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Ring of Madness

Page 180

by Royden Labrosse

  When Constantine came through the door, I was almost all right. But the werewolf still got it.

  Why, you sit there thinking about the high and the clean, and then the door starts to break down! And then they yell: "Yulia, are you all right?! »

  - The chief sent to see how I drowned myself? With grief and in the toilet? You can tell him I tried, but I couldn't fit.

  The werewolf had the conscience to be embarrassed.

  - Yulia, you've already... you've already...

  - Yeah. And this one, too. Okay, let's go see our sick people.

  The sick people were lying on the bed. Their eyes didn't sparkle on each other, their teeth didn't rock, and they looked better than before I left. Medislav was actively transfused with blood. That is, he had a needle from an IV in his vein - and a glass with blood in his hand. What's better to learn, it's better to learn. Someone brought Charles a healthy glass of something hot and a plate of meat. And a semi-dragon was chewing actively. So, it seemed to me that even the skin on the back of his head moves in tune with the movement of his jaws.

  - How are you feeling? - I asked loudly.

  - We'll live," said Mechislav. - I thank you once again.

  - Give it back in kind. I mean, with food. Cause it's hard to feed guys.

  Charles was embarrassed.

  - I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eat you.

  I smirked wide.

  - If you didn't want me, you're gonna eat that toothy. He owes you one for saving your life. So let him pay with sausage and cereal.

  - No talking," the vampire swung away. - Okay, Vadim's gonna take care of it. I'll see you in the morning. Okay? - Vadim threw his head like a toy donkey. - That's not what I'm interested in. Did you find out anything about Alfonso?

  Lenka's phone rang.

  For a few seconds the werewolf listened to the invisible interlocutor, gloomy with every minute, and then clicked the key.

  And I was surprised to stare at the tube that wasn't squeezed through.

  - What's wrong? - I couldn't take it.

  Lazy sighed.

  - Guys, we're in. Chief, Andrei just found Alfonso da Silva's body. He's dead. He's finally dead.

  We didn't say anything for a few seconds. The first, as befits the bosses, came to his senses.

  - Get to the cars!!! - he woke up and immediately coughed up, spitting blood clots on the bed.

  Fedor spit on the floor, disconnected the I.V. from him - and put a bag of blood in the patient's hand.

  - For a drink on the way. I'll put a couple more in the trunk. And - drink. Or I won't treat you anymore!

  Mechislav nodded. Vadim took his superiors under his elbow and dragged them to the door. I looked around and bumped Charles's hand.

  - Are you going to go, or are you going to wait here?

  - I will!!! - half a dragon has exhaled. - I have to see that bastard is dead!

  I snorted as I was heading for the door.

  - If you want, you can even kick a dead body with your legs. He certainly doesn't care anymore.

  - You're a sadist, Julia," Leonidas shook his head reproachfully.

  - Whoever you're going to talk to, you're going to get it from, I answered with dignity. And I walked out the door.

  Chapter 10.

  About the difference between "trouble" and "full of it."

  It was just a regular apartment again. It's a small one. Even pretty. There was one thing that made it different from other apartments. A chalk triangle drawn in a circle - and a corpse lying in the middle of the room and stripped like the previous two.

  Mechislav spoke out. From the soul, loud and unprinted.

  Alfonso da Silva was completely, finally and irrevocably dead.

  Charles, unlike me, was quiet and thoughtful. I couldn't see what was in his eyes. Bye. First things first, then emotions. But I didn't want to be silent either.

  - Too bad! That bastard even died so that he could ruin our lives.

  - Yulia! - exclaimed the shocked Vladimir. That's why there's a rake.

  - What - Julia!? What's Julia!? - It's me. I'm also a vampire saint! - You'd think everybody here would be mourning for that bastard! If he were alive now, I'd bump him myself, and you wouldn't waver to confirm that it was! That's not what's bothering me more! He's dead in our territory, so the killer will demand from us.

  - Absolutely," Vadim sighed. - And yet, curly, speak a little more respectfully of him. For example, not dead, but dead.

