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Ring of Madness

Page 178

by Royden Labrosse

  Charles touched the tongue of the blade suspiciously.

  - Not poisoned.

  I wanted to twist my finger at the temple, and then I kept quiet. Didn't somebody decide to try Mieczysław? And Klara... I suddenly remembered that she found a knife somewhere to kill me too. Shit! We've got a rat here! That's right!

  There was a bonfire on a small patch hidden behind cars and garages. Charles and I stood above him, opposite each other. Drakosha gave me a dagger with a point forward, and I slowly took it. I pressed it against the skin of my left hand. According to the rules, I have to open my hand first. I - become the eldest, I take a half dragon in my family, me and offer to mix the blood.

  You don't want to cut your hands. And there's no living place for scars like this...

  The point of the dagger almost turned, the blade slipped, spraying my hand from my wrist and almost to my elbow. It hurt, damn it! The blood was buried in the fire. I gave the dagger to Charles.

  Drakosha didn't hesitate, rinsing himself so that he almost took off half his arms.

  And I slowly spoke, listening to every word - and at the same time switching to another vision, the one that helped me to see auras.

  - I, Julia Yevgenyevna Leoverenskaya, a man by birth, the surname of the Prince of the City of Machislava, offer you, Charles, a brotherhood. I swear by my blood, my life, my soul, my strength. May my blood run dry, may my strength leave me, may my life leave me, may my soul disintegrate if I betray you. You are my brother. From now on and forever. In the face of peace.

  - I, Alveresander Sharallorich, mother man, father dragon, take your vows, Julia Yevgenyevna Leoverenskaya. And I swear to you with my blood, my life, my soul, my strength. Let my blood run out, let my power leave me, let my life leave me, let my soul disintegrate if I betray you. You are my sister. From now on and forever. In the face of peace.

  We slowly grabbed our hands over the flames of the fire. Heavy drops were mixing and falling into the fire. The brushes slightly turned so that the wounds merged. And something happened. My blood hit the wound on Charles' arm. And the drops of his blood slipped into my wound.

  And the power burst out brighter than fire. I saw the second vision, the one with which I could see the auras, how the curse of Charles melts. There's a lot about him. Not everything. A lot of it.

  The bindings that Alfonso put on him were burned. The curse of "corrupted dragon blood" burned. Not the whole thing, no. But his dragon was more than half free. Turning its wings. It moved its tail. Lifted his heavy head and rocks his teeth. And it rocks the teeth of my personal beast with human eyes.

  All right, brother, shall we run?

  It's better to fly...

  Hundreds of sharp red lightning bolts were sewing the air between us. Almost fireworks. Only fireworks hit the sky, and here it was all hitting right at the two of us. The lightning bolts burst into flames, burst out of our blood again - and blurred with scarlet blotches again. And it was painful. Every blot hurt. It hurt. Like a pack of wild wasps. I moaned in pain, and I heard Charles squeaking his teeth...

  But it was impossible to interrupt the rite. And not to say the final words, either.

  - In the face of fire, wind, earth and blood, I swear! - as soon as I move my lips numb, I whisper.

  And Charles quietly echoed.

  There was a mad fire. A wild, uncontrollable wind blew around. The ground swung underfoot. The scarlet, bloody wave rose and covered us with its head. It caught on a burning stream. Tested it for strength. As if the third force looked at us with cold indifferent eyes. Did you get a hold of us? Well, well, let's see...

  And then it was over.

  Somehow in a moment.

  A wave came out, and I found that I was alive and well and sort of able to think adequately. Charles and I were still standing over the extinct fire. The dagger was lying on the ground for some reason. I translated the look on my hand. And I raised my eyebrows in surprise. There was nothing there. Not a cut, not a scratch... Not even a scar left. Charles nodded and showed me his hand. There were plenty of old scars. But there wasn't a new one from the dagger.

  - The oath is taken.

  - How pleased I am," I sighed. - Well, brother, shall we go?

  - Please, dear sister," the dragon bowed, bending his hand so that I leaned on his elbow.

