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Ring of Madness

Page 85

by Royden Labrosse

  The vampire had a short laugh, and I felt like a fool. I was hoping that he would tell me now and I would be able to make fun of him, but he laughed and I still didn't know what to do with the laughing Mecislav. Except to kiss him. But it's a dangerous path. And it's better to stay away from it.

  - Curly, can I break up with you? You can always make me smile. And that's very valuable. Especially for me.

  I shaved.

  - Buy yourself a circus with clowns. And have fun for your health.

  - Why waste time and energy when you're already here?

  I didn't get a decent answer. Vadim is back.

  - It's done, Chief.

  - Then spend my time, and you can have your time.

  - In accordance with your orders, I've put it in shockingly.

  The vampire didn't even notice the irony.

  - Of course he did, baby.

  I sighed. What else could I expect?

  Vadim put his hand gently on my shoulder.

  - Shall we go?

  - Let's go, I sighed. And I turned to the Prince of the city. - See you soon, Mechislav. I'm sure you know how to get in touch with me.

  - I do. You write down my cell phone number too, -Mecislav dictated nine numbers to me.

  I obediently entered them into my memory, made a call and nodded.

  I don't know why, but what if you need it?

  - My surname must know this number.

  - And running like a dog with a bell at the first bell, I rattled.

  The vampire smiled at me without showing me fangs. Tenderly and tenderly. And he looked at my figure, as if he were evaluating and undressing me. I felt my ears get caught on fire.

  - A collar with a bell would look good on you. Diamond collar. One collar, and nothing else.

  - The Leoversen do not breed in captivity," I cut it off.

  Now my cheeks are on fire, too.

  - See you soon, Curly.

  I turned around and went out without even saying goodbye to my brother.

  Well, to hell with them all!

  I'm tired as if the devils were riding me all night.

  While we stayed within Mieczyslaw's sight, Vadim was still following some rules. But as soon as we left the club, he hugged me tightly over his shoulders and turned me towards him.

  - Are you tired, Julenok?

  - Damn right," I confessed, sticking my face in his shoulder. - Vadik, how good it is that at least with you do not have to play these cretin games!

  Vadim waved his hand, stopping some car.

  - Do you want me to stay with you at least until dawn?

  - And you'll bring Ludmila's displeasure upon yourself? I won't risk it!

  Vadim snorted a sniffle, but even in that short sound there was obvious relief. If I can joke, even if it's embarrassing, ridiculous, then I'll be fine.

  - Can I get you a cup of coffee?

  - Do you drink... coffee?

  I paused, especially for a vampire, but Vadim gave up.

  - You can give me tea or even coke. Will you invite me?

  - Where the hell am I going to get off the submarine?

  - Yulka, you're beautiful!

  The car was gently rumbling with the engine, taking us away into the night darkness.

  * * *

  The vampire was happy.

  His game started. And it started out the way he wanted.

  The pieces were placed in key positions.

  First move made.

  Both the players and the pawns behave quite predictably. Specifically, the way he calculated. His people in town are reporting on everything that's going on. They report well, in detail. Even more detailed. Most spies help him voluntarily. A man is a funny creature. And what it makes of him, vampire or werewolf, doesn't change anything. Inside, it's the same. It's the same passions. Same flaws. And they're as easy to pull as strings...

  Sometimes the subordinates reminded the vampire of Italian puppets. You pull one string, your hand twitches. The other one, the leg. And you can pull anything.

  Jealousy. Jealousy. Revenge. Dissatisfaction. Just dance with your fingers on the threads. Feel for the fool, promise the jealous man his desire for full power, give the avenger the opportunity to get even with the enemy - and they will kiss your feet. Learn to play in public, like you once did on an old harpsichord. How old is he, though, next to the vampire who was present at his invention?

  It doesn't matter, though. What matters is that he is served and served well. He won't be stingy on advances or promises. Although to do all that...

  Doesn't matter. It's dangerous to spy. Danielle realized it on his skin. Although it's still unclear what he managed to do with himself. He's never been strong in magic, and then suddenly...

