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How Far Will You Go?

Page 6

by Barbara Baldwin

  Her legs were weak and she had to force them to move. Lou didn't make it any easier when he stayed only a step behind, his mouth even with her butt as he kept trying to nip her through her shorts.

  The smell of hay brought back memories from years before. Then it had been a moonless night; now it was midday, but the opening at the end of the hayloft let only diffuse light into the area. Kelly stepped towards the light.

  "Kelly,” he breathed her name, the sound of it sliding over her like a caress. She turned to see him step from the ladder. The shadowy light made him look larger than life—his shoulders broad, his legs long.

  "You are so beautiful,” he said, coming to stand in front of her, touching her cheek with a single finger.

  Kelly could have returned the compliment, but she didn't think she could speak. The moment he touched her, fire spread through her and she ached for him. Although they were back in the loft where he had first taken her innocence, this time, she knew what she was doing and she wanted it even more now than she had then.

  She turned her face into his hand, kissing his palm, bringing her hand up to cover his. She captured his gaze as she slowly slid his hand down her neck, down past her shoulder to her breast.

  "I want you,” she whispered, hearing her voice tremble with need.

  Her words seemed to break Lou's control. With a growl, he wrapped his arms around her, taking her mouth in a fierce, almost brutal kiss. She didn't fear him; she realized he wanted her as desperately as she wanted him.

  Clothes flew and hands slid across bare skin as they frantically undressed, hungry for the erotic feel of nakedness.

  "Damn, shit,” Lou swore when he finally came up for air.

  Kelly's eyes opened wide and he wondered if he frightened her with his coarseness.

  He sucked in a breath and held it, trying to get his erratic heartbeat under control; willing his hands to stop their frantic groping.

  "I'm sorry, babe, but I want you so bad."

  "Then what's stopping you?” she asked, stepping close so her bare breasts rubbed against his chest.

  Gently, he wrapped his arms around her. “Because last time I took you fast. Hell, ten years ago, I acted like a stud chasing a mare's scent."

  He watched her eyes narrow. “You're comparing me to a horse?"

  "Christ, no. That's not what I meant.” Exasperated, he rubbed a hand over his face. “I'm doing this all wrong, again.” He looked at her, glorious in her nakedness, the diffuse light from the loft door creating a halo around her.

  "I want to make it wonderful for you. I want to take my time and do it right.” He glanced around at the bales of hay stacked across the loft and snorted. “And here we are, back in the loft, acting like teenagers."

  "What's wrong with that? I seem to recall on that night you did everything quite well."

  He had to grin. “I did, huh?"

  "Yeah, you did. And it involved a lot less talking.” She slid her hands up his bare chest, pausing to circle his nipples with her smooth fingers before continuing her caresses up and across his shoulders.

  "Okay, no more talk.” To ensure he complied with his own rule, she kissed him—gentle and soft at first and then with growing intensity. His hands slid down to cup her butt, pulling her tight against his arousal. She slid her hips back and forth and the friction about drove him nuts.

  "Lou, I can't wait. I don't want to go slow,” she gasped out the words when he sucked her nipple into his mouth, tonguing the already hard tip. He tried to pretend he didn't hear her because he wanted this to last, but then she slid her hand down and wrapped it around his cock.

  She stroked him from base to crown, rubbing her thumb over the tip until he was slick and hot. He relinquished her breast and gazed around the loft, suddenly realizing there was no place to lie down. Stacks of hay and rough boards surrounded them.

  "I can't put you down here."

  Kelly didn't let go of him, her hand stroking faster and tighter. Desperate now, he grabbed her wrist to still her movements; afraid he'd come before he could get inside her. And he definitely wanted to be inside her.

  He kicked their clothes into a pile, digging into a pocket of his jeans for his wallet. He fumbled getting the condom out but refused to let go of Kelly's wrist. He tossed the wallet to the side, finally sitting down on the clothes and laying back.

  "Come here,” he whispered hoarsely, tugging on her hand.

