Survivor (The Soul Mates Series Book 1)

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Survivor (The Soul Mates Series Book 1) Page 6

by Victoria Johns

  “Um, about three thousand.” Jake looks at me sharply, that got his attention.

  Now it’s my turn, “How do you know all this stuff?” I indicate towards the hills, the knife and the bag of broken bottle bits.

  “Survival and simple life skills in my line of work. If I didn’t I’d be sporting a toe tag by now.” He smiles at me as he finishes in an effort to make light of it all, but I can tell he’s serious. After all, if he’s playing by his rules he’ll be answering truthfully. “My question, when you’re ready do you promise to tell me everythin’?”

  My heart starts to beat rapidly and my throat dries up instantly, I don’t know whether I’ll be able to trust anyone ever again. “I’ll defer that question.”

  “OK, that’s allowed.”

  We carry on knocking back the beer and just existing in the solitude of nature and easy company. It’s my turn to ask a question, but I know if I ask one, he’ll also keep asking them in an effort to unravel my mystery. I make a decision to bring the game to an end, “I’ll just nip to the bathroom and then we can head back.”

  “No problem, I’ll pop these in the trash.” By the time I return the bottles have been disposed of and he’s wearing the back pack, ready to leave. “When we get back, I’ll take a quick shower and we can pop into town for a bite to eat.”

  “I told you, I don’t really eat out,” I say politely declining.

  “I know you don’t, but think of it as trainin’.”

  I can’t turn that down and find myself offering a begrudging nod.

  When we get back we peel off in our different directions, him to the main house and me to the trailer and I take the time to do my daily internet trawls. On my second google search, a page appears with my photo on it and I struggle to not throw my tablet against the wall. The picture in the article is one of me at a charity event with one of my dad’s friends, Uncle Sal. I’m dressed like a fairy princess and the script in the article portrays a loving family that is scared for my safety. They’re claiming that I’ve had a breakdown after some bad family news and are offering a reward for my safe return, or information leading to it.

  It stood to reason this would be the line they’d take. If they report me missing officially, the authorities will take an interest and then it would become a real live man hunt.

  The Fed’s would want me for my inside knowledge and testimony and that would get me killed. The family would want me back because of my inside knowledge and then they’d kill me.

  Closing the tablet down, I sink onto the bed and cry, why the hell am I crying so much these days? I try and ignore the reasoning that I immediately hit upon. It’s because there can be no good outcome for me. I knew this when I got involved, too involved and there is no way in hell the Fed’s can ever keep me safe, too many are on our family payroll.

  “Cara, you ready?” I hear from the other side of the door.

  “No,” I don’t want him to see me like this and I certainly can’t go out in public now, absolutely not. “I’m not feeling well.”

  Jake doesn’t answer and a moment later the door swings open, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, things just get on top of me sometimes,” I’m scrabbling round for an answer and the only one I can come up with makes me feel stupid and look weak.

  “Normally I’d force you out, but this time I’ll leave you be. Take the time to get your head straight, but shit doesn’t wait until you’re feeling better. It just fuckin’ comes at you Cara. Whatever is causing this meltdown, use it. Make it your motivation to keep going.”

  He is totally right, but just for now I need time to contemplate the confirmation that my family are still looking for me. The silly girl living inside me hoped they’d back off and forget about me when they’d seen I’d not been to the police. There are two possible reasons for this, they want to punish me for running and by punish, I mean silence me by stopping my heart from beating and my lungs from breathing. The other equally terrifying reason is that they want me to resume my position, control me and continue feeding their greed and obsession to have more money. Whichever it is, I don’t doubt now that they will continue this ruthless quest.

  “Just head over when you get hungry later, there’s enough stuff in for sub’s or a salad, but you need to eat. We’ve got to get you stronger and the only way to do that is to keep fuelled up and hydrated.”

  I nod my reply meekly and wait until I hear the trailer door closing before I undress and climb in bed. I just want the day to be over, I’d started to feel so positive about things, almost like I could beat them. Having someone believe that I am worth investing some time in and knowledge had given me hope.

  But I should stop kidding myself, it really is ridiculous to hope that I can win this fight and I’ve been used to dealing with the impossible since I could form words and communicate.



  “Hey dad, you OK?”

  “Of course, I’m ten fuckin’ grand up son.” He’s on his annual card game reunion, only it’s not so much annual anymore, as whenever the old cronies feel like it. “How’s the mouse?”

  “Still a mystery, but I’m working on gettin’ somethin’ concrete in a day or two though.”

  “Right oh, you helpin’ her?”

  “Tryin’, it’s been a while since I did this shit.”

  “I know that son, ‘preciate it.” I believe he does too, my dad never asks for a lot and my job means I can’t be around as much as I’d like to be. “She know who you are yet?”

  “Nah, I haven’t found the right time to tell her.”

  “What’s goin’ on boy? That’s not like you.”

  “Dunno, just a feelin’ in my gut. I’m gonna see what her story is first. She’s scared, but until I know why, I’m stayin’ under the radar.”

  “Well, you’re there, I’m not. I’ll leave it up to your judgment, but say hi to her for me.”

