Book Read Free

The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

Page 16

by Natasha Davis

  “Okay, I already know that if you read the books that you know the basics, and the elements. Can you name off some of the metals that you’ve read?”

  I nodded at him, “Some of the metals that we can use are Aluminum, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Silver, Steel, and Tin.”

  “That’s very good now, name off some of the mundane elements that we use.”

  “Some of the mundane elements that we use are Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Boron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Platinum, Potassium, Stone, Sulfur, and Zinc.”

  “You’ve did your homework after all. Those are just some of the elements and substances that we may use. There are many other things that we can do with what nature provides us, but we also have magic that we can call too as well. So, now that you know your basics, I suggest we get on to the difficult tasks as well. Do you know anything about witchcraft, which is what we call magic?”

  “Not really, the only thing that I know about witchcraft is that it’s been involved just about as long as alchemy has, that and Ava’s mother use to be a witch. That’s about it.”

  “Well there is much for you to learn young one. First of all Witchcraft is sorcery, the magic handling of supernatural forces through spells, magic, divination, and the creation or the call of the spirits. Alchemists often refer to sorcery or witchcraft as the use of malevolent powers through the vocation of psychic means without the need for ritual or chanting, but in the contemporary western world, witches typically work or cast magic spells. Witchcraft or sorcery usually involves the use of powers such as form-shifting, clairvoyance, invisibility, flight, and astral projection.”

  “So, they perform the same thing as we do?”

  “Not exactly, witchcraft uses some of the same natural elements as we do to cast their spells, but we do now work the same way. Alchemists are in a different category all together. The pure one’s are, we are not pure Jess. We have Alchemist and Witchcraft embedded in our ancestries. We have a long line of difference. From what I told you, you should be able to see the difference between the two.”

  “What kind of spells can witches or warlords do?”

  “There are all kinds of different spells. Such as, love spells, money spells, binding spells, weather spells, cleansing spells, so as you can see there are all kinds of things that you can do with witchcraft. But you have to be careful and use it correctly. As you’ve heard me say that if you use your magic for the bad, that it will come back on you three fold. What I mean by that, is you will seek punishment three times as bad, as if you would by using magic for the greater good.”

  “When will you teach me some magic?”

  “Well Jess, you’ve learned about our history, and you know a little bit about the witchcraft history. So, I will teach you a few things you need to know about spells. I’ll show you a few of them and then will see if you can do them.”

  “Okay, that sounds good.”

  “First off, witchcraft is completely different than what you would find it to be. Most witchcraft you’ll need artifacts of a certain person in order for the spell to work. For instance, I’ll show you a binding spell. You take a person’s picture or artifact, and bind it with tape. Then you’ll say for example: Jess, I bind you from doing harm to others or yourself. You’ll say this three times. This is called binding a person from doing harm.”

  “But, how do you know if it worked or not?”

  “You just have to be patient and wait. The only way you’ll know if it worked or not is by putting the spell on someone who does harm to other’s and see if it works.”

  “That just seems like a long wait and cause to me.”

  “Jess, not everything in witchcraft is dead on. There are loose ends and kinks that you have to work out to get it right. And that’s why; I’m showing you the small stuff first. If you can understand the essentials to this, then you’ll come to learn how everything else works.”

  I didn’t say anything to him. I just nodded and let him continue on with the lecture.

  “Another mostly used spell is to protect you of psychic attacks, also known as psychic vampires. This is mostly used by the witches and warlords in our town. Because they are out numbered by vampires and they need to protect themselves. But even you can cast the spell to protect yourself. Especially, once we get to the PSI lessons, and they fail you, then you’ll know what to do.

  You’ll need two white candles, sea salt in warm water in a cauldron or bowl, incense and oil. Anoint each item with the oil and say:

  I ward off negativity in my home, work and everyday life.

  No evil or negativity shall enter here.

  Picture a white light around you and as it increases to full intensity, picture it surrounding your home and work place now say:

  My psychic vampire of the night

  And the psychic vampires who’ve annihilated my life

  Ruin no more of what I accomplish

  Ruin no more of what I acquire

  Refutation is not welcome

  Evil is not wanted nor welcomed

  In me, around me or those that I love

  You’ll repeat this three times, and then allow the incense and candles to burn themselves out.

  “But, what if I don’t have any candles or incense?”

  “I’ll teach you how to do it without them. I’m just teaching you how witchcraft does it.”

  “Okay but if I were in a home or something then use the witches way.”

  “Yes, because you will use a lot of strength doing it our way. It takes a while to get use to it Jess. Don’t expect to just be able to pick it up and move on, without it taking its tow on you. You have to be responsible with what you do. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Grandfather I understand and will do my best not to overdo using magic.”

  “I just want you to understand the basic of all Jess. Not the exact way, I’m telling you how it’s done. Now back to the lessons, another good spell that is sometimes used is a reverse curse spell. Given what you’re going to do, I’m sure Patty will have plenty of curses put on you. So, this one may come in handy as well.

