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Finding Forever: Band on the Run Part Two — A Rock Star Romantic Suspense

Page 14

by Lara Wynter

  As much as I’ve spent my whole life around Rudy, most of it has been in one of his fancy houses, not creeping around dark alleys and creepy warehouses. Even when he sent me out on jobs, back when he trusted me, it was still mainly breaking into other rich people's houses.

  “Keep walking, princess.” Zeke pushes me forward, so I stumble.

  I regain my footing and walk slowly toward the small group waiting in the middle.

  It’s like a who's-who of Seattle's villains. Rudy and Vance are flanked by two armed thugs, and Jimmy has the same protection on his side. Seeing Rudy and Vance again makes my stomach clench. Vance leers at me and bile rises in my throat.

  My eyes dart around the space. Where are the freaking police? If they’ve been trying so hard to catch Gadsden, why aren’t they here? Surely my capture has been noticed by now? Is there any chance those guards aren’t dead… I push the thought away. I can’t worry about that now. It’ll be a miracle if I don’t end up dead myself.

  We join the little grouping in the middle of the space. I wrap my arms protectively around myself, thankful Zeke at least let me get dressed. Zeke positions himself in front of me. Protecting the merchandise rather than any genuine concern for my own safety, I’m sure.

  Jimmy glances at me, his eyes flicking up and down. His lip curls and he turns back to Rudy. He probably thinks I look a mess. Will Rudy agree to the trade? Does Vance really want to marry me that much? If Rudy is in one of his fatherly moods, I guess anything is possible. If only I knew what was in that violin case. But I’m just a pawn in this game. Nothing I can say will make much difference here.

  “You bring it?” Jimmy asks.

  Leo steps forward from behind Rudy and lifts a black briefcase.

  “Open it.” Jimmy demands.

  Leo looks to Rudy, who nods. He holds it out flat and flicks open the locks. The lid pops open, revealing a foam padded interior. Nestled in the middle is a small hard drive.

  “How do I know it’s still intact?” Jimmy growls.

  Rudy shrugs and smiles. “Guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.”

  Jimmy whips out a gun and has it pressed against my temple before I can blink. “You want her back, you’d better be more reassuring than that.”

  Vance takes a step forward. “Don’t shoot. It’s the right one. I’ll vouch for it myself.”

  If I didn’t know Vance, I’d almost think he cared.

  Jimmy laughs and runs the muzzle of the gun down my cheek and up under my chin. “Your word means about as much as his does. I need proof. I’m not making this deal without it.”

  I swallow. “I don’t think you had any intention of making this trade. You just lured them here to kill them.”

  Jimmy puts his free arm around my neck and forces my head to the side, so I’m looking into the soulless black depths of his eyes.

  “I prefer my women to keep quiet.”

  In my peripheral vision, I can see everyone has their guns drawn. If the police don’t get here soon, no one will leave this place alive. Will it be worth it to die to take everyone here down with me? You know, I just think it might.

  Zeke, gun drawn, edges his body further in front of Jimmy and me. Guess he’s as loyal as he claimed. Too bad his loyalty is to a murderous slimeball.

  The tension ratchets up even further as they continue to eyeball each other. This is about to become a bloodbath.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The first shot rings out through the silence and then all hell breaks loose.

  Zeke's body falls against mine, and we both go tumbling backward. I land on the hard floor with a thud. My elbow throbs and spots form in my vision. Shouts and footsteps jumble together, and it’s hard to make sense of anything.

  Zeke groans from beside me. “Willow, are you hurt?”

  “What do you care?” I push myself up onto my uninjured right arm. Blood covers Zeke’s chest in an ever widening stain. I pull off my overshirt and wad up the fabric. I press it over the wound. “Can you hold this here?” I move his hand over the cloth and help him press down.

  “You’re helping me.” His eyes meet mine. “You’re a better person than I could ever be.”

  “Shh… I’m going to have to leave you here now. Just keep pressure over the wound until help arrives.”

  I duck my head back down as a body stumbles and falls over us. Blood pumps from a gaping wound in his neck. Somehow there are a lot more people here than there were before… I guess both Rudy and Jimmy brought support. Still no sign of the cops.

  Zeke grasps my hand. “I’m… I’m sorry.” His eyes flutter closed.

  I tear my eyes away and reach for the knife hidden above his boot. Weapon in hand, I stay down as I take in the scene. The shootout has turned into more of a brawl as members of the rival gangs use whatever means they have to take down their rivals. Ignoring the minor players, my eyes sweep the space for the ones I want most. Jimmy, Vance and Rudy. They're the ones that need to pay for their lives for what they’ve done.

  The dozens of people they’ve killed… the innocent boys they turned into thugs. Men like Zeke were once innocent teens just looking for their place in life. In another life, he probably could have turned out alright. I spare him a last glance as I get into a crouch.

  There… across the room. Vance is fighting with someone. I dart through the men and arrive just as he stabs his opponent in the chest. The man's eyes go wide as he falls. Blood trickles down his chin.

  Vance grins. Blood drips from a split above his brow.

  “You scum-sucking-maggot!” I yell, charging forward.

  He turns, shock evident on his face before our bodies collide.

