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Ring of Madness

Page 40

by Royden Labrosse

  We lay next to each other for a long time, resting. Then Danielle rolled off me without tearing up his hug. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to think either. I didn't want to think anything. Just lying there, listening to his rabid heartbeat and the same rabid thunder.

  I don't know how long we'd be like this, but other sounds burst into the drumming of our hearts. And it was gunfire.

  Chapter 4

  We were attacked. And we're being saved.

  We bounced off each other like scalded. I grabbed my jeans and sweater, and I hurriedly pulled them right over my bare body. Danielle was dressing feverishly next to each other.

  - What's that?

  - I don't know! Attack?!

  - It's quite possible.

  - Jane, stop! - Danielle barely had time to intercept me when I rushed to the door. - You can't help them if they kill you, too.

  - And what do you suggest?

  I grabbed a bag with my wallet and business card and rushed the strap over my shoulder. That's it. Now I'm ready. Just for what? I didn't even know that. Danielle gently opened the door and looked out into the hallway.

  - I have to go to my room. I can't go outside like this! I'm just gonna burn!

  He slipped into the hallway like a shadow, and I followed him. Gunshots were coming in less and less often. No, what's going on?! If I stay alive, I'll kill Snowgirev! Couldn't he have built his phase in some cooperative?! Otherwise, no one will see or hear anything here on the bend. Just come and win! At least with a grenade launcher!

  Daniel's room overlooked the gate. A vampire rushed to the closet, and I rushed to the window. There were four cars at the gate. And they burned people. The Snegiryovs fired back, but where were they!

  - I'm going to the basement! - I threw it. - Get your clothes!

  - Jane!

  But I was already rushing downstairs.

  In the living room, in a huge chair, there was Snegirev.

  - What's going on?! - I barked.

  - I don't know! I don't know anything! Leave me alone!

  And it was only then that I realized that Snowflake was drunk. Well, fuck him! Not before him! You could have saved yourself! I rushed to the basement. Shit! It's locked from the inside! I pounded through the door like a bird on the bars.

  - Mecislav! Vadim! Boris!!!

  Shooting was getting rarer. There was almost no time left! The vampires couldn't hear me. They slept tight in their coffins. What should I do?! I was filled with despair. I cracked my fist on the door with all my might. Ow! There was blood on my arm. I broke my knuckles on metal. And at the same time, my magic was bleeding. I didn't know exactly what was going on, but that part of me that was somehow connected to Medzislaw, responded to the blood. The First Seal. I felt his calm and deep sleep in the coffin. I felt complete detachment from everything earthly. Now the ceiling could collapse over him - and he wouldn't understand what was going on. But my strength was calling him. And this was stronger than a collapsed ceiling. Stronger than an earthquake and a nuclear explosion.

  I felt him open his eyes. It took Mieczysław a few precious seconds to finally regain consciousness. And then he heard the gunshots. The door swung open. He was standing on the doorstep wearing nothing but silk pajama pants. And my gaze unwittingly slipped across his chest. I thought Danielle wasn't so well built, and I was ashamed of my thoughts.

  - What's going on?!

  - I don't know!

  A vampire rushed past me and disappeared around the corner. I slammed the door, heard the automatic lock click, and rushed up the stairs. Boris and Vadim were out of time. They will wake up - okay, not wake up - this is the fate. I have no contact with them, and I can wake them up for a very long time. Now it's too long. Mechislav was already near the window and looked out of the curtain.

  - Werewolves!

  The word sounded like a swear word.

  - We have to go!

  It's already Danielle.

  - Jane, get dressed," a vampire threw me, hastily ripping off Snowflake's pants and sweater and changing clothes. I flashed and turned away. Even now, the appearance of Mieczysław caused me to have thoughts that were not quite appropriate to the military situation.

  I threw myself in the hallway for a sheepskin and a hat. I grabbed the first thing I got, and two more sheepskins for vampires. Mecislav nodded, throwing a hood over his face.