  I refused to talk respectfully about Alfonso.

  - Hold on. He died a long time ago when he became a vampire. And in our territory, he's dead as the last bastard. He couldn't have thrown his hooves away on the way!

  - I guess he wasn't asked," Vadim said. - So your complaint is in the wrong place. Address all your comments to the maniac.

  - Yeah, a maniac, I was excited, too, and that hamiliac was three times the norm. - A maniac is when it's for fun. And this is obviously for food.

  - Don't you get it? - Vladimir intervened.

  - What's not to understand? A maniac gets nothing from his crimes. Except for moral satisfaction and souvenirs. And the price of those souvenirs is nothing. And this one, he drinks all the power out of his victims. All that gives them the strength to live.

  - From Alfonso, too?

  Vadim finished arguing and became serious and focused. That's right. We have to defend ourselves now. And to do that, we have to figure out what happened here and how. Find out everything you can and cannot. It's better to get hysterical later. For your own pleasure.

  Mm-hmm. Trouble before?

  No way! It used to be just a heavenly life. But now...

  Alfonso da Silva lay in a drawn circle and looked up at the ceiling. He would if he were alive. But his heart was cut out and sucked to a dry gray lump, just like the two previous victims.

  And I didn't even have to look at the general magic background in the room. I already knew very well that it was the same monster that killed both Lavrik and Natalia. Although...

  No! I don't believe there can be two such things in one city! I don't believe it!

  Mechislav didn't swear. He wasn't mad. He didn't sparkle with his eyes.

  He just sat down on a stool, left by someone at the circle, and so thoughtfully stared at the wall, as if it was showing the whole kamasutra. He looked so dreary that even I wanted to sit next to him and howl. It's beautiful, the moon... Yes.

  I'm a student, but even I figured it out.

  It's a lot on the poor guy. And the assassination attempt, and yesterday and now Alfonso...

  I cleverly bumped Volodya's hand.

  - Get everyone out of here now! So that in thirty seconds only me, Mecislav and the corpse will be here. Okay?

  Vladimir was glaring at me with his eyes.

  - Only Machislav can give me orders...

  I smiled.

  - Volodya, did you call me a bitch?

  The vampire's jaw is sagging.

  - I, uh...

  - Well, how about that," I explained. - If I am Mieczysław's surname, then I can dispose of his vampires. Because the surname is part of the Prince of the city. Yes? And you must jump and croak if I order you to jump and croak. And if you don't think I'm capable of disposing of it, then for you, I'm not a surname, but a pocket-sized misunderstanding like a leftist. And a lefrette is a dog. Is that what you called me a bitch?

  Yeah. Vampire humor didn't understand well.

  - I didn't have any of that...

  I didn't give him an excuse to continue.

  - Then you're free to perform. Or we'll discuss it with Mieczysław. And he will rip off all the protruding parts of your body from one principle. Well!?

  Fifteen seconds later, only my listings are left in the room. That is, me, Mecislav and the corpse. Well, that's right. As my grandfather taught me, the commander can be anything. Evil, sick, drunk - it's a matter of life, unsleeping, just a bastard, or even the last fool - has happened in the war and so. Not for long, th
ough. But!

  Never should a commander show soldiers that he's in snot. In despair, in sorrow, in confusion... In short, the unforgettable version of Grozny - Rurikovich: "Leave me alone, old woman, I am in sorrow" - does not pass. Because these are people who depend on you with their lives.

  Certainly not if you're in charge of the wolf pack. Which, with the first hint of weakness or insecurity, will grab your throat.

  And vampires are worse. At least the wolves have something good left in their souls.

  But now Vladimir, though sizzling and squeaky with his teeth, saw that I - support Mieczysław. If he fell into despair for a moment, I will quickly shake him out of that depression.

  Here we go.

  I came up behind me, tried it on, and hung up the stool on which the vampire was sitting, an educational kick under my left back leg.

  The stool crunched loudly and became ochrome forever. The leg flew one way, the vampire the other, the stool the third.