  “Mea! You’re safe!”

  “It’s Willow, you dipwad.”

  He grabs hold of my arms tightly. “Now look here. You’re mine and I won’t have you speak to me like that. When we’re married—”

  My knee to the groin cuts off whatever he was going to say. He curls over in pain.

  We’re hit from behind with a thump. We both go flying forward. I land on top of him.

  “Mea,” his eyes fill with pain. “What have you done?”

  I push back off his chest and take in the knife embedded deeply in his stomach.

  “Mea, help me!” he implores me.

  I stand. “I guess you’d better hope the police find you before you bleed out.”

  “You little b—”

  I scowl. “It’s Willow, you butt-wipe.” Without sparing my ex fiancé another look, I turn and head back into the fray.

  One down. Two to go.

  No one pays me much heed as they continue to fight each other. This showdown has been coming for a long time and for these men, I’m just a useless, harmless woman. More bodies now litter the floor. I reach down and pick up a gun lying beside a man who will never use it again. My mind feels numb as I duck and weave, looking for the man who kidnapped and tortured me for fifteen years. Vance may have gotten what he deserved, but Rudy is still out here somewhere.

  Somehow, I just know he’s still alive. He will have retreated at the first sign of danger to himself. Why risk your own life when you have all the pawns you control to fight for you?

  I see movement in the shadows. I crouch down and sprint until I’m behind a large crate. Edging my way forward, I can’t believe the scene in front of me.

  Rudy and Jimmy stand alone, guns drawn, each eyeing the other. There is no one to protect them now. Nothing stands in the way of their ultimate demise. I check my gun is still loaded and step out into the dark space.

  Both sets of eyes flick to me but their concentration remains on the other.

  “Mea!” Rudy sounds relieved as he notices the weapon in my hand. “Shoot this moron, and we can go home.”

  I raise my gun and point it at Rudy. “You think I’ll protect your worthless butt after everything you’ve put me through?”

  “I took care of you, gave you everything you could want.”
  I laugh. He really is insane. “Everything except love and freedom.”

  “You always were an ungrateful hussy,” he snarls.

  Jimmy laughs. “Look who has the upper hand now, Gadsden? Looks like you’ve been betrayed by your own flesh and blood.”

  Sirens ring out over the cacophony of fighting still going on.


  Fear flashes across Rudy’s face before he smiles. “If I’m going down—”

  Rudy pulls the trigger, and everything seems to slow down. The gun recoils in his hands. I watch as his smile suddenly cuts off. He stumbles backwards. His hands go to his chest, a look of surprise on his face.

  Both men fall to the floor in synchronicity. Like a well-choreographed performance.

  I kick the gun away from Jimmy, but his eyes are already closed. He won’t be able to hurt anyone ever again. Moving across to my tormentor, I pry the gun from his hands. He blinks up at me, blood smeared across his nose and mouth. He laughs and more blood bubbles up from his mouth.

  “I think I underestimated you. Didn’t I?” Rudy says in a choked voice.

  “You did.”

  He blinks. “Did you ever care for me, even a little?”

  I shake my head. “Tell me who my parents are. What’s my real name?”

  A cough rattles through his chest. “Mea. You’re Mea Gadsden.”

  I sigh. Even now, he won’t tell me the truth. Does he even remember in his addled poisoned brain what is truth and what is fiction? “Goodbye, Rudy.”

  “It’s all yours, you know,” he rasps out, his breathing becoming more labored.

  “What’s all mine?”

  “Everything. All that I own is now yours.”

  My heart thumps in my chest. I shake my head slowly. “I don’t want it. It’s all blood money.”

  Rudy reaches up and runs a hand down my cheek. “Your name really is Mia. M. I. A.” A tear runs down his cheek, and he lets out a final rattling breath before his chest stills.

  My eyes mist over. Mia. The name my parents gave me has been forever tainted.

  I reach out and close those dead eyes for the final time.

  Rudy Gadsden is dead.

  I’m finally free.

  I hunch over his body as sobs engulf me. All the pain and torment tries to come out as I think of all I’ve lost and all that can never be regained.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I close my eyes as I croon the lyrics to fifty-thousand adoring fans in the capacity-filled stadium.

  “I hope that wherever you are,

  Whatever you're doing, you’re okay

  You were born to be free

  You were meant to do amazing things

  When the tide turns

  Sometimes it sweeps us away

  Eventually you have to stop running and face another day

  If you swim against the tide you just might find it

  Love is a tie that can bind together

  Love is a freedom that’s worth waiting for

  Love is a healer that beats in your heart

  Love can sometimes tear us apart

  You have to let go and just believe

  Believe that one day love will win”

  The crowd chants along with the chorus. I stop singing and open my arms wide as they sing the lyrics back to me.

  “Love is a tie that can bind together

  Love is a freedom that’s worth waiting for

  Love is a healer that beats in your chest

  Love can sometimes tear us apart

  You have to let go and just believe

  Believe that one day love will win”

  A tear runs down my cheek, mingling with the sweat that drips from my skin under the bright lights. We’re back in Seattle for the final concert of the tour. A fitting end to a journey that began so many months ago. This song was a late addition to the set list. Of course I wrote it for her. Willow. The love of my heart that I had to let go and hope that one day she would return to me.

