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Caveman Alien's Trap

Page 9

by Calista Skye

  “That is a pump that blows air into the forge. It needs a lot of air to burn as hot as I want it to.”

  The hut gets hot, too, and I walk out again and explore the quarry, especially that whitish soil. The hot forge has given me an idea, and I soon find exactly what I’m looking for.

  And that in turn gives shape to another idea that’s been percolating at the back of my mind since yesterday. Some of the girls’ husbands back at the cave have shared some valuable knowledge that I think I can use. But idea number two has to wait. First things first.

  I get busy with my first little project, and after a little while, I hear banging and scraping noises and a general metallic racket from inside Xark’on’s hut. Once in a while, he’ll stick his head out and check on me, a cute little gesture that I respond to with a bright smile. All this attention and badly hidden care from him is flattering. It’s been so long since I’ve had this kind of male attention that it almost feels like unexplored territory.

  Well, I’ll care for him, too. As well as I can.

  The day goes on, and I don’t hear any spooky noises from the dragon’s trench. I also don’t see any dactyls overhead, and there aren’t that many other dinos around. Twice, I hear the unmistakable sound of a really big one passing not so far away, because it noisily tramples trees and bushes under it as it lumbers through the woods. Those truly huge dinos don’t bother me that much. They’re largely harmless to Earth girls. The smaller ones are worse, especially those that don’t make a sound until they’re right by me.

  I’m not complaining. The less wildlife to deal with, the better. I can only assume that they’re all keeping their distance from the dragon, just like Xark’on’s tribesmen.

  Now that I’ve had a chance to process that experience a little, I feel deep down that the dragon is just as alien here as I am. Something about it feels wrong. It doesn’t feel like a dino.

  I continue my little project, and suddenly I find myself humming some Adele tune. I haven’t hummed contentedly since forever. But now it feels natural. In my old life, these things that have happened would have knocked me out and into some weird funk. Now, after the adrenaline shock has settled down after I almost fell into the dragon’s groove, I feel calm and even somewhat safe. I can hate this planet as much as I want, but I think it has been a little good for me, at least.

  Xark’on comes out of the hut and dips a red-hot slab of iron into the muddy creek, making it hiss like crazy and send a plume of white steam skyward.

  Then, he comes over and shows it to me, holding it in iron tongs. “Don’t touch. It’s very hot.”

  I keep my distance to the iron. “That’s a really nice shovel blade. It just needs a way to fasten it to a wooden shaft. Here. On the top. A round thing to stick the shaft into.” And of course, my words immediately get me thinking of Xark’on sticking his other shaft into a very special hole.

  He nods thoughtfully. And at the same time, the leather in his pants creaks as the bulge twitches. Even inside his pants, that thing in there is casting a freaking shadow.

  I have no idea why this moment is so special. But this is when I decide that I’ll absolutely fuck this guy. I’ve never met a better man. Or one as good. Not even remotely. Nobody can compare to this. Is this what all the other girls have experienced with their cavemen? Then I totally get it.

  Xark’on returns to his hut, deep in thought.

  He’s being a little standoffish, but I’ll chalk that up to me being the first woman he’s ever met. His bulge speaks a language of its own. And his eyes that wander all over me.

  I continue my own project, still humming. After a little while, I hear a deeper humming from inside the hut, only broken by metallic clangs and bangs. We’re both enjoying ourselves.

  Xark’on comes out again and drenches the red-hot iron in the creek before he shows it to me.

  “That’s really good,” I state, examining the still steaming hot shovel blade. “Now you just have to find a thick shaft to put in there. By the way, is the forge still hot? You don’t need it anymore, do you?”

  “I’ve finished this,” Xark’on says and surveys the result of my little project with interest. “And you have finished these?”

  I carefully take one of the clay pots I’ve made and hold it up. “No, they’re still soft. They need to be heated for a long time. Overnight, ideally. Will your forge stay hot that long?”

  He thinks with an alien frown on his face. “It will. Won’t they melt?”

