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Among the Living (Tyler G Book 1)

Page 25

by P. S. Power

  The head tilt he got from the nice seeming actress was somber, and out of place, considering it came with a frown that was half scared, and half angry. A little nervously she pulled at the bottom of her pink shirt, the thin cotton straining over her chest as it happened. That kind of thing was probably subconscious behavior for a person like her, Ty figured. When she got upset her go to move would involve sexual signaling. He hadn't noticed it in the others, but it was too powerful of a weapon not to use like that, most days.

  Her voice was too smooth, really.

  "I... I can take you away from here, if you wish, Tyler Gartner. Only... I don't think you can outrun that sort. One of them found me in the middle of New Zealand once, in the middle of nowhere. I ended up in an isolated cabin in Australia while he took my place. It's nearly impossible to stop that kind of thing, if they want it to happen. The only reason I lived was that The Defiler was afraid that The Line Walker would hate him if he killed me. Staying here isn't a good idea anyway, not if that many Greater Demons are paying attention to you."

  That was the kind of thing that everyone seemed to be indicating lately. Why that was, he didn't really know. So far none of that sort had actually done anything to him. Not in a negative fashion. Zack had given him a job, and Darla's big trick so far had been getting him to fill out a notebook filled with info she probably already had. The Rotted had traded some fairly easy and interesting work finding things for some favors, which even if she never paid off wasn't exactly being in a torture dungeon.

  The Storm had tossed some threats around, but apparently she could be bribed with cookies.

  He got the idea. They were incredibly dangerous beings when they wanted to be, but so far they really all had just been acting like normal people. Not perfectly, but enough so that he couldn't see painting them all with the same brush as being reasonable yet.

  Still, he nodded, since Judy was there to help him, and had come from wherever she'd been just for that, if he had the right idea. Just so some random Human wouldn't be screwed over and lose everything for having helped one of her people. That was pretty darned noble, considering there wasn't even one person in the world who would have thought of that as being her responsibility.

  "It's part of my job. The other one, I mean. I have to be able to work with everyone, and past a certain point that means trusting people to be reasonable. Even the frightening ones. There is a good point in there. What you just said. I need to work out a second in command in case one of them kills me." Who he could get for that he had no clue. Really he didn't know that many people. More now than most of the rest of his life combined, but most of the new beings around him weren't exactly great choices for Human-Other liaison positions.

  He knew Vampires, and Shifters, Alede and Trollienkeine, Mages too. They might be able to do the trick, of course. They had powers, and were a little different, but it was pretty clear that they lived in and around Human societies all the time, so should know how to navigate that way. So far all that had been really needed was a phone. If that kept up, maybe some of the others could pull the job off too. It wasn't really that hard so far.

  People had basically wanted to get along and help out so far. If they didn't, then things wouldn't work, but it wasn't like he was planning to swing in on a vine and fight lions or something. He just needed a person that could sit back and call things in.

  Two things happened then, as he looked at the far wall. The owl door opened, and Judy reached out and touched his arm gently. It reminded him of what Greater Demons always did, with their data collection telepathy thing. The big difference here was that a soft pulse of desire flowed across his skin, making him far more interested in the attractive actress than he had been. Considering she was famous and pretty, as well as there to help him out, that was a bit more forceful than was really needed.

  "Hey, cut that out." He smiled when he said it, and glanced at his arm, which got her to chuckle.

  "Oopse. You know, most people can't tell when I do that. It's a bit distracting, I hear." She seemed a little embarrassed by it however, which was probably acting on her part.

  The second thing that took place was that Kait came through the large wooden door on the other side of the room. Followed by Satan.

  At least it was a giant creature that had reddish brown skin, a heavily featured face, large white horns on his head that were a lot like a bull's, and a few tuffs of fur that didn't hide the fact that he was hung like a rather large horse. His feet ended in hooves, but there were no scrapes or dings being left on the floor, so Tyler decided not to have a problem with him. The rest of the body looked like a bodybuilder that didn't have the sense to ever stop growing.

  In short, he was freaking awesome looking. A thrill of fear ran through Ty as he looked over, but he smiled and waved at the man. Whatever he was, he was definitely male. A thing that the suddenly freaked out feminist attack group realized too, it looked like. They all froze in place, except for Sue, the smart one, who ducked down behind a shelf of books.

  Kait looked nervous now, but walked over to Judy, trying to smile.

  "This is the Lesser Demon Balthias. The Fear Demon. He agreed to help us out today, in exchange for an invitation to your birthday party, Ty. He loves cake."

  The huge creature smiled, showing that he had fanglike tusks. His voice rumbled, but also had a slightly cultured air to it. A scent, like cedar, came off of him.

  "Verily. Who does not enjoy sweets? Now, where are the miscreants that have attacked the good and fair workers here? I shall begin their torture and rapine immediately!"

  It was incredibly intimidating, and Judy actually shrunk into herself, holding her arms over her erect nipples. She backed up a few steps though, clearly considering making a run for the open front of the space. Kait took a few steps that way too.

  Tyler smiled, and spoke in a low voice.

