Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 33

by Royden Labrosse

  - No, sir! I swear to you! No, sir!

  - Liar? - I asked.

  - No, curly. And it's weird. Did you call the IPF?

  - No, sir! I didn't tell anyone you were coming, I didn't call anyone, I did nothing to make this house suspicious!

  - He's not lying," defined Mieczysław. - All the better. Stand up.

  Boris hanged Snegirev by the scruff. Sharpei oiked and sagged a rag in the hands of a vampire. His legs didn't hold him, and a suspicious smell swam across the room. A vampire in anger could bring Schwarzenegger to enuresis. I squeamishly wriggled. And how could anybody think I'd be with Snegger... brrr-r-r-r-r, disgusting!

  - And the bus? - I remembered.

  Mecislav leaned against a man again.

  - What about the bus I ordered you to hide?

  - I told my boys to drive the bus to the workshop for special cars and disassemble it for parts. We didn't have time to steal it far enough, and at dawn...

  He wasn't heard.

  - That's right! I'm sure someone from this workshop has something to do with the IPF," the vampire decided. - Bus, blood, aspen stakes, burnt vampire silhouettes - that's enough for someone who knows. It's even easier to find out who ordered the bus to be dismantled. And to come to our dear Alexei Ivanovich. And then it's technical. A minimum of hypnosis - and our dear master himself would inject stakes into us.

  - What are you, sir...

  The snowbird was shaking even harder. The vampire wasn't looking at him well.

  - And what should I do to you for being so stupid?

  - Spare me! - Snegirev prayed. - I beg you!

  It suddenly hit me. I clearly understood what Mecislav wanted. Not to execute Snegirev, but to scare him. Trouble is, Alexey Ivanovich is a brazen man. If you spare him, the other one will sit on his neck. And it may not end so well.

  - Have mercy on him, Mechislav, - I intervened. - He is a fool, but he is loyal to you, and this is valuable!

  The vampire slipped his eyes on me.

  - For your sake, Curly, I would do anything, but spare him...

  - Then don't tell me that! Don't be so flattering! He's a fool, but he'll try! Snowflake, say something for yourself?!

  - I... you...

  It's no use. You shouldn't have counted on Snegirev for the next two hours. However, the sight of an angry vampire has put even me off balance. And I was an outside observer. The Snegirev got a full spoonful of popping.

  - Have mercy on him, Mechislav. For my sake.

  I leaned over to him and ran my fingers slightly over a vampire's arm. And I flinched. Even such a simple touch to Mieczysław had an effect on me as a blow of sexual energy. My bra was definitely cramped and tension started to build up at the bottom of my abdomen. I hurried to take my hand away. But it didn't help much. The vampire easily intercepted my hand and brought it to my lips.

  - Just for you, Curly. Thank her, Snegirev.

  I smiled at a vampire.

  - Tell me, what's the IPF? I know it's a Paranormal Form Fighter, but what does it mean?

  - Among them is the name of the Study of unnatural shapes. Do you understand? We are vampires, werewolves, elves, blacks, witches, demons and all others are unnatural. We need to be destroyed. And as soon as possible. We can do anything. Kill, rob, torture, all in the name of a great cause, Curly. We are not human. We can be poisoned like animals and cut like guinea pigs! All of them. Men, women, children... you can cross them and then cut even babies. Burning, drowning... If you learn a hundredth of what this organization has done, you can't sleep for a week. What was done to poor peasant women in Europe, who were called witches by cordial neighbors, and what was done to us - just children's toys next to real life.

  I'm stuck. There was so much rage in the vampire's voice. Did he... hate? No. Hate is a human feeling. And Mieczysław... If he'd gotten his hands on someone from the IPF... It's certainly better not to imagine. It's scary.

  - They're just bastards. And I told them that. Not so straightforward, though.

  - I'm worried about you, Curly. They don't know what honor is. And they'll do anything to get it. And they'll get you. You know, witches are valuable not only for their abilities, but also for what they can give numerous and healthy offspring. And children can already be raised in the right way.

