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Hot on Her Tail

Page 14

by Karen Anders

“Maxie. I won’t be manipulated into giving up this bounty. I told you, I take my job seriously.”

  Maxie closed her eyes and rested her forehead against her upraised knees, a stark feeling washed through her. Her answer was muffled. “Maybe you take everything too seriously.”

  When he didn’t answer her, she raised her head. He was staring at her, and then he made a derisive sound and looked away, shaking his head in disgust.

  “Maybe I do, but I don’t know what else to do.”

  Maxie’s stomach tightened at the look. “How about we table this discussion and try a bubble bath with those hot jets of water.”

  Austin breathed a sigh of relief. “That sounds good.”

  They got out of bed and went into the bathroom and Austin removed the cuffs. Maxie filled a quarter of the tub. Austin turned around to pick up some towels and that’s when she saw the scar.

  She reached out. “Is this where he stabbed you?”

  He stiffened, but then relaxed. “Yes.”

  She leaned over and kissed the rough skin. “Were you ever in that much danger again?”

  “Yes, but no one bested me like that again. I was too wary and started to build a reputation. Not many people wanted to mess with me.”

  “I don’t blame them. Do you ever think about doing something else?”

  “Yeah, I think about law enforcement.”

  “Think you might switch careers one day?”


  The warm water flowed over Austin’s heated skin as he lowered himself into the tub. Maxie climbed in and straddled him.

  “Lean your head back.” She picked up the portable shower nozzle and soaked his hair. Grabbing some shampoo, she washed his hair her fingers kneading his scalp. Austin breathed a sigh of pure contentment and she wondered how much he’d been pampered in his life. Not much, from what she could glean. She reached for his shaving kit and his eyes popped open.

  “What? Don’t trust me with a blade against your throat.”

  “I’d trust you with my life,” he said softly and then closed his eyes again. With unbearable feelings swelling up in her chest, she applied shaving cream and then the razor gently to his skin. When she was finished, she used a washcloth and cleaned away the remnants of the shaving cream and whiskers.

  She slipped off his lap and knelt between his legs, running her hands along his inner thighs.

  “Maxie,” he groaned, “I don’t think I can take any more. No more.”

  Austin’s breath hissed in, and then he moaned deep in his chest as molten shards of pleasure ran quickly along his shaft when Maxie took him into her soft moist mouth.

  Arching his hips uncontrollably in a primitive movement, he got lost in a dark haze as wave after wave of sensation drove him to the jagged edge.

  He groaned, as she encircled the head of his swollen shaft with the tip of her tongue.

  He thought he was going to explode.

  Water, like a shimmering liquid rainbow, lapped gently around their heated bodies.

  She rose, and with slow enticing movements, she climbed onto his lap, kneeling over his throbbing hardness. With slow, heated movements, she teased him with her succulent moistness, the tightly clustered curls an erotic goad each time she brushed sensually against him.

  Unable to stand the compelling seductive assault, Austin shifted restlessly, his hands on her hips, his fingers moving rhythmically into her soft moist flesh. He dropped his head back, breathing hard. She moved wantonly against him again, and a low moan escaped him.

  Maxie raised her hips and sank down onto his burning shaft, taking him deep inside her, crying out with gratification as she frantically glided over him.

  His lips ached for her mouth, sought it in a mindless search. He kissed her with ravenous demand, sucking her into a turbulent maelstrom of spinning, whirling need, a dark realm of bliss. A tight knot of heat coiled low in his belly where her swollen flesh met his. With each driving thrust of his powerful hips, the heat escalated outward. Stardust tingled in his blood like glittering points of exhilarating heat.

  She moved against him in wild abandon, driving him deeper and deeper, her motion faster and faster.

  Austin captured a taut swollen nipple, sucking hard and urgently, moaning again when she arched her back in response to his hot mouth. Rapidly, with each rise and fall of her hips, his control escaped him. He let it go as he lost himself in the soft, yielding flesh, his tongue teasing each nipple into throbbing aching buds.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders and his elbow jerked from the wonderful feel of her response, hitting the control to the whirlpool.

