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The War (Ultimate Power Book 2)

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by April Margeson



  By April Margeson

  COPYRIGHT©2013 April Margeson

  All quoted materials in this work were created by the author.

  Any resemblance to existing work is accidental. Any reproduction of this book without written consent of the author is punishable by law.


  “Did you enjoy your shower sweetie?” Mom said as she folded down the corner of one the magazine she was holding.

  I nodded at her and took my place on the floor beside Eric. He reached over, moved a stray piece of hair from my face, and resumed his conversation with Mom.

  Dad was sitting beside Mom on the sofa, laying each magazine into different piles. I guess one pile was more important than the other was because it was smaller. But who’s to say. Mom s brain was a very funny thing at times. The truth was that the bigger pile was probably the more important one.

  “How long do you think it will take to get this planned?” Eric asked Mom.

  She was looking at Eric in a very peculiar way. Almost accusingly. I was not expecting what came out of her mouth and to tell the truth, I couldn’t believe that even crossed her mind.

  “Eric? She's not pregnant is she?” Mom asked him with tears in her eyes. It was different seeing that kind of fear in my mother’s eyes. Something about it made me shiver inside.

  “NO! Absolutely NOT!” Eric replied with more emotion than necessary.

  All I could do was sit there with my mouth hanging open. I was totally shocked that she thought such a ridiculous thing.

  I felt the need to explain our relationship to them. “I’m sorry to be so personal, but, I mean… um… well…We haven’t…well…you know.” How much more embarrassing can this be?

  I heard my mother exhale deeply. And from the sound of it, I am sure glad she did. Holding that much air, for that long couldn’t be good. It is a wonder she didn’t pass out over it.

  “Eric, I think we need to talk.” Dad said as he got up and walked to the front door. Eric wasted no time in following him.

  My Dad’s request frightened me a little. I hope that he wasn’t going to take Eric outside and bawl him out over anything. Dad can be somewhat over-assertive at times.

  “Don’t worry Bailey. I’m sure it’s nothing. Just a father to son-in-law type thing.” Mom said as she winked at me, but I knew what that meant.

  She went back to writing things on her notepad. I was curious about what was on there so I moved from the floor to the couch beside her. As I was reading over it, she explained that Eric picked them out.

  I was impressed. Some of the things he had thought of were things I wanted. I just had not given them enough thought yet, I suppose.

  I took the pen from Mom and scribbled down a few of my own ideas. Mostly about colors and the bouquet. I had to have white roses. It was the first thing Eric had ever given to me. One single white rose. What can I say? I’m a very sentimental person.

  I explained to her that I would like to have the colors red, blue and purple incorporated in there some way or another. The colors are significant to our relationship and us.

  The color of my soul is blue and his is red. And when the Kings and Queens united our souls, they both became purple.

  I was trying to figure out where that would fit into all the plans when Mom asked me about the guest list. How many people are you planning on inviting?

  I sat there for a moment, trying to think of a way to word my request appropriately. “ I really don’t want this to be an overblown deal.” I said quietly.

  “What do you mean Bailey?” Mom asked and I could tell that my response had caught her a little off guard. I explained to her that I wanted a small guest list. Only close friends and family. The smaller the better. I never was one for big crowds. She knew that.

  “I’m fine with that, sweetheart, as long as Eric is okay with it too. You may want to talk this over with him before making a decision.” She encouraged.

  “I don’t think he will mind at all. But I’ll be sure to ask him if he ever decides to come back in.” I replied.

  Not long after that, Eric and Dad came bounding through the door. They had been silly enough to go outside without putting their jackets on. I would almost bet that they were going to get a cold.

  Mom brought up the guest list request and Eric agreed just as I knew he would. However, he did want Damien and Jared to be a part of the ceremony. I agreed and tried to think of two girls for my side. That was an easy decision to make. Jasmine and Beth.

  After several hours of going through what we wanted and didn’t want, Eric went to the kitchen to call his parents. I was under the impression that they may already know about him proposing, but I wasn’t completely sure of it.

  Mom had went out into the hallway to call one of her friends that just- so- happened- to- be a wedding planner.

  I was curious about what Dad and Eric had been discussing. Therefore, as soon as Eric came back in from the kitchen, I asked him if he wanted to go get everyone something to eat.

  “Yeah, I’m starving.” All this wedding planning was starting to get to my stomach.

  My parents told Eric what they wanted and Dad gave him some money. “This one’s on me kiddo.” Dad said laughing.

  We grabbed our coats and headed to the car. As soon as we pulled out onto the road, I asked him what Dad wanted to talk to him about.

  Eric told me that he had asked him about where we were planning on living and what means of support would we have to live on. I expected that would come up eventually. I had been worried about that myself. Especially, the part about where we were going to live.Eric told me that money was not going to be an issue& Ever. I was confused by that. Neither of us had a job. Of course, money would be an issue. How could it not be?

  “Do you remember what I told you my parents done for a living?” Eric asked.

