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The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

Page 10

by Natasha Davis

  I’m not one to ponder much on the things that can’t be answered, or at least not right now. Right now I just want to take in the night life and freedom that I have, while it last. This is the first time I’ve been out and about all by myself, and if Misty’s right then it’ll probably be my last, because once I get to Deerneck then there’s no turning back. And I’m not going to leave my Ava there, not if I have anything to say about it.

  I continue to walk through the eerie lurking woods, pacing myself so that I don’t get exhausted quickly. Even though I’m anxious to get to Ava, I don’t want to be too tired to defend us once I get there.

  While walking quietly, I hear footsteps approaching me. I can hear the leaves and branches snapping ever so easily, underneath the not so graceful feet. Whoever it is doesn’t care about being found. I decided to jump up into the nearest tree to catch whoever’s trailing me, so for now I’ll wait, and spread my legs against two tree branches. The stalker finally approaches me and looses my scent. I can tell from the scent of the person it is a female. She has paused beneath me searching for her next move, but before she gets too far, I leaped out on top of her and pinned her down to the ground.

  “Let go of me, now!” She shrieked.

  “Who are you? And why are you following me?” I demanded.

  “Jess, is that you?” She asked hesitantly.

  “That depends, whose asking?”

  “It’s me, Misty. Let me go, I’ve come to help you.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I couldn’t tell who you were. What made you change your mind?”

  “I felt bad for leaving you all alone. What were you doing in the tree?”

  “I heard you following me, and I stopped to find out who it was and what they wanted, but it turned out to be you. Sorry, had I known it was you; I wouldn’t have jumped out of the tree on top of you, and by the way what in the world are you wearing?”

  “It’s called a cloak. Most vampires who are yet immune to the sun have to wear them for protection. I even brought you one.”

  “Thanks Misty. You’re a life saver. I was wondering earlier, about what to do tomorrow when the sun comes out is there anything I should be worried about?”

  “Well nothing that we hadn’t already warned you about. Jess, I will only help you get to the towns perimeter, and then I’m out, but please keep in mind that the town is heavily guarded by our kind. Those who enter are already well known, even before they know they are. No one goes in without being noticed, so please try to stay safe.”

  “Well I can’t quite make any promises that I can’t keep, but I will try, and I want you to know that I thank you for this. It would have taken me days, possibly weeks, to find the town on my own, but with your help I should get there in no time.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure of yourself; there are spells against the town that keeps those who are unwanted out, so we may have some problems finding it.”

  “Why do you say that? We shouldn’t be unwanted. We are no different than those who guard the town.”

  “Oh, but that is where you’re wrong. We are different. The ones that have been chosen to guard the town are dedicated in protecting those who live within the perimeter. Considering how we want to take those who live within it out, and especially the daughter of the town’s founder, you can bet we’ll have some major problems.”

  “What do you mean the founder’s daughter?”

  “Ava is Patty and Nick’s daughter. They are the founders of the town, Jess, and getting her out isn’t going to be easy. That is if she decides to even leave.”

  “You mean their alive?”

  “Yes. Alive and well I’m afraid.”

  “Are my parents alive?”

  “Your mother is alive, but I’m afraid that I can’t say the same for your father. He was such a great man, but he wasn’t willing to participate in the town’s creation, so they had him killed.”

  “Who had him killed?”

  “Patty and Nick had him killed. See Jess it was all a ploy to get the enemies out of the way. The enemies being Kim and Davie, that’s why we were hired for Ava and your protection. That and the fact that they thought you two were much too young to understand.”

  “Man, this keeps getting screwier and screwier each and everyday.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it.”


  I rubbed my aching head, trying to absorb all the screwed up information that Misty just gave me. Whether or not I’m in denial, I just find it hard to believe that it was all a ploy to lead the enemies out. Why do that? Why not kill the enemies’ themselves. I’m sure they had many more people that would’ve helped them with the execution. No, I just think that “someone” such as Patty, is very power hungry and didn’t want to take the responsibility in raising her own child. So off, Jess and Ava goes to live the rest of their childhood years cooped up in a nasty, stinking cave. Well I guess I should think of it the way Ava would have, don’t judge those you don’t understand.

  “Well Misty, I guess we better get going, if we’re ever going.”

  “Yeah, I agree we should get moving. We really shouldn’t stay in one place for too long.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, I’m sure that Patty has heard about you getting away. And if she has, then I’m sure she has sent others to track you down.”

  “What do you mean track me down?”

  “Well, I don’t know why she wants you tracked down. I’ve just heard that she’s ordered your death, and no one really knows why.”

  “Oh, brother this is going to be one tough adventure.”

  “Yes it is, just watch your back at all times, Jess.”

  “You got it. Oh, one more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “If she wants me dead, then how am I going to get into the town without being recognized? I’m sure if she wants me killed then she has told the others to watch out for me.”

