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A Fighter's Choice

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “With all my heart. I’ll do anything for him, and I’d be happy to do it. When he first opened the club, I hated it. I didn’t want sexy, young women flaunting their tits at my man.”


  “Now, I couldn’t give a shit. He loves me, and he’s proven that over the years. Love isn’t instantaneous, and it sure as fuck doesn’t answer all your worries. It’s a struggle. A never ending struggle that you’ve both got to want to get through. Harold and I, we get through it together. You’ve just got to find that one guy who you’re willing to move heaven and earth to get through.”

  Amber stared at Brooke as she closed her eyes.

  “I’m going to go. Take care and I’ll send Harold in to check on you.”

  “Okay, honey. Thank you.”

  Amber left the room as quietly as possible. She gave Harold an update and watched as he went to check on Brooke. Standing behind the bar with David, Amber gave herself a chance to look over toward where Jasper was sitting. Dixie, another of the new girls, was strutting her stuff on stage. There were no clothes on her perfect, smooth body, but she was still driving the men crazy with glimpses of her ass, cunt, and tits.

  David was watching her as well.

  “Have you fucked that?” Amber asked.

  “I’ve not fucked everything in this club.” He glanced at her before returning his gaze back to the floor.

  “I know. You’ve not fucked me.”

  “That’s because you’re a lesbian.”

  She laughed. “You could think that until I came complete with a boyfriend. Now, what’s your excuse?”

  “You’re in love and have been keeping him away.” He offered her a quick smile. “Look, this thing between Cassie and me, it’s not really going to go anywhere. She’s studying to move onto bigger and better things. I’m not. This is who I am.”

  “Then you better know what you’re doing and break it off with her. Cheating on her is not the answer to everything.” She quickly glanced over to Jasper. He’d become a lot more than a simple fuck in the few weeks they’d been together. The more time she spent with him, the deeper her feelings became with regards to him.

  “I’ll break it off when I’m ready.”

  Shaking her head, she started to serve the customers, trying not to change herself knowing Jasper was watching her every move. Minutes passed, and Harold finally appeared.

  “How is she?” asked Amber.

  “She’s resting for now. The headaches have always been a problem to her. I try not to fuss, but it’s hard. She’s my world,” Harold said.

  Smiling, she touched his hand trying to offer him comfort. “I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

  “I know she will. I’ve made her go to the doctor before. She just needs to rest, take a few pain pills, and wait for it to subside. Come on, let’s get back to work.”

  Amber made herself forget that Jasper was watching. Harold and David took turns to send him over a drink. She did notice he was drinking soda tonight. The night wore on with no signs of the businessman appearing. She was ready to approach Jasper when the door opened with several men walking in, laughing and cheering over something. They held wads of cash, showing it around. None of the men were subtle in their actions.

  “I guess someone won big time,” Harold said.

  Seconds passed, and in walked the businessman looking calm and collected as he approached the bar.

  Harold and David were serving other customers leaving her to do the serving.

  “Hello, what can I get you?” She smiled politely at him.

  “Hey, sugar, I was starting to wonder where you got to.” He leaned on the bar, and it took every ounce of willpower not to step back. There wasn’t anything predatory about him. This man wanted something, and it wasn’t her.

  Don’t freak out over this.

  “I’ve been right here. Now, what can I get you?” She kept her hands by her sides and her body still. The flirtation was gone, the puffed out chest was gone. This man was getting a simple barmaid, or at least a barmaid to her standards.

  “I’ll take a beer. House special.”

  “Sure.” She grabbed the glass above her and started to fill it up.

  “That’s a nice hickey you got on your neck.”

  With all the distractions of the night, she’d forgotten to cover it up.

  She tried to ignore it.

  “The boyfriend getting a little rough with you?”

  Looking into his face, Amber stared at him. There was a satisfied smile on his face, which repulsed her. Once his beer was full, she told him the price. He grabbed a couple of notes from his wallet. She took them and gasped as he held onto her hand stopping her from retreating.

  “I asked you a question.”

  She opened her mouth to say something more, but Jasper was already beside him.

  “Jasper,” Harold said, warning him.

  “Get your fucking hands off my woman, now!” Jasper didn’t raise his voice. He spoke calmly, but his words were laced with the menace he intended to unleash.

  Amber hated this.

  “So, you finally appear out of the woodwork. I never thought you had it in you.” The man squeezed her fingers tighter, and she winced at the sudden pain going through her.

  Jasper chuckled. She watched him place a hand on the man’s shoulder, connected to the hand that he held her with. He squeezed, and the businessman released her, looking a little pale himself.

  “Let’s take this outside,” Jasper said.

  There was no time for her to intervene as Harold and Jasper took over.

  “Keep her safe,” Harold said, talking to David.

  She made to follow, but David forced her to stay still. “I’m not having that fucker harm me because you wouldn’t do as you’re told. Stay here with me and help man the bar.” She glanced behind her, but there was no sign of them. Fuck, she didn’t want Jasper to get into any kind of trouble. Not for her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jasper recognized him. Not only did he recognize him but he was fucking pissed off that he’d hurt Amber. This man hadn’t been interested in Amber at all. He’d been using Amber, trying to get to him. Jasper didn’t even want to know what the bastard had planned to lure him out. Harold followed behind him as he led the man out the back. With all the women working inside, and the customers watching, the back was secluded offering them the right amount of privacy.

