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Chasing Lyrics (Music & Lyrics #1)

Page 4

by Debbie Dickerson

She laughs, tilts her head up to me, and whispers, “No Tanner, it has always been you. I think we should not tell them anything right now.” Bam! Another kick in the gut from her simple words.

  “Why? Are you embarrassed of me? Do you not want to be with me now?”

  Lyrics rolls her eyes, “Yeah that’s it, I am embarrassed, I mean who would want to admit they are sleeping with such an ogre as you? I finally get the man I have been in love with all my life and, yep, now I just don’t know! Grow up, jackass.”

  I slide off her and say, “Really, Dylan, talk to me. What is frightening you?”

  Tears well up in her eyes and she says, “I don’t know. I feel like if we tell people it will ruin it for us.”

  I bring my face up to hers and take her lips into mine. My heart is pounding out of my chest and I tell her, “Dylan Brooks, I am so in love with you. I want everybody to know that I am yours. There is nobody on the planet that can ruin us…except for us. You are my best friend, my past, my present, and I can’t imagine a future without you in it.” Tears roll down her face because she knows that she is the first person I have ever said those words to.

  I wipe her tears away and she kisses me, whispering in my ear, “I am so in love with you, Tanner Staff. Call Mom and see when we can come home.”

  I lift her up and she wraps her body completely around me. I make a beeline to the bedroom. “I’ll call her after.”

  Lyrics says, “Weren’t we supposed to write?”

  I smile and say, “Aren’t we?”

  Chapter 8

  ‘Do I risk it? Yes I do! Is he worth it? Yes he is!’

  Lyrics –

  The drive from Austin to Beaumont takes about four hours and I have been nervous since I woke up this morning. Not only are we going to tell our parents that we are in love, but Tanner got the itinerary and he leaves in two days. Today is a Thursday that I will never forget. We have made this drive a thousand times but damn this seems long! Tanner starts singing and his raspy voice is perfect, it instantly releases my tensions. He makes up the silliest songs, but this one was just stinking cute!

  “♫ My song begins and ends with Lyrics. She stole my heart and I don’t want it back. Today we get to share the news with Mom and Dads, I’d write it in the sky if I could. She is nervous but I am certain. She is gorgeous and I am the luckiest man on Earth. ♫”

  I grab my notepad and start writing it down.

  Tanner says, “Whoa, wait what are you doing? You are the writer, not me!”

  I smile and say, “I am writing this down for me to read while you are gone.” He smiles and runs his knuckles down my jawbone.

  We still have a little over an hour left on our drive when I glance at him and he glances at me. He says, “What’s cooking in that head of yours?”

  I smirk and raise my eyebrow at him. He crinkles his nose at me. I say, “There is something that I would like to finish from the other day?” He looks confused. I reach over and undo my seatbelt. He looks at me as if I am going to jump out of his truck, which is lifted by the way. I seductively begin to undo the button on his pants and slowly pull down the zipper. He has a smile as big as Texas. I lean in and lick his neck then whisper, “I will not stop until you come.” He sighs and I feel him growing harder by the nanosecond. He threads his fingers through the back of my hair as I pull his hard, huge cock out of his boxers. He is so big! This road is desolate; the chances of anyone catching us are slim to none. I grab a rubber band from my purse and pull my hair back. He is breathing at a rapid pace; it’s almost comical. I know he is shocked that I am the girl that would do this in his truck. Truth is, this is the first time I have done this in a car. I take his shaft in my hand and swirl my tongue around his big throbbing head. With every pump, I bring him in deeper and deeper until he is hitting the back of my throat. He tastes so good that I just can’t get enough of him. He molds his hand to my head, fingers weaving throughout my hair. He is struggling to keep his eyes on the road. I think he is driving about 35 mph on a 75 mph highway. Never have I allowed a man to cum in my mouth before, but nothing can stop me from swallowing every drop Tanner gives me. He doesn’t know whether to hold my head down or lift it up.

