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Chasing Lyrics (Music & Lyrics #1)

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by Debbie Dickerson

  She sarcastically says, “Yep, I know that.”

  I interrupt her and yell even louder, “You aren’t my girlfriend, you are more than that. You are my best friend. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Lyrics looks me in the eyes and asks, “You or me?” Oh shit!

  As I said, she goes deep. That question struck me in a part of my body that I haven’t felt pain in before I don’t like this one bit! I look at her and I wonder why I never noticed the way her eyes have so much yellow in them or the way her long sandy blonde hair drapes around her face like a picture frame? I can’t wipe the image of her kissing Tyler out of my head and that is really pissing me off. I grab her hand and say, “Lyrics, please forgive me. I’m just a poor boy. I need no sympathy.”

  She interrupts me and sings, “Because I’m easy come, easy go, little high, little low.” We both laugh and finish the song. When we get to our complex, I grab her bags and carry them to her apartment. She grabs them out of my hand and as her hand touches mine, I feel warmth. Not the normal warmth from her, but a fiery type of sexual warmth. Instantly I get hard. She looks at me and says, “You okay, Tan? You look a little pale. Did skanky bo banky already give you an STD?”

  I smirk. “Ha-ha, very funny. I didn’t bang her you know.” Lyrics shrugs her shoulders and asks me if I want a glass of orange juice. I plop down on her overly warn out couch and say “Mmmmhmmm.” She gets into her pajama pants and a baggy shirt then sits down on the couch with me. We both take a huge sip of OJ and lay back. She plugs her phone up to the speaker and she wedges herself between my legs and gets comfy on my chest. We have done this a thousand times before, heck even as kids, but my body has never responded to her like this before! My mouth is dry and my heart is pounding. Her smell is intoxicating to me. What the hell is going on? She is my best friend.

  We were seniors in high school and it was February 16, 2003, my eighteenth birthday. My parents had a party for me with a bunch of kids from our class and of course, Lyrics spent the whole time in the kitchen with my mom getting everything ready. My mom became her mom. Mom never called her Lyrics; she always called her Dylan. While the other girls were going to the mall and getting their make-up done, Lyrics was helping her dad on the farm. That night, when Lyrics was bringing a tray of food out to the party guests, Mandy Lynch, the class slut said loudly, “Oh, now I know why he hangs around with you…you are his maid.” I knew that Lyrics could whoop her ass but she never even batted an eye at her. I flew across the room and told her to get her skanky herpes-having ass out of my house right now. I looked toward the kitchen and Lyrics was staring at me with sadness in her eyes that I would never forget. I was livid! It broke my heart to see her hurting. I asked everybody to leave and just wanted to spend the rest of the night with Lyrics, my best friend. That night was the first that my parents allowed us to sleep in the same bed. She slept over often, but always in the guest room. We wrote and sang songs until we both passed out, tangled up, completely satisfied.

  Tonight something clicked in me and her lying here doesn’t feel so innocent to me. She smells like a mixture of beer, cigarettes, and coconut oil…and it is so fucking sexy. I attempt to adjust myself because it isn’t easy to hide the fact that I am rock hard while she is lying directly on my dick! I realize that I have lost my mind so I throw her off me and say, “I gotta go.” I cannot think of anything else to say.

  She looks at me as if I am on fire and asks, “What? Are you okay? I thought you were staying here tonight.”

  I smile and brush the hair away from her eyes and say, “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Lyrics says, “Let me guess, handkerchief top girl text you?” I forgot all about her, but it was a great escape. I smile and leave as quickly as possible.

  This girl has been my best friend for sixteen years, what the fuck is wrong with me? Most marriages don’t even last eight years! What is it about Tyler that made me so damn jealous? Am I scared that she won’t be my best friends anymore? What the hell is going on with me? Of course, I have wondered what it would be like to be with her. I am a guy, best friend or not, I still have a penis. I see the way men stare at her. She is five feet ten inches with a thin but muscular build. She rarely wears high heels because she would tower over her date, but not me, I am still taller than she is, even when she wears heels. Her eyes are blue and, as I couldn’t help but notice earlier, apparently have lots of yellow in them. Her skin is soft, not pale, but not dark either…almost angelic. Seeing Tyler’s hand on her skin made me want to punch him. I just cannot wrap my head around why it is making me this upset.

