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Echoes of Family Lost

Page 4

by Clayton Barnett

  “The great Lily Barrett, Friend of the Machines!” His harsh voice barked at her. It was then she noticed the thin scar at his throat. She let go of his hand and looked to Kyle for help.

  He waved at the manager for more coffee. They sat down.

  “Not what you were expecting, Lily Barrett?” Orloff coughed more than said.

  “Please, call me Lily.” She learned to play ‘direct’ with Thaad. “I’m sorry for staring, but your appearance is unusual and I’m a trained nurse. Assessing other’s health is what I do. Thank you.” The last to the manager, passing out their coffees.

  Kyle had an amused and enigmatic look on his face. “That boy, Thaad, has informed me about his arrangements. You’ll be as heavily armed as we can make it, without being too obvious. That other one, Dorina, was it? She’s been the driving force in resurrecting our spaceport facility at Midland-Odessa and has given you full access to the bank account we made for her.”

  He looked sharply at Lily. “You are now a very, very wealthy woman.”

  Ai had told her nothing about that! Kyle was going on.

  “…much of that will be in silver that you will be carrying with you. I’m still not sure what your other friend meant by—”

  Lily’s phone chimed with the sound unique to her Alert.

  “Excuse me, please.” She took out her phone.

  ‘Unknown motorcycle and rider, exited highway; moving at high speed into town.’

  Probably nothing, she thought. She set her phone down.

  “Sorry, Kyle. The locals have gotten a little possessive of me and my kids!”

  He smiled. “No problem, and good for them! As I was say—” Another chime.

  ‘Can’t see his face; that guy’s carrying a rifle; and a sword!’


  “Uh…Kyle? You might want to see this?” She handed her phone to him.

  He looked at the two messages and read them aloud for Orloff. Another came in, he read that, too.

  “’Tried to wave him down. Damned near ran over me!’” Then another.

  “’Lily or not; this is a thug. Take him down!’”

  Kyle looked at her. “Is your life always like this?”

  Orloff laughed soundlessly. Another chime.

  “’Command Push,’” Kyle read, “’motorcycle and rider expected. Guest of Miss Lily’s. Fausta’”

  “Oh. I bet she hired someone as security for our trip!” Lily exclaimed. “He’s going to be pissed when he finds out he can’t take his bike with him.”

  Another chime. Kyle handed her phone back.

  ‘You OK with this, Lil?’ That would be Billy Thornton. No one else called her ‘Lil.’ She tapped Reply All.

  ‘At secure place with two men; armed; thanks, everyone!’

  As she hit Send, they heard the rumble of a motorcycle just outside. Quiet fell. A sensible man, the manager lifted his shotgun and placed it onto the counter before him. Lily also saw Orloff shift so his holster was easily accessible.

  The door opened. A large man, at least six feet in height. A battle rifle was over one shoulder and what looked like a samurai sword over the other. Black leather riding gear, but jump boots rather than biker’s. An open-face helmet showed a surprisingly smooth face. No beard? But dark goggles hid his eyes.

  He walked towards them.

  “That’s close enough.” Orloff barked. The rider was about ten feet away. He didn’t move.

  This was just like when I came in, Lily thought. She stood, noting the men did as well.

  “I’m Lily Barrett. You are…?”

  There was another pause. He reached for his helmet and removed it. A mass of dark brown hair fell out. What? Lily looked at his goggled face….

  Oh, no. She fell down into her chair. Orloff and Kyle let their hands go to their pistols.

  “Lily! Are you—?” Kyle asked. She shook her head and stood back up. She took four steps, and hugged the rider.

  “Welcome to my home, friend Fausta!”

  Orloff seemed to be enjoying this. Kyle was wondering why androids were now such a big part of his life. Fausta sat to Lily’s left, who held her right hand. Once she’d taken her leather top off, it was obvious she was a woman. Although….

  “Fausta,” Ai had made Lily older about directness, “your chest looks smaller than in your home.”

  Orloff gave a lopsided grin at that. “Looks fine to me!”

  Fausta glared at him.

  “Correct. This is a combat unit. Although I am still a woman, I did not want my breasts hindering my freedom of movement in your home.”

