Should've Been Us

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Should've Been Us Page 15

by Jess Bryant

  This wasn’t want. She realized as she watched his muscles twitch and his eyes go hooded. This was need.

  Pure. Desperate. Unimaginable. Need.

  “Connor…” Her voice was shaky as she shook her head, “We’re in public. Let’s just go back to the room and…”

  “No.” He growled as he dropped his pants and took a firm grip on his cock, “You give me a hard-on in public. You take care of it in public. Get on your knees. Now.”

  She blinked at him in surprise as the rough words pricked at her subconscious. His eyes twinkled and one corner of his mouth tipped up. What was it he’d said when he told her he wanted control of their sexual relationship? Something about her balking the first time he told her to get on her knees and suck his cock.


  Lulu narrowed her eyes back at him and then, casual as could be, she dropped down to her knees in front of him and tilted her chin up to meet his gaze. Surprise widened his blue eyes and then an emotion that made her heart thunder fast came over his handsome face. Heaven help her, but on the floor of a public shower, where anyone could walk in and hear them, pull the curtain aside and see them, she basked in the shot of power that flowed through her veins.

  She was the one that he wanted this way. She was the one he needed this from. And that knowledge only made her want him more, made her want to give him everything he wanted and be everything he needed her to be.

  “Now what?” She licked her lips, keeping her eyes on his because if she looked at the thick, straining cock he was holding just inches from her face, she’d be tempted to swallow him whole and she had a feeling he wanted her to wait until he told her to do that.

  “Take off your top.” He voice was a low growl, “I want to see those tits you were rubbing against me out there.”

  Without hesitation now, Lulu reached behind her and pulled the strings keeping the top of her bikini in place. It fell to the floor and she pushed it aside. She glanced back up at him in time to see his nostrils flare.


  “Close your mouth. No more talking.” He hissed and then, as soon as she had done what he said he surprised her by moving closer and using his hand to guide his cock to her lips, painting her with his pre-cum. “Do you see what you do to me, baby? Fuck you drive me crazy. Tell me to stop and I’ll do my damndest to give you soft and sweet instead. Tell me to stop and I will.”

  Her heart ached all over again at the wonder of him. This man was just… How had she not known anything about him all this time? Not this dominant side of him that wanted to mark her, claim her, and possess her. Not this gentle side that she could see in his eyes was worried about scaring her away with how intense his need for her was. She hadn’t known but now that she did, her heart went soft all over again.

  She met his eyes and shook her head firmly. Connor made a low, needy sound as he watched her dart her tongue out and lick at her lips. The taste of him on her tongue made her close her eyes and moan in response and she only opened her eyes again when his rough fingers stroked softly over her cheek.

  “You’re fucking perfect. So damn perfect. And mine, finally mine.” His eyes were still soft when his voice went low again, “Suck me, Lu. Suck my cock. Suck me with that sexy… ah, shit, yes.”

  His order broke off into a groan of praise as she opened her mouth and took him inside. She stayed shallow, bobbing against the crown of his thick shaft. She sucked gently and stroked her tongue all around him before focusing on that golden spot just on the underside beneath the head.

  “Fucking hell.” Connor grunted, the soft hand that had been on her cheek going to her hair and tangling roughly, “More. Take more.”

  Lulu moaned around him as she began to work her mouth down, taking more of his thick length inside on each pass. His moans and small muttered praises as she licked and sucked at him made her core clench. She was wet without so much as a touch to her own body. It was the power she felt, being on her knees for him, drawing those sounds out of him, that had her squeezing her thighs together as she bobbed on his cock and raised her hand to cup his balls.

  Connor cursed and his hips punched forward suddenly. He fucked into her mouth, pressing all the way to the back of her throat and causing her to gag once, twice and then a third time before he cursed again. He pulled his hips back just as quickly.

  “Fuck. Sorry. You make me lose control.”