  I rolled my eyes to the sky. Nothing new, just stars.

  - Gods, Grandpa will be glad. At least someone in our family will have decent manners.

  - I will be happy to meet our deeply respected grandfather," the werewolf confirmed. There were mischievous sparks in our violet eyes.

  - You will. Only first we pump out the contender for my paw, heart and strength," I sighed.

  In the process of fraternizing, I forgot a lot. Even the pain that ripped my heart out. But now she's back.

  It hurts... shit!

  * * *

  When I stabbed him in the door, Vadim almost flew out to meet us.

  - Julia!? Charles!? Already!? Or...

  - It all worked out," I swung away. - Where's the doctor? Call me. And let's start the surgery.

  Vadim took a bullet out.

  I went to the bed. I sat next to a vampire.


  Why do we understand that this particular part of life is only dear to us when it leaves? I hated school, but I realized I missed it when I said goodbye to the walls that had been ragged for ten years. Danielle... it's a separate song. I mean, a scream. And if Mecislav goes away... I don't want to say the word "die"...

  I won't!

  I won't allow it!

  You'll live, you fang bastard! Yes, you will! Or I will rip your legs out in the other world!!!

  Mecislav was lying on the bed. So... calm that my heart was pinched.


  I can't stand this vampire! I'll rip his teeth out personally! With pincers! Especially for yesterday! But...

  If he dies, part of me dies. I'll survive, I know that now. I found out about it the minute the previously invisible Beast came out of me. And I looked at the world with my human eyes. With my human eyes. It doesn't matter. What's important is that I can break the connection with Medislav. Any time I like it. But... what happens if you take him away?

  I know the answer.

  Deep down, I always knew.

  Memory can't be cleaned up. She'll stay with me.

  Long nights. Empty days. Grey sunsets and sunrises. Our connection will be gone. And - I will not be. The one that's just starting to form from the remnants of the old Julie Leoverin personality. Like a butterfly from a doll. Except I'm not a butterfly yet. And Mecislav, as best he could, wouldn't let me drown in the swamp of my worries. He dragged me into everything and everything. Made me angry. Irritating. He fought. Arguing and quarreling, causing all the fire. And rejoicing at even that. Because otherwise...

  Otherwise, I'll just burn myself.

  Danielle gave me a lot, but he took a lot.

  That Julia, who could live without knowing her abilities, has become a thing of the past. Now I can't just put my memory on the shelf - and continue to exist.

  Amnesia could help, but... how?

  Ask Vadima to hit me on the head?

  What a fool! What am I thinking!?

  Vadim came back with the doctor. And I took a good look at them. Vadim is all pale, but resolute. The doctor is professionally calm. And what, the closest relatives of reptiles - are just doctors with their professional cynicism.

  Charles is pale and nervous. It's a fact. I smiled at all three. I touched my vampire's icy hand. My own, damn it!

  - Are you ready, gentlemen?

  The doctor nodded first.

  - Yes, it is. What do you want to do?

  - Me? I'm gonna lie down next to him and go to his place. To where he is now. I'll get through, I'm strong. And I'll be there for him. You give me ten minutes and start operating. If we survive, it's fine. We'll live...

  I stumbled for a moment, and then I gave the order coldly, loo
king into Vadim's eyes.

  - Vadim, I am the surname of your protector and creator. And you dare not disobey me. If we die, you lock the door, get out of here, call my grandfather, tell me what happened, and you and Charles go to Tula to see Boris. There you get new documents, Charles gets on a plane anywhere in the world - and you can continue to live as you like. Did I make myself clear?

  - No, - Vadim met my eye. - I will not leave you, no matter what happens. Do you have any idea what's going to happen here?

  - It's okay. This is Alfonso da Silva. That's what he'll be doing. Okay?

  - Julia...

  - I don't care what happens to my dead body. I take it that death is irreversible?

  - Absolutely," the doctor grinned.

  - Here you go. We have to save what we can save. Okay?

  Vadim turned his back grimly.

  - Okay.

  I took a look at Charles.

  - Brother... you got it?