  And any exposed spy will be the same. Absolutely will. And after winning... no one is immortal. And even a vampire can be killed if you try.

  In the meantime, let his spies try. Let them do their best. And he will listen to their reports and coordinate the situation.

  Although for now, without his intervention, exactly what he needs is happening. Negotiation. It's a great thing, isn't it? Especially when the host party is obliged to guarantee the complete safety of all participants. Or... there can be a variety of consequences.

  The vampire had a subtle smile.

  A good spy is a half-winning war. The other half the vampire hoped to win with his cunning and cruelty. Mecislav was too... democratic. That's what's gonna let him down. A good ruler wouldn't need the love of his subjects. Enough to make him afraid. Very afraid. Then they will obey properly.

  A ruler will be obeyed when he is strong and cruel. With cruelty, the vampire had no overtones. But power... If everything goes according to his plan, he will have a powerful source.

  Yeah, we're not controlling that source yet, but the more interesting it will be to subdue that man to his will. There are many methods. Conspiracy, blackmail, coercion, fear, all of which the vampire intended to put into action. And even get a lot of fun out of it.

  And benefit. With a powerful source of power, he can even try to get into the Council.

  What could be sweeter than power?


  What foolishness!

  The vampire has even twisted his shoulders, though he's long accustomed himself to stay always cold and calm. Whatever's going on around him.

  Because of some hormonal reaction to get into the heat, to put himself at risk, to do things that are completely contrary to common sense... fi!

  And to think he used to be so stupid, too.

  That's funny.

  Well, life cured him of that absurdity. Now he can focus on what's important.

  Few people know what an exquisite pleasure it is to play people like pawns on a blackboard. And few people are capable of it. But even they can have strange delusions at times. Some kind of conscience. Or worse, justice! That's what it is, isn't it?! Or at least show it!

  Where, where in life is this justice?! Put your finger on it!

  If everything were fair, he'd be head of the Council now. He's the smartest, most cunning and most cruel. And in fairness he must be the strongest. But he's not.

  For now...

  And there's also stupidity like "retribution for sins"! That's the stupidest thing a vampire has ever heard. Do we really have anybody paying for them?! No one!

  Only those who are too stupid to turn around!


  He's not in any danger of that.

  Whatever happens, he stays out of suspicion, like... ha-ha, the wife of that funny boy, Caesar. The funny thing is, that boy's wife decorated him with branched horns. And she didn't care for his credit to Rome. He, too, wasn't a skier and cheated on her left and right. They were worthy of each other, but Pompey found herself in a loss...



  And where's the justice here?

  That's funny.

  Although... if there is, he'll be one of the strongest vampires in a few weeks.
  And it's gonna be just great.

  The vampire had a cold and cruel smile. Power. What could be more attractive than power?


  And very soon it will be in his hands.

  Chapter 3.

  Gross things can be different - black, white and red...

  Once at my house, Vadim acted rather strangely. He plunged into his chair and stared at me. He sat there, looked at me and kept quiet. Like a prosecutor.

  - Did the patterns grow on me? - I snapped at him on the third minute.

  - That's what I'm trying to find out," Vadik confessed honestly. I looked at myself thoroughly, bent over my shoulder, and shook my head.

  - No patterns, no flowers, no horns. I'm waiting for an explanation.

  - Sit down," the vampire nodded at the second chair across the street.

  I sat down firmly in the swiveling chair in front of the computer and grabbed my fingers to the back of my head. It's my favorite position to talk about something serious.

  - Well?

  - Julia, what were you talking to the chief about?

  As Vadim tried to seem calm, there was a strange note in his voice. Like a big crystal vase with a crack. It sounds like it's like it's the same thing, nothing's visible, and the sound isn't the same. It's the wrong one, and it's all there.

  - It's nothing," I said. - There's a temporary truce. Till this commission leaves, we'll be playing hot love.

  It's like they pulled a pair of stitches out of Vadim. He relaxed and leaned back.

