Ring of Madness

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Ring of Madness Page 34

by Royden Labrosse

  Danielle hasn't touched a single strand of memory anymore. He did not change his attitude to more benevolent, did not add relaxedness, as often did the same Mecislav, did not look through the memory - in a word, the vampire behaved like a gentleman.

  And then he sat there and looked at the sleeping woman.

  And the pencil itself was flying on paper, telling the artist what was hiding from even the model herself.

  And with every stroke, Danielle was admiring the girl more and more.

  She was incredibly beautiful internally.

  And her Beast, her alter ego, was also beautiful in its own way. It was terrifying, not disgusting.

  And that was important to a vampire.

  Baby, his furry wasn't cruel and mean at all. Capricious, yes. Decisive, of course. Predator - of course, like any real woman, but not in the sense of thoughtless hunting for men, but to attack and chew. Kill not for fun, but to live on, and in his opinion - an incredibly beautiful predator. And he loved it all. Jane was more like a bobcat. A big cat with tassels in its ears, which guards its territory, protects the cubs and walks by itself.

  That's how you draw it. A woman with cat traits and a cat with a woman's face.

  It's going to be very beautiful.

  And she'll love it.

  But the drawing reflected the beast...

  I wonder what she likes more about him - himself or his talent? Still, there was some truth in what Mecislav said. Compassion, admiration of talent, danger - everything created such an extreme mixture that could not but explode.

  And Danielle humbly accepted the consequences of the explosion.

  He's already decided everything for himself.

  His human girl.

  His fluffy.

  His baby.

  And he won't just give it to anyone. He can't give it to anybody. Not ever.

  Even Mieczysław.

  After winning, they will certainly try to build a more serious relationship. It would be nice to live together. And it's a pity vampires can't get married. For technical reasons. It's just that they won't get to the registry office during the day. They'll get burned early.

  If all goes well, he'll try to make a living by painting. And - most beautiful thing - Jane will be with him for a long time. She already said yes. And today, when they kissed, he saw love in her eyes. Frightened, but very beautiful. And he didn't blame her for that fear. The important thing is that she's already made up her mind. As someone else's surname. But they'll have plenty of time...

  - Are you coming?

  Vadim painted on the door of the room.

  - Coming.

  Danielle pulled up his pants and stepped over the threshold with determination.

  He'll think about him and his future a little later.

  You shouldn't keep everyone else waiting. And I'm so excited to see my girl in a white suit...


  I really did have a white suit. But what a white suit! White silk, embroidered with silver! The pants looked a lot like one of Elvis Presley's suits, an embroidered claw with cuts from the knee. The jacket, made of the same silk, was so thickly embroidered with silver that it barely bent. It reached my waist, buttoned up with five hooks, and at every step in between my chest and stomach glimpsed. I shook my shoulders. Shy? Who? The ones who would look and lick themselves? Well, let them. As my friend says: "Let those who didn't get us cry, let those who didn't want us die! "And I totally agree with her. And the costume suits me. I thought, and I stabbed the hair on the back of the head with an intricate knot. It turned out very nice. The collar fringed the long neck - and the vein was hitting the throat particularly clearly. It was a temptation for vampires. All that was left was a holy water pistol and a cross. Or better yet, three crosses. Next to it was a knife presented to me by Mieczysław. But it was in red sheaths. Isn't there a white belt here?

  I found a white belt, I put it in my pants, and I pulled out the knife. The blade glowed with the cold shine of silver. It's beautiful. Shouldn't you stick it by the belt like that? Hmm, not funny, Jane! It's in a cheap American movie that supermen stick knives up their asses without being afraid to scratch, and I'll run out of pants cut at the worst possible moment. That's for sure. So, the knife stays here. You better put it in your purse. Okay, well, the white lady's purse is here, too. And half a pair of boots on disgusting heels. Let's hope I don't break my neck.

  The vampires were already waiting for me downstairs. Mecislav was again in all black, embroidered with gold, and looked so that he could cure a whole crowd of feminists with one smile. And three other vampires stood like the angels of hell - in white with silver and fangs. I walked up to Daniel.