  I look at the ten little pots I’ve fashioned from the very light clay I found, wondering if they’ll stay as white and pristine after they’ve been fired. “I hope not. But yeah, your forge is probably a little hotter than what they need. It’s better if they heat up gradually. Will you help me build a kiln for them? There’s a lot of clay here.”

  He carefully puts the shovel blade on a rock, and then we build a pottery kiln like the ones we have back at the cave, except smaller. It’s just a clay dome with an internal floor with many holes, so the heat and flames will reach the pots without them touching the burning wood. It has a tall chimney to effectively drag in more air from below, which Delyah has assured us is necessary for making it hot enough.

  The clay is unusually white and soft and fine, and it doesn’t take us long to build the kiln. I show him how to make a primitive scaffolding with twigs and branches to give shape to the wet clay, something for it to cling to. I’ve done it a few times over the months I’ve been on Xren, so I’m pretty confident about it.

  As we smooth down the chimney with wet, slimy clay, I’m reminded of a scene from an old movie. I move a little closer to Xark’on and let my hands slide close to his. Then, just as I’m thinking I have to be more obvious about it, he slides his large hand over mine and holds it there.

  I look up at him. His deep violet but still somehow luminous eyes are staring holes in me, but I can take it.

  “Caroline is remarkable,” he growls.

  I take my other hand and place it on top of his. “Xark’on is more remarkable.”

  For a moment, we’re frozen like that. The clay is cold and slimy, but still this is the most erotic experience I’ve had since just about forever.

  Then Xark’on strokes the back of his other hand across my cheek. “So soft,” he marvels. “So female. So many alien ideas. So… wonderful.”

  The actual words aren’t much. Not something a guy at a bar would say to you and expect anything other than a kick in the crotch in return. But from Xark’on, the feeling behind it is so raw and sincere, it’s overwhelming. It’s worth a truckload of flowers or heart-shaped chocolates.

  I smile up at him and focus on his generous lips. If he bends his neck just a little now, I’ll totally kiss him.

  Then he kisses me, instead. Just like that. His lips on mine, his scent in my nose, fresh and dry. His fangs at my soft lips, sharp and dangerous.

  I put one clay-covered hand behind his head to pull him closer, opening my lips. He’s not bad for a beginner. A little demanding, perhaps, but I totally forgive him, considering I’m his first. I think he might be coachable.

  We stand like that for a good while, just kissing.

  Then, I disengage and smile sweetly up at him. “Did your shaman ever tell you about Worship?”


  - Xark’on -

  The idea of Worshipping Caroline almost makes me black out. Our old shaman had many failings, but he was very thorough about instructing us in how to deal with The Woman when she arrived. And Worship was a very important part of that.

  “Yes,” I reply to her unexpected question, but my throat is dry, so it makes me cough. “Yes,” I repeat when I’ve collected myself. “He did.”

  She looks at me with her big eyes. “I wonder if you’d like to do that? With me? Later?”

  The world spins around me. “I can do it right now,” I state immediately as my heart races.

  She smiles with that extremely soft and sweet mouth. “That’s very kind of you to
offer, but this place isn’t really that well suited for it. Too many rocks? But did you know a woman can also Worship a man?”

  My knees feel weak underneath me. The very thought… the shaman never told us about that.

  “No,” I wheeze on a dry mouth. Does she mean…? I know about the myth that a man can insert his manhood into the woman’s slit and thus somehow produce babies, but I’m vague on the details.

  She puts a hand gently on the straining bulge in my trousers. “I really want to show you. Do you mind?”

  I say something, but it only comes out as a dry croak.

  “Cool. Just a moment.” Caroline walks over to the stream and cleans her hands of the white clay. I remain, petrified and worried my legs won’t carry me if I try to walk now.

  She comes back and points to a large rock. “You want to sit down? More pleasant for both of us.”

  I stagger stiffly over and sit down, feeling detached from what’s happening.

  Caroline places my sack on the ground in front of me. I have no idea what it is she’s planning.