  “Yeah, that’s the problem. See Jess, for many years while you and Ava were little, Patty has thought over and over about what she’s wanted. And she wants power. So she has developed this town, that’s made for the unnatural all alone. Sure there are some humans there, but they’re only a resource for food. Maybe that’s why she sent you two away. Maybe, she just didn’t want you to get hurt in the process.”

  “Yeah maybe, but if that was so, then why does she want me dead now?”

  “Well that I can’t really answer. Maybe, something drastic has changed that no one else knows about. Maybe she sees you as a threat to Ava.”

  “What do you mean a threat?”

  “I’m not talking about threat in the sense that you’re thinking. I’m talking about the long turn threat. Maybe she knows how much you two love one another, and she thinks that your devotional love will interfere with whatever plans she has for Ava.”

  “I don’t really know about that Misty. Wouldn’t you think that if your daughter was happy that nothing else really matters?”

  “A normal mother would think that yes, but Patty isn’t a normal mother. She only has one thing in mind and she’ll stop at nothing to get it.”

  “What does Nick have to say about it?”

  “Not much really, as long as Patty is happy then he’s happy. Granted he didn’t really want to send you all away either, but there wasn’t much for him to do or say about that. And now if he was to cross her, then she would probably have him killed as well.”

  “Do you think Ava knows what’s going on?”

  “Probably not, and that will be the way Patty wants it to be. I’m sure Patty knows that if Ava really knew the truth, she wouldn’t have any part in it at all.”

  “Why would Patty want to do this to her own daughter?”

  “I don’t know, and I’m sure that in Patty’s twisted mind, everything seems alright by it. She has used people for so long, I’m sure she doesn’t know any difference now.”

  “Are there any good people left in the town?”

bly not, and if they were, I’m sure they won’t go out of their way to interfere. Patty’s got everyone so frightened they will not go against her, so they continue to live their lives like nothings happened.”

  “When did this get so out of control?”

  “About the time she sent you guys away. We had some friends that were watching our backs. They would tell us what was going on, but as you can see, they got to them as well.”

  “Are you talking about that Trevor guy?”

  “Yes, but I also could tell that’s why he came to Davie. He didn’t want to live like that, so he came to us knowing that he would be killed if the truth came out.”

  “And you say Davie and Kim didn’t know?”

  “No, they didn’t know what was going on any more than the others. They thought that they were protecting you from the vampire hunters. At first they came to our town seeking a cure for the potion. That part of the story is true, but then they saw you two (Ava and Jess) playing in the yard and thought you were in danger. So they notified the authorities, being the “vampire hunters”, but after it was too late they realized that you and Ava weren’t in any danger. Your father really did die, and Ava’s parents suffered some really bad injuries themselves, but your grandfather was able to help them get better. Not long after that we were hired to come here and protect you both. We had to give weekly reports about your well being, so Kim and Davie really thought your parents had died. And your parents really thought Kim and Davie had deceived them. Well in all reality they really did, none of this would have happened if they’d minded their own business.”

  “I see.”

  “I know this is a lot for you to take in Jess, but please know that your parents loved you deeply, and look on the bright side, your mother’s still alive. And if anything when we get to the town, you can ask for her. Tell the guards you’re here to visit with your mother. You hadn’t seen her for ten years, and you think now is a good time to make up.”

  “If you think it’ll work, then I’ll give it a try.”

  “Well it couldn’t hurt. I think asking for your mother will be a lot better than asking for Ava. Don’t you?”

  “Well yes, you do make a good point.”

  “I most certainly do, so now let’s get moving, before we’re hunted down and killed.”

  “Ladies first.”

  “Well thank you sir.”

  “You’re most welcome.”

   4

  We walked the rest of the night in silence. Given, I had plenty to ponder over. Which, I’m kind of relieved to finally have some answers. Granted there nothing at all, like I’d expected, but I guess they never are. I am getting really tired though, we’ve been walking for hours now, without a break, and I haven’t eaten, well I can’t tell you how long it’s been since my last meal.

  “Misty, what do you say we stop for a while to rest and get something to eat?”

  “That sounds absolutely perfect Jess. Even though, you make it sound like we’re going to pull over somewhere and order some food.”

  “That would be nice, wouldn’t it? I’d like two pints of A positive please.”

  Misty giggled at me, but heck it would be nice to be able to order some food, whether it’s blood or not. I’m parched, tired, and starving. I need to keep my strength up, which is slowly withering away, nothing that a full stomach and a few hours of sleep wouldn’t fix.

  “Well since the food isn’t going to come to me, I’m going to go find it. I’ll be back in a few minutes. If you need me before I get back, just let me know.”

  “Okay Jess. Be careful.”

  “Always, and you be careful too.”

  Misty and I went our separate ways in hope to find some prey. It didn’t take me long. I jumped up into a tree to bid my time and waited for a big lurking animal to approach. I happened to get lucky, a huge buck walked right under the tree that I was crouched in and started rubbing its antlers against the lower bark of the huge pine tree. Which made it an easy meal for me, since all I had to do was leap out on top of it and hold on tight, while I drained the blood and life force from its body. I don’t think I’ll ever get use to the natural feeling of the hunt. I’ll have to admit that I’ve thought about the process before. I was a little leery about the whole drinking blood and all, but after watching and witnessing all of the other benefits; I’ll have to say it has been worth it.

