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How Far Will You Go?

Page 2

by Barbara Baldwin

  From the time he was five, his grandfather Wicasa had taken him up into the mountains, showing him how to follow tracks, learn the name and nature of every tree, bush and flower and how to live off the land. His grandfather had been full-blooded Dakota, as was his mom, and Lou missed him on nights like this. Even though it was summer, the evenings in the foothills of the Rockies got cool and Wicasa would have started a small fire, feeding it dried, broken sticks that Lou had gathered from the ground.

  "Never cut a living tree when you can gather from the ground beneath it,” Grandfather would say. “You may need that tree for shelter, or climb it to keep away from a wild animal.” His grandfather's name meant Sage, or wise one in Dakota and Lou remembered everything the old man had ever taught him.

  That knowledge came in handy in his current job, although usually he was in a city environment. Still, many of the lessons could be applied there as well.

  As quickly as he thought it, he pulled the knife from his boot and came to a crouch; the snap of a twig alerting him that someone was nearby.

  "Shit.” The single expletive allowed Lou to relax his stance, recross his legs and drop to the ground.

  "You're about as quiet as that plague of cicadas that infested DC this spring,” Lou said to the man who came to squat beside him.

  "Yeah, well, not all of us have your aptitude for stealth,” Domonic Harris complained. “Damn, it's cold tonight."

  Lou couldn't chance a fire that could be seen for miles, and had dressed accordingly. He noticed that his partner also had on the special thermal gear that would keep the damp air away from his skin. Dom just liked to bitch.

  "Anything?” Dom lifted Lou's binoculars to his eyes, carefully scanning the area just as Lou had minutes ago.

  "Nothing. If our information hadn't come from a reliable source, I would begin to think this is a hoax.” National Security Intelligence Corporation, the company Lou and Dom owned together, had been hired to keep the CoKan Beef Packing Plant under surveillance. Word had come through Homeland Security of possible terrorist activity somehow related to CoKan. The plant was in close enough proximity to NORAD that the government had been concerned.

  Rather than send the Feds out at this point, N-sic had been hired. It wasn't out of place for either Dom or him to be seen around Dexter—and thus the beef packing plant—since they had both grown up here. Dom had come into town two weeks before Lou and had gotten a job at the plant. Lou's cover was simply a cowboy on the rodeo circuit.

  He groaned as he stood, stretching aching muscles that had knotted after hours of sitting without relief. At the moment, he thought Dom had the easier job slinging slabs of meat all day.

  "I'm too old for this,” he said.

  Dom snorted. “Try shoving cattle carcasses around all day, then tell me you're old."

  "Yeah, well, I'm making a call to Ashford tomorrow. No sense in us hanging around here if he can't come up with something.” Nolan Ashford was their government contact and so far, hadn't given them much to go on.

  "Maybe we should bring Tasha into the rotation,” Dom stated, referring to a Fed that Ashford had working in Dexter. “It's getting tough working all day and spending half the night on the side of a mountain."

  "Know what you mean. I'll mention it to Ashford.” Lou collected his fanny pack and lightweight blanket from the ground.

  "Get some rest,” his partner said. “I hear they've got some mean broncs for the rodeo. Wouldn't want you to get thrown and damage that pretty face of yours."

  "Kiss my ass,” Lou replied without heat. As he trudged down the side of the mountain to where he had parked the truck, he knew he wouldn't get any sleep even when he crawled into bed. Blue eyes and peach colored lips had been haunting his thoughts ever since he had left the Crystal Water Café. Even the idea of terrorists hadn't kept him from thinking of what it would be like to get Kelly Baker into the sack for some long overdue, extremely hot sex.

  * * * *

  Kelly had Tuesdays off, and after finishing up the laundry and dishes, she took a shower and dressed. Finding herself at loose ends until her five o'clock class, she grabbed her keys and hopped in the Jeep. Instead of heading for the community center, she turned left from her mom's house and was soon crossing the bridge over the Crystal River.

