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The Office Party

Page 7

by G. , Whitney

A few hours later

  Garrett trails his finger against my lips as I sit in his lap. Streams of hot water are pouring over us, and I’m pretty sure that if he weren’t holding me right now, I’d collapse onto the floor.

  I’ve never come once during sex before, let alone three times back to back.

  And for the first time in my career, I honestly don’t want to do any work for the rest of the week; I just want to stay in my room and let him have his way with me again and again.

  Tilting my chin up with his fingertips, he looks into my eyes. “Can we skip tomorrow’s meeting?”

  My eyes widen. “What?”

  “You heard me,” he says. “Can we skip it? Along with tomorrow and the next day?”

  “Depends on what you plan to do with all your free time.”


  I blush. “Does everyone else still have to attend the office party?”

  “Hell yes, they do.” He smiles. “It’s mandatory. No exceptions.”

  “Top executives and yourself included.’” I rattle off his infamous memo line. “An off day would make you one hell of a hypocrite.”

  “Not necessarily,” he says, pressing his lips against mine. “You’ve been my only exception from day one.”


  Boss-Snark Forum 1.0

  Subject: Garrett West

  Yardley34: Does anyone know why the stuff for the rose ceremony isn’t set up yet? Isn’t that what our cruel savior usually does first when we get to these things?

  LilyV8: Hmmm. That’s weird. Maybe there’s not going to be one this year. If there isn’t, does this mean we’re not getting raises? I’ve worked my ass off this year.

  Russ76: Mr. West didn’t show up to the logistics meeting this afternoon, so we all got drunk and checked out the new ski lodge. Now that I think about it, @SavannGrey wasn’t there either. You here, @SavannGrey?

  PollyPositiveVibes83: Shouldn’t someone on this forum go to his room and check on him? I mean, he could’ve contracted severe food poisoning. Maybe he’s super sick. Sometimes I feel like you all just want to waste your time snarking on him for no reason. Sure, he’s hard on us most of the time, but he pays really well, and this office party is a great way to bond!

  Heather20: Um… Can one of the administrators step in and moderate this thread right quick?

  LilyV8: I’m ten steps ahead of you, @Heather20. I blocked Polly and all 83 of her “Positivevibes” Who TF let her in here anyway? And no, really, where the hell is @SavannGrey?



  This Christmas

  Colorado Springs, Colorado

  “Try to get some sleep.” I adjust the pillow behind Savannah’s head after a full day of marathon sex.

  “It’s pretty hard to sleep, when your entire body is sore.” Her voice is hoarse. “But just so you know, all the sex we’re having here is a one-time thing.”

  “It’s a twenty-time thing at this point, Miss Grey,” I say, “And I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.”

  She blushes, and I adjust the pillow one more time.

  “I’ll be right back,” I say, grabbing my phone and stepping onto the balcony. I scroll down to Seth’s name, wanting to make sure he knows that he’s fired, but I see that he’s texted me first.

  Seth: Amelie said YES. I thought you would want to know.

  Me: I did want to know. Congratulations. How does she feel now, knowing that her husband-to-be no longer has a job?

  Seth: Pretty damn good since he no longer has to work under a soul-sucking CEO.

  Seth: By the way, did you really need to charter a jet for someone to deliver my termination papers?

  Me: No, but I wanted you to know that I’m a man of my word.

  Seth: Fuck you. LOL. When are you proposing to Savannah? (Did you finally confront her?)

  Me: I think it’s a little too soon to discuss that. We’re not in love. (Yes.)

  Seth: LMFAO. Ok.

  Me: I don’t see what’s funny. We’re not.

  Seth: Please tell me you’re not this dense, Garrett. Like, please say that you’re fucking with me right now.

  I roll my eyes and mute the thread.

  “Garrett?” Savannah’s soft voice makes me turn around.

  She’s sitting up in my bed now, holding up one of my laptops—still naked.

  “I’m still too sore to sleep, so do you mind if we look over a few files?” she asks. “I mean, nothing too crazy since this is still an off day for us.”

  “Sure.” I smile, unsure of why I’m aroused by her bringing up work. “Are you thinking like, five?”

  “More like ten.”

  So, she means fifty.



  This Christmas

  Colorado Springs, Colorado

  A few days later

  The mouthwatering scent of Grandma’s Hattie’s dinner greets me and Garrett the moment we step off the elevator. As if we’ve forgotten our professional etiquette. Garrett slips an arm around my waist and presses a kiss against my cheek. I lean into him as we walk through the empty lobby.

  When we arrive to her custom taste-testing table, I realize that we’re over an hour late. Not that anyone seems to notice, though. Our assigned chairs are at the end of the table, and everyone is too enamored with the huge plates of rolls and biscuits.

  “Can we go ahead and skip the rest of the week?” Garrett whispers into my ear, handing me a napkin.

  “That’s an entire third of the office party.” I’m not opposed to this idea at all, as long as we do some work. “Don’t you think everyone will notice we’re missing?”