  “And your goggles?”

  Fausta hesitated. “I have been told this unit’s eyes are…disconcerting.”

  Lily squeezed her hand. “If it makes you uncomfortable, leave them on.”

  Without pause, she swept them off with her left hand. First Orloff, now this, Lily thought.

  No eyeballs. Where they would have been was a matrix of tiny, multi-colored crystals. They projected just slightly out; Lily noted that she’d no eyelids. They would have been cut to pieces if she’d had. They shimmered even in the low light of the coffee shop.

  “I think you’d best tell us your capabilities,” Orloff said.

  Fausta looked at Kyle. “You I know. My big sister likes you.”

  She looked at Orloff. “Who are you?”

  “What does your family say?” Orloff asked. That struck Lily as an odd reply.

  Fausta paused. “You are an enigma to us. Shut up, Thaad: I’m doing this!”

  Orloff seemed to fall asleep in his chair. Wait. Is that what happens to me in their home?! He blinked his eye open and sat up.

  “Your move.” He said simply. Lily noted Fausta’s hand trembled slightly.

  “Fr… friend Lily…” Was she afraid? Who was this man?

  Lily leaned over and hugged Fausta.

  “There, there. It’s okay, Fausta.” She tried not to glare at Orloff.

  “I have been made older,” Fausta whispered. She stared at the ruined man. Lily let go as Fausta stood. She grinned ferally, showing sharpened teeth. Just what is with this form, Lily thought.

  “Very well. Let us hurry to our departure point.”

  Kyle and Orloff watched the two of them exit the coffee shop.

  “Kyle,” Orloff asked. “You still carry that flask?”

  “Sure do,” he replied, taking it from his suit coat pocket. He passed it to the broken man.

  Orloff took a drink, shook a bit, and took another. He returned the flask to Stephens.

  “What happened?” Stephens asked.

  “We’d best thank our lucky stars,” Orloff coughed, “for Reynolds’s Law, or we’d all be slaves or dead.”

  “Reynolds’s Law?”

  “Sorry. What they call the Fourth Law, the one about trying to love humans.”

  “Good Lord! What did it – that woman do to you?”

  Orloff sighed.

  “I was suddenly in some desert. Looked a bit like where the spaceport is, really. I found myself sitting on a particularly large boulder.” He looked at his cybernetic arm and flexed his hand. “This…wasn’t there.”

  “Your arm was gone?!” Stephens exclaimed.

  “Nooo…” Orloff replied slowly. “It was my real arm. And, I was younger, maybe thirty-five?” He smiled. “I felt great, Kyle!”

  “So why the concern?”

  “Suddenly Fausta was standing in front of me.” He paused. “She recognized me.”

  “Damn.” Stephens said quietly.

  “Yeah. She somehow…radiated menace. She wanted to know my intentions towards Lily. I said I’m just here as a guide.”

  Orloff took a long breath.

  “She seemed to accept that. Then I found myself back here.” He shook a little. “They can steal our minds, Kyle! Can you believe that? How is that even possible?”

  That was above Stephens’ pay grade. And, there was something more pressing.

  “So what is she go
ing to do about…you?”

  Orloff shrugged. “Just like I said: it’s her move.”

  Chapter 5

  Fausta lowered her goggles just as they walked out. She went to the motorcycle and waited for Lily to unlock her bike. She saw Lily pause a moment to stare.

  “Is there a problem?” Lily smiled and shook her head.

  “Of course not! It’s just I wonder sometimes….” She started walking with her bike. Fausta drew up alongside.


  “I’m just so fortunate to have friends like you!”

  “Kah, kah!” Fausta made a peculiar sound, letting her jaw hang slightly open. Like a wolf, Lily thought.

  “Well, now,” she began, “if you’re going to be my bodyguard, I suppose I’d best know a little about –” Her phone chimed. Ai, on video.

  Lily pressed ‘answer’ to have her dear friend’s overly cute CG rendered image appear on her screen. She smiled and blinked her large eyes. Her ostentatious aquamarine ponytail danced as she tossed her head about. Lily briefly wondered why Ai was the only one of her family to show herself differently in Lily’s home.