  Like so many of Colorado's rivers, this one was as clear as its name. She didn't know how far into the mountains it started, but as it came down and through town, the water was cold and clear all year round. Now that the snow had melted, the water wasn't as fast moving or turbulent, but it still cut a wide swath through the countryside.

  On the other side of the river on the outskirts of town, the county fairgrounds spread out over several acres. Kelly could tell herself she was just taking an early afternoon drive, but there was no one around to lie to so she might as well admit the truth. She hoped Lou was out here.

  She didn't have any reason to think that, except that he had been active in rodeo years ago, and with the state championships less than a month away, she could only assume that he was going to ride. And maybe it was just plain wishful thinking, she told herself as she parked the Jeep by the practice arena.

  She walked around the backside of the grandstand to the pens. Several people were milling around, working on horses, and a few were riding. She was just about to give up when she heard someone call his name.

  "Hey, Lou, you're up."

  She turned around to see Sonny Thompson climb up the wooden rail of the arena, hooking a booted foot over the top. She followed his gaze.

  Lou was standing at the end of the grandstand, his back to her, checking the cinch on his saddle. Kelly could feel her eyes narrow because a gorgeous blonde was holding his horse by the bridle as she pet its nose and talked to Lou. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but Lou laughed and the woman grinned. Who the hell was she? Not a local, that's for sure, but since the rodeo was the biggest event Dexter had all year, there were any number of outsiders in town. Even though Kelly hadn't been in town long herself, she knew she would have recalled seeing anyone with that color hair.

  Probably out of a bottle, she thought, not in the least sorry for being spiteful. She knew she had no reason to be jealous. It wasn't like she had a claim on Lou or anything. Mad at herself now for coming out to see him, and glad that she hadn't done something to make a fool of herself, she started to turn and leave when the woman's gaze caught hers.

  The woman said something to Lou and he immediately turned towards her, pulling his hat lower on his forehead to shade his eyes from the sun. A grin split his features as he started towards her, and like the fool she had told herself she wouldn't be, she stood rooted to the spot waiting for him.

  "Hey, Lou, you going to ride or what?” Sonny called him again from the railing.

  "Pull the next rider,” Lou answered, never taking his eyes off hers. “I think I'm going to be busy."

  "Hi, Kelly. Didn't see you there.” Sonny hopped to the ground on her side of the fence. “Whatcha doing out here?"

  Kelly swung her gaze to Sonny, another guy she had known all her life and had become reacquainted with when she moved back to town. Before she could think of an answer, Lou was at her side.

  "Oh, dumb question.” Sonny grinned; making the assumption she had come out here to see Lou. She opened her mouth to refute him, but broad shoulders suddenly blocked her view.

  "Hey,” Lou said, tipping his cowboy hat back on his head.

  "Hey yourself,” she replied coolly as her gaze slid back to where the blonde was patiently holding his horse. “Don't let me keep you from anything.” She could hear the snide sound of her voice but couldn't seem to help it. Jealousy flared quickly, taking her by surprise.

  Lou just grinned at her. “Wanna ride?"

  "I haven't been riding in years,” she replied.

  His voice dropped to a deep smoky timbre. “Oh, I doubt it's something you forget how to do."

  She immediately tingled in places she shouldn't have been
tingling; especially given they were standing out in the middle of the fairgrounds, people all around. She had the distinct impression he wasn't talking about riding a horse.

  "I wondered yesterday if you remembered me."

  Like she could ever forget, Kelly thought, but didn't say. His nearness and the very male scent of him had her completely flustered.

  "Can I take you to dinner?"

  She finally found her voice. “I can't. I'm busy."

  He quirked a brow in question and she hurried to explain.

  "I teach a conversational English class down at the community center on Tuesdays."

  "Afterwards then.” He urged.

  "No, I'm busy then, too.” She nervously looked left then right, not meeting his gaze for fear he would see she was lying. Well, not exactly. Tuesday was her night to hang out at the Circle R and play pool with friends—nothing she couldn't get out of. She glanced at her watch.

