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Finding Forever: Band on the Run Part Two — A Rock Star Romantic Suspense

Page 8

by Lara Wynter

  Gunner’s laughter dies. “Behave like that in my house and you might just find yourself walking back to town.”

  Jasper gives me a look, and I pick up my chair and sit back down. Perhaps my outburst wasn’t the smartest move, but between my injuries and lack of sleep, I’m on a short fuse.

  “I need you to stay here,” Jasper states calmly. “You’re injured, and also it’s my job to protect you. I’m well aware that you’re desperate to find Willow, and I’m going to make that happen. But I can’t do my job properly if I’m worried about protecting you at the same time. I know you have skills and you’re quite capable of defending yourself in a normal situation — but this situation is far from normal, and you have to trust me to know what needs to be done to ensure Willow’s safety.”

  I run my hands back through my hair. “I get it. I’ll stay here, but only for two days. If you’re not back by then, all bets are off. Deal?”

  Jasper nods. “If I’m not back in two days, I want you to head back to the ranch.” He looks at Gunner, who nods. “Gunner will take you.”

  I sigh and agree. If Jasper’s not back in two days, there’s no way I’m running back home, but I need to appear to agree with the plan — for now, anyway.

  Chapter Fifteen


  My hope slowly dies a slow death as the buzzer sounds again, but no one answers. Of course they’re not home. But what on earth do I do now? I glance over at Devlin, still sitting in his car. He’s been so helpful already. I can’t ask him for anything else. I’ll just have to stay in the area and come back later to check if they’re home. Sophie and Hunter are my best link to Joss.

  Decision made, I walk around to the driver's door. Devlin opens his window.

  “No luck?”

  I’m grateful he doesn’t make a joke about me not really knowing them. I don’t think I could take that right now. “Looks like no one is home.”

  “The offer still stands, you know — you can still come to my cousin's place. Lie low for a while.”

  I shake my head and give Devlin a gentle smile. “Thanks for all you’ve done, Devlin. You’re a lifesaver — literally, and I’ll be forever grateful to you. But I need to stay here. It’s vital that I get in contact with Joss. He needs to know I’m safe before he does something stupid and puts himself needlessly in danger. You understand, don’t you?”

  Devlin chuckles ruefully. “Your situation is so complicated. I can’t even begin to understand what you’re going through. But if I could even be a small help, then I’m grateful, Willow.” Devlin gets out of the car and pulls me in for a hug. I enjoy the comfort of my new friend briefly before I pull away.

  “Thank you again. I wish only good things for you in the future.” I hold up my cheap phone. “And thanks for this. I’ll let you know when I have news, when it’s safe for you to go back to Seattle, if that’s what you want?”

  “Thanks, I think I’ll probably hang in Salem for a while. Figure out what I want to do with my life. Avoid getting involved with shady characters.”

  I laugh. “Take care, Devlin.”

  “You too, Willow. Call me, anytime.”

  I nod. I swallow back my tears as Devlin gets back in the car, hands me my bag, and drives away.

  I’m on my own — again. But I’m free! Rudy has no idea where I am and, as far as I know, no way of tracing me here. I do a little happy dance on the spot before realizing how crazy I must look. I really hope there’s no security camera filming me right now. Looking up, a camera near the top of the nearby brick pillar stares back at me. Giving an embarrassed little wave, I turn my back to it.

  What now? This is a nice area of Portland, with wide green leafy streets and large houses, well set back from the road. Not exactly the best place to wait inconspicuously. Perhaps there’s a park or a shop around here where I can blend in. I start walking. May as well keep busy. Perhaps closer to nightfall, I’ll head back and see if anyone is home.

  The feeling of freedom, of being able to do whatever I want, fills me with joy. I’ve never had this before; never had a chance to really be on my own, to make my own decisions. I have a few hundred dollars. I can make that last for as long as I need to. I walk until I reach a large stretch of parkland. A bench sits under a large tree in the filtered sunlight. I sit down and close my eyes for a moment. Finally, I feel safe enough to let my mind drift to thoughts of Joss. Those blue-gray eyes of his hit me as clear as day. It’s like he can see straight into my soul and when he looks at me with desire in their stormy depths, I just want to melt into his arms and stay there forever. Memories swirl in my mind and a shiver runs through me.