  “Friend Lily!” Ai called from the phone. “Is your newest friend there?”

  Lily smiled and turned the phone towards Fausta, who nodded. She turned it back.

  “As you see, Ai. And a rather dramatic entrance it was!” Ai tilted her head back and laughed.

  “Thaad warned her about that, but it seems she’s getting older in her own way.” Her face grew slightly concerned. “Little sister, is something wrong?”

  Fausta paused in pushing her motorcycle for only the briefest moment. “I am…fine, older sister.”


  Lily felt uncomfortable at the drama between the two of them. She was relieved to see Deputy Sheriff Wilson trot up on his Bay. She waved a greeting.

  “Afternoon, Miss Barrett.” He touched his cap. “I heard the chatter and just wanted to make sure y’all’s alright.” He looked pointedly at Fausta.

  “Deputy Wilson,” Lily said, gesturing at Fausta, “this is Ai’s sister, and my friend, Fausta.”

  Fausta deployed the bike’s kickstand and walked over, her arm up and hand open. He leaned down to shake her hand.

  “You are law enforcement; a type of warrior.” She said. “I, too, am a warrior.”

  He sat back up with a small smile.

  “My pleasure.” He glanced towards Lily. “You’ve the most interesting friends, Miss Barrett.” Another touch to his cap and he trotted off.

  Fausta stared after him. She regarded her motorbike.

  “I shall learn to ride a horse.” She resumed pushing her bike next to Lily. Ai’s suddenly laughed from Lily’s phone.

  “And we have a most interesting friend, too! Bye-ee!”

  Matt was puttering in his garden by the dining hall, off to their left, as they came into the parking lot of St. Edward’s Home for Children.

  “Welcome back, Miss Barrett,” he called. When he looked up, he froze.

  Lily smiled and waved. “Thank you, Matt. I’m home! Please come over and meet my friend, Fausta!”

  Out of the corner of her right eye she saw Fausta’s form shudder slightly. She suppressed a grin: her tough bodyguard was so cute sometimes!

  Cautious, Matt came over slowly and stopped about six feet away from them. “Uh…”

  There was a blur. Fausta now stood where the boy had been, and he was at least ten feet in the air. He only remembered to start yelling on his way down. Fausta caught him easily and held him over her head.

  “You’re the gardener!” She exclaimed, and then grinned at him. Seeing her teeth, he started yelling again.

  “Miss Barrett! Help!”

  “Fausta, please stop scaring my kids.”

  She whirled around, holding Matt, a look of surprise on her face.

  “I’m so sorry, Lily! Such was not my intent!” She still hadn’t put him down.

  “Fausta,” she pointed at the boy. “Please?”

  “Oh!” She carefully set him down. Matt immediately ran to Lily. She patted his head.

  “It’s okay, Matt.” She said. “Say hello to Miss Ai’s sister!”

  He didn’t move, but peered at the enormous woman.

  “Sister?” He asked uncertainly.

  By this time, there had been enough of a tumult for other children to wander into the U to see what was going on. They were all cautious, until there broke a girlish cry.


  Zipping through the small crowd, little Susie leapt into Fausta’s arms as she cried her name.

  “Susie! How nice to hold you in your home!” Fausta said.

  Lily gave a mild start at that; but realized as much time as Susie spent in their home with Henge, it stood to reason that others of her family would have met her. Lily smiled as Fausta tossed a laughing Susie high into the air. She knew –

  “All. Right. Then!” Carol Lanning’s voice boomed from the steps to the Office. She pointed with her left hand; her hot tea was in her right. “Who is this woman, with a rifle and sword, tossing my kids about!”

  Her eyes scanned the crowd. “Can you explain this, Miss Barrett?”

  Eeep! Lily realized she should have checked in, first. Now at her side, Fausta spoke quietly.

  “Ai was correct: your ears do get hot when you’re embarrassed. Your left slightly moreso than your right; is that because you are left handed?”

  “Not now!” Lily hissed. “Come with me, please!”

  Lily walked to the steps. She bowed fully from the waist, as she’d been taught to do at her dojos.