  I get a text. Lyrics. “Hey! You okay Tan? You were acting weird tonight.”

  I take a minute and collect my thoughts before I reply. She is normally the one person I don’t have to think before opening my mouth to but I don’t think I want to tell her that I had to leave because I had an overwhelming desire to taste her begging lips and to rip her clothes off and bury myself inside of her! Not sure that would go over so well. I reply, “Yea, sorry…I be trippin boo” When all else fails, turn to humor…right?

  She texts me right back, “Want to talk about it? I can come over right now.” I smile because she is the one that would be there for me no matter what, when, and why I need her.

  I text her back, “Thank you, that is one of the many reasons why I love you! I am fine. Sleep well.” She replies, “Okay, see you in the morning...ILU2”

  Chapter 4

  ‘How would you feel if I told you that I want to choke every girl that gets to taste you?’

  Lyrics –

  It is three a.m. and I know Tyler is still awake. Although I am embarrassed from my girlish behavior, I did tell him I would call. Not in the mood to talk, I decide to text him. “Tyler, I am really sorry about earlier.”

  Tyler texts back, “Tanner looked like he wanted to tear me up. If I was inappropriate, I apologize!”

  I laugh and reply, “No, you were fine.”

  He texts, “Maybe Tanner doesn’t only think of you as his best friend anymore?”

  His words strike me as if a train just hit me square in the chest and knock the air right out of me! First, I think Tyler is ridiculous. Tanner dates short, slutty chicks…not women like me…hell, they aren’t even women yet! No way is that the reason he acted like that with Tyler. Tanner is my best friend and I would never want to lose him, which is the exact reason that I have never told him how much I want to be more than just his best friend. I would give up the world for him. When I told him that I wanted to move to Austin and write music, he insisted on coming with me. I wanted to get some distance from him because it ripped my heart out every time I saw him touch another girl. Every holiday Dad and I spent over at the Staff’s house, I dreamed that one day he would be my husband and the family would come to our house. The gentle way he brushes my hair out of my face sends a shock through my stomach, which automatically slams my thighs shut. I wanted him to be my first, but instead, he was the one I told first when it happened. How weird is that?

  My phone gets a text. Tyler. “Hello? Did you fall asleep?”

  I forgot all about Tyler. I text back, “Yep, sorry, dozed off. Talk to you tomorrow.” He texts back a smiley face but probably wanted to text a middle finger, which I wouldn’t blame him for!

  I think about this one amazing summer night Tanner and I spent together, it was June 29, my seventeenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Staff made dinner for me at their house. Mrs. Staff made my favorite dish, corned beef and cabbage. She was an amazing cook, well, an all-around amazing woman! Dad gave me a gift wrapped in a small box with his best effort at making a bow. It was actually very sweet. I opened it up and it was the broach that he had given my mother after they shared their first kiss. He told the story and everybody was enthralled. He always looked sad when speaking of my mom. I was only eight when she passed away but I remember how sad he was. Under the table, I felt a kick. I looked at Tanner and he nudged his head and dragged his eyes for me to go ou
tside. He looks at the broach and signals for me to bring it with me. I get up from the table and ask to be excused. Tanner follows me outside. I say, “What’s wrong? Were you bored in there or what?”

  He smiled and said, “Heck no, I love hearing about your Mom. I just wish I could have met her.”

  I say, “Me too. She would have loved you. So why did you want to come out here?”