  Water surged out of power jet nozzles. Droplets cascaded down her pale, sleek body as she laughed delightedly, dropping her head back to feel the spray on her face. Captivated by her soft laughter, he watched her mouth, her eyes, rapt and beautiful, caught up in the savage pleasure he was giving her.

  His mouth went back to her tantalizing breasts, and he licked at the shimmering rainbow droplets with his tongue, rubbing a provocative circle around the hard, beckoning tips.

  And when his teeth nipped at each swollen bud, she writhed in ecstasy and he felt his own response to the fluttering spasms as he surged up to meet the descent of her hips.

  He wanted to drive himself into her, make her his by sheer will as he rolled and brought her beneath him just as her climax subsided. Pushing her against the smooth white tub, Austin growled as he plunged into her, her body going soft and willing as she arched furiously to fill the empty space between them. Water sloshed against the sides of the tub from Austin’s frantic movements.

  She trembled beneath him and he asked huskily “Are you cold?”


  His body needed no further motivation as he responded with need, with possession. She was his, he’d made her his. The seduction of her hot naked body and the feel of warm liquid sliding like silk over his skin each time he thrust mindlessly into her, in turn, seduced him.

  Her moans intensified with a breathless quality that pushed Austin closer and closer to his release. She tightened around him, and adjusted her legs to give him better access. The movement was almost more than he could bear, the pressure sweet agony.

  She reached up and cupped his face, running her hands over the planes, the hot, slick skin of his face. Water streamed underneath her fingertips, dripping off his chin to drop onto her neck and face.

  He felt as if the droplets were fragments of him, pieces that only she could mold, and that only her essence and skillful hands could keep together.

  Her fingers slipped from his face and traced over the taut muscle of his biceps. His body tightened and released, and her name, drawn out in a long moan, burst from his throat. Sensation like an intense thrill of ecstasy jerked him in utter, mindless wonder as he spilled himself into her hot tightness.

  Maxie clung to him, holding him so tightly around the neck that he could barely breathe as air gusted out of his lungs like a bellows. She felt like glittering sunshine exploding in a burst of bright white-hot light. Her head lay against his shoulder, her body still intimately joined to his.

  He rose from the tub, bringing Maxie with him. Gently, he dried her and then dried himself off.

  “It’s getting late and we have a long way to go tomorrow. We’d better get some sleep.”

  She nodded and watched Austin settle down onto the mattress. Suddenly cold from the inside out, she wrapped her arms around herself, afraid that if she started to shiver she would never stop. She hated what she had to do to him, because she had feelings for him—bone-deep feelings that could only be one thing. She would not name it. It would be too much for her to overcome in the not too distant future. She would have to content herself with this time he’d so generously given them. It would be all they had because her plans didn’t include being with Austin. He stood in her way and she had to do everything in her power to move him. If that meant using these new-found feelings he had for her, so be it. Only, it would kill her
. It surely would kill her.

  Maxie lay next to him and stared at the ceiling. As soon as she heard his heavy breathing, she located his cell phone. She pushed in the numbers and waited while the call connected. Even though she understood Austin, and compassion and tenderness for him existed in her heart, she knew that she still couldn’t let her sister down.

  There was no future between them. She’d been deluding herself into thinking that after her troubles were over, she and Austin could have some kind of a relationship. This could just be the beginning of her trouble.

  Besides, Dorrie was her sister and she needed her right now. No one was going to stop her from protecting her sister, not even Austin.

  It wasn’t an easy decision to make. When Star answered, she could hear the sounds of the rowdy bar behind her. “The place is jumping tonight.”

  “Hi honey. Did you escape him again?”

  Maxie felt much better when she heard Star’s voice. Now here was someone who understood and took steps to help her. “No, not quite, but I will. I need to ask you a favor, but I want you to understand that this will be aiding and abetting a fugitive.”