  - Thank God!

  I slammed my eyelashes. What's it take to get a vampire to talk about God?! What the hell is going on here? Well, that's what we're about to find out. And that fang will get the hell out of here until I get all the political information!

  - Spit it out, Vadik!

  The vampire wouldn't act like Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

  - Yulia, I know it's hard for you to agree, but Mieczysław isn't a bad host. He's smart, he's not tough, he doesn't want to hurt others for his pleasure...

  - Will you stop with the advertising?! - The evil was interrupted by me.

  The vampire raised his hand.

  - Julia, let me finish. Mecislav is my master for many decades. I'm used to him and I don't want anyone else. Now I'm talking to you frankly, and I confess the chief can rip my head off for this conversation. I really hope he never finds out about our conversation.

  - You call me Julia all the time," I said. - Are you trying to stress that you're talking to me like an independent face now?

  - I don't think you can call me that," said the vampire. - But that's not what we're talking about right now.

  - It's not about that either," I sighed. - Don't take too long, Vadik. And call me what your master ordered. You're used to it, aren't you?

  - I'm used to it. Julia, do you really want to help the chief stay alive and keep the post of Prince of the city?

  I was thinking for a moment. Then I shaken my head.

  - Somehow I don't care. I used to want to kill him, but now that I saw him... no. Now I don't want to hurt him. I want him to leave me alone.

  - You're the one who has to decide with him. But you don't want to hurt him?

  - I don't want him to.

  I listened to myself, and I knew I was being sincere. Indeed, Mecislav treated me and Daniel like a decent bastard, but now I was no longer so desperately angry with him. Time really healed his wounds. I hadn't noticed it, but first of all days and nights they drove something out of my soul that had no place there. Hatred in the first place. I never knew how to hate. Especially if hate was undeserved. I knew very well that if we had been given time, Mieczyslaw would have turned out of his skin, taken off his last shirt and walked barefoot through the fire just to keep his friend alive.

  They wouldn't give us time. And I knew the culprits very well. A skating rink that hell didn't tell to shut up and drown himself in the toilet. Ramirez, who could postpone the decision for one night until the formation of Mieczysław as Prince of the city. And Elizabeth, who I... no, did not hate! It wasn't anger or rage. It was a cold and calm desire to kill. Slow and painful. For every moment of Daniel's suffering. For every second. For every shout of pain he made. Only then will I be able to let the ghost of a loved one go free. Only then.

  - I'm glad you could break yourself.

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  - Danielle wouldn't want me to shut up in my hatred. That's not how he saw me. Although I wouldn't give up on revenge. But I'm not going to foul behind Mečislav's back. You can tell him that.

  Centuries of training have allowed Vadim to keep his expression quiet. And his voice was still not expressing anything. But I could feel his rage all over his skin. Like a couple hundred ants behind the scruff.

  - Do you think Mechislav asked me to talk to you?

  - No, I shook my head. I really didn't think so. This conversation is on Vadim's own initiative. But when he comes back, Mieczyslaw will surely draw all the details out of him. That green-eyed guy's mind is full of details. Maybe it's because he's not blond. Oh, I'm in the wrong place again. I shaken myself up and strongly added: - But when he asks about our conversation, say I won't hurt him.

  Sync and corrections by honeybunny

  I will not take revenge.

  Vadim's rage has subsided, giving way to reflection.

  - And who will you become?

  - And that's none of his business or yours. Love was mine, pain was mine, so revenge will belong to me.

  Vadim knew me well enough to understand: I don't throw words in the wind.

  - Yulia, just be careful, okay?

  - Okay, okay. So what were you going to say?

  - Yulia, the poor vampire almost stuttered, saying my name. Mecislav trained them well. - Do you treat us well? Me, Boris, Valentine, Nadia?

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  - You're my friends. How can I treat you badly?

  - Then, for God's sake, don't argue with Mecislav now! Is it really that hard for you to even now fulfill his requests? You've already scared him, he won't order you to do anything...