  He says, “Jesus, Lyrics, ah shit you feel so good, baby. Oh my God, oh shit, L.Y.R.I.C.S. please, baby, oh, oh, I am going to cum.” I suck harder and wilder than I even knew I could. He grabs my head and I feel his warm, salty appreciation gliding down my throat. I suck on him again and his body jolts. Oh my God, he tastes better than I ever imagined, and yes, I have imagined it! I sit up and he pulls into the ditch off the highway. He rips off his seat belt and pulls me into him. He can’t stop kissing me, and I don’t want him to. His tongue is so strong and demanding, he is so easy to follow.

  I look at him and say, “Thank you.”

  He smiles, “Those are supposed to be my words.” I can’t stand how hot he is. He says, “Um, that was a first for me.”

  I nudge his arm and say, “Are you forgetting who you are speaking to?”

  Tanner chuckles and says, “Seriously, I have never come in anybody’s mouth before…I never wanted to share that with anybody.”

  I lick my lips and say, “I am honored.”

  He says, “Believe me babe, the honor is all mine!”

  “Hey, Tanner, the other day, before you were IN my room…well that night I was so torn about the feelings I have for you.” His eyes rise. “Not torn about the feelings but torn if I should take the risk of losing our friendship, like is it worth it? The thought of not having you as my best friend literally turned my stomach, but the thought of never telling you how much I have loved you and how badly I want to be more to you than just your best friend made me feel dead.” He continues to kiss my mouth. I say, “You are worth the risk; we are worth the risk.”

  Tanner continues kissing my lips, pulling my bottom lip into his mouth and biting it just hard enough to send electric shocks to my very wet spot. He pulls back and says, “Worth it? Fuck yeah! You losing me as your best friend? No way, not ever.” He interlocks my hand and pulls back onto the highway. We are almost there. He looks at me and wipes the corner of my mouth, says, “You gotta a little something right there.” I start laughing and he says, “Just kidding, you wasted nothing!” A moan escapes his throat, he drags his finger across my lips and says, “You ready for this?”

  I say, “Hell no, absolutely not!”

  He laughs and says, “Perfect, me too! Um, would you go on a date with me tomorrow night? I already cancelled our gig so I hope you say yes.”

  I ask, “Like a proper date?”

  He says, “I have not taken you out on a date yet, I mean a proper date. Geez, I haven’t really taken anybody out on a date, well not a proper one.”

  I say, “You are leaving early on Saturday; we don’t have to do this right now.”

  Tanner looks at me and says, “Miss Dylan Brooks, would you please do me the honor of allowing me to take you out tomorrow evening?”

  My heart sinks and I can’t remember how to speak. “I…I…Yes, I would love to go on a date with you.” Words I have been longing to say for many years!

  We pull up into the Staff’s driveway. Tanner parks the car, then leans over and puts his hand behind my head, pulling me in for a kiss. I push him off me as if he is on fire. He says, “Ready or not…” I grunt. Mom comes out the door; Tanner laughs and says, “Yep, this should go off without a hitch.” God, I love him. I take a deep breath and exit the car.

  Chapter 9

  ‘On my heart, you’re tattooed there so deeply’

  Tanner –

  “Hey, Mom!” I glance at Lyrics and remind her to breathe. She is stoic right now and I think it is the funniest thing I have ever seen.

  Mom gives me a big hug then turns to Lyrics and says, “There’s my girl. Dylan, you look gorgeous, honey.” I can’t smother my smile. We go inside and both of our dads are watching a replay of last year’s Texans –vs– 49’ers game. They grunt up at us, I shake their h
ands, and Lyrics gives them a hug. They both tell me to have a seat with them while Dylan and Mom get dinner ready.

  I am watching the game and listening to the women in the kitchen. I overhear Mom ask Lyrics about her new songs and if there is a new man in her life. My ears perk up like a German shepherd’s ears.

  Lyrics is stumbling over her answer. “The music is going well and no NEW man in my life…but…um…” I let her tread a little then I get up and walk into the kitchen.

  Mom says loudly, “Tanner!” Lyrics looks up with eyes wide opened, she thought my mom guessed it.

  I laugh, and say, “Mom!” I slowly make my way to Lyrics and I tilt her head up and softly kiss her lips. Mom’s mouth falls open. I look at Mom and say, “No new man, Mom, just me!” Lyrics turns ghostly white except for the red blotches that appear on her face.