  She straddled his hips but he stopped her before she could sit. Her legs were spread so she was open to his gaze. He slid his hands up her thighs, his thumbs caressing the tender skin. He sat up, nuzzling the curls between her legs as his thumbs opened her to him.

  He tightened his hold as her legs quivered when his tongue slid into her softness. He sucked her, savoring her sweetness.

  "Lou.” She panted his name and he sucked harder, wanting to make her come. Her hands came down to run through his hair, then she was tugging at his ears.

  "Stop. Oh, God, stop,” she cried but he refused to listen. His tongue speared her as his thumb rubbed against her and she burst, her hips bucking against his mouth. He continued lapping at her until he had the last drop.

  She whimpered, her legs collapsing beneath her. Wanting to keep her on the edge, he moved her over his hips and sitting up, he sucked her nipple into his mouth, tonguing the tip to a peak.

  She cried out, trying to pull away from him. He increased the pressure and she was suddenly pushing against him. She squirmed on his lap and he groaned.

  "I can't,” she panted even as she reached between them to grab him, stroking and squeezing.

  "Yes, you can, babe. Let me in ‘cuz you're going to come over and over again.” He kissed the valley between her breasts then lay back, lifting her hips as she guided him to her opening.

  Poised above him, the tip of him just entering her, she paused. She took his hands, lacing their fingers together as she slowly sank onto him.

  He groaned. “God, you feel so good.” Unable to wait for her to lower herself onto him, he lifted his hips, thrusting deep. Her hands squeezed his as she moaned in response.

  "Harder,” she gasped when he thrust again. Over and over, he plunged into her, watching her face as she writhed above him. He could feel the rough floorboard scrape his shoulders but he refused to stop.

  She leaned forward, pushing his hands to the floor by his head. Her breasts swung in an enticing arch close to his mouth and he captured one, sucking greedily.

  She increased the motion of her hips, riding him fast and hard. Just when Lou thought he would burst, she stopped.

  His head fell back. “Shit, don't—"

  "Shh, feel,” she gasped as her orgasm flooded her.

  Lou couldn't have said whether it was the look of awe on her face or her climax clutching around him, but he spewed into her in the most explosive climax of his life.

  * * * *

  Kelly was in love, and the thought both scared and tantalized her. While she had told herself she would go after what she wanted in life, she had the feeling loving Loukota Kincaid was like grabbing a wildcat by the tail. He could turn her emotions inside out and upside down with just a touch and she wasn't sure she wanted to give that kind of total control to anyone. Her mother had loved her father that way, and Kelly had seen how her father's death had devastated her mom.

  She shivered at the thought of anything happening to Lou.

  "You okay?” he asked, sliding his big hands up and down her bare back.

  She lifted her head off his chest and gazed into his dark eyes. “Yeah. You?"

  Predictably, Lou gave her a sexy grin. “Oh, yeah. Better than okay."

  "Lou, I should go,” she said, struggling to sit. She felt him slide out of her.

  Lou's hands brushed her hair back away from her face, gently pulling her back down. His lips teased hers, first at the corners, then he tugged her lower lip between his until she opened to his kiss. His hot tongue thrust in, mimicking the motion of his hips and Kelly fel
t him grow larger against her bottom. She was lost, already softening toward him.

  "I told you,” he whispered as he kissed a heated path down her neck, “that I was going to make you come over and over again. Just let me get another condom.” He kept one arm around her back as he reached for his discarded wallet.

  "You pack heavy, mister. Isn't that rather egotistical of you?"

  "Honey, where you're concerned, it's purely hopeful thinking.” He held her back and sat up. “Put your legs around me."

  He rearranged them so he was on his knees and Kelly had locked her ankles behind his back. He lifted her hips so he could slide into her and then he began to rock, pushing deeper with each thrust, bringing her to a heated peak within minutes.

  She nipped his earlobe, then licked the sting, wishing she could taste him everywhere at once. He nibbled her neck at the most sensitive spot right were it met her shoulder and she returned the tease, except she sucked, wanting to leave her mark on him so he wouldn't forget her.

  "Hang on, babe!” he growled, bucking faster and faster until his final thrust lodged him against her womb.

