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Just a Little Flirt

Page 17

by Renita Pizzitola

  “What about him?” I asked, hoping she didn’t pick up on my fear or annoyance.

  “I’ll get my recommendation from him. He’s always super friendly with me.” She grinned like there was a lot more going on than just friends.

  He was chatting her up the other day.

  Jealousy roared inside and I fought it back, failing miserably. “Cade? Why him?” If he was going to write one, shouldn’t I get it by default?

  “Uh, Cade Ryan. He’s the golden ticket. Who wouldn’t want a rec from him?” She watched me as I processed this.

  “But he’s a volunteer.”

  She looked at me liked I’d just arrived from Planet Stupid.

  “Hello.” She gestured to the park. “And a huge benefactor. Or at least his family is.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Ryan Park.”

  Ryan? For some reason, I’d read the placard as Ryan’s Park and assumed it was named after a little boy.

  “His family donated the funds to build it.”

  Oh God. If anyone found out about Cade and me, they’d assume it was always about this. If I got the job, no one would truly believe it was based on merit. Wait, would it be based on my worthiness? I didn’t want the job if I hadn’t truly earned it. What if Cade just told them to hire me? Did he have that kind of clout?

  Claudia continued to ramble on about getting a recommendation from Cade but I’d tuned her out. My head spun with this new knowledge.

  Fuck. How did the one place I’d tried to keep my sex life out of still get tangled in this bullshit? The more time it had to sink in, the more pissed I became. As much as I didn’t want it to become a Cade or this job situation, it seemed it was headed there. As soon as we went public, everyone would think I’d slept my way into this position and I’d be damned if that happened. Of course, if I didn’t get the job then I’d have nothing to worry about.

  My shift had ended so I mumbled a quick goodbye to Claudia and Tyler and headed to the break room. My thoughts were so scattered, I had no idea which direction to turn. Should I bring it up to him? Pretend I didn’t know?

  Cade worked at the university recreation center that afternoon so I had more time to think, but I didn’t like where my thoughts were going. Though I knew that’s where they needed to go. If I wasn’t spending every night in his bed, maybe he wouldn’t be so quick to give me a glowing review. I had to get some serious distance from the guy until the job had been announced. And if by some chance I was lucky enough to get it, then I’d really have to evaluate what we had and whether to make it public. If it didn’t have longevity, why put that stigma on my position at the hospital?

  When he finally called later that night, I kept our conversation brief, claiming I had to study for a test. Not a total lie. Since letting him consume my time, I’d let my already lacking study habits take a significant plunge. I had a lot of work to catch up on.

  Thankfully that excuse held through Wednesday too. The worst part: Cade’s complete understanding. Totally fucking supportive and not at all whiny or pissy that I was putting him second to schoolwork. In fact, he offered to bring me dinner one night, coffee another.

  Thursday I had no choice but face him at work. And of course the second I saw him, I wanted to say screw the job, but I kept busy and managed to avoid him while he was in the park. The park his family paid for. Fuck. How did I miss that?

  I grabbed a stack of toys and headed to pre-op. Parents were always thankful for Child Life visits there. And it would help get my mind off things.

  I stopped at the first room and double-checked the patient name against my list. Ben Holt. I knocked and a young mother answered. Her face whiter than a bleached hospital sheet.

  “I thought you were the surgeon coming to get Ben.”

  “No, sorry. Just stopping by from Child Life. We have some toys to help keep him occupied while you wait.”

  “Oh, don’t apologize. I’m glad you aren’t the surgical team. I’m a nervous wreck. I’m just not ready and my husband, he’s not here yet. He’s supposed to be here but he was out of town with work. And he had car problems. And traffic. And I just don’t know. I mean, why? You know? Why now?”

  And then the tears came. Like a flood of stress, worry, fear, everything. And I honestly had no idea what compelled me to do it, but the next thing I knew my arms were around her while she sobbed into my shoulder.