  - How do we leave?

  - There you go.

  We rushed down the hall and fell into some room. Mecislav put out his window with one movement of his shoulder and flew out in a cloud of glass. The window overlooked the back of the mansion. The pool was turned into an ice rink and the ice shone. It's a good thing the sun hasn't appeared yet. But judging by the sky strip in the east, the day wouldn't be worse. Especially for vampires. Clear and sunny.

  Danielle interrupted my reflection by simply throwing me out the window by the skirting. I expected to hit the ground, but instead I ended up in the hands of a vampire. Mecislav caught me so easily, as if I weighed nothing. Danielle jumped out last and looked around.

  - Where to next?

  But now it was up to me.

  - Over there! - I shouted, pointing at the fence.

  Mechislav, without even thinking of putting me on the ground, rushed to the place I had indicated. I wrapped my hands around his neck.

  - Where to now, Curly?

  - To that apple tree.

  The apple tree was tall enough and loose. And most importantly, it grew close enough to the fence. The vampires understood me from half a word.

  - Get down," Mechislav ordered.

  Danielle literally screwed himself into the branches of the tree and reached out with his hands. Mecislav handed me over to him and climbed in himself.

  - Where to now?

  - Over the fence," I explained. - On the other side is a slope without rocks. In summer, blackberries grow there.

  Mecislav jumped forward. I jumped in and hit on Daniel. I've never seen vampires jump. It's almost flight. Or just a flight? Levitation? No, I don't think so. And the knowledge came from somewhere. No magic. Werewolves will feel it in no time.

  Daniel waited until Mieczysław turned around - and just threw me over to him like a sack... even with the croup. That's no offense. The vampire caught me in his arms and started, without waiting for Daniel, to go down the slope. The blackberry bushes were crunching under his soles. Soon we were joined by Danielle.

  - Put me on the ground," I suggested.

  - You can't," said Mechislav. - Werewolves can't smell us, but they'll take your mark in no time.

  - And yours isn't? That's silly! They'll find us just in the footsteps!

  Two chains of tracks were clearly visible in the white snow.

  - How is it faster to get to the highway here, Curly?

  The voice of the vampire was calm again. As if it wasn't his head that was going to be ripped off!

  - That's where we go," I pointed out the direction. - Three or four kilometers, and we'll go out on the highway. But it's all in the woods.

  - It's worse. No choice anyway. We'll have to run.

  - Escape? - I was surprised.

  - Yeah. Hold on tight, curly.

  Mechislav rushed forward at such a speed that the air in my ears whistled.

  - Throw me over your shoulder," I suggested. - It's also more comfortable.

  - Aren't you going to throw up?

  - I didn't have breakfast.

  Hmm, I shouldn't have suggested it. The speed, of course, increased, but now I was hanging my nose somewhere at the butt of Mieczysław, and his shoulder was pressed into the abdomen. There was also blood rushing to his head. Really, it could throw up. I think I overestimated myself. But I'd rather choke than complain. You can't complain about partners like that. That's a big piggy. Especially since they're already doing everything they can to save my hide. To hell with comfort! I'll put up with it!

  Then trees and shrubs flashed before their eyes. Vampires would
crack through the forest like elks. A couple of times I got a sensitive branch whipping on my legs, but I didn't even get puffed. I squeezed my teeth and put up with it. Not before. During the war, we leave tenderness on the shelf. And this is war. It's just a very small war. It's a dotty one. The forest suddenly ran out, and we ended up on the highway. Mecislav put me on the ground.

  - How are you feeling, Curly?

  - That sucks.