  - Do I have to ask?

  - It won't even take your consent. There are many ways to get a person to do something they don't want to do. If they threaten your parents... or even more easily. Who'll look for you in some village monastery? Just lock you in a cell and keep you there like a mare - from mating to childbirth, from childbirth to mating...

  The tone of Mieczysław has already changed and it was calm and gloomy. I've had a chill.

  - It's like the Middle Ages... It just can't be!

  - Do vampires ever happen, Fluffy? I'm also an element of medieval folklore, if you look at it wide. And at the same time, I'm perfectly real. I'm here, and I'm worried about you.

  Yeah, folklore element... I'm folklore alimony, I have a document...

  - Now I'm worried, too," I answered. And I remembered the card. It's too thick and thick. Paper, or? I don't know much about modern technology. But I will do something. I'll do it later. - You scared me.

  - I didn't mean it, Curly. But you have to promise me that you'll be extremely careful. Anyone you know can drag you into it. Anyone can be their servant without even knowing it. They own ALL the hypnosis. So anyone is already a potential danger to you. Of course, except for me and my vampires, but I can't be around you all the time.

  I imagined this picture, and I shuddered.

  - Always with you?! I'm gonna go crazy in a week!

  - Tell me what you want, Curly. And I will gladly fulfill them.

  - Cause you don't know what I mean by that? And you know very well that nothing will happen between us!

  - You're so cocky, Curly. And so charming. Like a little angora hamster, all fluffy and puffy and ruffled up when you're angry...

  The vampire looked at me and smiled like a burned sour cream cat. I tried to kick him in the leg, missed him, and got really angry. Could have given in to a girl. On vampires anyway, like a dog heals. Or at least back off and not get nervous until Danielle wakes up. But no, he's standing right here. Shining with a Hollywood smile... give it to dentists for donor parts!

  - That's enough! - I barked. - When are we going to visit Duška?

  - After eleven. Turning up at midnight is not the worst decision.

  - Yeah. With the last blow of the clock, the door opens and a glittering king appears on the threshold.

  - Do you have such a high opinion of me? I will try to live up to your expectations.

  - This isn't about you. It was a cartoon.

  - Do you play chess, Curly?

  In the first second, I thought I misheard.

  - Excuse me? Sorry for what?

  - Do you play chess, Curly?

  I shaken my head. I wasn't expecting that kind of question.

  - Yes. What does it matter?

  - If there's a board, I'll invite you to the party. Or two. We should take some time until your beloved Danielle wakes up.

  I didn't object to the word "beloved". Yes, you did.

  - And your vampires?

  - They can take care of themselves.

  - I'll get the board now.

  I had a terrible desire to beat the vampire at chess. And I wanted twenty minutes after the game started. Mecislav played like a genius. Kasparov is resting in a corner! Then the game went serious, and twenty minutes later I won. Simply because Mieczyslaw didn't take me seriously. He had an elephant, a horse and two pawns left, and I had a rook and a pawn when I cornered his king and cast a match by all the rules.

  - Shall we play again? - I suggested it.

  This time, we've got a much more serious grip. The party dragged on for an hour and a half. And I managed to tie it up a little bit. Mieczyslaw was very surprised, he said that very few people managed to do th
at - and offered me to play again. I looked at the watch - and agreed. We got stuck on a plaid board. Danielle appeared from the room, I waved to him, and again I ducked into my calculations. The vampire was not upset, he brought paper and a pencil and immediately tried to portray us. I didn't mind. Neither did Mecislav. It wasn't before that. I fought like a tiger, but I lost the game after all. Mechislav held his hand on his forehead and looked at me with respect.

  - I haven't played like this in a while. You're a great player, Curly.

  - You, too.

  - Who taught you to play like that?

  - Grandpa. He really likes this game. Except he treats it like war.

  - Well, then I see. You weren't playing either. You were at war, fuzzy. And it's like war in a war. You sacrificed everything to win, with no pawns or pieces to spare. You'd make a good military leader.