  “It’s okay. Ben’s in good hands. And your husband will be here. He’s going to walk in the door any second.” I patted her back and gently shushed her, with a confidence that everything would be all right though I had no idea if it actually would be.

  She finally stepped back and wiped at her nose with a tissue. “I’m so sorry.” Her smile was sheepish but her eyes still glassy and red.

  “It’s okay. If you’d like, I can help Ben pick out a few toys while you take a moment.”

  She nodded, and with a sniffle, said, “Mommy’s going to the bathroom. But I’m right here if you need me.” She mouthed, “Thank you.” Then stepped into the small attached restroom.

  “So, Mr. Ben.” I sat on the edge of his bed and asked, “What do you like to play with?”

  He glanced at the bathroom, his little brown eyes filled with worry.

  “I have a friend who really likes dogs. Do you like dogs?”

  He turned to me, his lips pressed into a thin line, then nodded.

  “Well, you’re in luck because I have a book all about dogs.” I dug around for the book. “How old are you, Ben?”

  “Four,” he whispered.

  “Well, then I think you need to choose four toys. Here’s one.” I handed him the book. “Would you like to look through my basket for the other three?”

  He eyed me over then nodded.

  I sat the basket between us and his eyes opened a bit wider to get a good look inside. He inched forward, and hesitantly reached inside. He pulled out a superhero action figure, then sat back.

  “I think you need two more. What do you think?” I smiled.

  A tiny smile cracked his lips.

  “Between you and me, the best toys are at the bottom,” I whispered.

  His face brightened and he peered forward. He looked up and I nodded. Tilting his body over the edge of the basket, he finally dug in. And the next thing I knew, he was chatting my ear off about his finds. Nothing like a basket of toys to tear down walls.

  We’d gotten in a discussion over which superhero was better and I hadn’t even noticed his mom step back in. She settled onto the bed next to her son. Her cheeks were still pink, her nose still raw, but her smile looked genuine.

  “I just spoke to my husband. He’s on his way up.” Her shoulders visibly relaxed. “Thank you for sitting with him.”

  “It was my pleasure. Though I’m still not convinced Spidey-senses are better than a Batmobile. Guess we’ll finish this discussion when I see you in post-op.” I ruffled Ben’s hair. “I’m going to think on it. I’ll let you know what I decide.” I grabbed the basket and opened the door, just as a man prepared to step inside.

  “Daddy!” Ben yelled behind me.

  I excused myself and stepped around him.

  Just as the door closed, I caught one last peek as the man wrapped his arms around his family, bringing joy to his son, comfort to his wife and a little tug to my chest. And for the first time ever, I looked forward to the day I had something like that.

  After a few more stops, I headed back upstairs feeling pretty damned good about my job. Which didn’t bode well for the Cade situation. I truly liked him but I’d already learned the hard way not to put too much stock in relationships. As much as it hurt to admit since my emotions and body desperately wanted to choose Cade, but for once I had to reason this out and remember my promise to Dad. Job first.

  I stepped off the elevator, and saw a flash of golden fur. I spun down a hallway to avoid Cade and Scout. It was shitty but I just wasn’t prepared to face him yet. Having him right in front of me was
a game in temptation I’d readily admit defeat in.

  “Hey.” Thatcher walked toward me.

  Of course I’d choose the hall he’d be in.

  “Hi.” I forced a quick smile and kept walking, hoping I looked too busy to stop.

  He placed his hand on my arm, halting me.

  “I found my new favorite restaurant. It’s only a block away. Walking distance.”

  “Great.” I wiggled the half-empty basket of toys. “I need to get these back to the playroom.”

  “Aren’t you going the wrong way?” He smirked.

  Oh God. Did he think I purposely ran into him? Gross.

  “Yeah, but I have to drop something off at a patient’s room.”

  “Is that so?” His hand moved ever so slightly down my arm.

  My skin crawled under his touch. I took a step forward in an attempt to shake him off and keep moving.

  But his hand didn’t release me. “How about dinner tonight?”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

  He tilted his head and cocked some sort of smile that probably worked on most girls, but just added to his creep factor as far as I was concerned. “Okay, then when are you free?”