  Mom yells, “Bo, Stephen! Come in here please…right now!” Both of our dads come in the kitchen as if they are about to be scorned. Mom says, “You both owe me $20! I told you they would get together this year!” Both men roll their eyes and fish out $20 from their wallets. Now it is Lyrics’ and my mouths that fall open!

  I say, “Y’all had a bet going?”

  Dad says, “Every damn year except this one I bet on y’all…but it had to be this year huh, thanks a lot, kids.” Lyrics has the biggest grin stretching across her face and I see life flow back into her.

  Mom hugs her and says, “Honey, I knew one day you would officially be my daughter. I knew since Tanner was fourteen years old that he was in love with you, and you with him.”

  When Mr. Brooks comes towards me, he extends his arm and says, “Son, now I know that my baby girl will forever be safe and loved. Very happy to see you finally reeled her in!” I feel like the strongest, luckiest, happiest man alive. The most important people in our lives are as happy as we are! Lyrics grabs my hand and I know that my life will never be the same again.

  “I have one more announcement. The Gap hired me to be their male model.”

  Mom looks at me and says, “Holy cow, son! That is huge!”

  I nod, look at Lyrics, and say, “I will be shooting for six months in various locations all over the world.”

  Lyrics says, “He wasn’t going to take it, but I told him that he should.”

  Mom smiles and says, “That’s my girl. Wow, six months, huh? Well, it is The Gap. When do you leave?”

  I say, “Saturday morning I leave for Spain.”

  Mom gets her motherly self in gear, “Well do you have everything you need? Who is going with you? Make sure you get an international phone immediately so you can call us.”

  I say, “Yes I do, I think. I guess I am going with the photographer and another model.”

  Lyrics asks, “Who is the other model?”

  I know who she is but I didn’t really want to tell her…but it is Lyrics and I have to. “Um, I think Chauncey said Jennifer something or another.”

  Lyrics says, “Jennifer Temple?”

  Fuck! “Yeah, maybe that was it.”

  Dad yells from the other room, “Is she the model from Victoria Secret?”

  Fuck! “I don’t know, Dad…thank you.” Lyrics rolls her eyes and glares at me the way she has always glared at me when she knows I am lying.

  She mouths, “You are all kinds of messed up!” My heart sinks.

  I take her hand and tell Mom, “Excuse us for a minute please.” Mom nods. I take Lyrics to the outside porch. I push her hair behind her ear and tilt her head up to meet my eyes. “Dylan, I don’t care who is going with me. Nobody I ever meet will know everything about me as you do. There is no other girl on the planet tattooed on my heart. You are carved so deeply in my heart that they would have to remove my entire heart to get you out of it. Listen to me, I don’t care who is coming with me, the only thing I care about is who is not, and that is you. Do you fully understand me?” She blinks her eyes and tears fall. God, I hate seeing her cry. Normally I would whoop the guy’s ass that made her cry, but I can’t exactly beat myself up! I bring her to my chest and kiss the top of her head. “One day, Lyrics, I will make you my wife and I will not do anything to jeopardize that. You think it’s easy for me? I mean, I loved you before but now I crave you. Do you understand me?”

  She nods her head and says, “Yes, I understand you.” I wipe her eyes and kiss her beautiful mouth. Six months…I feel like I am going to die.

  We pull ourselves together and return inside. Mom made her famous casserole that is always a huge hit. We stay until seven p.m. and then the countdown is on. We have about thirty-six hours before I take off, I am determined to make the most out of each minute. When we would drive to our summer vacation spots, Lyrics and I would play the “make a song” game. One person says a line and the other person adds to it until you have created a complete song. I look at her and sing, “This tired road ain’t no company to me.”

  She smiles and sings, “With every bump, I am reminded of where I used to be.”

  I raise my eyebrow. “That ole’ town, my ole’ truck, her fresh lips, my broken trust.”

  Lyrics comes strong with her voice now, “Somethings aren’t meant to change while others aren’t meant to stay the same.” She reaches for my hand.

  I think for a moment and say, “Looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s you, it’s me…let’s create some more history.” I interlock our hands.