  - We're not going to die," said the half-dragon. - Not me. Not you. Not him. No one. We're strong enough to do anything with you. We'll get him out, don't you think...

  And I felt so sure of what he said... I'd turn the mountains and stick them in place.

  It's a little lighter on the soul. I smiled at Charles - and crawled on the bed, stepping over the body of Mieczysław.

  - Give me ten minutes, and start the surgery. Yeah?

  The doctor nodded silently, spreading out some tools. He didn't think to wipe and disinfect them. No one's ever thought of a disease that would stick to a vampire. It's more like the opposite - they'll kill any germ.

  I stretched out and firmly squeezed the ice fingers of Mieczysław. On the other side of the bed, too, I squeezed the bed and found Charles. The semi-dragon took my hand and smiled.

  - I'm strong. I'll hold you back. I promise.

  And I believed it. I closed my eyes and fell into a hungry painful oblivion. Where do vampires go when they're killed? I think I'm about to find out...

  * * *

  This time I didn't have to tune up, catch a moment or do anything consciously. No. Whether the vampire was the catalyst or Charles, I don't know. It didn't matter at all.

  What mattered was that I closed my eyes on the bed, and a minute later I opened...

  It was a field. It was huge. Bigger. Dry. Blood-red. And above it was the brown and purple sky. I think that's the color of the blood that's been baked. Bloody hell for bloodsuckers?

  I don't know. But I was scared and disgusted here.

  The sun was shining brightly over my head. Ruthlessly burning out both eyes and life.

  This is dead earth. There's nothing here. There's nobody here. There's just...

  I got back on my feet. I looked around. I was exactly the same as I was in life. Except that on my right wrist there was a live fire on a bracelet made of heavy red metal, and on my left one - the same, but of matte black stone.

  And I knew. Scarlet is the connection to Charles. Black is Mecislav. As long as he's still alive. Bye. And then...

  I don't know. But at least we have to find him first.

  And I went where my left hand was pulled. It was pulling madly. If I took one step in that direction, the itching in my palm would get easier. If you stop, your palm burns and itches again as if you'd picked up forty pincers.

  It didn't take long. In 40 steps I came across a scorched and even slightly melted bald spot. And in the middle of it lay...


  I didn't scream. I didn't scream. I wasn't moaning. Yes, you did. I acted in a way that even surprised myself. Thoughts were like computer programs - short and clear. All the teams.

  Come here.

  Get down on your knees.

  Flip a vampire on his back.

  It all worked out. And now what?

  Three bullet holes didn't go anywhere.

  I did not hesitate to put my left long-suffering hand to the lips of a vampire. The only thing that ties us together is blood magic. And if my blood doesn't call him...

  My arm was in pain. Sharp fangs penetrated the vein. Mecislav pulled the blood out of me, and I was so stupid...

  He furiously pulsed the bracelet on his right hand, pouring power into me, holding me conscious as if I were walking on a rope over an abyss.


  Thank you, brother!

  Yeah, without him, I could have gone missing. Giving in to the foolishness and losing myself. And that's it. The world is ashes. But I won't let it happen again. And no more reminders.

  I already know that.

  - May your pain be my pain. My strength is your strength. We are one, and our bodies are one, and our minds are one. May my body and my mind hold us above the abyss.

  I threw all my power into a vampire's left hand. It soaked in as if it was gone. And she disappeared.

  And Mechislav slowly opened his eyes.

  Same incredibly green. Bright. Bright. And... fully aware of what's happening.

  - Julia...?

  I snorted. Even that sound came from me with a lot of effort.

  - Come on up, you gangbanger bullet victim. How long you gonna be lying around?

  The vampire looked around.

  - What's that?

  - The delirium of an inflamed mind.

  - Mine or yours?

  - Yours. Is that the only thing you're interested in?

  - No. Are we dead yet? Or are we dying?

  - You, as you wish. And I've got things to do at home, I'm exhausted. - Give me your hand before you chew it back to your shoulder!

  Mieczysław released my wrist, which he squeezed with his dead grip the whole time. I rubbed my hand and shone my eyes at it.