  Um, never? “It’s just not a good idea.”

  “It’s just dinner.” A slight shift settled over his expression. His tight smile did nothing to mask his annoyance. Had he really never heard the word “no”?

  “And I’m sorry, but I’m just not interested.”

  He laughed like I’d said something funny. “Come on, Fallon. There’s hard to get then there’s stupid. You can’t really expect a guy to ask you out twice and get shot down both times.”

  “Then maybe he should have listened the first time.”

  My head spun at the sound of Cade’s voice as he walked up behind me.

  Thatcher narrowed his eyes. “Excuse me, but this conversation has nothing to do with you.”

  “It has everything to do with me considering—”

  “Cade, it’s fine.” I yanked my arm free of Thatcher’s grip, then turned to Cade in a silent plea not to mention anything about us. “I was just leaving.” I bolted toward the playroom, leaving both boys behind but I sensed Cade following me.

  “Fallon. Fallon, stop,” he called as we rounded the corner leading back toward the playroom.

  I spun around. “What, Cade?”

  “Why are you mad at me? That creep was all over you. I heard the whole thing and he wasn’t giving up. I thought you’d appreciate the help.”

  Thing was, I was happy to have Thatcher forced to back down, and any other time or place, I’d think what Cade did was noble and crazy hot. But, my mind was all muddled and I couldn’t have him acting like my boyfriend at work.

  “You know how I want to keep things between us,” I whispered. “You act like that and it won’t matter what we say. No one will buy it.”

  He scrubbed his hands over his face. “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t stand around and watch. I tried, but that guy couldn’t take a hint. No girl needs to be pestered like that. Especially not you.”

  His gaze zeroed in on me and I felt everything he wasn’t saying. Sure there might have been a hint of jealousy, but the dominant emotion seemed to be protectiveness laced with worry. He cared about me and I couldn’t blame the guy for being unable to watch me get treated like that.

  Though my heart responded with mutual adoration, my mouth snapped, “I can take care of myself.”

  Cade winced like I’d slapped him. “I know. I never thought you couldn’t, but I—” He shook his head. “My mistake. Won’t happen again.” He turned away and slammed his hand into the metal stairway door.

  My insides screamed at me to follow him but my legs were frozen. I’d hurt him. God. I’d hurt him so why did it hurt me so much? Like a piece of lead in my chest, my heart sank.

  “Interesting.” Claudia appeared next to me.

  But I didn’t have time for her bullshit, not when Cade was walking away from me. I shoved the basket of toys in her arms and rushed to the stairwell.

  I hurried down the first flight but didn’t see him as I rounded the corner.

  “Cade, huh?” Claudia stood at the top of the stairs.

  I halted.

  She made her way down, eyes narrowed on me. “You’d planned to work the Cade angle all along.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I crossed my arms, wanting to chase after him but determined not to give her more reason to run with this story.

  She smirked. “From day one, I’ve known who you are…what you are. How many ‘Fallons’ can there really be? But it wasn’t hard getting the confirmation I needed. Turns out we have a few mutual guy friends. Well, not sure if you can call them friends. Not sure they’d even call you that. No, I’m pretty sure they call you something very different. Fallon the sl—”

  “I have nothing to hide.” I schooled my expression, like her words hadn’t stung with venom. I started walking downstairs, probably too late to catch up to Cade but needing to get away from this conversation.

  “Honestly, when you didn’t fall for Tyler, I wasn’t too surprised.”

  I paused and turned back to her.

  “He was a tough sell, but worth a shot, and thankfully willing to do anything for me. But Thatcher? Now how could I go wrong with him? Attractive, successful and maybe even had a hint of genuine interest on his part. Hard to tell.” Her gaze drifted up as if really contemplating that, then she shook it off and continued, “But for some weird reason you didn’t want him either.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  She shrugged as if this was the most normal conversation ever. “I just needed to find the right guy to tap into your true nature, and it was only a matter of time before I caught you in some inappropriate workplace behavior.” She smirked. “C’mon, we both know a girl like you doesn’t belong at a job like this. These kids need someone they can rely on, someone who will actually show up and put them first.”