  "I've got to go. See you around.” She quickly turned and walked away, but not before she heard his comment.

  "You can count on it, babe."

  Her heart thudded all the way back to the Jeep. She climbed in and dropped her forehead against the steering wheel with a groan. She had come out here in hopes of seeing Lou, so why was she in such a panic when she did? And why had she refused to have dinner with him?

  The sharp tingling sensation between her legs gave her the answer she didn't want to acknowledge. She didn't want to have dinner with Loukota Kincaid; she wanted desperately to drag him down to the ground and have hot, consuming sex with him any which way he wanted it.

  Chapter 2

  Kelly lined up the cue ball, aimed and sent the eight ball into the corner pocket, right where she called it.

  "Man, you're hot tonight,” Sonny commented, grabbing the rack and collecting the balls for their second match.

  He had that right, but not for the reason he thought, Kelly told herself. She hadn't been able to get Lou off her mind since seeing him this afternoon. She had let her class out early because she couldn't concentrate. A continual ache in her lower regions had her crossing and uncrossing her legs every time she sat on the bar stool waiting her turn to play. And nothing was bringing her the relief she sought.

  The only good thing to come from her lascivious thoughts was a streak of luck at the pool table. With her thoughts on Lou, she didn't over-think her game, and tonight, it was paying off.

  Sonny broke, sank a stripe and took another shot. When the eleven didn't drop into the pocket, it was her turn. She hopped off the stool, set her beer on the counter behind her and chalked her cue. The table wasn't very open, and she walked from corner to corner trying to see an open shot.

  Finally deciding on the three, she bent over, extending her arms and cue over the table. It was tricky, but as she felt the cue slide along her finger, she thought she could make it.

  "Why didn't you answer my phone calls?” Hot breath brushed the nape of her neck as a voice whispered close to her ear and a large hand landed on her ass.

  The cue ball jumped as her cue stick dug into the felt behind it. She'd know that voice anywhere.

  "Damn you.” She turned, ready to chew him out for screwing with her game. But the words wouldn't come. Tonight he wore a white shirt that set his black hair and tan off to perfection. His black jeans rode his hips and thighs as though they were painted on, and the large rodeo buckle on his belt drew her gaze to his middle, and lower. Her mouth went dry.

  "Hey, Lou. Told you she'd be here tonight. Kelly doesn't miss the weekly pool tourney.” Sonny chuckled as he bent over the table. “Thanks for showing up when you did. She was blistering my ass.” He expertly sank a combination shot as Kelly stood by with her mouth still hanging open.

  "So?” Lou asked and Kelly wondered how he could make a single syllable, two-letter word sound like an invitation for sex. She swung her gaze back to him, shaking her head in confusion.


  "Why didn't you answer my calls?” he repeated.

  "You haven't called."

  "I did, every day for over two weeks. Ten years ago.” His gaze was intent, his dark brows lowered.

  She flushed.


  "Not here,” she hissed, knowing anything she said would be all over town by morning. She leaned her pool cue up against the wall, her hands trembling slightly. She wasn't an unsophisticated seventeen year old anymore, so why did he make her tremble? Because you still want him, her mind taunted, and you don't want to screw it up.

  Lou followed Kelly outside, admiring the way her hips swayed as she walked. She wore pink shorts and a matching flowered shirt, and her long legs were smooth and tan. She certainly wasn't the same thin girl he had known in school, and he got hard just thinking about exploring the lush curves of the woman he had fantasized about since that time.

  She didn't stop outside the door, but kept walking until she stood behind her Jeep toward the back of the parking lot. She turned to him then, reaching up with both hands to brush her hair back from her face.

  She took a deep breath and Lou liked what it did to the front of her shirt.

  "I panicked. I was scared to death I was pregnant. Then,” she shrugged, “you graduated and left town."