  Slamming the guy he held against the brick wall with as much force as he could muster, Jasper waited for him to get to his feet. “Now, it seems we need a little chat,” Jasper said. He removed his hoodie and handed it to Harold. “You’re not getting involved with this. This is between me and him.”

  The man laughed, standing up and running his hands down his shirt. “You know, it took some time for you to work it out.”

  “I only started fucking Amber recently. I’ve seen you a handful of times. What the fuck do you want?” Jasper asked. This was Steve’s brother. He’d seen this man, Blake, he believed his name was, at all the fights scouting for the big time fights. The fights that brought in tens of thousands of dollars rather than a couple thousand. The same fights that were to the death and that Jasper had promised himself he’d never be part of.

  “Well, we always like to watch an asset in the making. You’ve got what it takes to leave this world behind, Jasper,” Blake said. “I’ve been watching you for a long time, and so has Steve. He scouts the men for me and gives me a call when he thinks he’s found a winner.”

  “What did you hope to achieve?” Jasper asked, folding his arms over his chest.

  “Your girl, she’s different for you.”

  “Cut the bullshit,” Harold said. “Just get down to the shit.”

  Blake looked between both of them. “Fine, you want the truth. We were going to put a little pressure on your girlfriend, see how far we could push until you agreed. You want the truth, these fights are fucking serious. We demand the best, and in return they get the best.�

  “Apart from the men who end up dead in a ditch?”

  “To get the best you play by the rules. Fuck, we’re only taking the sport to the next level. Besides, who gives a fuck who lives and dies?”

  Jasper shook his head.

  “Your bitch was the first person we saw that could draw you close.”

  He didn’t wait for the man to say another word. Slamming his fist against the guy’s nose, he felt happy when he heard the bone break.

  Blake covered his nose, screaming. Blood oozed out between his fingers.

  “I’d be careful if I was you. Amber’s my woman. That’s her name, not bitch or anything else you want to fucking call her.”

  “Fuck, you broke my nose.”

  “I’ll break more than that. I’m not going to change my answer. I’m not going to fight for anyone else.”

  “Do you really think you’re not going to be asked again?” Blake asked. He continued to cover his nose as he talked. “I’m only the first, but there’ll be more.”

  “I don’t care. I’ll fight you all at every turn.”

  “You won’t get away from us. Neither you or your whore.”

  Jasper landed two more punches at the man, dropping him to the floor. He grabbed his hair and pulled his head back. “I can do whatever the fuck I want with you, Blake. You may wear a fucking suit, but we both know you’re not a businessman. You won’t get lawyers involved or the law because you don’t want the law onto what you’re doing.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “No, I suggest you go back to your brother and anyone who thinks they can take me on. You tell them I’ll fuck them up worse than you. I don’t care the damage I do. You stay the fuck away from my woman, or I swear, you’ll never have the use of your legs again.”

  Blake stared at him. The fear flashed in his eyes, and Jasper knew his words had gotten through.

  “Go, now.”

  He watched the man scramble to his feet and take off.

  “It’s not going to end there,” Harold said. “You know it’s not. He’s one man, and there’s more than enough men to take his place.”

  “I know.”

  Jasper took the jacket from Harold’s hands.

  “She’s going to be in danger if they decide to do what he did.”

  “I know.”

  He stared back at the older man.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m not giving her up. She makes me feel better.” He pressed a hand over his chest, feeling the ache at the thought of losing her. No, he couldn’t lose her.

  “Everything you’re feeling and saying, isn’t strange to me. I know what you’re going through. I was tempted to leave Brooke, but then I just couldn’t leave her. She makes me better.”

  “I’ve got to take her away from all of this,” Jasper said.

  “I knew you’d figure it out.”

  “She won’t go with me.” Jasper fisted his hands, angry at what he’d done. She was right. His career choice was far more dangerous than hers ever was.

  “I think you’d be surprised what Amber would do for the man she loved.” Harold started toward the door.

  “I’m going to walk, clear my head. Tell Amber I’ll be here to pick her up tonight.”

  “Okay. Don’t go looking for fights right now, Jasper. You’re not in the right mind for it.”

  He wasn’t going to look for a fight. Jasper needed to come to a decision before he took the next step. Walking away from the parking area, he took a slow walk through the city. He didn’t go far from the strip club. There wasn’t much choice anymore. He couldn’t give her up, nor could he leave her.

  The only thing he could leave behind was the fighting. He didn’t need that anymore.

  Go and get your girl.

  Jasper walked back to the car, leaning against it hours later. The night was still warm, but it would only be a matter of weeks before it was starting to get a chill. Several women left the club, chuckling and behaving like the men had who entered.

  Amber appeared last with Harold watching her leave.

  She rubbed her hands together as she approached.

  “I was worried about you,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.


  “You left with him and didn’t come back. I was worried.”