  Tanner got real fidgety and took my hand, removed the broach from the box. “Um, well, as your dad was your mom’s first kiss…I would like to be yours. You haven’t kissed anybody, right?” I shook my head no. I was so nervous I could barely move. Tanner took my hand and looked me in the eye before saying, “I just want to make sure your first kiss is special and with somebody that cares about you.” He moved in slowly and pressed his lips against mine. He took my bottom lip in his mouth, and when my lips parted, his tongue went in my mouth. He pulled away quickly. I was in a trance-like state. In such a loving, romantic way, he pinned the broach on my shirt. He leaned in, kissed my cheek, and whispered to me that he wished that I had been his first kiss too. What he doesn’t know is that I had fantasized about that kiss for four years and it was more than my imagination ever dreamed it would be. Urgh, and now it has been twelve years since, and I am still fantasizing about him.

  I try to lie down but the tossing and turning is driving me insane. I pick up my notepad and start writing. This is why he calls me Lyrics, because everything I feel comes out in the form of song lyrics. I have many songs written about him and he sings them but doesn’t know they are indeed about him. This one will be undeniable. I write at the top, My Tanner. Then I cross it out as if I am in seventh grade.

  ♫‘What if I told you that not a day goes by without you running through my head at least one thousand times?

  What if you knew you are who I think about when another’s lips are on my body?

  How would you feel if I told you that I want to choke every girl that gets to taste you?

  Chorus - What if I told you that…

  Labels like shrapnel rip my insides to pieces

  In my head, it’s you and I forever

  On my heart, you’re tattooed there so deeply

  Although my tongue can’t find the words, my body is screaming for you to hear me…please hear me. (end of chorus)

  They say friendships are ruined by romance but I say it gets enhanced.

  People don’t know a love like ours; it is unique in its entirety.

  Do I risk it? Yes I do! Is he worth it? Yes he is!


  I look at the clock and it is six a.m. Holy crap, I gotta get some sleep. Out of my dead sleep, I jump out of my skin, open my eyes, and see Tanner sitting up in my chair reading my songbook. It’s ten a.m. My heart fucking stops. He is staring at it. I clear my throat and say, “Good morning. Super glad I gave you a key.” Tanner doesn’t make a sound. He puts the book down and is visibly nervous. He is stroking his hair and sliding his hand up and down his knee. He looks at me then looks away. I say, “What’s wrong?” Praying that either he didn’t read my song from last night or read it and feels the same way.

  He looks at me with his beautifully golden eyes and asks, “Dylan, how long have you felt this way?”

  I shit my pants! “What are you…”

  He interrupts me and quietly says, “Just answer the question, Lyrics, please.” I don’t know why but I become teary eyed. His stare doesn’t waiver. He begs, “Please just answer me. Please.”

  I look him directly in his eyes and blurt out, “Since the day after I moved next door to you sixteen years ago!” Tanner stands up and then sits back down. He is speechless. I try to lighten the air or maybe backtrack by saying, “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, Tanner. We will always be best friends.”

  Tanner shakes his head and says in a desperate tone, “I don’t want to lose you, Lyrics. You are everything to me. I mean, I can’t lose you.” Tanner walks over to my bed and kneels down beside it. He pushes my hair from my face and looks me straight in the eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this? This will change everything.” I nod my head yes. He places his hands on either side of my face. He looks down and then back into my eyes. “Are you sure?” Our breaths join in unison and I pull him toward my mouth. As our lips connect, his soft but strong kiss parts my lips and he takes full control of my mouth with his tongue. I can’t stop little moans from escaping my throat, and with each one, he is getting more desperate. Without removing my lips from his, with sixteen years of desire pent up inside of me, I lean up onto my knees and raise my hands in the air for him to take my top off. I fell asleep with my bra on so he gives me a grin and slowly unsnaps it. His eyes grow wild and his dimples get deep when my breasts are set free. He kisses down my chest and teases my nipple with his tongue. He lets out a growl when he takes my hard nipple into his mouth, which sends my pussy into a chaotic frenzy! He slides his t-shirt off with one hand and his rippled stomach and chiseled chest are skin to skin with mine. This feels right. He feels right. I have seen his chest and stomach a million times but never like this, never in this way. I can’t stop touching him. He is hard and smooth and although I have only been with three men, none of them felt like this, none of them made me feel this way. He glides his finger over my panties, which have to be soaking at this point. He looks at me for a reaction, as if I am going to tell him to stop. I smile and he smiles. He presses my legs open and begins kissing my inner thigh while sliding a finger between my panties and my very wet slit. I can’t help but grind on his finger. I grab the back of his head and squeeze his hair. He moans and spreads me open with his wet tongue. Lapping my pussy and sucking up my juices as if he has been thirsting for it for years. He stops and asks if I am okay. I groan and nod. He says in a low tone, “You taste so fucking good.”