  - You look awesome! Do you like me?

  - Jane, you're always beautiful to me.

  - Is that a compliment?

  - No, it's pure truth.

  - You're just adorable, curly. And you look completely innocent and at the same time very sensual woman in all white.

  - And how do I do it, in my old age," I agreed.

  - Yes, the wig and the dentures are beautifully made," the vampire agreed. - Curly, before we go, I'd like to ask you a favor.

  - Yeah?

  - I want you to share the blood with Boris.

  Probably, there was a complete perplexity written on my face, because Mechislav explained.

  - Let Boris take a few sips of blood and try to share with him the power that she shared with me and Daniel.

  - You think I can do this on demand? And then, we still have a visit to see Andre. I'm not dragging my legs! And then, is that necessary?

  Actually, I just didn't want to let another vampire throw fangs at me. Even if it was with the best of intentions.

  - It is necessary, - Mechislav responded. - You see, today Boris will have a fight. And I would like to use all the chances to win.

  - What kitchen am I in? - I was still remarkably stupid.

  - You're a very rare type of person, Curly. You don't know it yourself yet, but you can act like a battery. And if you learn how to use your power properly, you'll have no price.

  - Can you be more specific?

  Battery! Thank you for not calling it a fan or a motor!

  - That's a long explanation, curly. Do as I ask, and we'll go to Andre.

  I crossed my arms on my chest.

  - Let's do things differently. Now you're telling me honestly what you expect from me, and then I'll think whether you should help or not. Otherwise, I'll just walk out of here. And deal with it any way you want.

  Mecislav looked doomedly at me, then at the ceiling, and then again at me. I wonder if he was hoping I'd change my mind. But I was stuck with the horn. The hell I'm gonna move without an explanation! And he figured it out.

  - Okay, curly. I'll try to explain. The thing is, you're a battery. Your power is universal. You don't even know how unique your gift is. All people have their own, often very little, energy. And so do vampires. We get it through human blood. You get more from someone, you get less from someone. I've gotten SILU many times this way. But as much as I've ever gotten from you, Curly, I've never gotten from anyone else. And you weren't so strong at all. Upset, weakened... And I only took a few sips.

  - Get to the point," I asked.

  - As my beautiful mistress commands," said Mieczysław a little. The black curls slid in a thick wave on my wide shoulders, and I couldn't bear to bury my fingers in them. Or kick him on the leg with a heel, so that he wouldn't be mocked. I found a beautiful lady, too. - Okay! There are people who are naturally given the ability to get SILU out of everything in the world. From earth, water, people, trees, emotions, sunlight, books, movies, friends' smiles... These people collect SILU, accumulate it in themselves, carry it inside, but often can not let it out. And they die young. It's amazing that you've even lived to that age, curly. Imagine that water is constantly coming into the pool. But it's not pouring out. First it fills the whole pool, then the whole hall, then the whole house and eventually the who
le world. It's the same with energy. And such people can't let it out. They can't. Usually this inability ends in depression, madness, battery people hit alcoholism, drug addiction, commit suicide ...

  - I wasn't going to... On the contrary, I really like living!

  - That's right, sweetie! - Mecislav was pleased with the fresh meat burnt tiger. - Your talent is very rare, even though I didn't realize it right away. You have learned not only to accumulate SILU, but also to pass it through yourself and give it to people. I don't know whether you noticed it or not, but sometimes what you say comes true, sometimes you wish a man good - and his life gets better, and if you wish someone to break his leg, something unpleasant will happen to this man. Even if he doesn't break his leg, something nasty is bound to happen to him. Tiny splashes, but that's enough to keep you from going crazy. It's not psychic, but it's very close. When we win, I'll study with you and teach you how to control your gift.

  Of course, for his benefit - I'm tired to sum it up. So far, I've known little. I cannot be hypnotized or subordinated, I am able to share my energy, and now it turns out that I can accumulate it and throw it away. Hour after hour, it's not easy. Oh, when this is all over, I'm gonna take Daniel by the scruff, stick him to the wall, and he'll explain everything to me. And if he says no...