  The vampire's voice sounded so sad, it really freaked me out.

  - Julia, this is very important! Now the chief must be able to meet all the attacks. The weakened beasts are being torn up by their own flock. Mecislav will have to go barefoot through a ball of royal cobras if not fight. If you don't support him, he won't make it. And we will all suffer. Any other Prince of the city first of all will deal with me and Boris, as especially close, then take on Valentine, because he's a weak wolf, no matter what you say. And your girlfriend will fall victim to this story because she'll get into the hottest boiler. And she'll boil herself. Although it's not gonna touch you. You're a valuable asset that any host will cherish and nurture.

  - Shut up! - I've been shaken by a big shiver.

  - I can shut up. Can't you make yourself not think?

  Vadim was hit in the sickest place. Why can't I be a stubborn fool?! I always start thinking and calculating my options. And I don't want my loved ones to suffer. It's the heroes of the Mexican "soap" to forgive to do things, and then bang their forehead on the floor, ugly parquet, and repent so that from the neighboring rooftops pigeons fall from the sound impact. I couldn't, I didn't want to, I didn't think! Alas! What about them? The scriptwriter will take out the heroes! And this is my one and only life. And there's no one to save me. If there's anything. If anybody. If everything goes wrong.

  I'm not just gonna drown, I'm gonna drag my mom and grandpa along. And my friends. And that's the worst part.

  - Go, Vadik, I said quietly.

  - Julia, are you sure?

  - Goodbye, I'm sure.

  Vadim looked at me closely, but decided not to bicker. That's right. I'm not in the mood right now. I can throw you out the door, too.

  He's gone. And I lay down, wrapped myself in a blanket - and I didn't notice how I fell asleep.

  * * *

  - Aa

  A wild scream cut through the room. I jumped up on the bed, looking around with crazy eyes. The nightlight illuminated the room, painting the walls in soft marsh green tones. It's so good to have it. I'd go crazy if I woke up in total darkness.

  I had a nightmare again. It's the same again. I was watching Daniel's execution from the outside.

  Nobody told me. Nobody and nothing. But it was always the same. And then, when I asked Vadim something, I saw an outrage in my blue eyes: "Who dared to tell?!" And I realized that these are not just dreams. But does it make it easier? The consciousness pulls pieces out of the fabric of reality, turning my dreams into monsters. And monsters don't care whose soul is torn apart. And it hurts, it hurts so much... And the dreams are almost always the same.

  I fall in oblivion on Valentine's accommodative hands. Ramirez turns to Daniel, and the beautiful face is distorted by anger.

  - Here comes your end, you talentless ointment!

  Daniel is suddenly calm. And it's his calm that makes Ramirez even more angry.

  - Anything you'd like to say?

  A crooked smile on a vampire's lips.

  - For you?

  There's an ocean of disgust in one word. Grey eyes are as cold as autumn puddles. The same smile appears on Ramirez's face. The vampires seem to be parodies of each other, but I know it's not a parody. It's a fight. A duel of Ramirez's black jealousy and black hatred - and full of calm and love for Daniel's world. Ramirez knows exactly what I am. And once again, he hated me. Again, I say? Yes. It's been a hatred for years. Ever since two vampires were competing for the same human woman. Ever since she sacrificed herself to protect a loved one. Ever since it wasn't Ramirez who was chosen, it was Danielle.

  Sometimes I dream of Danielle's memories. It's painful, too, but not as scary as his death. It was one of the first memories that came and settled inside.

  Scarlet skirt, white corsage, little bare feet looking out from under the hem. Black hair has the right to argue with its color with the Spring Castle. Two pieces of heaven frozen in the eyes forever. A woman is looking at someone.

  I can see her face in the nervous and irritated reflections of the fire, but it's beautiful even in this wrong light. And I'm gripped by someone else's sadness. How good this woman would be in daylight! But he can never see her in the midday sun. Just imagine the gold dust wrapped in her shining canopy and sparkling in her hair in the endless dance of life in the rays of the sun...


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