  Lyrics gets a big smile on her face. “I never really knew where this dirt road would lead me to but at the end of each exit, I have always seen you.”

  My heart is thumping out of my chest. “The past is our guide, the present is our gift, God damn woman, you get me so stiff.”

  Lyrics pushes my shoulder and says, “Man, you really are all kinds of messed up, but I love you.” No matter how hard I try to hide it, my smile takes over my face. Hearing her say she loves me is my rock, my anchor, my heart.

  “I love you too, Miss Lyrics. You know, we had a great song there.”

  She smirks, “Yep, right up until the stiff part.”

  I laugh and say, “C’mon girl, you know me.”

  She rolls her eyes and says, “I sure do, Mr. Staff.”

  “Don’t forget about our date tomorrow. Here is my bankcard; I want you to buy yourself a new outfit…dress…shoes…purse…whatever else you girls put on. I have plenty of money; don’t go cheap. I will go with you if you are going to skimp.”

  Lyrics says, “Tanner, taking you shopping is even worse than taking me shopping! Thank you. Do you have something in mind that you want me to wear?”

  I get a devilish grin and say, “Remember that blue dress you wore for your twenty-third birthday party? It cut low against your perfect breasts and hung loose but form fitting around your perfect body…something like that sounds amazing. You know I love you in cowboy boots or heels. Black panties. Black bra. Scratch the rest…just get the underwear and we can stay in.” I laugh and she looks at me as if I just went crazy. I tell her, “Lyrics, you are the sexiest woman I have ever been with and will ever be with. Anything you wear will be perfect. Hell, I’ll be looking forward to seeing the trail of it on the floor when I attack you. I just want you to go buy yourself something new and have fun. If you don’t mind, would you pick me up a shirt to go with my dark jeans? Do you like those jeans?”

  Lyrics tilts her head at me and says, “Oh, I am looking forward to the trail of clothes on the floor too. Those jeans, Tanner, when you wear those jeans, I literally lose my breath. I have had many happy endings thinking about taking them off of you, and now I get to really do it!”

  When we arrive back at our complex I walk her to her door, kiss her hand, and say, “Goodnight, beautiful. I will see you tomorrow.” She tugs on my hand for me to come inside, which I really want to do, but I resist and simply say, “Let me know if you want me to come shopping with you tomorrow.”

  Chapter 10

  ‘Tonight I found and lost my soul all at once’

  Tanner –

p; Damn, my apartment feels so, I don’t know…different. I want to go bust down her door and feel her heat lying beside me but I want our date to be very special. My head is spinning just thinking about Lyrics. How did I manage to hide my feelings for so long? Now I want to touch her and tell her how much I love her every second of the day! I pick up my phone and send her a text. “Just want to tell you that leaving your door tonight was very hard. Thank you for loving me the way nobody else in this world has or ever will. I love you even more ♥♥♥” I feel like there is a vice around my heart right now. The thought of leaving her for six months hurts, like physically hurts me. I run my fingers through my hair and tell myself to get a grip. I am thirty years old, for Christ sake, not sixteen! It’s Lyrics, she has never one time let me down, not even once. I know she’ll be here waiting for me when I come home.

  Thoughts are running through my head like Los Angeles traffic and I just want them to silence. On what am I tripping? The thought of her finding somebody else is driving me fucking crazy. Maybe I should kick Tyler’s ass right now, just in case he tries to fill in for me while I am gone. I laugh and shake my head. I get a text.

  Lyrics. “I am dying inside thinking about you being away from me. We have never been apart for that long but I am so proud of you and I love you more than the moon and stars! I can’t wait until tomorrow. Sleep well my, Mr. Staff. Hey, you know that music is made with Lyrics and notes written on a Staff…together we make the perfect song! I love you, my Tanner.” I swear to God, my only regret is not seeing her in this way years ago. I send her back a text with a page full of hearts. What a dork I have become!

  It is 1:30 in the morning and I have been tossing and turning in my bed. I have a song that is playing in my head that I guess I am supposed to write down because it will not silence.

  ♫Tonight I found and lost my soul all at once.

  Your absence leaves emptiness all around me.

  The pages of my life have you inscribed throughout.

  You are the Lyrics to my song.


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