  “Will do. Talk soon,” and I hang up the call. I can’t put my finger on my reluctance to come clean but I know if I don’t do it soon, I could blow the trust we’ve already built between us.

  “Time to expedite this shit,” I mumble to myself and dial a different number. A number I didn’t think I’d have to call for a while.

  After a few rings the other end is answered, “This had better be good, even though I know it won’t be. You’re not exactly the type to call for a chat.”

  “Hey man, how’s the family?”

  “I’m sure they’re better if they’re not in the same town as you. You equals trouble. What do you want?”

  “I’ve stumbled across a project. I need two things, discretion and information.”

  “Well that goes without saying if you’re askin’ me.”

  “I’m gonna courier you a beer bottle, could do with a print check and a DNA analysis from it.”

  “Fuck,” he grumbles, “Why aren’t you running your own checks?”

  “Hunch. There’s a reason she isn’t trustin’ the law and she has no idea who or what I am.”

  “OK, you owe me though. She? You tappin’ it?” My buddy asks as perceptive as ever.

  “None of your fuckin’ business.”

  A bark of laughter is the immediate response, followed by, “Not yet then.”

  “I’m outta here, buzz me when you’ve got somethin’”

  “Will do, later Ross.”

  “Later Jonas and give my regards to Dolly and the girls.”

  “You stirring bastard,” he replies and hangs up.

  Hopping in my truck I take the sealed and wrapped beer bottle I took from Cara’s cabin, along with some hair from her hair brush to the postal depot before they close. I need to solve the identity issue, it’s about time I knew what the fuck I was dealing with.

  It’s essential that I know who she is before I can drop Jake’s cover and be the real me.

  Chapter Twelve

  Our days followed a strict theme with a little variation, I was learning that i
f you changed things up slightly, you didn’t have a predictable routine, but you could still feel if something was wrong.

  First thing in the morning it was up and out for a run, we’d use the time wisely and play the game of questions. I was just as keen to learn about Jake as he was about me. This time of the day was when I smiled the most because I could see the changes and difference was me, I was getting stronger. The strap welts caused by sweat from the knife on my thigh had begun to toughen and harden up, either that or I just no longer felt the pain. My breathing was more controlled, less woman in danger from a horror movie and more female kick ass warrior. The only thing I couldn’t sort out was my involuntary counting, but as I began to see the changes it made me feel amazing, I was finally seeing a more confident me, one that believed I could pull this off. In a small amount of time I’d soaked up Jake’s targeted training and achieved exactly what I wanted, I was becoming battle prepared. With my growing confidence came my desire to live again and by live again, I mean live sexually with Jake. The tension between us was so noticeable that it was taking on a life of its own. My hyper awareness of every detail was just making me that much bolder and I began to look forward to the time we spent together.

  “I think you’re ready for some defense moves,” he suddenly announced one morning when we got back to the junkyard after our run.

  “Fighting? As in Combat? As in karate chop!, really?”

  “Calm down, I’m not talking about desert rat commando shit, but enough that it might buy you a few minutes to get runnin’ again.”

  “Is it wrong that I find this nervously exciting?”

  “How could it not be? Rollin’ around with me is serious shit,” he replied with a smirk on his face. The problem was that the more we became friends and he came out with these lines, the more I really wanted to step over that line and plant myself on the other side of it. It was only the last few outstanding quivers of self confidence that stopped me in my tracks.


  “After breakfast, you put some eggs on and I’ll get shit ready out here.”

  Doing as he asked, I made my way inside to Old Sam’s kitchen and as I would when he was here, I made fresh coffee and laid out two glasses of juice. I was nearly finished with scrambling the eggs when I heard a cell phone ring in the kitchen drawer, following the sound accordingly, I located it. The display simply registered the letters JD. Curiosity was never my friend and I’d learned long ago that snippets of information would either, prepare you for something, disappoint you or kill you. It stopped ringing so I took it as a sign of divine intervention and closed the drawer on it. My brain began to spin through its data banks, Old Sam never used a cell phone, I’d not seen one on the counter tops before and the make and model was different from the one Jake used or carried with him. When it began beeping in the drawer, I decided to investigate further and see what information it was holding. A text message had been sent to it.

  JD: Jane Doe info acquired. Call ASAP. Red Flag.


  The smell of the eggs cooking began to curdle my stomach. I’d broken my rules, rules I’d set to keep me alive and worst of all, I’d started to trust Jake. I’d let my guard down. All this time he’d been working to solve his biggest puzzle, me.

  Hearing the shed doors close, I threw the phone back in the drawer and returned to rescue the breakfast. I needed time to think, I needed to assess whether I was in danger and get the fuck out of here. Knowing timing would be everything I breathed a sigh of relief when I remembered that I’d brought my money down from the cabin, a detour to receive it would cost me precious time.

  “Them eggs burnt woman?”

  “Nearly,” I rushed a little flustered to grab the bread from the cupboard and the pan of eggs, before heading toward the table, drawing in a calming breath whilst faking interest in the food in front of me.

  “Can you pass that fork babe?” I handed it to him. “Ketchup?” I slid that in his direction too. “Babe, what’s wrong?”