  Lulu refused to let go of him when he tried to pull out of her mouth, she moved her hands to his hips, holding him in place. She looked up at him, his dick still in her mouth, and waited for the split second it took for him to realize she hadn’t minded. In fact, she could feel the wetness between her legs that had come with his pounding rhythm and the power of knowing she’d made him lose his carefully constructed control.

  “Fuck.” He murmured again, a reverence in his voice that he didn’t try to hide, “That’s what you want isn’t it? To make me lose control?”

  Lulu licked the plump head of his cock as she pulled off him with a breathy, “Yes.”

  The hand in her hair tightened, “Do you trust me, Lu?”

  “Yes.” She said again, without hesitation, without any doubt.

  No matter what else had gone on between them. No matter how many times they fought. No matter how many times they’d argued and yelled and stormed away from each other angrily. She’d never once given a thought to the idea that this man who was so much bigger and stronger than her, could hurt her. Because she knew he wouldn’t.

  Now? Knowing how much he wanted her and seeing that softness in his eyes, she knew without a doubt that he couldn’t. Not just that he wouldn’t but that the very idea of it would hurt him far worse than anything that he might do to her, even accidentally.

  So her answer was simple and easy.

  Of course she trusted Connor.

  “Relax your jaw, baby.” Connor moved his free hand to her cheek again and stroked softly, “I’m gonna fuck that beautiful face of yours like I’ve been dreaming about for too damn long. It’s gonna be rough so hold onto me.”

  She did as he said and with his eyes still on hers, Connor pulled his hips back until just his tip rested on her bottom lip and then slammed forward again. Lulu moaned, bracing herself as best she could against the onslaught. After a few more deep, powerful strokes, she found Connor’s rhythm and began to lick at him as he used her mouth. His eyes closed and his head fell back, a curse that sounded like her name on his lips and she closed her own eyes, basking in the pleasure.

  This was exactly what they’d both wanted. What they’d needed. He’d been right. Again. She thought they just might be perfect for each other after all. Which was just too crazy to only now be figuring out.

  Connor groaned as he continued to grasp her tight and pound into her face. He’d opened his eyes when she looked back up at him and they were trained on the spot where her lips circled his thick shaft. His mouth was open as he panted roughly and the intensity on his handsome face was unnerving and delicious at the same time.

  “Fuck. Look at that gorgeous mouth wrapped around me. Even better than my dreams. Better than I…” Connor’s eyes widened as the hand she’d been using to play with his balls slid backwards, finding that sensitive flesh just behind them and he shuddered against her before he growled and jerked out of her mouth. “God damn woman, you’re gonna make me come.”

  Lulu smirked as she wiped at the saliva on her chin, “Isn’t that the point, baby?”

  “No.” He surprised her with his words just as much as when he grabbed her shoulders and hauled her back to her feet, “No, that wasn’t the point. There’s only one place I want to be when I come and it’s not your beautiful mouth, Lu. Tell me, are you wet from letting me use you hard and rough?”

  He backed her under the spray again with two big steps and pinned her to the wall. He didn’t wait for her to find her voice and answer. Connor slid one big hand up her thigh, finding the edge of her bikini bottoms and slipping beneath them and straight into
her folds.

  She gasped, “Con…”

  “So damn wet for me.”

  “Yes.” Her voice felt hoarse and needy as she arched her hips into his seeking fingers, “Please.”

  “Please what?” He growled against her throat, no doubt leaving more marks that she was too punch drunk to be mad at him for at the moment.

  “Fuck me. Please. Connor, please.” She knew she was begging and she didn’t care about that either. She was too far gone. Too needy. Too eager to feel him inside her. Too desperate to come.

  “Like I’ve ever been able to deny you anything.” He muttered against her collarbone as he hefted her up, “Put your legs around me. That’s it.”