  - If I get any bruises, you better choke yourself in advance. I have to go to the Universiade tomorrow, how do I explain these souvenirs to people there?

  - You say you made love in a tied form," joked Mecislav. And barely dodged a slap. I cracked my hand on the ground and stuttered with pain.

  - You're a bastard after all. Maybe I should leave you here.

  The vampire took another look at the sun above his head, the bloody red dry earth...

  The dust from it settled on his face, his hair, his clothes - and the vampire seemed an absolutely unreal creature of this world.

  Well, he was.

  That's where I realized right now that vampires aren't human. Even though Mechislav was smiling at me in a completely human way.

  - Shouldn't we? - Half jokingly, he asked.

  - Let's look at your behavior. Get up or something... and offer your hand to the lady. Am I gonna limp myself in here?

  The vampire listened. He reached out to me, raised me on my legs, gave me a little thought, and held me by my shoulders, helping me to stay straight. For some reason, it didn't even come out sexually at all. Maybe it's because I didn't feel like having sex at all. By giving all my power to Mieczysław, I took away his pain. And now I felt with amazing naturalism, like cold glands climbing into me, like they were trying to cut something out of my heart... it hurt so badly...

  I wouldn't trade for something decent... stupid!

  Mecislav was slow to remember what was happening. And when he remembered, he looked at me with serious anger in his green eyes.

  - Are you crazy?!

  - I think I went crazy that winter. Why?

  I didn't want to move. It hurt. It really hurt. The chest was swarming with nasty iron tools. They tore their hearts to shreds. And I wanted to cough in my lung. And it seemed - if I'm coughing now, it's bound to be blood. I knew that here I was just a reflection of my power. But it didn't make it any easier. It really hurt.

  - You shouldn't have come here. You do realize that if you don't have the strength, we both...

  - Three," I interrupted.

  - What?! Who else?! Vadim!?

  I shook my head. I shaken my head again.

  - No. Charles.

  - Who!?

  - Yes. He's half a dragon. His power, even if he
can't use it now, is much greater than mine. And he and I are connected through...

  It wasn't a deal.

  - You slept with him!? - sewed a vampire so that a 12-meter-high boa would crawl shattered.

  Now his face is really angry and predatory. But it wasn't scary. Instead, I wanted to tease him. Still, in every woman, sometimes pop Gapon wakes up.

  - Which one of us is more crazy here? You could die anytime you think about something stupid! And me, too, by the way. Sleeping, not sleeping... what do you care? I'm certainly not going to sleep with you!

  - Really? Will you hold on to it? - A vampire picked me up.

  - I'll stomp on it sometime. Not to mention the fact that you didn't make a big impression," I lied boldly. And I've added the pure truth. - I was much better off with Daniel!

  - Really? - Mechislav managed to cope with his anger and now he hit cold and calculated. - Did you scream under him too, like a March cat in a leak? I didn't hear anything...

  I couldn't take it anymore. And I threw myself at an insolent vampire with the intention of scratching his eyes out. You bastard!

  - Son of a bitch!

  - You're wrong, I knew my mother very well. And she was human.

  Mecislav intercepted me, deftly clenching both my wrists with one hand and dodging a knee punch. I felt a lot of experience. Not even five seconds later, I was tightly pressed against him. So tight that you couldn't slip a match between our bodies.

  - Let go! You bastard! I hate it!

  - Prove you wrong?

  The green eyes were right next door. If I turned my head a little bit, my lips would have touched a vampire's lips. Mecislav whispered at his ear, without touching it, but so close that I could feel his breath. And I wanted to purr with pleasure. To rub against a vampire with all body and... and forget about everything at least for a minute. Something that might not be strong enough. The pain that tears the whole body apart. This scarlet desert.

  At least for a minute.

  Mechislav freed my hands and slipped his fingertip along the carotid artery, then followed his path with his lips and smiled at me.

  - Yulia, I won't insist. Nothing will happen between us until you call me yourself. And... I wanted to apologize to you for yesterday. I shouldn't have lost control of myself.


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