  Joss’s hand reaches up to gently cup my cheek, and I’m lost. The compassion and kindness reflected in his eyes and the heat of his hand on my cheek leave me breathless for a whole new reason.

  “You’re not a burden, Willow. You’re a friend, and you’re more than that. You’re someone I care about deeply.”

  Moisture floods my eyes. “I care about you too.” The words slip out before I can stop them.

  “I know you do, dearheart.” His other hand comes up to slide into my hair.

  I lick my lips. I can’t look away.

  He leans in slowly. My eyes flutter closed as his lips press gently against my own. A flame ignites where our lips meet. It burns straight through me, down into my chest, and into my heart. I move my lips in a gentle rhythm that matches his. My hands slide around him, and I can feel the powerful muscles of his back flex as his hands run through my hair.

  He deepens the kiss, and I gasp, my eyes flying open. I feel deep within me that I’ve never been kissed like this before. The fire ignites everywhere he touches. The skin along my arm flares to life as he lightly glides his fingers along it.

  I try to take it all in, but it’s too much. I pull back so I can breathe. My hands greedily run up his back, continuing their exploration. Joss’s lips pull back in a soft smile. He sighs as my hands move into the dark strands of his hair. It’s so soft and silky.

  “Ah, Willow. I’ve come undone.” Joss softly presses his lips against my cheek. “Your hands in my hair ... your kisses ... you undo me. I’m lost in you.”

  I reluctantly tear myself away from the memory and open my eyes. Being with Joss offers me all the support, comfort, and love I’ve always craved. He’s nothing at all like that slimeball, Vance that Rudy wanted me to marry to further his own business dealings. Just the thought of Vance putting his hands on me makes me want to spend hours scrubbing myself clean. I rub my arms to ward off the sudden chill deep in my bones. The two men couldn’t be further apart in how they view life. Even if Joss didn’t have a cent to his name, I’d still want him. Which is why I need to find him as soon as possible.

  I walk back the way I came. My pace increases as if the thought of Joss being in danger hurries my steps. I grasp my phone in one hand, wishing I could somehow know his number so I could call him up and tell him I’m safe. Tell him where I am and feel his arms around me again.

  The way back seems longer. What if I’ve taken a wrong turn? I search the street and the houses. No, this looks right. Doesn’t it? The houses start to blur in my brain as they all begin to look the same. My feet pound the pavement as I pick up the pace. I run frantically, searching all the houses for the one I’m looking for. My heart thuds painfully in my chest and I gasp for air. It’s more than from my frantic pace, I recognize the panic attack for what it is and stop running.

  My chest heaves as I gasp, struggling to take in air. I slide down the fence of the nearest house and wrap my arms around my knees. Joss's voice calls in my head, as clear as day, repeating the instructions he once gave me.

  “Close your mouth, Willow,” Joss’s voice orders in my mind. “Now breathe in slowly through your nose.”

  I follow the voice from my memory.

  “Good. Now, keep your lips pursed and let the air out slowly through your mouth.”

  I listen to his calm, smooth voice. My heart gradually
reduces its frantic pace and my head begins to clear. Even when he’s not here, he’s still helping me. I take a moment to sit and wait until I’m back to myself before I stand again and take in my surroundings.

  I’m sure this is the right road. Walking along at a more sedate pace, I look at the house numbers. It shouldn’t be much further now. Sure enough, Sophie and Hunter’s stately house comes into view again, partially hidden by the imposing gate and treed garden. Walking calmly over to the intercom, I press the buzzer again. No one answers, but I keep my breathing even and remain calm.

  If I have to sleep on the streets, I will. I decide to wait until late afternoon and if no one comes by then, I’ll find somewhere safe to sleep before it gets dark and then come back in the morning.