  Her head cracked back against the concrete wall as he positioned himself and drove into her hard and fast in one push. They both cursed. Then his hips were moving just as frantically as they had been when he fucked her mouth, driving her higher and higher. She clung to him. Tried to kiss him. Tried to tell him, show him, that she’d never felt anything like this, but they were moving too roughly to put their mouths together without risking knocking their teeth out so she simply held on as he put his head in the crook of her neck and fucked her through the biggest, most overwhelming, intense orgasm of her life.

  “Connor! Oh God, Connor!” She gasped as her breath caught and the orgasm knocked the air out of her lungs.

  “Ah fuck, that’s it. Come on my cock. Take me with you. Take me… Ah, God. Lu!” Connor’s voice actually cracked as he slammed deep inside her still quivering body and shuddered.

  She could feel him come. Feel the way his thick length swelled with his climax and pulsed deep inside her tight channel. Feel the heat of his come lash against her walls. Her brain tripped up momentarily on the realization that they’d been too frantic to use a condom, again, but she dismissed it with her next panting breath.

  This was just going to be the way the two of them came together. Too desperate to think about anything but each other. They were together now. Connor had told her that this morning and it had been whirling in her head all day. Now, there was no denying that he’d meant it and that it was exactly what she wanted too. Just the two of them, figuring out how to make this work.

  “Jesus…” Connor finally groaned against her neck as he began to regain his bearings and started righting himself. He pulled back enough to meet her gaze and his pupils were still blown. The blue green glinting wildly as he softly traced a finger over her swollen bottom lip, “Every time we start fighting, let’s just do this instead from now on, ok?”

  She grinned and giggled a little, “Deal.”

  “Ah, damn.” He winced a little as he began to untangle them, “Don’t laugh.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “I can feel your muscles tense and I’m too damn sensitive after coming my brains out just a second ago.” He kissed the edge of her nose sweetly as he pulled out and they both hissed a breath. He set her back on her feet carefully and held her in place beneath the spray of the water that was miraculously still lukewarm. “You okay?”

  “Better than okay.” She nodded, letting her head fall to his chest.

  “Sore?” He stroked her hair back, forcing her to look up at him and she saw the worry glinting in his eyes. “I was rough. Again.”

  “I’m fine, Connor.” She promised, “I can take anything you dish out.”

  “That was intense though…”

  “It was the best sex of my life.” She cut him off and watched what she would have sworn was a blush stain his cheeks, “Every single time with you is and then you go and make it better and my only worry is that I’m going to die from so many orgasms. Ok?”

  The grin that curled up his handsome face was full of male pride and swagger and she couldn’t help but grin back at him.

  God he was sexy. Sweet too. And as he gently held her beneath the spray of water, washing the signs of their rough lovemaking away and then helping her to redress both her and himself, she knew that she was in really big trouble.

  Because her heart had spent years being battered and bruised. She’d only just begun to put it back together. And now she was feeling it slip back out of her grasp.

  As if he could read her mind, Connor stopped once they were fully clothed again and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her with the softness he’d lacked in the shower. Gentle and easy, he coaxed her mouth open and then played with her tongue. He didn’t touch her at all except for where he held her face between his hands and their mouths connected and still, when he finally broke away, she was dizzy with a desire that threatened to take her to her knees.

  “Lu…” His voice was both soft and rough as he continued to hold her face, forcing her to meet his eyes, “Admit this thing between us is about more than just wanting my body.”

  Her throat instantly felt tight and she bit her lip. She remembered the way he’d called bullshit on her when she’d tried to use that excuse for giving in and going to bed with him. He hadn’t believed her, even then, and she’d known it. Just like she knew that he wasn’t trying to get her to convince him right now by admitting it. He wanted to be sure she saw past her own lies to the truth of what was happening between them.

  But the words wouldn’t come.

  As much as she wanted to tell him that of course there was more to it than just sex, she couldn’t get her throat to work properly. Just the thought of admitting she wanted more from him caused fear to paralyze her. Because despite their time together and despite what he’d said, Connor didn’t do relationships and she knew that.