  Star snorted. “Honey, tell me what you need. I’m a big girl, and I’m not afraid of any cops.”

  “I’m in Taos and I need your motorcycle. Can you do that?”

  The click of glasses made it easy for Maxie to picture the rowdy bar. Sudden tears welled in her eyes. Damn, she missed the place.

  She wiped the tears away as Star answered, “Sure honey. I can be there tomorrow night. What hotel?”

  “Adobe and Pine Inn.”

  “Can you stall him that long?”

  “Yes I can.”

  Maxie disconnected the call. She rolled onto her back and felt the tears well in her eyes again.

  As if she could squeeze the feeling of despair that hung around her like a dark cloud, she wrapped her arms around herself. But other emotions clung to her and wouldn’t let go—anger and shame, desperation and fear. Not even in this peaceful place could she throw off the tensions that surrounded her. The lovemaking with Austin had drained her, sapped her energy. She was in love with him. Cartwheeling, head-over-heels in love with him, and she couldn’t tell him. In fact, she was leaving him, hurting him. She curled into herself for comfort.

  She was now painfully aware that what she felt for Austin was something she’d never felt before. She hadn’t intended to fall in love with him, and she didn’t expect anything but heartache to follow. She was certain that making love with him had been a good idea and she was going to savor that taste and hoped it helped the heartache when she walked away from him.

  This time she’d have to escape him for good.

  WITH HIS CALLUSED PALMS holding her face, he kissed her awake with gentleness. Shifting her lower body into the embrace, her mind heavy with sleep, Maxie opened her mouth beneath the pressure, the sweetness of the caress. The warmth stimulated her, and she surrendered to the stirring kiss, lost in a thousand sensations. His mouth was so sweet and warm. So amazingly soft.

  The hands released her, his mouth lifted from her and she felt the absence of its loss. A deep voice dissipated the last visages of sleep. “Rise and shine. It’s time to go.”

  Feeling as if she were trying to clear cobwebs out of her brain, Maxie reluctantly opened her eyes, not wanting to let go of the sense of weightlessness.

  When she opened her eyes, the first thing she noticed was that the cuffs were sitting on the nightstand and she thought fleetingly that he hadn’t remembered to put them back on her. It seemed a telling mistake and she wondered suddenly if it had been a mistake at all. She moved closer still to his hot, muscular body and stretched.

  He was wearing nothing but a towel and a sweet smile, his eyes smoldering with emotion. She took a deep breath and let it out.

  “What time is it?”

  “Six o’clock.”

  “Taggart, do you have a death wish?”

  “That’s a real scary threat, blondie.” He laughed and smiled.

  Still trying to come fully awake, she smiled back, loving the feel of his hands against her face. “Is that so? We’re back to blondie?” she whispered sleepily.

  The smile deepened. “I’ve decided that it suits you.”

  She narrowed her eyes and gave him a wicked smile. “I have some nicknames for you.”

  He grinned, then leaned over and gave her another one of those sweet, sweet kisses. “I bet you do, but they can’t be repeated in public.”

  His smile and bright, twinkling eyes were irresistible. “I bet you think you’re something, Taggart.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  He cupped her face, bringing his mouth close to her lips, his touch making her tremble. “You look so comfortable. It’s a shame.”

  She reached up and touched his warm cheek. “What’s a shame?”

  Before she realized what he had in mind, he rolled off the bed taking the blanket and sheet with him. Maxie grabbed for it, catching the corner. Austin’s strength was too much for her and he dragged the blanket, sheet and her to the floor. He leaned his shoulder to the wall and held up the blanket, a tormenting grin on his face. “That.”

  “You are such a jerk,” she said, huffing with laughter. “Give me back that blanket.”

  He held it up to display. “This blanket.”

  “Austin,” she warned, lunging for the blanket. He snatched it from her reach. His grin broadened, and he tossed the blanket across the room, and then blocked her way so she couldn’t get to it. “Nope. It’s time to go.” He glanced toward the bathroom and then at her.

  “Seems to me you need a wake up call.”

