hissed in response. He knew what I was talking about, and so did everyone else. I could feel my body changing in response. My powers were enveloping inside me, ready to escape. I can feel by body tingle all over, my eyes brighten with power, and my hair even changed from blonde to black. That’s new, I thought to myself.

  Jess turned his head towards me, and I could tell by his facial expression, he was surprised at my new change, as was everyone else. I could hear one of the intruders say “watch out, she’s already changing.” They were walking over to Jess and me.

  Davie said, “Leave them alone.” He started charging towards them with Kim at his side. The men shoved, Kim and Davie out into the sunlight. Kim and Davie started screaming in agony. Their bodies started sizzling and smoking from the burns. The smell was putrid, charred flesh is what it was. I glanced in their direction and screamed out in pain for them. I saw their bodies crumbling into ash and falling to the ground into nothingness.

  The men turned their attention back towards Jess and me; they held this wicked expression on their faces. I held up my hands toward them and screamed out in madness. The power started rising out from my palms. Then unexpectedly a man came up from behind me and slapped a metal collar around my neck, and my powers drained out of me. I was unable to defend us any longer, even if I wanted to. I was too weak to stand back up on my own two feet, let alone fight them to the death, because, I know that’s what it will take to end this.

  I felt two hands grab me around my wrists, forcing me to stand up. Once the man made me stand up, he threw me over his shoulders.

  “Let her go now,” Jess demanded.

  The man turned around away from Jess, I could see him fighting against the others trying to get to me.

  “Don’t hurt him. Please!”

  “We don’t intend on hurting him, Ava. We just need to get you back to Deerneck where it’s safe.”

  “I don’t want to go with you, put me down now.”

  “You may not want to go with us, but as you can see, you do not have a choice. Your parents are waiting for us.”

  “Who are you?”

  “You know who I am.”

  The man started walking out of the cave; I stretched my hands out towards Jess. “Jess, I love you.” Before, I could say anything more, we were outside of the cave and he was running with me strapped across his shoulder.

  “Why did you have to kill them? They were just trying to protect me.”

  “I know you have a lot of questions Ava, but I’m going to leave that for your parents to explain to you. So, please stay quite, we’ll be there shortly.”

  The trip was a long adventure. I fell asleep along the way. The man refused to remove the metal collar, and I was too weak to fight him. I figured if he was going to kill me he would have done so already. He refused to answer anymore questions I have, so the only other option was to sleep. So that’s what I did.

   13

  When I woke up, I was lying in a nice comfortable bed. The room was bright with sunshine. I could smell candles lit about the room, spreading its warm lavender essence all around me. I was comforted with a white and yellow flowered bed spread. Yellow thin curtains hang in the window, providing privacy. The bed, walls and furniture provided a light oak finish to the surroundings. If my memory serves me correctly, I’m in my old bedroom. Except now, I have a much bigger bed. I could hear voices traveling down the hall to where I lay. I felt of my neck to find that the metal collar had been removed.

  I try to swallow, but my mouth is parched with dryness. My stomach growls with hunger, and the need to pee is desperate. I pull the covers off of me and sit up. My head is a little dizzy from the quick movement. So, I take a moment to let everything settle back to normal. I push my self off of the bed slowly and walk towards the bedroom door. Once I get to the door and open it, I find a man standing on the other side, I gasped at him.

  “Who are you? Why are you standing at my bedroom door?”

  “I’m your cousin, Alex. Your mother asked me to keep an eye on you, to make sure that no one bothers you.”

  “Well okay Alex, could you please tell me where the bathroom is, I need to go desperately.”

  Alex smiled
wide at me and pointed down the hall, “Third door down on the left. I’m surprised that you’re not trying to run away.”

  “Thanks, and what good would running do me. I’m sure this whole place is guarded.”

  Alex just nodded his head, he didn’t say anything more. I finally made it to the third door and rushed in. I needed to go badly. I had wished that once I became a vampire I wouldn’t need to do this any longer, but what do I know. Kim and Davie hadn’t been able to help me with my new powers.

  Once I used the facilities and washed up. It occurred to me, that I don’t sense any danger and this worries me. Could my so called grandfather be telling the truth? Are my parents really alive? And if so, then why hadn’t they come for me sooner. All of this thinking is making me angry. I looked in the oval shaped mirror after I had splashed my face with water and dried off, and my face is lighter in color, my hair had changed a light black and my eyes, how weird. They have a bright glow, with a slight redness to them. So, this is what Jess sees when I get angry. I take a couple of breaths to calm myself down, and it worked everything turned back to normal. I shook my head in disbelief. This can’t be happening. Not long ago I was just a teenage girl, living in a cave without anyone to call family other than Jess. Which reminds me where is he? I hope he’s okay.

  Enough, I thought. It’s time for some long overdue answers. I think its time my, “family” gives them to me. I opened the bathroom door to find Alex once again guarding it.

  “You, know this isn’t really necessary.”

  “Yes it is. I was given orders and I must follow them. Shall we go see your parents now?”

  “If you don’t mind I would like something to drink. My mouth is so dry it feels like sand paper. Then we can go to my… parents.”

  “Okay right this way,” and he slipped his arm through mine.

  I really didn’t think this was necessary, a guard and escort. I guess Alex finds it to be necessary. Like he said, he’s just following orders. And until I really get a handle on things, I’m going to behave. I’ve yearned for my parents to be alive for so long, and now I may get my wish, but all in all it still hurts. I have so many questions, and I don’t even know where to begin.


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