  Her words hit him square in the chest as his heart catapulted into his throat. Pregnant? She had been a virgin when they had made love that night, much to his surprise. It wasn't that he had thought her promiscuous, he had just figured from the way she acted and with the fast group she hung with, that she had been experienced. In his hot, randy excitement to have her, it had been too late by the time he had figured it out.

  "Were you?"

  "Scared? Yes."

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Pregnant."

  She turned her head to the side. “No,” she said the word so softly and with such emotion, he wondered if she had wanted to be. His life certainly would have turned out different because no way in hell would he have left Dexter if she had...

  "The rodeo's a month away. Why are you here already?” She abruptly changed the subject.

  Lou realized she didn't want to talk about what might have been, and decided in that moment to forget the past and concentrate on the here and now. Because the Kelly Baker who stood in front of him now was a luscious, curvy brunette and he wanted to kiss her senseless. And that was just the beginning.

  "Thought I'd practice,” he answered her question as he stepped closer to see how she would react.

  "You need practice?” The smile she gave him lit up the night and Lou had to wonder if she was issuing an invitation.

  He decided not to wait and find out, but spanned her waist with his hands and tugged her close. “Oh, I don't know. I always thought practice made perfect.” Before she could make a snappy comeback, he kissed her.

  The minute their lips touched, his brain shut down and his senses came to life. Her lips were soft and hot; her body, as he aligned it tight against his, was soft in all the right places—especially below the belt where his erection rubbed against her belly as he swayed back and forth. In high school, his shorter height had made it rather clumsy when they kissed; thus they had lain down in the straw. Now, although they fit perfectly together, he ached to lay her down again and cover her with his body.

  "You've definitely improved with age,” she murmured as he left her delicious mouth to kiss a path down her neck. The buttons of her blouse popped open beneath his fingers.

  His tongue scooped along the edge of her bra and he knew he had to do more than taste her. He slid the strap down and cupped her breast, the weight and size of her just right for his hand. He lightly pinched her nipple, which was already hard and distended. Her hips jerked against him and he heard her echo his own tortured moans. Damn, he wished they were naked.

  "You've certainly grown up, sweetheart,” he murmured against her skin. She gasped when he nipped her nipple and lapped it with his tongue.

  Suddenly, it was as if the years had disappeared and they we
re eager teenagers again. She jerked the snaps on his shirt open, and he slid his hand down her stomach, insinuating it beneath the waistband of her shorts. He couldn't control his trembling when he felt her hot wetness. He sucked harder on her nipple, lathing it with his tongue as he slipped a finger inside her.

  "Oh God,” she groaned. He tightened his hold on her waist as she sagged against him. She was so hot and tight. She was running her hands down his chest, teasing his nipples and he thought he would explode.

  She stepped to the side just slightly so that her thigh pressed against his erection and he could more easily move his fingers in and out of her. His thumb pressed against her clit.

  She squeezed his erection. Lou thought about jerking his jeans down and taking her right there but a voice inside reminded him she deserved better. So he contented himself to play her, teasing her e-zones and nibbling on her exquisite breasts.

  * * * *

  Kelly fell apart at the seams. She felt it starting deep inside, sizzling down her legs and up her belly to her breasts. Everywhere Lou touched was alive and tingling as he slid his finger in and out of her, and she knew she was going to climax. There wasn't time to get his jeans opened; to get him inside her. All she could do was clutch one hand on his shoulder and the other on the budge in his pants.

  Her scream erupted as she came but Lou clamped his hot lips over hers, taking it into his mouth. She writhed; she pulsed, but he held on tight, keeping her cinched against him as his fingers probed deeper and deeper.

  Loud voices broke through the haze of Kelly's clouded awareness about the same time as Lou swore. He slipped his hand out of her shorts and began buttoning her blouse, his forehead pressed against hers. Even with a couple of drunks walking into the parking lot, she continued to caress his hard-on as he redressed her.

  "I guess the parking lot of the Circle R isn't the best place to renew old acquaintances.” Lou managed to keep his tone light, even though his erection was throbbing, since Kelly wasn't letting go of him.


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