  Kelly cried out as she climaxed, the waves of sensation starting in her center and spiraling outward to every part of her body.

  "Don't,” she gasped, jerking back when Lou tried to suck on her breast. With shaking arms, she pushed against his chest.

  His eyes narrowed, but she knew her face gave her away. It wasn't that she didn't want his touch but her skin felt ultra sensitive from being aroused so long.

  "Are you crying ‘uncle'?” He raised a brow in question, even as he wiggled his hips against hers and grinned.

  She couldn't believe he could even think about ... for a minute, she considered calling his bluff, but knowing Lou, she would be the one passing out.

  "Uncle,” she whispered, collapsing against his chest.

  He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her. “Good thing because you've exhausted me."

  She huffed. “That's not fair. You can't say you won then."

  She would have given him a scowl, but she couldn't find the energy to lift her head.

  "Ah, but I did win, babe, over and over.” She felt his chest heave in a sigh. “We both did."

  Chapter 5

  Kelly's heart flipped over when Lou walked into the café Monday afternoon. He always seemed to know when it would be slow so she would have time for him and today was no exception. The fact of the matter was, she had been eying the door all day in hopes he would make an appearance.

  He slid onto a stool at the counter, held out a small, brown paper sack and grinned.

  Her heart melted. Damn, he looked good. Muscular arms bulged beneath a navy tee shirt. Even without seeing past the counter, she knew his jeans hugged his hips and thighs tight enough to where she barely had room to slip her hands into his hip pockets. He hadn't removed his hat, so his face was shadowed, matching the dark stubble on his cheeks and chin. She got hot and achy just thinking about how his rough chin would feel if he nibbled on her thigh.

  "Hey, girlie, you going to take that or not?” Mr. Holliday's voice snapped her out of her daydream.

  She looked from the small sack to Lou. “Is that for me?"

  His smile now looked more like the cat-that-ate-the-cream and his eyes twinkled as he shrugged. “I guess you could say that."

  She frowned at his comment, taking the bag and opening it to peer inside. She slapped it shut quickly, rolling the top down as far as she could. She could feel her face flame and she shot Lou a look that told him what she thought of his gift.

  The contents of the sack were for her all right. Specifically, it was the panties and bra that she had stuffed in Lou's truck and forgotten.

  "So what'd he get you?” Mr. Holliday asked.

  "You are in so much trouble, Mister.” She glowered at Lou, her face burning with embarrassment.

  "Why?” Both Lou and Mr. Holliday asked at the same time.

  "Because,” Kelly started then stopped. She certainly couldn't explain to Mr. Holliday what was in the bag, and why Lou had them in his possession.

  "I was just returning your ... belongings,” Lou said, then turned to Mr. Holliday and added, “She left her shoes in my truck last week."

  Kelly began to feel a little better.

  "Looks like a pretty small sack for shoes,” Mr. Holliday commented, eyeing the bag she still held in front of her.

  Kelly's face heated again and she shoved the bag under the counter. She figured Lou had slightly redeemed himself with the comment about shoes, but she wasn't going to let him completely off the hook.

  "Do you guys not have anything better to do with your time than to sit here and harass me?” she asked, and then leveled her gaze directly at Lou. “Just remember, paybacks are hell."

  Mr. Holliday chuckled and for a minute Lou looked worried, but then he shrugged off her threat. “Give it your best shot. I'll take anything you've got."

  "You wish,” she hissed at him, even though his words had her aching in all the wrong places for being stuck at work for another five hours. She had to hand it to Lou; he knew all the right buttons to push, making her ache with nothing more than a few words. She couldn't really be angry with him for returning her things, although she could have wished he hadn't done it in front of customers, even if Mr. Holliday didn't know what was in the sack. It was just the idea, after all.

  She decided it would be good for him to stew a little. For the next several minutes, she pointedly ignored him, taking the time to fill customers’ water glasses, restack the menus and replace the sugar packets by each slat. Then she went into the back for more slices of pie to fill up the dessert carousel. All the while, Lou chatted with Mr. Holliday as though he had all the time in the world.