  “Yes, and they’ll be thrilled about it.” He smiles, his voice still low. “Yes or no?”

  I nod. “Yes.”

  “Good.” He caresses my thigh under the table.

  “Um, Earth to Savannah?” Georgia’s voice snaps me out of my trance. “Earth to Savannah?”

  “Yes?” I answer.

  “Can you join the rest of us in reality and pass the biscuits, please?”

  “Oh, right. Sorry.” I pick up a basket and pass it down.

  “What do you think of the new golf course we're building, Savannah?” one of my aunts asks. “The designer I met in New Orleans flew in to build it.”

  “I've seen the lights,” I say, “but I haven't seen the entire thing yet. I was planning to walk the path tomorrow.”

  “Please don't do that.” She smiles. “Book a carriage ride to do it.”

  “Did you notice the heated floors in the bathroom?” My cousin, Joy, smiles. “That was my idea and grandma updated every single suite with them. Sometimes I sit on them while I’m reading a book.”

  “I didn't, but I’m going to turn them on in my suite tonight,” I say.

  “Of course, you are.” Taryn glances my way, giving me one of her signature fake smiles.

  I almost offer a fake smile in return until I notice the shirt she’s wearing. Peaking underneath her grey and white Versace blazer are the words, “Spelman College. Many Apply. Few Are Accepted. I Was Accepted…”

  Even for her, this is low.

  Strike two.

  “Well, I've decided that I get to be the one who gets to show her the brand new Merry Christmas Lane,” Georgia says. “Unless you’ve already seen it. Have you?”

  I don't get a chance to answer that.

  “I highly doubt that she’s noticed much of anything.” Taryn purses her lips. “Everything except her bedroom and the lobby are probably all new to her. I mean, she never comes home, you guys. I have ex-boyfriends who know more about this resort than she does.”

  Light laughter fills the room, and I still.

  My blood is beginning to boil.

  “She had her reasons.” Grandma Hattie offers. “All that matters, is that she’s back now.”

  “Is she, though?” Taryn rolls her eyes. “She’s only here because her job requires her to be.”

  “That coun
ts.” Georgia stabs her dessert with a fork. “Instead of nitpicking why someone doesn’t come home that often, why don’t you suggest something she should check out while she is here?”

  “You are so right, Georgia.” She clears her throat, giving me that fake smile again. “Dearest Cousin, I highly suggest that you check out the early morning light show on the lake. You can see it from your balcony.”

  “Then again…” she continues, “since you’re spending your nights locked up in a room with your boss, you may want to know that the lake show is on the other side of the main lodge. So, whenever you two get done discussing your next promotion between the sheets, maybe you can walk outside and enjoy something other than each other’s bodies. I mean, who knows when you’re coming home just for your family again…”

  Strike fucking three.

  “You want to know why I stopped coming home, Taryn?” I slam my fork onto the plate. “Do you really want to fucking know?”

  “Savannah Marie Grey.” My grandmother chides me. “Your language.”

  “I stopped coming home because of you.” I’m done with Taryn’s bullshit. “It wasn’t because of the grief over losing my parents in an accident. It was because of you.”

  “Because I couldn't enjoy the holidays without you going out of your way to make me feel like I was nothing. And even then, you still sent me gifts that cost half my salary, for no other reason than to show me how much a braggadocious bitch you are.”

  The room falls silent, and I feel tears welling in my eyes. I don’t dare let them fall, though.

  “You knew exactly what you were doing each time, too,” I say. “The subtle jabs that you tried to play off as jokes, the endless comparisons, the belittling of how my life was so much less than yours because I decided to work for a corporation instead of for myself.”

  “I get it, okay?” I stand to my feet, keeping my eyes locked on hers. “You’re a self-made multi-millionaire, top thirty under thirty, and a ‘young mogul in the making.’ Congratulations. You’re also number one on my shit list, so feel free to brag about that the next time you try to speak to me.”

  “Oh, and one last thing.” I narrow my eyes at her as I step away from the table. “I’ve never slept my way to the top, and I’ve never stepped on anybody else to get to where I am. The latter is your area of expertise, and I’m in love with my boss, and I have been for a very long time, so fuck you.”

  I storm out of the room without another word.



  This Christmas

  Colorado Springs, Colorado


  Calm down, Savannah. Calm down.

  The only thing I regret is not snapping a picture of Taryn’s face when I gave her exactly what she deserves. Well, I also regret telling my entire family that I’m in love with Garrett, because I didn’t see that coming, and I know that he’ll hit me with a “Hey…Let’s not rush this too soon.”

  Needing a breather, I walk into one of the late-night presentations and grab a glass of wine from the back table. As I’m stuffing a cookie into my mouth, Garrett grabs me from behind and pulls me into the hallway.

  He presses me back against the wall, staring at me.

  “About what I said at dinner…” I clear my throat. “I wasn’t trying to rush or—”

  “I love you, too.” He looks into my eyes, cupping my face in his hands. “But since we’re going to randomly make confessional outbursts, do you mind if I make a few to you?”