  “Yeah, but what does that have to do with us?” I asked.

  We drove down the road a while before he answered me. It was a good thing he did because I was about to say something about it. “I have enough money in a trust account to pay for both of us to go to college. Not counting pay cash for a house, pay the bills and buy anything and everything we would need or could possibly want.”

  I was confused by his reply. So much so, that all I could do was look at him with a ridiculous look on my face. “What do you mean Eric?”

  As of last month, my trust account is up to four million dollars.” Eric smiled. “We don’t have to worry about money.”

  I was speechless. He had never told me exactly how wealthy he was and it didn’t matter to me at all, but I’m sure Dad was very pleased.

  “On top of all that, my parents have a gift for us as well.” He laughed.

  “Is that so?” I didn’t even try to hide my sarcasm.

  He looked over and smiled and I couldn’t help but laugh at him. He looked so silly.

  We returned to my house with the food. His parent’s car was sitting in the driveway.

  “You’re really going to love this.” He said as he grabbed the bags and closed the car door.

  His remark made me not want to go in the house. I was not big on surprises at all. Especially from his parents. I had only seen them a couple times. They still seemed like strangers to me.

  I reluctantly went in the house, only to be surrounded by his parents. His mother hugged me so hard that I was sure she was going to break one of my ribs before she decided to let go. When she did, I could see that she was crying. “I’m so happy for you guys!” She shrieked and hugged me again.

  “Easy there Mom. You’re going to squeeze her to death before I can marry her.” Eric
said laughing.

  “I’m sorry.” She said as she stepped back and wiped her eyes.I looked at her, watching her makeup running down her face. I was happy that she was welcoming me into her family. His father hugged me, but not as tight as his mother had. Boy was I glad of that. I wasn’t sure how much more my ribs could take.

  We all went into the kitchen to eat. Everyone talked and praised us on finding each other. I think Eric's mother really does like me. A lot. I was sure glad of that. Things are easier when your in-laws like you.

  After we finished eating we all went into the living room and sat down to discuss the wedding plans. I soon noticed that the conversation was taking a twist. Eric’s father was talking about how they were thinking about taking a cross-country trip in the new RV they had recently purchased. “Speaking of that,” Eric’s father said. “We would like to offer the both of you an early wedding gift.”

  Eric took my hand as his father spoke. I was beginning to get nervous because it sounded like this was going to be a big deal.

  “We would like to give you guys our house.” His father said jubilantly.

  My mother began to cry. She sounded like she had had a huge weight lifted off her. From the look on my father’s face, I could tell that he had already known about this.

  I didn’t know how to react to their offering. Now I wasn’t going to have to move that far from my parents. That had been weighing heavily on my mind and my heart all day. Emotion took over my body and I couldn’t help but to cry. Nothing anyone could have given me would even compare to this. It was the greatest gift in the world to me. Before I could even think about it, I was off the couch and hugging his parents. There were absolutely no words that I could say that would show my appreciation.

  “We’ll be moving our things out starting today.” His mother explained. “I think as long as your parents agree, you can begin getting the house in order the way you would want it.” His father said looking to my parents for their approval.

  I could see the hurt in my father s eyes. I knew exactly what he was thinking. My heart broke instantly as I realized I was really leaving my parents.

  My mother had begun to cry. I couldn’t tell whether she was happy or hurting like my father was. Surely, they were both happy at the idea of Eric and I being so close to them. We weren’t going far. Just across the street, I kept telling myself.

  The idea of that made me feel somewhat better. Nevertheless, I was still saddened. It would not be so bad. I can come over any time I want and everything is going to be fine.

  After all the excitement and tears were over with, both of our mothers had started on the wedding planning. Despite the fact that I was in an awful mood, I was beginning to get excited about it. All the discussion of flowers and dresses quickly caught my attention.

  Eric’s mother is extremely creative. She offered small tips and ideas on arrangements and my mom was agreeing with her for the most part. Very few of her ideas went into discussion, but it was good. Mom was just trying to make it the best idea by using her suggestions and Eric's mother s at the same time and from what I was seeing, this was going to be a very beautiful wedding.

  Several hours had passed and I needed some alone time with Eric. So much had happened today and we didn’t seem to see each other much at all. Our fathers swept him away earlier. Probably for some very serious life planning.

  Soon everyone was back in the living room and Eric’s parents asked if we would all like to come over to their house to look around. My parents agreed and we made our way over to the house.

  Walking in was different this time. This was soon to be my home and I was thinking of things I wanted to change. Wallpaper, carpet and things like that. I was looking at the house like it was the first time I was seeing it, but it was ours already.

  We all joined in the dining room. I noticed a large stack of magazines on the table. They did not look like regular magazines I had noticed. More like display books at stores. That made me a bit nervous to say the least.

  “Would everyone like some pizza?” Eric’s father asked. “I thought that we could all eat dinner here tonight if that's okay.”