  In the fall, Mečislav managed to group and did not get his head into the wall. That's a pity. They say it helps a lot to clear the mind.

  He stopped literally one step away from the wall, turned around and leaped flexibly on his feet. His green eyes became confused, his black hair shattered. And it looked so... touching that he wanted to invite the ruffled strands, kiss the vampire on the pubic and promise that everything would be fine, we would catch the evil uncle, and we would drive the beech out from under the bed.


  A seven hundred year old vampire.

  How about we give it a try? Has he had enough of this kind of statement at all?

  I went slowly to the vampire. Mecislav was standing on a pole, clearly not knowing what to expect from me. Pinka? Punch? Punch?

  Didn't guess.

  I slowly approached the arm's length and pulled a comb out of the bag.

  - Come on, don't turn around. He's like a shredder...

  And I started combing the tangled black mane.

  - Turn your back... grew a tail, didn't get it...

  Mecislav humbly turned his back to me. I pulled a stylish velvet ribbon with embroidery at the tip, which was tied his hair - and it was easily untied. And I started tidying up the vampire hair.

  - There you go. I broke down, I collected dust in my tail, at least cut the mop... me too, there's a stylish vampire... Don't twitch, I'm not pulling so much... That's it, that's it, that's it, good girl, that's it, honey... quite a decent vampire turned out... turn around...

  Mecislav turned around obediently. It seems that the vampire was so surprised by the situation that he even forgot to be outraged. He even opened his mouth. I wanted to shove a tram ticket in his mouth - and make a compost. With fangs. I threw a long strand off his face and gently ran my hand through his hair.

  - Oh, really? We're gonna get through this! We'll find the villain and the killer, rip out his arms and legs, and bury him under a scattering oak tree. Or we'll give it to you for personal use. So that you can give it to him...

  - What's that? - Specified by a completely confused vampire.

  - Personally bit all the seats. - I twitched the vampire's ear a little bit. Not so much that I could come to my senses. - You want some?

  - Bite?

  - Bite.

  - I won't," Mechislav decided.

  - Then think how we'll catch the bastard," I decided. - And pick up the jaw, you can see the fangs. It's not aesthetic.

  The vampire shut his mouth, looked at me again and started laughing. Ring a bell. That's funny. From the bottom of my heart. And completely unaware of what impression he was making.

  He literally rustled like a horse, rolled up, sobbed, and even moaned, grabbing at a sore rib, but could not stop.

  - Yulia, you... oh... kud... kud... can't...

  In about five minutes, I'm sick of it.

  - Shall I tell Vovochka to bring a glass of water? By the way, do vampires get hysterical water?

  - Only in blood," the vampire told me, and again in a fit of laughter.

  - Okay. I'll tell you what. Get them to the nearest slaughterhouse.

  - What am I, a zoophile? - Mechislav is outraged. And all of a sudden, he picked me up in his arms.

  - Fluffy! You're a miracle!

  - Let me go, bloodsucker! - I'm outraged. - You'll step on the corpse!

  - It's okay, he doesn't care anymore!

  - Not for me yet! Are you okay? Let's get to work!

  A vampire (without putting me on the floor) imprinted a kiss on my nose tip and kicked the door open.

  There was a sad "Oh." And we looked at the floor at the same time. Behind the door, Vladimir found himself. Slightly flattened at the front. And there was a big bump on the vampire's forehead. Just for a little while. But for three hours, he'd be walking around with jewelry.

  - Eavesdropping? - Mechislav was dreadfully interested.

  - Shall we make ourselves known? - I didn't fall behind.

  - I was on my way to let you know the liquidation team has arrived! - a vampire outraged.

  Mechislav finally put me on my feet, but he still held me at the waist. I unintentionally rubbed my cheek against his shirt - and only then I realized what I had actually done. Oh, wow...

  I hope I don't end up in bed with that fanger one day?

  Although now... that's the way it was.

  On the other hand, so what? Was!? It swam!!!