  - Girls aren't taken into generals. And I'm not going to make the generals.

  - You'd be a damn good commander. You fight very thoughtfully and regret nothing to win.

  - It's just chess. It doesn't hurt them.

  - What if it was about living people? - Danielle didn't ask loudly. I turned around and sent him a gentle smile. My dear bloodsucker. Why, that sounds good.

  - I'd be a bad player. I'll never be able to control other people's lives in cold blood.

  - But you're not afraid of risk. No matter what.

  I had to turn back to Mieczysław. That smile wasn't there anymore. He'll get over it.

  - I can lose too much, but I can win. Life is the same chess. There's one difference. I'm not afraid to risk myself, but I don't want to risk others. What about you?

  My dark green eyes captured mine - and I fell for a moment into the bottomless sparkling depth.

  - I'm here, sweetie. No matter what.

  There was a wave of fire running through my skin. And I knew very well what it was from his look. Damn it! If Danielle wasn't here, I'd probably tell him something disgusting. But Danielle was sitting right next to me. And I acted like a stupid girl in love.

  - Danielle?

  - Yes, Jane?

  - Can I see what you drew?

  - Absolutely!

  There was joy in the vampire's voice. I wonder why? But all my thoughts slipped my mind, if only to look at a simple pencil sketch. Let the jerks at the IPF tell me that vampires are evil! Let them talk from morning to night! Let them hoarse and wipe their tongues! I will never believe them! I looked at the drawing - and I knew that whoever creates Takuya beauty cannot be evil. It's the law of life! Evil never creates. It's destructive in nature. But Danielle does it without being distracted by little things. And there's no way evil can be evil. And being a vampire is just... a flaw! It's a stupid case. And there can be many cases like that! Vampires are not evil. They're just different. And you have to accept them for who they are. Like I already accepted them for me. Then, on the bus, when Danielle said they were about to drink blood from two scoundrels. And now I was looking at the drawing, and I was struck again by the power of art. And I forgave Daniel any sins in advance. Both past and future.

  In the drawing, careless lines depicted a woman and a vampire sitting at a chessboard. I could easily recognize myself. And Mieczysława could not be recognized only by the blind. My hand hung over the pieces as if in reflection. Danielle caught the moment when I was still thinking, but internally I made a decision and was going to execute it. There was concentration, uncertainty - and some determination on my face. And it was like the face of the woman in the first painting. And the vampire was looking at me. And he was definitely more interested in me than he was in the game.

  - Danielle, you've always seen what people want to hide," Mecislav said softly behind my back. And when did you first come up?

  - That's what they always hit me for," Danielle laughed. But the laughter wasn't funny. I looked at him carefully, and he answered me with a sad look. Suddenly I knew what the reason was. Mecislav. Daniel was not jealous of him, but was ready to get out of my way. He knew in advance that he was not a rival of Mieczyslaw, but he did not want to lose me either. And he already felt his pain - the pain of my leaving. I smiled at him and kissed on his cheek.

  - You know, I've always had a weakness for talent," I remarked in space.

  - And what kind of weakness? - Danielle suddenly grasped my waist, and I fell right on his lap. I fainted with surprise, but then I woke up and smiled. And I did what I've wanted to do for a long time. I hugged my beloved vampire by the neck and rubbed my cheek against the gray silk of his shirt.

  - I've been dreaming about this since this morning. From the moment I saw your drawings. By the way, Danielle, was the last drawing a question?

  - Yes.

  The vampire got so stressed, I got scared. It's all like a string. And in my grey eyes, there's this... fatigue, pain, hope and hopelessness all at once... God help me, I really love him...

  - My answer is yes, too.

  - YES?

  - Yes," I wanted to kiss Daniel on the cheek, "but the cheeky gray-eyed vampire was so twisted that I kissed him on the lips. And it lasted a long time...

  Turns out I don't know how to kiss at all...

  Turns out Danielle is a much better kisser than Mieczysław. Anyway, I just wanted to bite Mieczysława... and get Daniel into the bedroom and keep him there for a week.