  Everyone agreed and he ordered the pizza as we all sat down at the table. Eric’s mother laid out books in small, organized piles, placing them in front of Eric and me. Each stack was for a different room in the house. She stopped to explain herself when she noticed the confused look I had on my face.

  “We need you guys to pick out furnishings for the house.” She said with a smile.

  I was flabbergasted. All I could do was sit there with my mouth hanging open. She grabbed a stack of books, handed them to my mom, and took a pile for herself asking everyone to come upstairs.

  We started in the master bedroom making plans. Eric and I agreed on the colors and carpet so I thought that was a good start. Although, the boxes of Eric s parent s belongings were a bit distracting to me.

  It wasn’t long until we had finished with the entire upstairs. Downstairs was a problem. I just couldn’t wrap my head around what we would really need, so I asked for help.

  “Is there a theme you would like to go with in the kitchen?” Mom asked.

  Both of our mothers stood there looking at me awaiting my response. It took a minute or two at best. I told them that I would prefer to just pick out the walls and floors and then let them take over from there. They both seemed to be excessively excited about that. It almost made me cringe. Who knows what the kitchen would come out looking like now.

  I told them I wanted white walls and I picked out a black and gray square tile pattern for the flooring. After I showed them and they wrote it down, they went to work.

  I watched them write so much down that I became embarrassed. Maybe I should’ve done this myself, I thought to myself. I wasn’t very comfortable with the idea of them paying for everything.

  They’re not paying for it sweetheart. We are, so get anything you want. Don’t worry about the cost, Eric whispered to me and all my apprehension about who was going to pay for all the stuff went out the window.

  Eric came in the room smiling and asked what was going on. “I let them do the kitchen.” I replied with guilt. He laughed and led me to the living room.

  Our fathers were standing there with books strewn everywhere and I could feel the masculinity flowing freely in the room.

  “What do you want in here?” Eric asked.

  Taking a minute to think, I said, “You do this room. Just make sure I can see the television.”

  “Okay. Do you mind if I get a Wii?” He asked with a sheepish grin.

  “Not at all, I love playing Wii.”

  He walked over to the couch and tossed me a book. It was for games. “Pick out whatever you want.”

  I looked through the book and wrote down several games that I was interested in. They were mostly Sims games. I like that kind the best.

  I gave him back the book and the list and went back into the kitchen. The doorbell rang as I walked in.

  “I got it!” Eric s father called. It must be the pizza delivery person, I thought.

  A moment later, Jim came into the kitchen with the pizza. I was glad of it too. I was starving. Everyone got plates, grabbed a few slices and headed to the table. The silence was welcoming after all the happenings of today. I took it in and relaxed. However, it didn’t last as long as I had wanted it too. Before I knew it, the chattering of our mothers once again surrounded me.

  My head was spinning and I knew what was about to happen. Eric came abruptly to my side. “We’re going to go up to my room and talk about some wedding things if you guys don’t mind. We won’t be long.” Eric explained to our parents. They smiled and I heard one of them saying something about the wedding date, but my mind was already so foggy that I couldn’t even tell which one of them had said it.

  Eric had to carry me halfway up the stairs. My body had given in to my Queens request and as soon as he laid me on the bed, I was out.

  Fire Queen was sitting on
the ground directly in front of me when I woke. She looked stressed and scared. It bothered me because I had never noticed any other emotion on her face but pure joy. All of the anguish of Lord Raylan came rushing back to me in an instant.

  “My Queen?” I said half a question and a greeting.

  She responded gracefully as always, but with fear. “Lord Raylan is a true danger to you Bailey. He will come for Eric soon and you must defeat him. Do. Not. Let him go or you will pay the price with your life Queen. Our circle must not be broken.”

  I wanted to ask her how I could defeat him, but it was too late. She had already sent me back. I had so many questions for her and without the answers, I was sure to lose the battle that I was facing. But I couldn’t lose. Not this. Not Eric.

  When I woke, I had a new feeling of determination. One like I had never had before. I was super alert. My senses seemed to be finely tuned and I could feel the danger lurking around us.

  I felt Eric enter my mind and started observing my thoughts. He searched my mind and listened to Fire Queen’s warning. When he was finished, he asked, “When?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Don’t worry. We will be ready.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.” I said as my voice shook with fear.


  “Because he is coming now! I can feel him!”

  “Get up! We have to get out of the house!” He said as he pulled me off the bed.

  He was entered my mind again, giving me directions on what to do. The one thing he said that was more important than anything was for me to never let go of his hand for any reason, no matter what. The strength of our power depended on that one simple thing.

  We ran down the stairs and to our parents. Eric told them we were going out and that when we come back we will have a date for the wedding. It was a brilliant plan. They would never suspect anything, and he knew as well as I did that saying that would keep them all in one place. It would keep them safe.

  We got in the car and drove down to the lake. It didn’t take long. At the rate of speed he was driving, we could have been out of state in at least an hour.


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