  It’s getting dark as I make my way along the road. The houses here don’t have gates to keep people out. I spy a house with a small garage off to one side — separate from the house. Thick shrubs hide the rear of the garage from view. Seeing no lights on in the house, I make a dash across the yard and duck out of sight behind the bushes. I slide my way in and, to my surprise, there is a clear area behind the greenery. The grass here is flattened and provides a perfectly sheltered, hidden spot. I sit down with my back to the garage wall and pull Joss’s hoodie out of my bag. I pull it on, grateful for the extra warmth and its comforting scent. Using my bag for a pillow, I lie down and close my eyes. Hopefully, I can get some sleep here and return to wait for Sophie and Hunter as soon as the sun rises. If they are home at any time, surely it will be then?

  Just as I’m starting to drift, a soft chesty rumble makes my eyes fly open. In the dim light from the streetlight I can make out the dark gray fur of a large cat. I smile and reach out to stroke the soft fur.

  “Hello, there, fella. Did I steal your bed?” The purring intensifies under my hand. “You’re welcome to spend the night here with me if you like?”

  As if he understands me, he turns and settles himself with his back against my chest. His rumbly purr relaxes me more than anything has for a long time. I drift off, feeling safe under the protection of my furry guardian-angel.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I walk down the lonely road as the sun reaches its zenith. My long strides eat up the miles, but not fast enough for my liking, especially when I don’t know how far I am from civilization. After two days, I couldn’t stay in the cabin any longer. Gunner didn’t agree with me wanting to leave, so I packed a few rations and headed off before the sun rose. I may have had safety in Gunner’s remote wilderness cabin, but without phone reception, I have no clue as to what’s going on.

  I check my phone again. Relief spreads through me at the sight of one reception bar. My ringtone sounds a moment later and I hastily bring the phone to my ear without even taking time to check the caller ID.

  “Joss… are you?” The voice cuts in and out.

  “Hunter, is that you?”

  “... where are y… been trying … reach you.”

  I curse the lousy reception. “I’m in the mountains somewhere between Seattle and Portland. I’m on my way out now.”

  “Good. How soon… you get here? I need to show… someth. … Willow.”

  “What! What about, Willow?” The line goes dead and I struggle not to throw my phone into the bushes in retaliation for its failure in such a critical moment. Instead, I shove it in the back pocket of my jeans and increase my pace to a steady jog as I continue to head down the winding mountain road.

  What could Hunter possibly know about Willow? It’s not like they’re connected. They only met that one time we stayed with them while we were on the run from Gadsden. Did the band get in contact with him? It seems unlikely unless they were trying to contact me. Surely Willow didn’t go back to Horsham House? She’s smarter than that. My mind races through all the possibilities as I run.

  As the sun drifts toward the horizon, a car finally sounds from behind me. The motor is loud and rumbling. I turn to see an ancient Land Rover, so rusted its color is almost indistinguishable.

  I step out further into the road and wave both arms over my head like a crazy person.

  They have to stop.

  I need to get to Hunter’s place faster than my legs can take me. I’m desperate to know what he knows about Willow. My reception still isn’t good enough to call.

  The car comes to a stop, the old brakes screeching. I yank open the passenger door. The hinges squeal in protest. An older lady with graying hair, wearing jeans and a dusty plaid shirt, takes in my disheveled state.

  “You look like you’re in trouble, young man. Can I offer you a ride somewhere?”

  I smile widely. “You just made my day. I could kiss you right now!”

  She chuckles. “If I were a few years younger and my husband wasn’t the jealous type, I might just have taken you up on that offer.”

  I grin in what I hope isn’t a disturbing serial-killerish way. “Can you take me to the nearest town?”

  “Sure.” She shifts the car back into gear, and we head down the mountain at a hold-on-for-your-life speed. “Ain’t nothing much there, though.”

  “All I need is decent mobile service and I’ll be good.”

  She shakes her head. “You’re not from around here, are ya?”

  “That obvious, huh?”