  - Sometimes," Danielle tried to hold me by my shoulders, "but there was a lump of bile hanging around my stomach and finally he rolled to my throat. I flipped to the side, and I was turned right to the side of the road. Fortunately, it ended pretty quickly. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and looked at my companions. Yeah. So I could put someone who looks like that in my car?! No way! On the contrary, I'd break down at speed three. They looked like this. Danielle, jeans and a sweater, with a blue sheepskin on top, clearly from someone else's shoulder. On her legs are homemade slippers with green bunnies. Mieczysław is even bunnier. Snegirev's pants were too short and wide for him, so they ended up about ten centimetres above the ankle. The sweater was also too short and too wide. His hands were open until the middle of his forearms, but the sweater was hanging in volume waves on his belly. Sneghirev's sneakers were also big and clapped with snow every step of the way. And the sheepskin coat wasn't exactly the right one. Of course, she had a hood, but she was clearly female, gray, in a funny green divorce. Freaky fashion. I was the only one who looked more or less decent. Clothes are their own, really, no scarf, no hat (it's fifteen-degree frost), but to such trifles when you shoot?! There are heel boots on the legs. I happen to be the first to get them. I was limping for the road.

  - Well, what are we gonna do?

  - A classic version, Sapienka, - on Daniel's lips played a funny smile. - Get down on the road. Sooner or later, somebody's gonna drive through here.

  - What if I get run over?! On the highway, you can reach a speed of one hundred and ten kilometers per hour! They'll pass, they'll move and they won't notice!

  - You'll notice, Curly. And then, we have no other choice.

  There really was no choice. I remembered Dyushka and Katka, thanks to whom I found myself in this repartition, in the evil word of all vampires and their venerable fang mother, - and obediently settled down across the road in the highly artistic pose "Starfish". So I had a hope of surviving. Even without a leg or an arm. Such timid hope... Vampires lurking by the side of the road. I didn't even see them. But I could clearly feel their presence. But in very different ways. Medislava is like a warm breeze that envelops my mind. And Daniel's - like a disturbing cool wave. I didn't have time to think about why it happened. The tires waved, and I heard the footsteps clearly. And the next moment, vampires jumped out of an ambush. I turned my head. We got a jacket, a nine red with a young guy driving. He's a cute kid like that. At first glance. I looked at him, and there were more and more details in my brain. Blond shredded hair, tall forehead, scattering freckles, slightly protruding ears, frightened gray eyes ... At the second glance there were also expensive clothes, fancy glasses, an earring in the left ear (by the way, in what ear do "men" wear blue earring?), insolent expression ... Forgive me. But we don't have a choice. Then I will be tormented by guilt, then I will cry long and bitterly, then I will make you pay the culprits of your death, those who attacked us this sunny morning. All this will only happen later. And now we must survive. Just survive, and all the means are good for that. Vampires need something to eat, and I'll be weaker if I share blood with two at once. You die like a lot of innocents in the same Nord-Ost just by accident. Under an unlucky ticket. Forgive me, boy. And if not, when I die, your death will be on my conscience.

  Mecislav held the guy by the neck and looked him right in the eyes. It was the first time I had seen vampire hypnosis in action - so bright and close to me. And not only did I act, but I felt it. When Duška tried to break me and dealt with Katka, I was still too inexperienced. But now... now I shared the Force with Mieczysław. How do vampires hypnotise themselves? When our whole family sat in front of the TV and watched Kashpirovsky, I could literally feel the hammer that was beating into my mind. Something like that happened to an IPF psychic. Vampirovsky's hypnosis was like a blow of misericordia: one swing of the hand and the point on the handle goes into the brain. Could it have happened to me, too?

  - You'll obey me.

  - I'll obey you," the boy echoed.

  - I am your master!

  - You are my master.

  The voice was sluggish and inexpressive. The glasses flew aside, I picked them up and put them in my pocket.

  It hurts. Something really hurt me.

  Mecislav let the boy go.

  - Danielle, tie him up with something.

  The vampire's already ripped the cover off the chair. Mecislav turned to me.

  - How are you, Curly? And get up off the snow. Humans are quite fragile creatures, and you only have the First Seal.

  - Are the caught horses being shot?