  "We need to keep the real torture and rape to a minimum. They're vandals and annoying, but we need to keep some limits in mind. You can work inside those lines?" For a moment he didn't know if he was being clear enough, but he didn't really want to explain to the being too loudly what he meant. That might reassure the forced labor crew, and left them feeling secure, which was clearly counter to what Kait had planned.

  The looming giant, who had to be nearly twice his own size, or at least felt like it, leaned across the counter, hitting him with a wave of fear that got him to smile. It tickled a bit, after all.

  Terror always did.

  "Worry not, Clerk. I have been informed as to the particulars of this situation. I shall wring panic and teach a lesson that few would ever forget, but not more." Then he let his voice rise. "Except for the one that I will take away, for a life of servitude and torture. You say I may pick from these?"

  He let his hand wave out, but covered Kait and Judy with it, as well as the rest of the store.

  Tyler shook his head.

  Then he walked out onto the floor, pointing at various people.

  "Not Alexis, or Will here. He's in trouble, but also pulled out not being an asshole at the last minute. He did get me shot though, so that wasn't great, but it was a mistake, so we should probably just let him work his part of things off with cleaning and book shelving. This one, this one..." He moved quickly, considering how he felt, and pointed at the various ladies, who didn't mouth off about how they were untouchable suddenly.

  That would be thanks to the fear that rippled off of the Demon, no doubt.

  "These are all in the pool of people for the job you mentioned. If they don't work hard enough and learn the lesson you have to teach to your satisfaction. I suppose that might mean you end up without a personal slave from this. You could also end up with several. I mean, what are the odds they'll learn anything?" He was being mean, since they weren't stupid really, just misguided.

  Trashing stores and protesting Alede... It was about as dumb a thing as he'd ever heard of.

  Almost as if trying to prove that the Lesser Demon was going
to end up with a new slave the short haired one that had spoken earlier moved forward and started talking.

  "You can't do this! He isn't even covered... You're threatening us with rape. I'll, I'll call the police!"

  Balthias laughed, a rumbling thing that got the lady to take a step back.

  "The Human authorities have left you here, under our power. It was done as a gift for you, Carol. The Clerk interceded for you personally, as did The Line Walker. Those of your kind gave you over to them, for as long as they wish to use you. Now, get books upon those shelves, or you will find yourself sore used in ways you cannot imagine. None can, nor will, protect you from this. Only your own work and learning not to attack your betters will save you now. Fail in that, at any point, for the rest of your days, and you will be forfeit to me. Do you understand what that means?"

  She seemed to get it, since his member stiffened just enough to catch her attention. Hopefully he didn't really mean it, and was just living up to his Fear Demon name. Regardless, the people being punished got to work and all did a great job after that. Tyler helped, getting things on the shelf, and no one walked into the place, until nearly three, when two police officers came in. They were in uniform, and looked like they wanted to wet themselves when they saw Balthias, but they came in anyway. One was a familiar looking older man, the other a woman that looked to be about thirty.

  It took him a bit to remember the names, and he'd never met the woman himself, so it was a guess, but he nodded at them and waved them over.

  "Officers Robertson and Smith?" They were supposed to be the ones working with him, after all.

  It was enough to get the two people in blue to walk toward him, rather than harassing the Lesser Demon, even though they kept touching their weapons and acting like they were there to try and fight him. That was silly, of course. They were on the same side. The side of right and justice.

  "Mr. Gartner? We had a report of supernatural activity, and people being held hostage? That meant the Chief sent us in. Thanks for recommending us for the job, by the way. You can give a eulogy at my funeral. Remember to tell everyone how the women loved me."

  Rather than act like a joker, he just nodded.

  "I will. You can do the same for me. Anyway, I think what we're looking at here is some prisoners whining about their jailer. That would be the Lesser Demon Balthias. You can guess which one that is? The Fear Demon. Um, basically he's law enforcement, so you should go introduce yourselves to him." Then he grinned.

  "Oh, I know, you two should also come to my party tonight. Birthday. It will probably be just a few people, and some cake, but if anyone shows up, you can make some connections, which will work with your new jobs. Here, let's get you introduced to your new colleague." He was making stuff up again, but Balthias seemed pleased to meet the people in blue.

  Especially when it was suggested that they'd be working together.

  Under the waves of terror it was actually kind of funny, to tell the truth.

  Chapter eighteen

  At five the extra bodies got to go home, with orders to be there the next day at nine. The idea was that the slave labor was going to be there every day until the place was fixed. Even with Balthias standing there several of them whined about that, because they had real jobs to be at on Monday. That got an angry roar from the giant Demon.

  "You shall serve in silence or face my wrath!" Then he closed with the mouthy ones, a fist that was a little larger than Ty's head clenched, ready to enforce his will. It got them to shut up, which was nice.

  The troubling thing was that it was hard to actually tell them they had to finish the work. Will, the only guy in the group for some reason, actually volunteered to stay late, to help them all out.

  Balthias turned on him and growled. It was a low rumble that had bowel loosing properties, even from across the room.

  "Nay, William. You may not stand for them. These are women that claim they wish equality. Let them have it!"