  Every woman makes a mistake at least once in her life. That's no reason to devote the rest of your strength and mind to a mistake, is it? It isn't. Especially if there's no children or pains.

  - Dismissed, - let go of his subordinate, - and switched to me. - Fluffy, can you try something... like that one with Lavrik?

  I wince.

  Yes, you can. And reluctantly...

  Alfonso is not Lavric. It's much nastier than that.

  Mieczysław must have read my thoughts because he looked at me with begging eyes.

  - Fluffy, sweetie, sweetie, my favorite, I really have to... before the janitors do it...

  - What happens to him?

  - Let's take this to my office. We'll set up a teleconference with the Council. We'll report back. And then we'll burn it.

  I got the most important thing.

  - When do we report back?

  - Tomorrow. You can wait until tomorrow with the report. But with the killer...

  I wince.

  - And where are we gonna get them a killer by tomorrow? We're having a baby? Do we dig them out of the ground?

  - I'd rather bury him in there," the vampire said. - But I have no choice. I didn't get a chance to ask you if you saw anything new at the hotel when you went?

  - Zero. Zero. Full zero.

  - It's bad. We don't even know who this priest is-- human, werewolf, vampire...

  - We don't know. But I don't think there's time for a brainstorming session either.

  - That's right. I want you to take a look at Alfonso's energy. You said those two were sucked out. What about this one?

  I put my shoulders on it. You could've said it was the same thing. But a vampire will insist, beg, argue... We'll spend at least an hour arguing. And that's when he almost got killed today. I'd rather wait for him to recover. And that's when we get together.

  - Why not take a look. I don't think I'll see anything new, but if you ask me... Just call Charles.

  - What for?

  - Julia?

  I turned to the door. Charles stood there and looked at me faithfully. I smiled.

  - I'm awfully glad you're here, brother. Are you in a working mood?

  Charles took a look at Alfonso's body.

  - After the death of that nest, I'd turn the mountains too!

  - The mountains, don't. I have a humble request for you.


  The faithful dragon boy was immediately there. Mieczysław sparkled at him with his eyes, but he did not find out the relationship. I wonder why?

  - Will you see what I'm doing?
  - Absolutely.

  Mecislav raised his eyebrow, and I explained it personally to the vampire.

  - Charles promised to look at my strength in working condition and to determine even more precisely what type it belongs to. It didn't work out with you, did it?

  - Alas. We're too different.

  - What didn't work out? - I was vampire's dragon doctor.

  - That's it, - Mechislav answered dissatisfactorily. - We are too different. It's like measuring the path length with an ammeter.

  - What words do you know, "admired" me.

  - I know many other words," a vampire sprayed at me. - Shall I read you the whole dictionary?

  - We don't have that much time.

  - Then stop fooling around.

  I nodded obediently. And I came closer. At first glance, it was just like the other two cases. The same patterns - if I see them five more times - I can draw from memory. Same cuts on the body. Same incision on the back. And the same gray and dusty lump of heart. It was the same. And it's different.

  Were the cuts arranged differently?

  Is there anything else?

  Or was the taste of power different this time?

  I don't know. But it has to be dealt with.

  I pulled Alfonso's arms out over his chest.

  And she fell to her glade.

  It was still nice and cozy here. The age-old pines were making noise. Gently ruffled the strands of my hair with the breeze. The dandelions in the grass shone with tender suns.

  And it also reflected the sky with a tiny round lake mirror. It seemed so small...

  But I knew if I jumped in there, I wouldn't get to the bottom. I would never. It's not exactly water. It's more of a reflection of the human soul.

  In this case, mine.

  It wasn't there before. But I'm growing up. Smarter (from my point of view). I'm learning. And it gets complicated every time. Will something be here, will I live another fifty years?

  I led my hand over a water mirror.

  - Can I see what happened to Alfonso da Silva?

  The trees didn't make a lot of noise. What do you mean, look?! It's not an apple on a plate. And it's not a mirror that shows the past and the future. And even less so it's not a disc. And I immediately made up for it.

  - How is it different from the two previous cases? Something went a little different, didn't it?


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