  That little…“I always put this job first.”

  “For how long?” She sneered. “Until the novelty wears off? Or what about when you’re too hungover to stumble in or too busy screwing around with some guy? This”—she motioned to me, raising and lowering her finger—“little act you have, won’t last.”

  It was like she’d reached into my head, dug around my deepest fears and yanked out the ones that left me vulnerable and exposed. And I had no response.

  She went on, “I’m doing everyone a favor. Just revealing the real Fallon before it’s too late.”

  So this…all the guys…had been…“Are you saying you set this all up? With the guys? Just to make me look bad?” The notion was impossible to wrap my head around. “Why would Tyler even do that?”

  “He doesn’t actually want the paid position. He does want me though.” She pressed her hand to her chest and fluttered her eyelashes, then scoffed, “As if he’d ever really have a chance.” Her face twisted in a look of disgust, and she shook her head. “Anyway, it was his idea to bring up the references. He suspected you may have something for Cade. Said he saw you two in the stairwell together. Guess he was right. Though I was sure Thatcher would be more to your liking. But what do I know?”

  “Thatcher, why…I don’t even…” My words trailed off as I heard the tremble in my own voice. Dammit. She wouldn’t break me.

  “He’s friends with my brother. Med school buddies. I saw him talking to you one day, just encouraged him to put in a bit more effort. And what can I say, that boy is all for the challenge.” She placed her hand on her hip, which she’d cocked out to the side. “But I should have known, when it comes to landing the fall position, you’d go for the one with the most pull around here.”

  “Cade? Wait, did you have something to do with—” I couldn’t even formulate the question. Just the thought alone nauseated me. Was Cade’s interest in me a setup?

  “That is the question, isn’t it?” She smirked and tilted her head. �
��What do you think? Could a guy like Cade ever really like a girl like you?”

  Had Cade been in on this? He’d seemed so genuine. His interest real. An image of him and Claudia laughing together the day he hadn’t seen me flashed. Maybe they were friends. The first volleyball game they’d been on the same team too. And they talked…a lot. Which was also the day he’d started to really pursue me. Coincidence?

  Claudia studied me for a second, letting me draw my own unhappy conclusion, then with a little laugh, she turned and marched back upstairs but paused just before she reached the door.

  She looked back, her expression serious, mouth turned down in a slight frown. “When you throw yourself all over those guys, do you ever even wonder who else you might be hurting in the process?”

  I stared at her, having no fight left in me. Not that I would know what to say if I did. One look into her eyes told me exactly who’d ended up hurt.

  Her frown slowly twisted into a sneer. “Sucks to be on the other end. Doesn’t it?”

  I shook my head in apology. “I didn’t know.”

  “You didn’t care,” she spat back. Then she was gone, the metal door banging behind her.

  But the thing was, I did care. No matter how much I didn’t like Claudia, I’d never intentionally do that to any girl.

  My stomach rolled and my chest ached. I pressed my back to the wall for support. The cold permeated my thin top as I slowly sank. I’d tried to leave the past behind, but it still caught up to me. And now Claudia wanted to use my reputation against me. Thankfully, she’d failed. Or had she? Was Cade another one of her pawns? The thought made me sick.

  Dammit. If I’d stayed guy free as planned, I wouldn’t even be in this situation.

  Forcing myself up, I ground my teeth. Next week was the exit interview, and we’d know soon enough who got the position. And now I wanted it more than ever before. No one would catch me with any guys, and even though the thought of Cade being in on this hurt, I’d be damned if I’d let Claudia get the better of me.

  I marched upstairs, slapped a smile on and headed right back into the playroom. My shift didn’t end for another thirty minutes. I swallowed all my emotions and worked my ass off. Granted, tonight I’d probably sob into my pillow, but right now, I’d be the best freaking intern I could be.


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