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Ravage MC Novella Collection

Page 10

by Ryan Michele

  “No, baby. That was wonderful.” I kiss her with all the passion of I love you, but the hesitation in her words is not missed. “Get dressed. We’ll go home, get cleaned up, eat, and then head to Bimbo’s.”

  “What’s there tonight?” She pulls her underwear and jeans up over that delectable ass.

  “Brothers are hanging out. May as well go have a few drinks.” I stick my dick back in my pants and zip up. Angel finishes tying her boot.

  “All right. Let’s go.”

  So far, for a man not knowing it’s Valentine’s Day and not really giving a shit, he’s rocked my socks off. And pretty soon, it’ll be my turn to rock his.

  I bought this sexy corset and matching garters to entice my man. I planned on seducing him, tormenting him, but life has other ideas. What I’m going to surprise him with is so much more than satin and lace. I just have to figure out a way to pull it off. Hmm…

  I love being on the back of GT’s bike. The wind blows past me and with it, a whiff of GT’s scent. I squeeze as tight as I can up against him, loving the feel. Who’d have thought we’d ever be at a point where we are both happy, together.

  Of all the places for GT to take me, he brings me to The Kissing Tree. Yes, it has a corny name, but legend has it someone got married here and couples visit it for luck or something. Over the years, various stories have been told about that tree, so many that I have no idea what’s true or not.

  It holds a significant meaning for me, though. Not only was it the spot where GT first kissed me, but that kiss was my first ever, and having it with him made it all the more special. So coming back here, kissing under the same tree, really clutches my heart. It was the perfect way for us to spend our day.

  I always dreamed of him being mine after that night, but he soon started hanging out with Pops and the brothers. He changed. I shake my head, now is not the time to dwell. He is here with me, one-hundred percent, and that is all I could ask for.

  God, I love him. I just hope he still feels the same after tonight.

  Entering Bimbo’s, we are received with yelps and cheers. We head into the fray, me getting backslaps and Angel, hugs. She leans up on her tiptoes and whispers against my ear, “I’m gonna go sit with Blaze.”

  I reach behind her neck, tugging her into a hard kiss. “I’ll be here, Angel.”

  She saunters off to the table that occupies Blaze and a few other ol’ ladies.

  “So, brother, what are you doing here? Figured you’d be at home fucking that.” Rhys points to my girl.

  “Already have. Several times, matter of fact.” Rhys’s deep chuckle fills the room. “Why aren’t you out getting laid? Gotta be some woman desperate enough to fuck you.” The guys all laugh.

  “I’ll get a piece later.” He takes a slug of his beer just as one appears in my hand.

  “There’s Cruz and Princess,” Tug says, next to me. We welcome them the same way Angel and I were welcomed. Love this shit.

  “Hey, brothers,” Cruz says, grabbing a beer and inhaling most of it. “What’s going on?”

  “What I don’t get is why you three are here in a fucking bar and not somewhere fucking your women?” Dagger’s eyes move over me, Cruz, and Tug.

  “Could say the same for you,” Tug chimes in. “Don’t you have an ol’ lady at home?”

  Dagger shakes his head. “She’s out. We don’t do this bullshit holiday.”

  “Do you do anything with her?” Tug asks.

  “Not that it’s any of your fucking business, but enough.” Dagger slams his beer.

  A loud whistle comes from Blaze and I turn, immediately honing in on Angel’s smiling face. “Drinks are in order! Princess and Cruz are getting married!” Blaze yells, happy as can be.

  The bar roars to life. Cruz gets lots of congratulations, as does Princess. When it’s my turn, I can’t help myself. “You sure you want to be stuck with that the rest of your life?”

  His eyes narrow and a punch comes to my shoulder. It’s light but I can feel it and I laugh.

  “Shut the fuck up!” he barks.

  Razzing, laughter, and tons of conversation go on for hours. Cruz already took my sister home and it’s time for me to grab my woman.

  “I’m out,” I announce to the guys.

  “Later,” Dagger says, and the rest of the guys call out their ‘byes.’ I walk up behind Angel, and wrap my arms around her neck so my palms are on her chest. She jolts at the touch and her head pops up. Once she sees my face her entire body relaxes. “Come on, Angel, let’s get outta here.”

  Angel says her goodbyes and we head home. Home. I fucking love that I can say that shit. My woman in our home. Fuck yeah.

  “Wanna watch a movie?” I ask, rifling through the stations. Nothing is on. Angel comes in from the kitchen, handing me a beer and a slice of pizza.

  “That’s fine, but nothing scary.” She sits next to me on the couch, her feet curling under her as she takes a bite of her pizza.

  “And none of that women’s, lovey-dovey shit either.”

  “I already know what you want to watch, just put it on.” Angel sure as shit knows me well.

  “All right Fast and Furious it is.” I find the movie and put it on. After finishing eating, Angel lies with me while we watch. Towards the end, I feel my eyes drooping.