  - Where are you going with this? - I was tired of asking.

  - I'm asking you to let Boris try not only blood, but SILU too. You can do it, Curly. Especially if you want to. Twice you did it unknowingly. Now try to control yourself. I'll help you if it's necessary.

  - I'd like your confidence.

  - Believe me. And try to check right now. Get it, Fluffy!

  I looked at Daniel. The vampire answered me with a smile.

  - Mecislav is much better at theoretical and applied magic than I am. If he says that oranges are blue, then you should go and see who painted them.

  - That's a charming example. So you've made up your mind, girl?

  I shone my eyes at a vampire.

  - Fine! Get it!

  And she gave Boris her hand with her fangs. Like hell I'll let you bite me in the neck! The vampire stayed for a second and looked at Mečislav. He shook his head negative.

  - What else?! - I was annoyedly informed.

  - Boris asked me if he should subordinate your consciousness, curly, and I answered that he wouldn't succeed. He'll just bite you, and you try to give him SIL.

  I rolled my eyes.

  - It's not me stalling now! Bite already!

  Boris gently held my hand to my lips as if for a kiss. Then he turned her palm upside down and slipped his lips across his wrist. The next second, sharp fangs sank into my vein. I twitched, and I would have fallen if Danielle hadn't supported me with a hug on my shoulders. Mecislav did not approach, but took my other hand. I could feel his fingers by the shock of the current that pierced the whole body. Boris started drinking my blood.

  - Try to let SILU out, little one, - ordered Mecislav. - Relax. Don't resist the current of power, curly. Open up to us, open up to the world, feel how beautiful it is, try to tell him about it... give your joy to the world...

  A purring, ingratiating voice took me to a sweet semi-slumber... I instinctively relaxed in Daniel's hands. And immediately I felt a hot wave come up from somewhere in my chest. Blood was boiling in my veins. My heart was beating against my ribs with a crazy drum. And I felt this Force rushing to my left hand - and further, on the skin, on the bones, on the blood - to the lips of Boris. It was no longer a ball of fire, but volcanic lava, merged with every cell of my body. The vampire twitched like it was stung by a bee. His eyes widened, but his fingers squeezed even harder, and he continued to drink blood from me. The force like a hurricane torn and beat in my veins. It ripped me with its claws from the inside, as if the beast was about to get out of the mirror. I moaned and arched out. Daniel's hands trembled as if he didn't know what to do. Whether to drag me away from the vampire or to leave it at that. Mecislav pushed Daniel away and pinned me down.

  - Easy, little one, easy! Relax. Just give it to the Force! Don't build it up! You can't lose control! Your power belongs to you like an arm or a leg, you control it, you're just not used to it yet... Relax. Let the stream of power flow through you, but don't try to ride it. Trust me. I'll lead you... Feel the Force, the vampire kept whispering in my ear. And I clearly caught the moment when the stream of Power flowing through me began to narrow and shrink. - That's it, curly, good...

  I heard some voices, but I didn't know what to do. I was flying through space and time. What's wrong with me? I knew exactly what was going on. For the first time, I was free of the excess energy inside me. When I shared with Daniel, with Miecislav, it was different. I poured a drop out of a giant jug. If I had given Daniel as much energy as I was pouring out now, he wouldn't have needed blood. And, oddly enough, I felt a lot better than I did before.

  The force slammed the canal, and I felt Boris' fangs leaving my vein. A vampire took a handkerchief out of his pocket and pulled my hand over.

  - It's better this way.

  I was almost lying in the arms of Mieczysław. I was a little dizzy, but it was even pleasant. The whole body was surprisingly light, strong, alive. And the environment around me, too. I could see everything more clearly than ever, Mieczyslaw was looking at my face - and I could see every eyelash, every hair in a black strand falling on his forehead. The smell of his cologne and skin was also unusually clear and filled my whole body. Each muscle was filled with power and energy. It was as if I were to punch the wall with my fist and the wall would break apart.