  - Am I disturbing you, gentlemen?

  Easy on the devil. There he is, standing next to a chair with such a sour face, as if his garlic sauce had been watered. I wouldn't go out like a real gentleman... I don't care about him three times! I smiled at Daniel.

  - Why don't we continue our conversation, alone?

  - And best of all, in the morning," Mechislav reminded us. - Get dressed - and I'll wait for you downstairs in half an hour. Jane, you should have a white suit in your wardrobe. Danielle, this also applies to you.

  Daniel and I looked like teenagers hiding under their shirts a Playboy smuggled number with naked beauties.

  - Mind you, our conversation is not over," the vampire warned.

  - Don't even think about getting away from me so easily," I answered, reluctantly sliding down from his knees. I stumbled upon Mieczysław's evil look and sent him a mocking smile. He may be handsome as a god, he may be smart and strong, he may arouse my desire at one glance, but with Daniel he does not bother. I don't know how all other women would behave if I were me, but for me Daniel is much more expensive than ten Mecislavs. And when I left the room, I was sure that both vampires understood me perfectly.


  Danielle was pulling up his white pants. He's so tired of the director's ideas. On the other hand, he liked to look at Julia in bright clothes. She was charming yesterday, in a red suit.

  What will she be like in white today? You'll definitely have to draw it...

  Jane, Julia, Daddy, Daddy...

  The most beautiful woman in the world.

  His woman.

  Danielle had a dreamy smile.

  When he first looked at Jane for real, seriously, he thought it was an angel. She was... glowing. Shining with kindness, compassion, inner power...

  And why does this silly woman say she's not pretty so firmly?

  In his three hundred years, Danielle has learned many different concepts of beauty. There was a time when there were fashionable women with high foreheads and no eyebrows - and all the ladies shaved their hair and plucked their eyebrows. Blondes, brunettes and redheads, tall and low, skinny (with a waist of no more than forty-five centimeters - then sharply enriched corsetry salesmen) and lush, curly - and with hawkish noses, blue-eyed and black-eyed, rouge and pale...

  That's why Julino said she's far from beautiful - the vampire perceived with a smile.

  It's really funny...

  And people can be awfully funny creatures... How can they judge beauty by the color of their hair and write such poems at the same time? How does Zabolotskyi... "Fire flickering in a vessel"?

  Jane was such a fire. A
nd her fire was bright and pure.

  Danielle was warming up at his place like primitive men used to.

  And I lied to her.

  Lied every minute we spent together.

  Unscrupulous and hopeless.

  Now he's already lied to Mieczysław.

  How easy it was in the beginning!

  He told his friend that Andre was weak enough for their plan, that he had found a powerful source of strength and that he could start taking over the city.

  He seriously wanted to yield to Julia-Mecislav. But then he didn't know her yet.

  I didn't get a chance to see it.

  And then...

  He remembered their first night.

  Jane held on as long as she could. And then she went hysterical after all. Too much fell on her head that night. Vampires, blood, death, murder...

  Danielle remembered every minute of it. He remembered trying to calm her down. And how regular sex went into something he didn't have a name for.

  Jane looked for oblivion in him, and he looked for salvation in her. Salvation from himself.

  Danielle's used to taking everything for centuries. They're taking everything they can. Sex, power, money, blood...

  And Jane didn't take anything. She just gave him all of herself and helplessly asked for help.

  Mecislav wouldn't approve of his actions. When the woman fell asleep, Danielle had a superficial effect on her consciousness. He tried to do it. He was not strong in magic and hypnosis, as the same Dyushka (and Danielle already thinks about him in her words...), and if Jane did not want to miss it, he could not do anything.

  But I missed it.

  Where Mecislav broke through walls and mountains, Daniel passed as an invited guest.

  But you gotta hand it to the vampire, he didn't do Jane any harm. Just rubbed the memory of last night a little bit - otherwise the nightmares would have been provided for the girl for the rest of her life. As a result, Jane perceived everything that happened to her a little detached - and could think and act logically. And that's what was required.


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