  Just like she knew that it was impossible for her to admit that two days ago she’d thought she was in love with Derek and now she was falling for Connor. It was impossible. She knew now that she’d deluded herself into believing what she felt for Derek was love when really it had only been the lackluster memory of loving him that had kept her drawn to him. It hadn’t been real, but it had felt that way.

  And that was what scared her the most, because if what she’d felt for Derek wasn’t real, how could she possibly trust herself to fall in love with Connor?

  They were on vacation. This wasn’t real life. They were in a romantic resort, on a Mexican beach, drinking and flirting and playing. She’d said herself there would be hookups at this wedding. She just hadn’t intended to be among them.

  So why then didn’t this thing with Connor feel like a hook-up?

  “Lulu.” He sighed heavily, sadness in his eyes as he stroked her cheek, bringing her back to the moment, to the present, to him.

  “I….” She swallowed hard and felt her lip tremble with fear, “I don’t know.”

  Disappointment crossed his handsome face but he hid it by leaning forward and pressing a chaste, sweet kiss against her forehead, when he pulled back his eyes were serious, “Yes, you do. You’re just too scared to admit it. But that’s okay. I’ve waited for you this long, baby. I told you I’d wait forever if I had to but I think, after today I’ve got a better idea.”

  “Y-you do?” She managed, his words making her throat tight in an all new way.

  “Mmm.” His eyes twinkled, “I think I’m going to keep making love to you until you don’t feel whole without me. Until you’re not scared of how I make you feel anymore. Until you’re only scared of how you feel when you’re not with me.”

  Connor didn’t wait for her reply, which was good, because she didn’t have one that she could put her voice to. This man overwhelmed her in so many ways. He’d always been honest to a fault and that was how she knew he meant every word that he’d said to her.

  He would wait for her. He would continue to make her feel things that nobody else ever had or ever could. He would love her until she was ready to admit that she loved him too.

  He hadn’t said the words. Not yet. Not outright. But he’d shown her time and time again and now that she’d truly seen him, she knew there was no going back. Her fears. Her doubts. Her worries. He’d overcome them all because that was just the kind of ma
n Connor Shaw was.

  The best man.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next few days passed in a blur of sunshine, wedding activities and late night sexcapades. Well, the sexcapades weren’t exclusive to the late nights. Connor dragged Lulu away for some private time any chance he got, morning, noon or night. He hadn’t been lying when he told her he intended to give her enough orgasms to overcome all of her lingering doubts about them. And he thought that he might, finally, be getting through to her, not just with all the amazing sex but with all the other ways he’d upped his game to show her he was serious about making them work.

  He brought her coffee in the morning, just the way she liked. Usually after he’d woken her up with his face between her thighs. Sometimes he let her sleep in and brought back breakfast, then waited and took her in the shower. He loved getting to wake up beside her and see her soft and warm from sleep.

  It felt like he’d been waiting his whole life for this week, for this chance with her.

  They’d spent their days, once they were vertical, sated and dressed, doing all the activities their friends had scheduled for the wedding.

  They’d had another dance lesson, one where he’d growled every time he had to see the other groomsmen touch Lulu. For the first time in his life, it hadn’t been Derek he wanted to pummel but instead, every other Harper. When Connor had finally gotten her alone again he’d gone full-on possessive caveman, pinning her down and taking her hard from behind while he spanked her ass and forced her to tell him she was his.

  They’d gone to couples yoga too which had been far more fun than he’d given it credit for when he saw it on the invite. Then again, seeing Lulu in a pair of skin-tight yoga pants twisting and turning and shaking her ass had made him regret all the times he’d avoided her yoga classes at the gym. He’d been so damn hard by the time the hour was up that he’d barely made it back to their room before he was dragging those tights off her and having her ride him with that same roll to her hips she’d teased him with the entire class.


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