  I wake up to no Angel. I search the room, nothing, not even a noise. I get up from the couch, stretching, and move to find my woman. Walking into the bedroom, I stop at the sight of Angel. Her back is to me and all I can do is stare. She’s wearing a tiny, light-pink thing that goes around her chest and laces in the back. Her ass is completely bare, but light-pink garters hold up see-through stockings. Fucking hell.

  She turns and jumps. “Holy shit, GT. You scared me.” She holds her hand to her chest, surely trying to get herself together. “You ruined the surprise.” She mock pouts.

  I walk closer, running my fingers over the garter. “You surprised me all right.”

  “You like?” She flutters her eyelashes in that hot, sexy way, driving me wild.

  I yank her tight to my body. “Fuck yeah.” I kiss her hard, rough and deep. Our tongues duel, no one getting the upper hand.

  “I still have a surprise. Will you let me?”

  Cocking my head to the side, I question, “Do what?”

  “Give you a massage.”

  Let me think. My woman’s hands rubbing up and down my body. “Hell yes.”

  “Good. Naked and on the bed, facedown,” she orders.

  “Why back first?”

  “Because, if I do the front first, we’ll end up fucking and I won’t get to your back.” True. So damn true. Angel darts off and I strip, lie on the bed facedown, turning my head to the side so I can see Angel. She’s rubbing some kind of oil or something between her hands.

  “What’s that?”

  “Coconut oil,” she answers as if I should have known the answer to the question all along.

  “And you’re rubbing me with it?”

  “Oh stop it. Coconut oil is great for your skin. Relax and trust me.”

  “Does it smell like coconuts? I don’t want to go around smelling like girly suntan lotion.” Frustrated, she comes over and holds out her hand for me to smell. I inhale, and nothing.

  “All right.” I lie down and try to relax my body.

  Angel’s hands start at my foot. Her fingers grind into all the right places. She moves from foot to foot then up my legs, so very slowly. My cock thickens between me and the bed. Angel takes an exceptionally long time on my ass. Every knead of her fingers feels like heaven. She moves to my back, not leaving an inch untouched, and then my neck.

  My entire body is so relaxed, I’m drifting off to sleep. “Roll over, GT,” is whispered in my ear and I do, but my eyes remain closed. Angel’s hands move over my chest, my abs and down to my legs, totally skipping over my dick, which is now pointing up at me.

  I look down at Angel, her eyes solely
focused on the task at hand. She moves up to my dick and I lay my head back as pleasure rockets through me. I’m pretty sure this torture is not meant to rouse me but instead, relax me, and it’s not working. My dick twitches in her hand and a small grin plays on her lips. Fuck this.

  I reach up, grab Angel, and flip her to her back, climbing on top of her. I kiss her. Hard, deep and hot. She tries to break away, but I don’t allow it. She tortured me, now it’s my turn. She tastes so damn good, I could stay just like this all night, but my dick has other ideas.

  “Scoot up on the bed and lie on your back.”

  “GT, I wasn’t done,” she says, and then yells, “Wait!” She seems panicked, which totally catches me off guard. I freeze, waiting for her to continue. She sits up in a rush and I move up the bed, leaning against the headboard.

  “What’s going on, Angel?” Anxiety and worry line her face. Fucking shit, what the hell is this about?

  “I have something for you.” Her voice is timid and unsure. What the fuck?

  “Tell me.”

  She blows out deep, and instead of talking, she begins to undo her corset, her eyes never leaving mine. She fights with one of the straps and I reach out to help.

  “No.” She stops me in my tracks and fear slices through my gut. After undoing the garment, she holds it tightly to her body. “I have something to show you.”

  “Okay.” My tone is quite impatient, but come the fuck on already.

  She removes the fabric and I suck in a deep breath. The words ‘Hi Daddy’ are scrawled across her stomach in big letters. I move quickly, gripping her hips and pulling her close enough that my face is inches away, afraid the words I just read aren’t real. My eyes bulge, my head spins, and I’m not even sure what the hell my name is at the moment.

  “Really?” I ask, still staring at the black ink that will forever change my life.

  “Really.” The tremor in her voice speaks of her uncertainty. She’s unsure of how I’ll react, but I can’t act anything. I can only feel, and amazing doesn’t even scratch the surface.

  “Holy fucking shit!” I yell, pressing my Angel close to my body. “You’re having my baby.” I grin so huge my cheeks tingle. She nods her head yes, clutching on to me for support, and I welcome it.

  “I can’t believe you’re having my baby!” My voice is much louder than normal, but that shit happens when I’m so damn happy.

  “I am.” Her beautiful smile brightens up her face. My lips come to hers in a kiss full of love, passion, and excitement. Our lips meld together. Each time I kiss her is better than the last.

  “Baby, you don’t know how happy you just made me.” She laughs hard, but I silence her with another searing kiss. Our lips and tongues move in tandem, each one knowing exactly where the other is going and at what moment. We are a well calibrated engine, roaring to life, each part working together.