  Feeling like shit, he pulled her in close. “You didn’t need to worry about me, baby. I wasn’t going anywhere. I just needed to clear my head.”

  “Is everything okay now? I mean, there’s no danger or anything is there?”

  He cupped her cheek, stroking the smooth cheek beneath his fingers. “We need to talk, but we’ll do it back at our place.” Taking the keys from her fingers, he opened the door and waited for her to climb inside. He handed her back the keys when she was safe.

  Climbing into the passenger side, he rested his head on his hand, waiting.

  There were no men at the front of their apartment building, and he relaxed a little more. Neither of them spoke until he closed the door to his apartment.

  “What’s going on, Jasper?” she asked, dropping her bag to the floor.

  He pulled her in his arms. “You were right.”

  “I was right about what?”

  “Me, the fighting, all of it. They want me to fight in the big ones. The ones to the death.”

  She gasped. “No, you can’t do it. It’s too dangerous. Please, tell me you said no.”

  “I did.” He cupped both of her cheeks, dropping a kiss to her lips. “But he was right, Blake, the businessman who’d been bothering you. He was right, and it’s not going to stop. I fucked up.”

  “You’re scaring me.”

  “I’ve got to leave, baby. I’ve got to move on and start somewhere fresh.”


  Pain filled every pore of her being. Amber couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You’re going to leave?”

  He kissed her hard. She held onto his shoulders, needing to feel him one more time before he left. No, she couldn’t bear for him to leave. Why did he have to make her care about him and now leave her?

  “I want you to come with me, Amber,” he said.

  “What?” She couldn’t have heard properly, could she?

  “You heard me. I’m not going anywhere without you. I love you, and I don’t want this to end. Please, Amber, come with me. My grandparents owned a ranch while they were alive. They left it to me in their will. I couldn’t go back, knowing I left them. I knew they’d hate my fighting. I didn’t go back to them. I want to go back to ranching. It’s what I always wanted.”

  She opened her mouth, but no words came out. “You want me to come out with you? To a ranch?”

  “Yes. I love you, baby. I don’t want to even imagine life without you.” He pressed hard kisses to her lips. “I won’t leave without you. If you want to stay then we’ll stay, and I’ll fight every single fucker who thinks they can take me on, but they’re stronger than I am, Amber. In time, they’ll win.”

  “I don’t want you to stay and fight.” Amber dropped her gaze to his lips. “I love you, too. I’ll do whatever you need me to do. Is the fighting done?”

  She waited for him to answer.

  “Yeah, I’m done fighting, Amber. I don’t want to fight anymore. I’m done. It’s over, and I promise you, it’ll never happen again.”

  “We need to pack our shit up tonight.”

  Amber nodded, tucking hair behind her ears as they set to work. She was excited, nervous but excited. Jasper only packed some clothes and a few personal items from around the apartment. Within half an hour they were in her apartment, and she packed up as much as she could. The carried their boxes and bags down to her car. They had just finished packing her car when the three men from the other night suddenly appeared. Their faces were covered in bruises, and she saw one man held his arm across his body and it was covered in plaster. They were coming to have a little payback.

  “Get in the car, Jasper said.

  “Don’t do this.” She didn’t want to have to see him get in another fight. “You want us to leave, then we leave now or not at all. They’re not important. We’re going to make a life for ourselves.”

  He glanced at her as the three men waited.


  “No. You said no more fighting. We’ll start now. Get in the car and we’ll be gone before they do any damage. Think about this, Jasper. If you can’t back away now and we’re going to leave, then how can I believe you’re never going to fight again?” She was more than prepared to start a new life for him elsewhere, but he needed to make a choice, to fight or not to fight.

  “What about you?” he asked. “Will you stop working in strip clubs?”

  “Yes, for you, I will. You’ll never see me inside another one again.” She didn’t even hesitate in her answer. For Jasper, she’d do it but only if he was prepared to do the same. “Me or them, Jasper.”

  “We’re back, fucker!” One of the men shouted making his way toward them.

  She stared at Jasper, waiting. If they didn’t leave now, these men were only going to make their life harder. They were pimps who controlled most of the apartment block. They were both lucky they’d gone under the radar for this long.

  “I’m getting into my car. You get in then we start a new life or you go and start fighting them, and I’ll leave but I’ll have nothing to do with you. This is a clean start. They’re not close enough to hurt us. Back away.” She was forcing him to back down. Those men could hurt Jasper, and they were making a life for themselves far away from this. She didn’t want him to get hurt. Climbing into the car, she turned the key in the ignition and waited.

  The men were yelling at Jasper, and tears filled her eyes, waiting for him to come with her. Jasper didn’t need to prove anything. Neither of them was going to be living near the apartment anymore. She was ready to spend the rest of her life with him. What would it say about her if he’d rather cause damage than be with her?

  Wiping underneath her eyes, she sat, waiting.

  Seconds passed that felt like hours before he opened the door and climbed in. She pulled out of the parking area before speaking. The moment Jasper opened the door, the three men had charged toward her. Her heart was racing as she pulled out of the parking lot. Looking in the rear view mirror, she saw they were running.


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