  After my stomach’s full, I decided to go back to where Misty and I were earlier. I don’t want her to start thinking I’ve left her or something. Not only that, I kind of feel responsible now for her safety. After all, I am the reason she came back at all. Even after everything I had said to her. I guess I should apologize to her or something. I ran through the woods in search for where we were earlier and I spotted Misty easily. I ran up to her to see that she was getting ready to lie down.

  “Are you going to take a nap?”

  “Yes, if you don’t mind. I should be okay after a few hours. Were you able to find anything to eat?”

  “Yes. I found a delicious buck. Well I’ll keep guard while you sleep, and then once you get up, you can watch over me. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds very good. Now, be quite or I’ll never get to sleep.”

  Being quite in the middle of the woods isn’t hard at all, but staying awake while being quite is. There’s not even a small crackle or pop, like it usually is when a breeze is blowing through the air. Misty was propped up against a tree, with its gnarled skeletal branches overshadowing her figure, while I was propped up against a tree on the opposite side of her. I kind of wish fall hadn’t already started. The leaves would have been extremely beautiful to look at and would have provided better shelter for us, but I guess this will have to do.

  I could feel my eyelids dropping heavily with sleep as I try to keep watch over us. I tried to keep my mind busy, but it’s been so long since I’ve had a good night’s sleep, that now it’s taking its toll on me. Before, I could stop myself, sleep had taken over me. I could see Ava running through the tall beautiful flowered field, like we use to do when we were little. Ava kept running as I kept chasing her yelling for her to stop. And every time I got into arms reach of her she’d disappear, and would reappear on the other side of the field. It was very exhausting; I could feel my limbs become tense and strained at the innocence of our childhood game, but I kept chasing her yearning for one last hug to remember her by. “Was she saying goodbye?”, as I watched her on the other side of the field she stopped and look at me waving her hand in the air at me. She then turned around and disappeared into the trees.

  I awake with a startle and about pissed my pants, when I realized I had fallen asleep and there were four men staring down at Misty and me. Two of the men had bows and arrows pointed straight at our chests. I gasped at the new realization of our situation. Once I gathered my haunches I looked at Misty, who was looking back at me. I looked her straight in the eyes and shifted my mind into hers. Misty if you can hear my thoughts listen closely, I’m sorry I fell asleep and put us in this danger. I’m going to try to hypnotize the man standing over me, once he abides my commands, I’ll help you with the one standing over you, or you can hypnotize him as well.

  Misty didn’t really show any signs that she could hear me. I hope she did. But if she hadn’t then I truly hope she plays along. This is going to be a tough situation to get out of, I thought to myself.

  So, I look my killer in the eyes. Once I feel my mind reel into his, and my eyes shifted into size, I knew I had him right where I wanted him.

  “You don’t want to do that,” I commanded.

  The man repeated, “I don’t want to do that?”

  “No, you want to kill the men behind you.”

  “I want to kill the men behind me?”

  “Yes, the men behind you, who are going to kill you.”

  The hunter turned swiftly around to shoot his team mate. The two men started stepping backwards with their hands raised in the air.

ylan, what are you doing man? Don’t listen to him he’s brain washing you.”

  And before the man could say another word Dylan had shot him in the chest. The guy who got shot, had fallen to the ground in a heap of ash. Then Dylan got out another arrow and strapped it to his bow to fire at the other man. The guy was standing there with his hands held up, confused, he turned around and started to run, but before he got five steps in, Dylan had shot him in the back turning him to ash as well.

  When his orders were fulfilled Dylan turned around to face me. His eyes turned from dazed, back to normal. That’s when Misty and I wrestled him to the ground to get our answers. I hadn’t even noticed Misty’s battle with the man holding her captive. She is very quite and graceful with her moves. She paralyzed the man with her eyes and snapped his head with her hands, and killed him, before anyone could move.

  But, now we concentrate on the task at hand and that’s finding answers to all of this unnecessary nonsense.

  “Who sent you?” I yelled.

  Dylan isn’t going to supply us with answers voluntarily, I see. Well, I guess I have no choice but to find the answers myself. I turned my head around to look at Misty; she was flanking me to watch my back.

  “Misty, lean closer.”

  When Misty leaned close enough for me to whisper in her ear I said, “Misty, I’m going to enter his mind, once I’m in you ask the questions we need to know, so that way he won’t be able to hide them from us.” Once I pulled away, I saw Misty nod at me in understanding.

  I turned back around to focus on the man. He was trying not to look me in the eyes, so I had to hold his head in between my hands to force him to look at me. Once I was staring back into his eyes I could feel the change begin. The mind reeling and eye changing experience that still feels weird to me.


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