  My humor is ink in front of my eyes.

  - And sick comrades are left in a safe place until they get better. Would you agree to that?

  - No!

  I flipped over and barely got back on my feet. I was dizzy. Everything was going too fast for me. It was too fast for me.

  - What do you want to do with this guy?

  The question was asked just to say something. Cause I didn't know it would be necessary for two hungry vampires!

  - I hypnotized him. Now he'll come with us. Ropes like this, just in case!

  - Since I contacted you, many innocent people have died!

  - People always die, curly. Imagine this kid in a car accident and don't think about anything else.

  You're not tailing the offer. Be a bastard, and be happy.

  - It's easier said than done," I strained.

  - You have no other choice, Curly.

  I looked into the bright green eyes and understood that Mechislav was fully and completely right. I stepped on my way when I went to Katka's. Everything else is just a consequence of what I did. There was no need to get into other people's business! And I would sit in my house with a book! Except...

  I snorted a snort, and Mechislav looked at me.

  - What are you thinking, girl?

  - Of course, people are dying now, and I'm risking my life every minute, but honestly, it's better to regret what I've already done than to regret what will never come true!

  - You're absolutely right, Jane," Danielle intervened. - Now get in the car. We don't have time...

  Mecislav opened the car door in front of me.

  - I'll drive, you sit next to me, and Danielle and our... guest will be in the back seat. By the way, curly, do you know how to drive?

  - No.

  - When it's over, you should definitely get your rights.

  - We'll see about that.

  - And I will personally see to it - the green eyes sparkled.

  - We'll see," I said again.

  Mecislav literally put me in the front seat. Danielle and the kid were already sitting in the car. Danielle sat right behind Mecislav, holding the rope tight in his hand. He had already managed to tie the guy's hands behind his back and legs in his knees, and now he was trying to figure out how best to put a noose around his neck. Then he came up with something, pulled the poor guy's throat and fixed the rope at the back. Now the boy couldn't free himself. Any movement of his hands would have made the noose tighten and led to a deep faint. But he wouldn't have thought to run. He just sat there and looked into the back of Mieczysława's head. And such doggy devotion was in his eyes that I wanted to cry.

  The car rushed from the spot, Mieczyslaw immediately squeezed out the gas and went first to the second, and then immediately to the fourth speed. For a while, everyone was silent.

  - Where are we going? - I finally asked.

  - I don't know yet. The snowbird was my only burial ground in this town. Now I'd like to hide from unnecessary
attention, but where?

  - You can't come to me," I noticed. - As for my friends - Duška knows what and where. To Nadia again?

  - I have to," Danielle said.

  - Then she should call. Otherwise we'll be kissing the door lock. Boys, empty your pockets! Does anyone have a cell phone?

  The kid's got the cell phone. Danielle gave it to me. I squeezed it, and I remember Nadjkin dialing his cell phone. At least I tried to remember it well. Otherwise we'd be caught like chickens in a shield. Girlfriend only called me back on the tenth horn.

  - Yeah?

  - Nadia, hello!

  - Papeka?! What are you?! Where have you been?!

  - I'm not missing! Oh, Nadiaz, so many things have happened! So many things!

  - How about more details?

  - Can I have more details when I see you? Nadia, our house is on fire again, and I have two guys with me. And we're gonna have to sit tight until tonight. You're not gonna sit down?

  - Asylum. Or an orphanage? Anyway, pick it up! Just one thing - don't go to my dorm!

  - Why?

  - Write down the address. Solomatina 20. It's a five-story building. Go to the first entrance, apartment 12. There's no code, no intercom.

  - And why there?

  - A colleague left me the keys. She drove herself to the Canaries and asked me to look after the herbarium and feed the cat. Well, I'm taking the cat to my dorm, and the brooms are on your conscience. If your guys do anything to them, I'll dissect them myself without anesthesia.

  - Nadia, come on! They're not cows!


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