  What’s done is done

  Let it now be undone

  Let the brightness of the full moon’s wane

  Cleanse my soul of defile and stain

  Let now my harmful spell converse

  And lift from me this vile curse

  Now I enter my sacred space

  Return my soul to its proper place

  Then you’ll say: Embrace my apologies for what I’ve done; disband my spell with the daybreak’s sun.

  Grandfather went on and on with these spells. I hadn’t thought that they were that many. But after he finished with the witchcraft spells, he started teaching me about all the different vampires that exist. I looked at him like he was a little crazy, but didn’t say anything otherwise. For instance, he explained what a Psi vampire is. Psi vampires require life force energy, otherwise known as pranic, to keep their health in good condition.

  There are a whole range of different types of vampires. Such as, a new vampire is called a fledgling. And all vampires have different talents. Not every vampire, is able to do something cool and unique. But, Dalton says that most of them do have unnatural powers. He went on and on about the different powers that they can possess. Such as some vampires can levitate, which means the ability to fly. Some have telekinesis skills, where they’re able to move objects without touching them. Some vampires have the power to form an emotional or hypnotic connection just with their voices.

  I didn’t really think about what Dalton was talking about, until the memory of Misty came back to me. I remember her using some powers over the guard, but I really didn’t know what it was that she used. I shook my head, and remembered to bring it up later, and thought it best to concentrate on what Dalton was teaching me.

  “I’m not only going to tell you what types of vampires are out there Jess, I’m going to help you learn how to stop them from controlling you. You need t
o think about protecting yourself before others. I know that, that sounds selfish, but you can’t protect others if you’re not safe yourself.”

  “I understand Dalton.”

  “Well you just seemed a little bored with my lecture. I thought, I’d explain to you why I’m teaching you this.”

  “I understand the importance behind it. I just had a thought that’s all. I didn’t mean to offend you. I do appreciate you taking the time to help me.”

  “Well let’s get back on topic then, because when we finish Damon is going to come and teach you some self defense moves.”

  I just nodded my head at him. I wonder how he can talk for so long without getting a drink of water. My mouth would be parched by now. Which, thinking about it, it really is, but I refuse to interrupt him again. He might just turn me into a frog the next time.

  “Some other vampires that you may come into contact with for instance are called Empathy vampires. These vampires can smell and sense emotions from others, including you. Some can control the minds of others’ this is called, enthralling. They may be some other technical terms out by now, but these are the terms that were taught to me.

  Some other ones that you may want to steer away from are those who can call shadows. These vampires can cloak themselves in an area of darkness. And believe me those who can do that have other powers up their sleeves. Most vampires don’t have these abilities just the older generations. But as we know it, when you decide to rescue Ava, you’ll be up against the oldest and toughest vampires of all time. You need to prepare yourself for what’s ahead. Keep in mind that there are probably many other things that can be done that I haven’t yet heard of. We don’t know how it’s done, but if you possess the powers then you’ll know by now.

  “I already have some powers.”

  “You do, like what kind of powers?”

  “One day Ava and I shared an intimate moment and I was able to read her thoughts, and she was able to read mine as well.”

  “What kind of thoughts are you talking about here? Were you able to read just the surface thoughts, or thoughts that went way back?”

  “We were able to read thoughts from way back. And Ava was able to see into my soul.”

  “That can’t be, she shouldn’t be able to do something like that. It’s unheard of.”

  “Well you said it yourself, that they may be some things out there that you haven’t heard of. Well, I’m introducing you to one right now. We didn’t know that it was something special then, we just knew that it was different. Ava was going through some major changes with her witch and vampire powers.”

  “She’s what you’d call a dhampir.”

  “What’s a dhampir?”

  “A dhampir is the child of a vampire father and a human mother. Well that’s what I’d call her, even though her mother’s a witch. She’s still takes part in the human world.”

  “What’s so special about that?”

  “She has many powers that even I couldn’t even begin to explain. Her mother, as we speak, is having people teach her how to control her powers, so that she won’t’ hurt herself. When someone has powers that are too strong, or doesn’t know how to control the powers within, it can be very harmful, even kill them if their not careful.”

  “Is she okay? Nothings happened to her that I need to worry about, is there?”

  “You know if there was something for you to worry about, I’d let you know. Now, we’re off of the subject again, we need to pay attention here, time is running out.”

  “I know, you keep telling me that time is running out, but you refuse to tell me why.”

  “Once, I know the answer to that, then so will you. Remember the gut theory? Always trust your gut, and mine is telling me that something is going to go wrong. I need you prepared mentally and physically. I believe, I taught you all that you need to know about our history. After you’re finished with Damon, I’ll come down and prepare you for the rest of the lesson. Go and get you some blood, your going to need your strength for this.”

  “Okay, when do you think I need to go and get Ava?”

  “After this lesson is complete and I feel like your ready, then I will tell you to go and get her. But, you need to think this through; I’ll help you if you need me to.”