  I shake my head, and he kisses me long and hard, until I’m breathless.

  “One,” he whispers, slowly pulling away. “I did ask the travel agent to book this resort on purpose.”

  He presses a finger against my lips before I can react.

  “Two, I also helped your grandmother hire the designers who did your apartment a few weeks ago.” His voice trails off for several seconds. “You talked about missing your family too much to avoid going home any longer, and as someone who would kill to make some different decisions with his family, I didn’t want you to make the same mistake.”

  “They didn’t hate me like I thought they would ... ”

  “They never have,” he says. “It’s all in your head.”

  “Is there a third confession where you finally tell me why you keep this office party going? Is it a reminder of when things were better between you and your dad?”

  “Not quite.” He smiles, pressing his thumb against my cheek. “It’s for my mother. She was obsessed with all things December, and she loved The Bachelor show. She had a special theme and dinner for every day of the month, and my participation—along with Seth’s, was non-negotiable.”

  I’m stunned. He’s never said much about his mother to me before, only the words, ‘I wish she was still here’ and ‘I can’t talk about that.’

  “She loved The Bachelor show so much that she watched every episode and started chat forums with other fans. She also found a way to guilt me and Seth into watching, too. For the record, I personally think the show is fucking terrible, but I still watch the rose ceremony. Just that part, of course.”

  “Of course.” I smile.

  “Anyway, one December, she left to get new wreaths for the windows, but she never made it home.” He looks into my eyes. “My father, Seth, and I went out looking for her, for hours. We must’ve checked every Hobby Lobby, Target, and Wal-Mart in the city.”

  “We made it to an overpass just in time to see her being carried away in a helicopter, and we never got a chance to say goodbye.”

  He sighs. “My father started drinking that day and he honestly hasn’t stopped. He became a shell of himself with a mean streak to cope, and I don’t try to pretend otherwise. What I can do, though, is keep honoring my mother’s memory in a way that gets attention. Whether people like it or not…”

  “I’m sorry, Garrett,” is all I can say.

  “Don’t be.” He presses his forehead against mine. “I’ve never told you that before. I’ve also never told you that I want you, and whatever this is with you, to work. I want you to give me a ‘needs’ list whenever you’re ready. Can you do that for me?”

  I nod.

  “Good.” He steps back and grabs my hand, leading me around the corner. “That gives us the rest of the night for me to handle a need I should’ve taken care of yesterday.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “This,” he says, pulling me into an empty room. He gets down on the floor, pressing his back against the wall, and then he extends his hands toward me.

  “I want you to sit on my face…”

  * * *

  Two hours later

  “I think I should just cancel the rest of the office party plans, and let people do whatever they want to do,” Garrett says, gently pushing the curls off my forehead as I finally recover from another orgasm via his mouth. “It’s for a completely selfish reason, of course.”

  “I’m just happy that your memo might finally reflect what the word ‘generous’ means. They’re all going to assume that you’re close to death or falling hard for someone.”

  “Probably.” He laughs. “But for the record, I’ve been in love with you since last year,” he says. “When you spent six months creating a plan to get out of my office party.”

  “You never told me exactly how you found out about my plans.”

  “I didn’t have to do anything special to figure them out,” he says. “I just thought about what I would do if the roles were reversed. We think a lot alike.”

  He helps me stand to me feet and holds me against his side, leading me into the main hall. As we’re walking, we come face to face with a teary-eyed Taryn.

  NOPE. Fake tears.

  I start to let go of Garett, so I can walk around her, but he holds me still.

  “I’m sorry,” she says, stopping right in front of me. “I had no idea you felt that way.”

  “Well, now you know.”

  “Shhhh!” The sound com
es from somewhere down the hall, but I don’t see anyone.

  “I want to make this up to you over a dinner or something before you leave, and I want to tell you the truth.” She looks up at Garrett. “If your boyfriend says it’s okay, that is.”

  As if she can sense that I’m still uneasy about her presence, that a couple of hours and a weak “I’m sorry,” are not enough to get off my shit list, she grabs my hand.

  “I never got into Spelman Grad, because there’s no such thing as Spelman Grad; it’s just Spelman…and it took me six years to finish.” She lets out a breath. “My Maserati and my Benz are leased, and I barely got into Alpha Kappa Alpha. I had to beg half of my teachers to change my grades.”

  Garrett presses a kiss atop my head once she pauses, whispering, “Spend some time with your family,” before nodding at Taryn and walking away.

  I wait for him to disappear around the corner and squeeze her hand. “Dinner would be nice. Can you show me the best late-night restaurant on the property?”

  “Yes.” She swallows. “It’s still Grandma Hattie’s. That hasn’t changed at all in eight years.”

  I smile and pull her in for a hug, one that I actually want this time.

  “You should’ve made her grovel more!” Georgia calls out from down the hall, laughing. “I made her work for a full hour to get the okay from me. And leased cars or not, she’s still paying for our dinner tonight!”



  West Media Internal Memo

  Dear Valued Employees,


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