  She kneels in front of me and again touches the crotch of my trousers. “You want to take it out, or shall I?”

  I immediately fumble with the drawstring of the trousers, but my fingers are stiff, and my mind is in turmoil, so I have trouble undoing the simple knot and fumble annoyingly with it before it comes loose.

  “Do you mind?” Caroline sticks her slender hand down my trousers and pulls my shaft out. It needs little encouragement before it stands proudly out of the garment.

  “Oh migaaad,” Caroline gasps in her alien way. “It sinormus!”

  I don’t know what the words mean, but her reaction makes me feel proud and strong. Her cool hands on my hot, hard manhood is almost more than I can handle. It’s dreamlike and extremely real, all at the same time. It’s like I can’t control my limbs, and all my attention is focused on the woman in front of me. I’ve been fighting these emotions since I met her, but now she leaves me no choice.

  She gives me an enigmatic smirk. “Tell me if you like this.”

  Then she takes the head of my cock into her mouth.

  I twitch from both surprise and endless delight. The heat and moisture in there almost makes me spill my seed at that moment.

  She must have noticed, because she looks up at me and smiles around the shaft. Then she tightens her lips and takes me in much deeper.

  I almost faint. All my attention is at my crotch, and if a rekh were to come charging, I wouldn’t notice before it had killed us both.

  Caroline places a cool hand on the shaft, and again I twitch involuntarily. This woman is... I realize that there are no words for what she is.

  She starts sliding my cock in and out between her lips, using her tongue and her hand, and I don’t know what else she uses. Some kind of sorcery.

  This is so wrong. A woman Worshipping a man? Absurd! It has all the hallmarks of sorcery. But the shaman never warned us against this. So it can’t be all that bad.

  I almost laugh. Bad? How could Caroline ever do something bad? She’s a woman!

  The unbelievable sensations and her beautiful face and her scent and shape and entire presence control me completely. I want this to go on forever, and at the same time I want to be taken to the peak and plummet. And that’s exactly what happens. I feel the sudden heat and croak a warning to Caroline.

  But she keeps going faster, and then I grunt uncontrollably as the juice shoots out of me with a wave of pleasure. Most of it ends up on the ground, and some is running down Caroline’s face.

  And yet she just smiles!

  “I think you needed that,” she says with her clear voice as she takes her hand off my manhood. “And you deserved it more than anyone I’ve ever met.”

  Then she gets up and walks over to the stream with that wonderful, round gait that must be because of her wide hips.

  Her hair shines in the sun, the tendons of her calves tighten with each step, her narrow shoulders swing freely.

  Truly, she is a wonder. And I thought I could use her for bait in the trap!

  I slap my forehead. How stupid can one get? I could never use her like that. It would be like cutting up a Lifegiver and using its pieces as washrags. No, much worse than that.

  Caroline cleans her hands again, squatting delicately by the stream. Could she be The Woman, after all? With all her magic and secret knowledge, it would fit. More or less. If the shaman was wrong about almost everything.

  Perhaps the basic idea of The Woman bringing back the tribe’s women is correct, but the details are wrong? Perhaps the real Prophecy states that The Woman will worship the man, not the other way around? Perhaps her intended act is not to go to the Ancestors to get the other women back, but to help bring them back in some other way?

  I shake my head. That brings back the bait image again, and I don’t want that.

  Here she comes. Her face is aglow with beauty. Such an otherworldly being!

  “Get up, warrior, we’re not done,” she chirps.


  - Caroline -

  I’ve never known a man to appreciate a blowjob like Xark’on did. It really makes me feel good about that spontaneous decision. I’ve done that for guys that deserved it a lot less than he did. And they didn’t react like him. Gods, even the light in his eyes changed and became softer.

  I can’t count how many times he’s saved my life. At least twice, just today. And that’s just the top of the iceberg that is his awesomeness. And he’s so natural about it. That’s just who he is.