  “Thanks grandfather, I think your help would be wise.”

  I got up out of the metal chair that I had been sitting in throughout the whole lesson, and could feel my muscles ache in protest. Sitting there in the hard chair, this whole time was the easiest of things compared to my dry parched mouth screaming at me in demur. I stretched my limbs carefully and walked over to the small kitchen and yanked a bag of blood out of the fridge and drank it quickly. If I know grandfather and Damon, then I know they’re already ready for me. I threw the plastic container away and turned around, and sure enough the two of them were eye balling me intently.

  “What is it?”

  Damon shook his head, “Nothing, it’s just hard to get use to you drinking blood and all.”

  “It shouldn’t be hard, considering we’ve never really been around each other.”

  “I’ve may not have been with you physically, but I’ve always been there mentally. Anyway are you ready for a challenge?”

  “I’m always ready for a challenge. What do you have in mind?”

  “Oh nothing really, just a little spurring match is all. Do you think you can handle that?”

  I whipped my mouth with the back of my hand, “Oh yeah, I’m always ready for a little spurring. Just tell me when you’re ready for the Jess man.”

  Dalton chuckled at me, “He’s a little cocky isn’t he?”

  “Oh! Will see who’s the cocky one, once we’re finished.”

  Dalton moved the tables and chairs with a quick motion of his hands. He took one of the chairs and sat down to watch us.

  “I didn’t think you were going to stay for this?”

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. And plus I decided that things may get a little out of hand, and I don’t want my home to get destroyed,” Dalton said.

  I just looked at the two of them and shook my head. “Is there anything that I should know before we get started?”

  “Yes everything applies, even magic.”

  “Hey, that isn’t fair.”

  “No one said that it was going to be fair.”

  “Alright, I’ll do my best to fight you back, but if you’ve got magic on your side then I don’t really stand a chance.”

  “Lesson number one, don’t underestimate yourself. Who knows what you’re capable of until you try, and besides you talk about me having magic on my side, what about those fangs of yours?”

  “I may have fangs, but your magic will stop me before I even think about getting close to you.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Shall we get started?”

  “Sure why not.”

  Damon and I started pacing around in a circle facing one another. I curled my hands into fists and raised them up to protect my face, and Damon with his hands pressed out towards me.

  “Come on Damon are you afraid to make the first move?”

  “I’m not afraid, I’m the teacher, you’re the student, and you should be making the first move.”

  “Fine then, I’ll let you have it your way then.”

  I swept his leg legs out from underneath him. But he deflected the move with his magic. This knocked me on my butt in response.

  “Lesson number two, never make the first move. It always leaves you with a disadvantage.”

  “Lesson noted.”

  Damon came at me with full force. I pushed out with my mind and surprisingly it worked, he stumbled backwards into the nearest wall. The look on his face said it all.

  “How did you do that? It took me months of hard work before I was able to accomplish that.”

  “I just saw you coming and pushed out with my mind. And then you stumbled backwards. I didn’t think I’d be able to do it, but like you said; never un
derestimate myself, so I tried it anyway. And here I thought the only thing I was coming in this battle with was the knowledge of our powers and that’s it. I didn’t hurt you did I?”

  “No, you didn’t hurt me, but you shouldn’t be worried about that. Do you think those other people you’ll be fighting, will care whether or not they hurt you?”

  “Hang on now, you’re not those other people are you? Your family to me and yet you may be teaching me some valuable things, one thing you should know, is that I will not hurt family, unless you try to hurt me first. And right now that isn’t the case. Is it?”

  “No your right, I’m not trying to harm you in the sense your talking about. But, if I came into this acting like were buddies, then you wouldn’t have tried. And I’m glad you did. Now let’s see what else you’ve got up your sleeve. Now Jess, you’ll have to block me, if you don’t then whatever comes through will hurt you. I’m not playing games here. When you leave this house I want you to be able to defend yourself and the only way to do that is by preparing yourself now. Now are you ready?”

  “Yes I’m ready, let me have it Damon.”

  We sparred and worked our magic for hours and hours that night. Finally, Dalton told us that he was impressed with what he’d seen, and given the fact that either one of us thought that I had it in me, just puts a big smile on my face.

  “Jess, I’m proud of you. I didn’t think that you’d be able to do as much as you did tonight. I really don’t think that you will have any problems with going and getting Ava. Tomorrow if you want we can go over all of the details and you can go and get Ava. But, if you decide to wait for a while, I’ll completely understand. If you want to learn more or practice more then we can see to it that you’ll get what you need.”

  “No grandfather, if you say I’m ready, and then I’m ready. I don’t have a bad feeling that something will happen if I do go, or otherwise.”

  “Well then, I think you need to get you some rest. It’s been an exhausting day for you I’m sure. I’ll see you in the morning and then we can work on the details.”

  “That sounds good to me, good night grandfather.”

  “Goodnight Jess.”


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