  Finally, when she couldn't stand it any longer, she stopped in front of the two of them, coffee carafe in hand, on the pretense of refilling Mr. Holliday's mug.

  "Aren't you supposed to be working or something?” she asked the minute Lou opened his mouth to speak. She didn't think she could take any more of his double-edged comments, not if she was going to get through her shift without a constant ache between her thighs.

  "Aren't you going to invite me to the reunion dance?” he fired right back as she poured Mr. Holliday more coffee. The hot liquid sloshed over the side of the mug.

  Mr. Holliday chuckled. “You could have waited until she finished here, son. I like my coffee inside me, not all over my work clothes."

  "Sorry, sir. But as you can see, she's trying to avoid me and I thought I should take advantage of the moment."

  Mr. Holliday swung his gaze to Kelly and she could feel herself blush. “Why won't you talk to this young fella, Missy? After all, he brought you back your shoes."

  Kelly opened her mouth to make a smart retort but Lou's gaze stopped her. He did look slightly tortured, or maybe she was just projecting her own fantasies onto him. It didn't matter; she knew she couldn't deny him. Still, she wouldn't make it easy.

  "It's my class reunion,” she stated. “You were two years ahead."

  He shook his head slowly, a sexy grin splitting his features. “You know better, Kelly. The way I heard it, they're having an ‘all classes’ reunion’ along with the sesquicentennial celebration."

  She didn't want to give in too fast, even though she had the other day. She didn't want him to think she was just hot for his body. Even if she was. And she certainly didn't want him to know she was falling in love with him all over again. No way would she give him that kind of knowledge.

  "Maybe I already have a date.” She tilted her nose in the air as she slapped a menu down in front of him. “Are you going to order?” If he was going to sit there and bother her, he was going to pay for the privilege.

  "Tell your date you're busy,” he said. “I'll pick you up at eight."

  Before she could sputter a reply to his highhandedness, he added, “And I'll take a piece of that peach pie ... with sweet cream."

  Kelly instant
ly ached deep inside, the words sweet cream reminding her of his comments in the hayloft. The man was hell bent on torturing her!

  "Answer him, Missy,” Mr. Holliday chuckled, “or I've got a feeling I might never get my dinner."

  It was only then that Kelly heard the repeated ring of the bell as Bill slapped it with his spatula to tell her an order was ready.

  She really did want to go with Lou, but she refused to have him think she was panting after him. She gave a deliberate, exaggerated sigh.

  "Okay, but I'll drive myself. That way I can leave whenever I want."

  Lou chuckled. “Honey, you know I'll take you anywhere you want to go, whenever and as often as you want to go there."

  That was exactly what Kelly was afraid of.

  * * * *

  "What do you know?” Lou asked his partner as he stretched out on the grass. They had moved their recon site and had a little more room than the previous cramped crevice, but remained hidden from view by anyone at the CoKan plant below.

  "Your assailant was left-handed,” Dom said.

  "How do you know that?"

  "He cut you on the right arm, which makes sense if he was facing you. Besides, he scratched me with his watch, this way,” he gestured across his body. “A left-handed person usually wears his watch on the right wrist."

  "He what? Christ, when?” Lou had just come back into the nightly rotation and neither Tasha nor Dom had left him any recent messages.

  Dom waved away his concern. “Not a big deal. I was hanging around after my shift the other night and heard voices. When I rounded a corner, everyone scattered except one. At least he didn't have a knife this time."

  "Damn,” Lou swore. He was tired of stakeouts; he liked action but where he was in control. This job was becoming tedious and he wanted an end to it. “Could you hear what they were saying?"

  Dom shook his head. “Mexicans. Maybe we should have brought one of our operatives from the south who's fluent in Spanish. You know I barely made it through Spanish I in high school."

  An image of Kelly flashed in Lou's mind and for just an instant, he thought about having Dom tape-record conversations at the plant and have her listen to them. He knew she worked with Hispanics at the community center so he assumed she was bilingual. Just as quickly, he mentally kicked himself for even thinking about getting her anywhere close to this case.


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