  - What's wrong with me? - I could hardly recognize my voice. It's never been so ringing and loud.

  - You're doing what you were created for, girl. That's your calling. And your body follows your spiritual state. In a few seconds, you'll feel better than ever.

  I tried to lean on my feet. My knees weren't even shaking. The blood stopped, so I took my handkerchief off. Let the scratch be blown with fresh wind. It'll heal quicker that way.

  - Did you get what you wanted?

  - Yeah, sweetie. Even I got a certain amount of Power. And as for Boris, look at him!

  I looked it up. The vampire's cheeks were blushing (!), and when he touched my hand, his palm was almost hot.

  - Thank you, Jane.

  - You can't make a coat out of thank you," I answered. - But if you bring me a glass of water, we're even.

  A few seconds later, Boris gave me a tall glass of iced water. I drank it in a flash and licked myself.

  - Well, I'm ready for a feat. We've got great things to do and everything. - And resolutely released from Mieczysław's arms. - Danielle, will you offer me a hand?

  - I'm willing to offer you even a heart.

  I winked at my beloved fang.

  - Yeah, but you can't lean on him. And that's what I need right now.

  - Whenever you say so, Danielle picked me up.

  Mechislav moved his eyebrows a little.

  - We should go.

  I was a little late in the hallway to put on a sheepskin. Vampires don't freeze, and I'd rather not have a cold or anything. The car was already waiting for us in the yard.

  - Isn't it dangerous for us to come back here again? - I was wondering when we left the gate. - I wasn't very impressed by the IPF, but they're professionals. Today they left just because I surprised them. Tomorrow they can come back.

  - We have no choice, - shrugged Mechislav. - I have no second trusted person in this city. So trustworthy. Danielle, you'll have to stay awake during the day.

  - As you command, Danielle tilted his head a little.

  - You're the only one who can do it.

  I rubbed my cheek on Daniel's shoulder, stiff from silver sewing.

  - Danielle, will you teach me how to draw? I know you're a talent from God and I'll never achieve that, but still...

  - No. I won't. Or not now. First, I want to paint your portrait. You know, I see you as Aphrodite coming out of the se
a foam!

  - I don't look like her at all. And then, she was the most beautiful even among the gods, and I went out for a walk!

  - It all depends on who's watching.

  I didn't develop the subject. We'd better touch on it later when we get back. Something tells me we'll have time to talk and desire.

  - The order of movement is the same," said Mechislav. - Boris, my head is in charge of Jane. If I find a single scratch on her, I'll rip out her fangs.

  - I wonder who would let you examine me?! - I was outraged.

  The vampire missed it. Boris nodded silently and looked at me in the rearview mirror.

  - Chief, what if she gets into a fight again?

  - It's not your fault. Yesterday was your stupidity, curly. It's not heroism at all. If you hadn't been talking with your tongue...

  - You wouldn't get your first winning fight! - I interrupted it. Wow, what a bastard! How to use it, it's his first. And how can I thank you for saying we're pressed by a toad!

  - I would have gotten mine another way, but you would have stayed safe and sound!

  - Yes, but I wasn't doing it for your beautiful eyes! At Duke's, please remember, my friend! And what he'll do to her, not even the Powers Superior know.

  - You already know what he did to her. Or better yet, what did he make of her?

  I twitched, and Danielle pinned me tighter.

  - I won't believe it until I see Katka with fangs!

  - I'm sure Andre will show it to you. He always liked to brag about his new toys.

  I got really hurt somewhere inside. I guess that's what they call guilt. I couldn't save my friend. And I was indirectly responsible for her transformation. If she became a vampire, I'll ask myself for the rest of my life, what could I do to save her? What did I not do? When I didn't do what I had to do? There are wounds that don't heal. No matter how long it takes.

  New toys. This is about Katha. And it could have been about me. It's scary.

  Danielle buried his face in my hair.

  - You're shaking, Jane. What's wrong with you?

  - I'm scared - now I'm not shy of anyone and nothing. - I... I thought for the first time that I was far from the main character in this fairy tale.


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