  I finish the song and dip my head.

  The applause swells through the arena and lifts my spirits. In this moment, I believe anything is possible.

  Backstage, I chug an entire bottle of water and listen to the excited chatter of my bandmates.

  “Epic last show,” Harrison says, wiping his face with a towel.

  “Totally.” Will cracks the top off a beer. He clinks his bottle with Jase. Beer slops over onto the floor and they laugh.

  I smile, glad I could still give this to them after everything. Finding Forever has been our best selling album to date. It even broke sales records in North America. The success doesn’t mean much to me anymore. I haven’t told the guys yet, but I’m thinking of retiring from the industry.

  “Joss, you coming out tonight to celebrate?” Will asks.

  I sling an arm around his shoulder. “Not tonight. Jasper’s going to drive me back to the ranch.”

  Jase frowns. “Surely you can afford one night of cutting loose. Come out with us, it’ll be fun.”

  “Sorry. I’m just so exhausted. I need to go home. Ride out on the ranch, get my head back on straight.”

  Harrison nods his understanding. “She still might come back, you know.”

  “Yeah,” Jase agrees. “How could she not? That song is being played everywhere right now. She must know it’s about her.”

  I sniff. I can’t talk about this right now. After weeks of touring, I’m beyond exhausted. “I need to shower. Enjoy your night out. Y’all deserve it.” I pull a smile from somewhere. “Best bandmates ever.”

  We come into a tight huddle, arms around each other, and I close my eyes. Feeling the support of the guys almost causes me to break down right here in the dressing room. I pull away and head into the shower room.

  I step back into the now empty dressing room dressed in clean, faded blue jeans and a gray sweatshirt. I rub my hair with a towel before tossing it over a chair. Time to go home.

  A tentative knock sounds on the door.

  I’m not sure I can deal with any fans right now. “Come in,” I answer wearily.

  The door opens and my eyes take her in greedily. Her long fiery hair hangs in loose curls, longer than I remember. She’s wearing matching faded jeans and a soft pink halter top. My breath catches in my throat.

  “Hi, Joss.” Her smile is tentative, unsure even.

  “Willow.” In two strides, I cross the room and sweep her up in my arms. “You came to the show?” I reluctantly release her.

  “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” She smiles and pink flushes her cheeks prettily. “You were amazing up there on the stage… and when you sang that last song—”

  I don’t stop. I don’t think. I lean down and kiss her lips. She responds by throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me back passionately. My heart fills with something that feels a lot like ecstasy. She came back to me. My girl came back.

  Willow pulls away, her eyes flitting over me, drinking everything in. “You look tired.”

  I laugh. “I’m exhausted.”

  “Oh.” She glances down at her feet and back up again. “Is it okay that I’m here… now, I mean?”

  I cup her cheek in my hand. “Nothing has ever been sweeter. I know this is probably too soon, but to heck with it. I love you, Willow.”

  Her hand covers her mouth, and she does a sweet little gasp.

  “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same anymore.” I lie.

  She smiles as her whole face lights up. “No, I mean yes. I mean, I love you more than anything!”

  My heart swells within my chest. “Marry me.” I can’t seem to control my words. Now she’ll probably run. It’s too much too soon…

  She’s looking at me expectantly.

  “Ah,” I say. “Did you say something?”

  She giggles. My Willow actually giggles. “Yes, Mr. Uber-Cool Rockstar. I said, yes!”

  I sweep her
up into my arms and spin her around until we’re both dizzy and laughing hard.

  Another knock comes on the door. I set Willow down on the floor.

  “Go away!” I call out, not caring who it is. I just want to spend the next thousand years with Willow in my arms.

  “Ah,” Willow pulls away. “Sorry… I kind of got caught up in the moment.” She steps over to the door and opens it.

  A woman I’ve never seen before stands there, looking a little nervous. She’s older than most of the fans, but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t work here either.

  Willow takes the woman's hand and gently pulls her into the room.

  “Joss, I want you to meet my mom.” Willow’s eyes are alight with joy.

  The woman steps forward, hand outstretched. “Hello, I’m Melissa.” When she smiles, I can see the resemblance.

  Forget handshakes. This woman is family. I pull her in for a hug.

  “Uh, I guess I should have asked you for your approval first, but I just asked Willow to marry me and she said, yes!”

  Melissa smiles. “Willow has told me so much about you. How you helped her when no one else ever had, how you risked your life for her, and how you let her go when she needed time. How could I ever say no?” Her smile is contagious.

  Willow comes and snuggles in under my arm. Travel plans forgotten, we head over to sit down and catch up on everything we’ve missed.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I can’t keep the smile off my face as I watch her walk down the aisle. Her long white dress is beautiful and elegant and fits her personality perfectly. Her face is radiant as she smiles at me, before her attention turns to the man beside me.

  She comes closer and Dad releases her hand. I still can’t believe I have a sister again, and that today we’re attending her wedding. I grin at Willow from my place beside the groom and she smiles back. Soon it will be our turn to take center stage. I can’t wait.


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