  That brought me to my senses, “Nothing just nervous I guess.”

  “No need to be,” Jake laughed, between mouthfuls of food. “I’ll go easy on you.”

  Picking up my fork, I gave myself a mental talking to, I had to pull myself together and see today through.

  Whilst I was loading the dishes into the sink, Jake nipped back outside to finish the fight zone, as I’d jokingly called it, “Cara, OK, let’s do this.” Ditching my chores, I nervously walked through the kitchen door, amazed to find the ground area shaded by trees, covered with floor mats. “Kick off your shoes, we need to assess how well you balance first.” Almost robotically I leaned down and pulled my sneakers off. When I returned to an upright position, Jake had shucked off his T-shirt and was standing in just a pair of running shorts in his full tattooed glory.


  “Hey concentrate,” he laughed and right there and then I knew this could be my one and only chance to ever get to feel him. I’d made my decision to leave at the end of the day and knowing I’d never see him again helped me find the last little smidge of confidence I needed to make a move and actually get to fulfill a desire I’d gone without for so long.



  “Right, I’m going to slowly grab hold of you, nothing fancy, I just want to see what instinctual moves you make.” I could see she’d freaked herself out about this over breakfast and I needed to remind her that I was here for her. I had hoped losing some of my clothes would provide the distraction to stop her brain over thinking it and getting swamped by it all.

  Ensuring that I retained her eye contact, I walked forwards until I reached her and I placed my hands around her throat. I could feel her pulse quicken in pace and the blood swell her veins in panic. Although she’d become athletically stronger, I still dwarfed her and training with someone of my size would be good practice for her. Bad guys rarely picked small, weak motherfuckers to do their muscle work. Her beautifully long neck was slender and it was a thrill to confirm that I could fully enclose it in my massive hands. “What do you want to do?” I whispered gently, getting lost in her deep, engaging brown eyes.

  Cara reached up and grabbed my wrists, trying to pull forcefully and failing to drag them from around her throat.

  “Wrong move baby, let’s swap and I’ll show you.” Because I was so much taller than her, she had to get close to make her arms reach around my neck. I could feel every curve of her body against me and damn, if it didn’t fucking affect me. Swallowing deeply, I felt my adams apple push back against her palms. Her scent was magical and bewitching, all female and I was beginning to think this kind of temptation would be my undoing. “Tell me what happens when I try and move your hands,” I asked her as I followed my words and with the actions, encasing her wrists in my palms.

  “You’re trying to move my hands, I… If I don’t grip harder to keep them there, you’ll be free,” she whispers.

  “Exactly, to make this effective you need to go against your natural instincts. Watch,” this time when I reached for her wrists I gently pulled her into me. Because she was braced to fight for her grip, the momentary surprise caused her to relax and it gave me that tiny window, when I could push her sharply back away from me, all while her brain was wondering what was going on. “Your attacker’s human nature will kick in, their body will act to stop them from falling and injuring themselves. The natural reaction is to loosen your hold and then brace to save yourself and avoid the pain.”

  The spark of intrigue and light that beamed when she learned something new was bright and apparent in her eyes, it had been missing since breakfast. She’d found that strength, that fighting spirit had returned. “Over the next few days remember its game time, the moves I teach you could come in handy at any time. I could choose to fight you at any random opportunity. You need to condition yourself to be always alert and on guard.”

  “Yes,” she confirmed.

  As with everything, it was one thing to
achieve the moves in training but another to complete them when you were taken by surprise. “The lesson to take from today is all about reaction. I’m also just trying to learn what I’m workin’ with so I can figure out what you need in the shortest time possible, OK?”

  Cara nodded back at me and for the next hour we grappled around until the morning sun had drained us both of energy. My shorts were soaking wet from the sweat running down my back and Cara’s hair was plastered to her head. By the time I returned with a couple of bottles of water, she’d lost her t-shirt and was using it to mop her brown.

  My mind just snapped, it had been teased for long enough. Dropping the bottles at the sight in front of me in frustration, I couldn’t take being reminded that she was stunning in every way, anymore. Her perky tits, barely contained in a white sports bra, were something that had taunted me for long enough and I needed to feel them.

  End of discussion.

  When I approached her I know she was expecting this move to be about combat training. I plastered my chest against her back and an arm around her front, bringing my palm up to span her neck, yanking her head back. It affected all of the senses, I could feel her both gulp and breathe deeper in search of oxygen. I could hear her gasping for air and see her tongue just darting in and out of her mouth between her lips.

  My cock hardened without delay, this was my kind of spontaneous enjoyment. I knew she felt it and for the love of fucking God, she backed up into me, emitting a moan that made my blood surge.

  Could I let this happen?

  I tell myself no attachments on the job, well, not since the last one anyway. It’s my golden rule and I rarely break it. The devil inside me was winning over though when he reminded me that I wasn’t on the clock.

  Fuck it, if she doesn’t say no, or fight me off, I’m taking it.

  I went to lift her chin further so I could get to her plump lips and when my thumb got in range of her mouth, she latched onto it and bit down hard.

  Fuck! So arousing.


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