  “I love you,” I whisper against her lips then take them again.

  My woman is going to give me a family, a family to love and protect until my dying day. A man couldn’t ask for any more. Baby. Shit. A baby.

  I pull away and Angel’s lips try to follow mine. “Baby,” I whisper.

  Her eyes open in an almost dreamy state. “Yeah?”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” I have no fucking clue how all this baby stuff works. Surely the baby can’t feel anything, right? Fuck. Each time I took her today, I was too hard. Shit.

  Warmth fills her cheeks. “Just be gentle.” Gentle. Sure, no problem. My dick is harder than a fucking rock. Mentally, I will my dick to listen. No way in hell I want to do anything to hurt her or our baby.

  I don’t respond verbally; instead, I kiss her, hot and wet. My hand moves to her tit and I squeeze, rubbing it round and round with my thumb until her nipple is a sharp point. Then, I move to the other, lavishing it with the same treatment. Angel’s moans fill the room. I stare at the words again and a fresh wave of happiness fills me, invading my heart.

  I use my lips, tongue, and teeth on her tits until she writhes in my arms.

  “Please,” she moans. Fuck, I love it when she does that shit. I give her exactly what she wants. My fingers move to her wet heat, and slowly, I push one inside of her. I make sure not to go too far. Angel’s head flings back on the mattress and her back arches, sticking out those beautiful tits again. May as well suck them.

  Her pussy clamps down on me and I pull out.

  “GT!” she screams, almost jumping off the bed.

  “Baby, when you come, it’ll be with me inside of you.” I kiss her lips, lay her back, and move to her opening, gently pushing my dick inside her.

  She gasps, “Oh God.” Inch-by-slow-inch, I invade her pussy.

  “You feel so fucking good, Angel.” I thrust in and out of her at a steady pace. This is not the hard, rough, fuck sessions I’ve given her in the past. No, this is tender and I try to pour all my love into it, connecting us forever.

  My balls draw up tight and I can feel it coming, her breathing begins to labor. “You almost there?” I pant between thrusts and she explodes, screaming my name in answer. Damn, I love that sound. I follow her, the rush flowing through me, and then I take a moment to enjoy the look of pure satisfaction on her face.

  My beautiful woman. I could fucking kick myself for all the time we wasted not being together. My hand brushes the hair away from her face and I kiss her softly on the lips. Rolling off, I lie next to her and pull her body into mine, my front to her back.

  “I take it you’re happy?” Like she even has to ask.

  “Fuck yeah, babe. Happiest fucking guy on the planet.” I squeeze her tight, her muscles relaxing. I nuzzle her neck, smelling cherries.

  We lie awake in silence for a long while, just holding each other. These are some of the best moments of my life, me holding her. When she begins to move, I grip tighter. “Where are you going?” I whisper in her ear.

  “Clean up real quick.”

  “Don’t you dare wipe those words off of you,” I warn. I want to stare at that shit. May hide all of her fucking shirts so she can’t put one on over it.

  She smirks. “It’s permanent marker. It’s not coming off for a long while.” It’s my turn to grin. Damn, I love her.

  She comes back from the bathroom, her tits bobbing with her movements, those words the only thing on her beautiful body.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Angel.” I tug her into my body, covering us with a blanket. My woman just gave me the best fucking present ever.

  “Love you, GT.”

  “Love you, too.” I kiss the top of her head, and allow the rush to calm as we drift off.

  Rattle Me – A Ravage MC Novella

  Copyright © 2015 by Ryan Michele

  Editor: Lea Burn

  Proofreader: Julie Deaton

  Cover Artist: Melissa Gill at MG Book Covers (

  Formatting: Angela McLaurin, Fictional Formats (

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  All rights reserved.

  **DISCLAIMER: This book is intended for mature readers 18+, and is not suitable for younger readers due to adult and sexual situations.












  Dear Reader,

  While writing the Ravage MC series, I am not only along for the ride with you on this up and down, action-packed adventure, but I also set no plan for the characters; I follow their lead. In doing so, they sometimes take different directions than I originally intended when I started writing.

  What does this mean? It means the reading order for the books has changed a bit. There will be five main novels with the two novellas coming in at the end of the series. In other words, you get the bonus of Satisfy Me and Rattle Me while the series is going on.

  This is the suggested reading order for the Ravage MC series:

  Ravage Me (Ravage MC#1)

  Seduce Me (Ravage MC#2)

  Consume Me (Ravage MC#3)

  Inflame Me (Ravage MC#4)

  Captivate Me (Ravage MC#5)

  Satisfy Me

  Rattle Me

  I learned a very valuable lesson during this about planning and organization. I hope you understand that, in writing, I must follow where my characters lead, and this is where they went.

  Thank you for understanding,


  To the Ravage MC Sinners Facebook group. You chose the color red.

  When I finished Seduce Me, I knew that there was more to GT and Casey’s story. They needed their happy ending. Rattle Me is the result of that.


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