  “No, Austin.” She started to giggle. “No cold showers for me.”

  “Yes, Francesca. I think it’s what you need.”

  The thought occurred to her that if she taunted him and then was able to win, she could delay him one more day. It hurt her, but she had to make the decision and she had to make it now. “Want to bet. You have to give me another day here and no battles when I win.”

  He laughed. “No battles.”

  Maxie went on the offensive. She reached up and snatched the towel from around his waist and flung the wet terry around his feet and yanked. Austin went down, while she made a beeline for the bathroom door and the wonderful, safe lock on the other side. He caught her ankle and brought her beneath him as he covered her naked body in one swift, powerful move. “I win. Time’s awasting. Time for a shower.”

  “I’m not under the cold spray, yet,” she challenged. She fought against his hold convulsing with laughter. She got her fingers under his ribs and found out that Austin was quite ticklish. He grabbed for her hand twisting his body and that gave her enough space to use her leg as leverage and flip him off her. She rose quickly, and was off to the bathroom again. Austin recovered fast, his reflexes honed and sharp. At the door, he grabbed her shoulder, spun her and hoisted her over his shoulder with an ease that astounded her. His voice breaking with laughter and exertion, he tried to haul her into the bathroom. “You are a resourceful little thing.”

  In desperation, she grabbed for the door frame on either side of his heavily muscled body. She struggled with all her might, her laughter weakening her. “No Austin. I hate to be cold.” She was losing her grip on the door frame, and he only had to take a few steps to the gleaming shower and he’d have her in there.

  Securing her legs with one big arm, he grabbed one wrist and tried to break her hold on the door frame. “Tough. A bet is a bet.”

  She knew it was only a matter of time. Giggling and out of breath, she braced her chest against his back and brought her hand hard against the firm flesh of his backside. “Ouch! You little viper!”

  With just one arm on her legs, it was easy for her to kick free and slide down his back. Knowing she had to disable him or he would consider the contest still in progress, she seized him around the calves and used her shoulder against the backs of his knees. He let out a yell and went down like G
oliath after David’s attack. Still laughing, she smacked him on the behind again and said, “You really do have a nice butt.”

  He rolled over onto his back, his chest rising and falling with laughter also. “Dammit, blondie, I didn’t know you were a street fighter.”

  She grinned at him. “Well, now you do.”

  Smiling an irresistible smile, he reached down and slipped his hands under her arms and dragged her up the length of his body. She braced her elbows on his chest and rested her chin on her hands. His presence was all around her. The smell of his skin. The feel of the hot flesh of his chest against her breasts, his shaft against her pubic bone, the smoothness of his legs as she straddled him. She gazed down into his eyes, the sweet, enticing color of honey. There was a depth to him that she could see in his eyes, a fullness that was ripe, poignant and which made her heart contract with pain.

  Lost in his eyes, she knew in that heartbreaking moment that she’d run out of time. There was no more for him and her. In a matter of twenty-four-hours, she would be gone and her actions would drive this man away from her. In the wake of her betrayal, all his feelings would dry up and die for her.

  Closing her eyes against the sudden burst of pain, she slid her arms around his neck and held on to him, the sense of loss so consuming, knowing she could be saying goodbye to him for the very last time.

  But she had to. It didn’t matter that she wanted every single minute from now on to be spent with him. Once she did this, he would be too hurt and betrayed to want anything from her at all. That thought filled her chest to overflowing, made her eyes sting, and her heart break. She thought it might break forever.

  As if sensing the change in her, Austin framed her face with his palms, his voice full of regret. He murmured, “I don’t have any choice, Maxie. I have to bring you in.”

  Her jaw tightened against the cramp in her throat, she slipped her arms around him, willing away the stinging fullness burning her eyes. She didn’t dare think about what she had to do and how he would never forgive her. She would never get through the next short while if she did. Inhaling deeply, she buried her face into the hollow of his throat, trying to gather her strength and purpose around her. Enough to get her through this. Enough to hold her together.


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