  That cock of his is sensational, though. I kind of knew it, of course. It’s not the kind of thing the married girls back at the cave can completely shut up about. I’ve seen battery-powered adult toys with less features than that thing. Or those things, rather. Just the thought of having them inside my pussy makes me all tingly and needy.

  We finish the kiln, and I carefully stack the pots inside. Xark’on gets coal from inside the hut, places it in the kiln, and then lights it on fire. I gather firewood, because the coal will burn up pretty fast, and might make the kiln too hot. Back at the cave, the girls and I have experimented with different kinds of wood for this, and we’ve found one type that burns all night long while also producing enough heat so we don’t have to stay up and keep feeding the fire.

  Xark’on finds a tree that he strips of its branches and fashions into the thickest, longest shovel shaft anyone’s ever seen. But it fits well to his new shovel blade, and I’m sure his new tool will make him a much more effective digger. It certainly looks large enough to put any excavator to shame.

  He stands it on the ground, upside down, and offers me the shaft. “Is this what you had in mind?”

  I take hold of the finished shovel and almost fall over. It’s like trying to keep a loose flagpole upright, it’s so heavy.

  “Yes. Yes, this is it,” I say quickly, steadying it with my shoulder. “You take it now.”

  He takes it with one hand, twirling it in the air in a casual display of strength. “How does it work?”

  “Take the heavy end and place it on the ground. Yes, good. Now stand on the upper edge… no, just with one foot. The other stays on the ground. Good. Put your weight on that foot and drive it down into the ground. But not here, it’s too stony—okay, I guess that works.”

  He lays his whole weight on the shovel, and it disappears right down into the hard packed gravel.

  The rest, he gets by himself. He steps off the shovel and lifts it with at least a hundred pounds of gravel and small rocks on it, then easily tosses all of it fifty feet away in a hailstorm of rock.

  “I can see you’re getting the hang of it,” I say.

  “Yes,” he muses. “It might work. It seems so simple, yet I’ve never seen such a thing.”

  All this thinking about shafts and sucking off a caveman, seeing his incredible strength and muscles, and having the taste of his cum in my mouth is keeping me constantly horny. I look quickly around to see if there’s
a nice spot for me to lie down, but there really isn’t.

  I grab my spear. “So. Now I think we’re done.”

  We walk back to the treehouse, which takes about an hour.

  When we get to the giant tree, the sun is setting. I have no idea where this day went.

  I stop before we get to the ropes. “How about we take another bath first? The pond isn’t that far away.”

  Xark’on leans his new shovel against the massive tree trunk then leads the way in the direction of the little pool.

  “Your hammer is the same size as before,” I observe.

  He knocks on the head of it with a knuckle, making it ring. “Yes. In the end, I didn’t want to take iron from that. I used some scrap I found in the forge.”

  We get to the pond, and I waste no time stripping off and jumping in. I’m full of clay and the various dirt that a whole day on this planet seems to generate. I’ve had to adjust my attitude to cleanliness here because showers just aren’t available. But after a couple of minutes in the pond, I feel as clean as I ever will without decent shampoo, bath gel, and a razor.

  Xark’on cleans off, too, and now I don’t feel like I have to steal glances of his alien cock, which is standing proudly skywards. I’ve had it in my mouth, so I feel quite within my rights enjoying the sight of him. All of him.

  I’m getting impatient, and my pussy won’t stop tingling. I could probably demand to be Worshipped right here. But no, I want the full treehouse experience.

  I get dressed and then take Xark’on’s hand, dragging him with me back to the huge tree. I don’t feel unsafe here. It seems the proximity to the dragon is keeping most of the other dinos away.

  Xark’on goes up the tree first. Then he sends the rope down, and I tie his shovel to it and tug at it twice so he can haul it up. Then I do the same thing as last night, stand on the wooden plank and ascend as fast as Xark’on pulls me up into his tree with his bare hands.

  I cling to the rope, seeing the treetops first coming closer from above then breaking through them, and then seeing the spectacle of a whole jungle under me and the darkening sky and the treehouse over me.


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