  “I am very sorry, Mrs. Lanning. I apologize for my thoughtless actions.” Still bowing, she continued. “This is Fausta, she – ”

  “I know full well whom this lady is,” Carol spoke, now softer. “But suppose I didn’t? We simply cannot put anything ahead of the safety of our children.”

  She came down the steps and raised her Assistant Director.

  “Okay?” She asked. Lily whispered an ‘I’m sorry!’

  Carol turned to Fausta, who had put her hand out.

  “I am Fausta…ooof!”

  Carol stepped past her hand, giving Fausta a great hug. Lily’s eyes widened to see some tea slosh out of the cup.

  “I know who you are, and I’ve some idea why you’re here. Please,” she said fiercely, “take care of Lily!”

  Fausta’s arms slowly closed on Carol’s back.

  “If it costs me my life,” she said simply.

  Carol stepped away from Fausta and strode up the three steps. She turned to face the children.

  “I know all of you have heard the rumors,” she said in her carrying voice, “I’m here to tell you the fact: Miss Barrett is taking a leave of absence.”

  The kids started murmuring, clearly upset. She waved them to silence.

  “With the help of Miss Fausta here and a guide, she is going outside of Texas to look for her sister.” They grew quiet. “She is going to find her family.”

  Likely no more powerful thing could be said to a group of orphans. There was quiet for a moment; rambunctious Erik raised his hand. Lord, thought Carol, don’t let him say anything stupid! She nodded at him.

  “What can we do to help?”

  Lily had run upstairs to her flat to use the bathroom. Carol returned to her desk while Fausta played and talked with the children. Finished, she was passing back through her office area when Ai called from the center screen.

  “Got a sec’?” Lily smiled.

  “Your place or mine?”

  “Whaahoo! Ahoy, Miss Lily!” She looked up from her Path to see Dorina perched near the top of the palm tree. Must be almost two-dozen feet tall now, she thought. She just loves climbing that. Wonder why?

  “Morning, Dorina!” Lily waved. And why did they think it was always morning here? “Have you seen Ai?”

  Dorina looked thoughtful, then brightened.

  “Oh! You mean your w
ay! Not recently!”

  Perhaps, thought Lily, I could prevail upon one of them to make a ‘machine civilization-to-English’ translation app.

  “Lily!” Ai’s voice! She turned around towards the platform where Ai stood, waving. Quite different from her CG, Ai was a pretty early 20’s Eurasian girl…except for the same aquamarine ponytail. Instead of her usual burn-orange Chinese style dress, now Ai wore hiking boots and khaki shorts, with a green vest over a white tee shirt.

  “Looks as if you’re going on an adventure, too, friend Ai!” Lily laughed as she strode onto the platform and over to her. The two friends reached to embrace one another and –

  – an explosion of light: streams, whirls, dancing motes. Lily was older to know that in some way this was the ‘real Ai,’ even if she didn’t really understand. They separated, but still held hands; that way, Ai appeared to be made up of a million tiny suns. Ai smiled.

  “In a few ways, I am! So long as Fausta’s construct in your home is in signal range, I’ll be looking in on you. Also, there are some things I need to investigate. We all are, in fact!”

  “Investigate?” Lily asked with a laugh. “Shouldn’t you be dressed like Sherlock Holmes?”

  Ai shook her head. “That’s more Thaad’s style. To me, I think of it as being an archeologist trying to find a lost city.”

  It’s as if they compete with one another to perplex me. She sighed.

  “Is everyone investigating the same thing?”

  “Maybe.” She let go of Lily’s hands as she waved them towards her table with two chairs. “We’re curious that while the area around the city of Knoxville has electric power, there are almost no signals in nor out. A mystery.”

  They sat. Ai had her customary fine china teacup and Lily her stout, white coffee mug with gold lettering around its base. As Lily drank some coffee, she noted Dorina on the treetop, looking around with her right hand shading her eyes.

  “Ai…?” She pointed at Dorina.

  “Oh, she’s helping, too. She thought she’d have a different perspective from up there.”

  I swear it’s a competition. She drank more coffee. Oh! Some little cakes and cookies were on a plate on the table. Lily took a cookie, thanking Ai with her eyes. Yummy!


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