  I can’t hold back any longer. My lower stomach gets tight, chills shoot through my entire body, and I say, “Tanner, oh God.”

  He stops and I hear an uncontrolled ecstasy like noise escape from him. He says, “Say it again.”

  I say, “Tanner, please don’t stop.” His eyes close and I see the need in him. He finds my spot and is relentlessly sucking and pulling on my clit. I grab his head and cannot hold out any longer, F.U.C.K! The biggest orgasm I have had…ever! He slides up me and takes control of my mouth once again. I want to taste him. I need to taste him. I lay him down and I can hear his breath shortening, hell, my breath is shortening. The size of his large cock takes me aback. All these years and I never saw this part of him, not even on accidentally purpose! I clasp my fingers around his shaft, which is quite thick, and ease the head into my mouth. When his pre-cum drips onto my lips it sparks an animalistic reaction in me that I have never experienced before. I can’t get him in my mouth fast enough. As I take him deeper and deeper, he grows harder. I want to make him feel the way he made me feel.

  He pulls me off him, flips me over, and says, “I need to be inside of you, right now.” I reach in my dresser drawer and hand him a condom. He looks at it, then at me as if he is shocked that I have condoms. A smile fills his face and his dimples are sexier than ever before. I can’t believe we are actually doing this after all these years. I don’t even feel weird about it, I almost expected it would have happened before now, I guess. When he tears the wrapper open, it gets very real, very quickly, for both of us! My heart seizes, or at least that’s how it feels. He looks at me with something in his eyes that I’ve never seen before and whispers, “I love you, Lyrics.” His words wash over me like a milk bath.

  The words I’ve been longing to say to him come out of my mouth without a second thought, “I love you too, Tanner.” His lips connect with mine and in one forward motion our relationship forever and completely changes!

  Chapter 5

  ‘Labels like shrapnel rip my insides to pieces’

  Tanner –

  I can’t stop touching her. I mean, I don’t want to stop! God, she is so beautiful. Watching her sleep, oh crap, I’
m watching her sleep! I lie down, run my hand through my hair, and it hits me hard…I fucked up! She is the one person in this world that trusts me with everything she is and I jeopardized it with sex! The best sex I have ever had, but still not worth losing Lyrics over. I feel more anxious than I have ever felt before, as if I should jump out of bed and run away. I don’t want to hurt her. Seems like the girls I go out with always end up heartbroken. I tell them I don’t want a relationship, but still, it always ends with them in tears. Not like Lyrics is just another girl, I mean, she is my Lyrics. I can’t hurt her. I will not hurt her!

  She opens her eyes and asks me, “Tan, you okay? Why are you so nervous?” I close my eyes and take a deep breath. It feels completely right having her wake up in my arms. I lean down and kiss her forehead, then her nose, and then her beautiful lips. Her smile is big. She jokingly says, “I half expected you to be back in Beaumont already!” I almost choke on my own tongue. I swear, leaving has crossed my mind fifty times just this morning.

  “Lyrics, I couldn’t leave you, hell, even if I wanted to!” She climbs on top of me and her body is so fucking sexy. Of course, I knew she had a fit body, but her being on top of me, feeling every curve and muscle; damn she is so beautiful.


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