  “Wedon is the closest town, and it don’t get no proper cell service most of the time.” She shrugs. “As it just so happens, I’m headed to Portland to see my daughter — if you’re headed that way?”

  “Now, I really could kiss you! I’m headed there myself.”

  “Perhaps, we should exchange names before we get down to all that kissing.” The folds around her eyes crease as she smiles. “Name’s Shelby. Shelby Peterson.”

  “It’s an honor to meet you, Shelby. I’m Joss… Reid.” I hesitate to give my last name, but chances are she has no idea who I am. She doesn’t seem the type to follow current music trends.

  Shelby glances at me and back to the road. “I thought you looked mighty familiar, but I thought to myself, ‘Shelbs, what would a famous singer be doing wandering alone in the middle of nowhere?’ And yet, here you are! It’s a mighty small world. My daughter will be so excited when I tell her who I picked up.” She chuckles. “Actually, she probably won’t believe a word I say.”

  As much as I want to get to Hunter’s as quickly as possible, I owe this woman big time. “How about I come with you to your daughter’s house and say ‘hi’? I can organize a ride from there.”

  Shelby pats my hand absently. “That sure is mighty nice of you, Joss.”

  “It’s the least I can do for your help.”

  Shelby nods. “I’m not going to ask what you were doing out here. Figure it’s none of my business. People got a right to privacy, no matter who they are.”

  I wave goodby to Shelby and her daughter, Patricia. We made good time to Portland, and I arranged for one of Hunter and Sophie’s security team to collect me from there. I slide into the front seat beside Leon. He’s worked for their family for years and can be trusted with anything.

  I still don’t know what Hunter knows about Willow, as I didn’t want to risk talking about it in the car where Shelby could overhear. The fewer people that know anything, the safer it is for all of us.

  The car pulls away from the modest house in the suburbs.

  “Thanks for picking me up, Leon.”

  “Of course. We’ll show you the video footage when we get back to the house.”

  “Video footage?”

  Leon eases the Mercedes onto the busy road with practiced ease. “Of Willow.”

  “What!” I sit up so quickly, I bang my head on the roof of the car. “What footage of Willow?” Images of Willow tied up, a gun pointed at her head, fill my mind. Not that Hunter would have access to such footage. I can scarcely breathe as I wait for Leon to explain.

  “The security camera at the front of the house picked up footage of Willow coming to the gate — twice yesterday
. Unfortunately, no one was there at the time.”

  “Willow was there at the house?” Hope surges in my heart until it dawns on me that he said the footage was from yesterday. “There’s nothing from today? She didn’t come back?”

  “I’m afraid not.”

  “Was she alone? Did she look okay? Was she injured?” A million questions flood my mind as to what this could mean. Could Willow really have escaped from Gadsden? Or is this all some elaborate ruse for Rudy to track down the missing gun?

  “She looked unhurt. The first lot of footage shows her getting out of a man's car, but the man drives away without her, and she walks away in the opposite direction. The second video shows her coming and going on foot. But, it’s probably best if you save your questions until you’ve viewed the video yourself.”

  I drum my fingers on the seat uneasily as we drive through the evening traffic of Portland. It’s a huge relief when we finally pull up in front of Hunter and Sophie’s house.

  Hunter comes out to greet me as I get out of the car. My foot is throbbing again, and I know the bandage on my leg must need changing, but all that can wait until after I see the video. I can’t believe Willow was so close. Perhaps she’s even close by still?

  I greet Hunter, and he takes me straight into his study. My hands clench and unclench as I wait. Finally, an image appears on the screen, triggered by the properties motion detectors.

  An old car pulls right up to the security gate. I glance at the man, but then my eyes lock onto Willow’s form. Entranced, I watch as she gets out of the car. She walks over to the gate and presses the buzzer. If only Hunter or Sophie had been home! Willow could be in my arms right now! She looks beautiful — sure her red-gold hair is messy, and she looks small and frail, but my breath catches and my heart thumps erratically in my chest. My hand reaches out to the screen, and I trace the line of her cheek with my fingers.


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