  Then, almost as if he were about to kill some people for bothering him, he pointed a giant finger at the front of the shop. "Away now! Do not be late on the morrow, or my bane you shall know."

  It didn't take more than one suggestion that they leave, Tyler noticed. Not when Balthias did the work.

  Then, suddenly, all fear was gone from the room. Shut off like a spigot, it felt like. The others didn't close with the giant instantly, even though he smiled at them all.

  "I will return then. This was pleasant. It is a shame that our agreement did not allow for the rapine of our prisoners. Next time we should suggest that as part of their punishment. Is that not the Human way?"

  Glancing around, trying not to seem like a jerk, Tyler shrugged.

  "It's not supposed to be, but that isn't wrong really. It isn't official, so I bet that none of the police go for it. I bet Zack would." Not that he really had any idea of why that was. "Anyway, you need directions to my house. It isn't far from here." If the Lesser Demon came it would be at least one more person showing up.

  Ty had to like that.

  After a bit, since it didn't take long to explain where the thing would be, Balthias vanished into thin air. It was more impressive when he did it than the others, because he was simply so large. It left a hole in the world for a bit, or at least in his own perception. After that happened Judy came back over. She'd been off to the side, taking turns with the other Alede, servicing people in the side rooms. That had meant having to run and clean them all each time, but it wasn't hard work, if that was all you were doing.

  They had to eat though, just like anyone else.

  Smiling, the pretty actress moved over to him, and touched his arm. This time there was no sense of pleasure in it, other than the contact itself. Not that it was bad.

  "Calley says that she's about to get off work, and will need to take Palma away with her. Ang is driving the food over. You just need to show up at seven. Valerie wants you to come over to Pretty Plus, so she can introduce you to someone. Eve the Vampire requests that you aid her however, in your capacity with the Coalition. There seems to be some trouble involving a local Vampire... Robs? He's been sighted, and appears to have some hostages. The local Police Chief?"

  It was clear that she was just standing there, talking to people. It was like magic though, to him. He could just barely hear her, since she was kind of whispering.

  "Fuck. Okay, um... Valerie? Can you and your friend come to my party? At seven? I hate to leave you hanging like this, but Chief Sims is kind of a friend of mine, and while she can handle herself I bet, I think I see the problem here. She's a Vampire, but not publically. So..."

  A delicate hand came up, to stop him, and then there was a nod.

  "I see. Valerie says that sounds fine, and that she and her guest understand the emergency. Eve is readying a strike team, but wants you to go with them, as cover for Althea? Does that make sense?"

  It kind of did, so he nodded, then spoke out loud, since odds were good that even a Vampire couldn't hear his head rattle.

  "Right. I'm coming. Are we meeting at the Yoghurt World?"

  That got a nod, and a touch on the arm.

  "Is this... You're already injured, maybe you shouldn't go?"

  It was a great point, actually, but he was feeling better. Not good enough to run across the city maybe, but he could talk on the phone if needed. Maybe even in person, if he could get a ride.

  Judy kissed him, warmly, when he started to leave.

  "Be careful. Vampires are dangerous."

  That was just the truth, so he nodded, his lips still tingling a bit.

  "Got it. I'll try not to forget that part of things. They're always so polite and cuddly, so it can be hard to remember. Well, not all of them, but most of the ones I know actually kind of are. Still, I get the idea. Are you good here? It isn't much fun, but I'm betting it will be better than wherever I'm going right now."

  She nodded, and touched him again, her hand warm on his arm.

  "It will be fine.
I can go wait at your place? I'm invited to your party, aren't I?"

  "Of course you are. If you and Balthias come that will be two whole people there. If I get Ang and Palma, Calley, you two... This might even be a party! Like a real one." It would be neat, if it happened that way.

  He moved, traveling at a slow, but very smooth, jog. It was how he practiced running, most days, since it was easier on his joints. Now it let him move faster than a walk, without bouncing his middle around like an insane person. In that way it was kind of paying off, having skills like that. He'd always kind of thought he was just being a running nerd, practicing things like that.

  A minute and a half later he was at the front of the other shop. Inside there were several people, who were all Vampires, if he had it right. Eve, Ginger, the tiny bald man, Bey. There was also another man there who was better looking than Tyler was, standing next to Ed, the Ambassador.

  Bey bowed toward him when he walked in.

  "Thank you for coming, Mr. Gartner. I believe the plan is for us to all go together? Robs the Vampire has taken several of the police hostage. His powers do not allow for great speed, but his mental abilities are fine enough. He can compel beings well, and has used that to isolate Althea Sims. The other police have him surrounded, but he is threatening to kill nearly fifty of their own, if he is not allowed to leave with the Chief. It is a bit of a miscalculation on his part, since of course, Althea is one of us, and easily his equal, if not his better, in a fight." There was a tight, slightly sour looking, smile then. "If she uses her abilities to subdue him, however, it will end her covert operations here. It is a problem for her."

  The words were a little odd, but Edom explained for him, locking eyes a bit. He had good eyes. A warm chocolate brown that were a bit distracting.

  "She isn't acting for the Council. Our pretense here is that we were asked by the Coalition to help out, since it's a Vampire related issue. Otherwise she'll be on her own."


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