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Scandal: Crossing Boundaries (Scandal Series #1 INTERRACIAL ROMANCE)

Page 14

by St. Claire, Jean

  After a moment of standing there awkwardly expecting his mother to start yelling at him for his treachery, Zack said, "Well, I guess I'm going to go to bed for real now."

  "I'll be right behind you," Patricia said, though she gave no indication that she would move off the couch.

  Zack turned and went up the stairs, wondering why his mom was acting so strangely and not at least scolding him for lying.

  When he reached his room he got another surprise of his life when he turned on his bedroom light and saw Mandy sitting stoically on his bed, garbed in a simple dress. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and there were puffy bags under her large eyes indicating she had been crying recently.

  "Mandy?" Zack asked with disbelief. "What are you doing in my house at this time of night? And who let you in here?"

  And sitting on my bed in the total dark, Zack thought. Has everyone around here suddenly gone crazy?

  Mandy stared at him with her big eyes for a long moment, noting his awkward dress for the time of night, before replying. "Your mom."

  The tension that filled the room was palpable.

  Though Zack thought it odd Mandy would show up like this, he knew why she was there. "Look Mandy, about the dance, I can explain—"

  Mandy helped up a finger to silence him, rising from his bed. "I was hurt when you stood me up that night, Zack. Very hurt. I had bought this awesome dress, had my makeup done by a professional makeup artist and my hair done up in beautiful curls." She snorted derisively and rolled her eyes. "My mom said I would likely be the most beautiful girl at the dance." Then she fixed her eyes on him accusingly. "Too bad you never got to see it."

  "Mandy," Zack began, raising his hands defensively, "I—"

  "Just do me one favor Zack," Mandy cut in, not interested in hearing his lame excuses. "One thing, and I'll be out of your life for good...never to bother you again.

  Zack was instantly intrigued. "What?"

  "A kiss," Mandy said coming forward. "To end it all."

  Zack was confused. What would a kiss help? And why should she want one anyway, after what he had done?

  "You promise?" Zack asked after thinking for a moment, willing to do it if it meant she would finally leave him alone.

  For a moment, Zack saw extreme anger flash in Mandy's eyes, but it vanished quickly.

  Mandy nodded. "I promise."

  When their lips locked Zack nearly jumped when Mandy suddenly grabbed onto his muscled ass cheeks, squeezing them together firmly.

  After they parted, Mandy walked to the doorway and paused, her eyes looking strangely triumphant. "Thanks Zack."

  There was a malicious undercurrent to her words. But before Zack could reply, she was gone, leaving him to ponder her odd behavior.

  Chapter 24

  "Now class," Keisha said to her students after they had all settled into their seats the following Monday. "I have a surprise for all of my students for such good behavior." The beautiful black woman glanced over to her desk where a large pink box sat. "Back at Hawthorne I was never inclined to give my students anything because they were all so ill-mannered. But you guys have inspired me, so I want to return the favor."

  There was an excited murmur among her students as they all wondered what it could be, but Zack could have cared less. His eyes could not leave Keisha's curvaceous body. She looked absolutely radiant in her pink dress, white-flower belt and white heels. What made it all the better was that she was his.

  Now all he needed was her husband out of the way.

  Keisha was halfway to her desk when the doors were suddenly kicked opened and a group of white police officers stormed into the room.

  "Keisha Latrell Johnson, you're under arrest for having sex with a minor." The men began reading Keisha her Miranda rights as several officers rushed forward, grabbed the woman, pressed her roughly against her desk and handcuffed her.

  "Keisha!" Zack shouted with panic, jumping to his feet and dashing to the front of the class.

  The teacher's face looked stricken with panic and guilt as they pulled her up from her desk.

  "Get back boy!" one of the officers barked at Zack, who was trying to break through the ring of cops to get to his love.

  "Fuck you!" Zack yelled, struggling with one of the armed policemen.

  Behind him, half the class watched the spectacle with their mouths dropped open with shock.

  "If you don't want to be handcuffed and hauled off with this woman," the police officer snarled into Zack's face, "I'd suggest you stop struggling young man."

  But that's exactly what Zack wanted.


  With a sad look thrown his way, Keisha was hauled from the room by the group of authorities.

  The police officer restraining Zack shoved him away and said, "There will be a school administrator coming in here shortly with instructions for the rest of your class period."

  Then he walked out and closed the door.

  Zack stood there in a daze, half-wanting to chase after the men, but knowing it would do no good. He would probably make it worse for Keisha.

  "Holy shit," Randal swore, breaking the stunned silence. "That was definitely a surprise!"

  Several students chuckled nervously, still shocked that their teacher had just been dragged out of the room by cops.

  Then something odd happened.

  Multiple ringtones in the room went off at once, followed by all the male students grabbing out their cell phones. Zack stared, wondering what the hell was going on.

  "Holy cow balls!" Randal swore after a moment of a staring at his phone's LCD screen. "Zack you're the fucking man!"

  "Jesus," Anthony swore, shaking his head in disbelief. "What bullshit! I'm far more built than Zack, yet Mrs. Johnson sends naked pics to him? Fuck that!"

  Zack grabbed at his pockets and soon realized he did not have his cell with him. He could not find it that morning when he got up.

  Rushing over to Randal's desk, Zack's heart drop when he saw what they were looking at; the naked pictures Keisha had sent him on his birthday. There were several with her big ass stuck out at the camera, her camel toe visible in between her crack.

  For once, Zack was unable to get hard as the horror of what was happening wrapped around him.

  "Where did you guys get those?" Zack asked, stunned. He had no idea how the boys had been sent the pictures. Zack was the only one who had possession of them.

  At least he hoped that was the case.

  "You fucking with me?" Randal asked in disbelief. "You should already know." He showed Zack the sender address on his phone screen. "We got it from you."


  "What the fuck did you do Mandy?" Zack shouted furiously a few inches from his ex's face while she stood in front of her locker. She was dressed demurely, in a long, black skirt, and a white shirt with an open sweater on top.

  Mandy gave him an innocent smile, playing with a button on her cotton overcoat. "Who said I did anything?"

  Slamming his fist against the locker beside her head with a loud bang, Zack roared, "Don't play games with me, bitch!"

  Unperturbed by his anger, Mandy turned and place her books inside her locker before turning back to Zack. "You know Zack, when you broke up with me I sat there for weeks, wondering what the hell I did wrong. Was I ugly? Was I a horrible lay? Did I smell?" She shook her usual pony-tail. "All these things ran through my head...but then again, I had no clue...I had no clue that you would prefer to have an old, dried up, nigger bitch, then a young, hot, white girl like me."

  It took great effort for Zack not to punch Mandy in her face while she smiled evilly at him.

  "I saw you with her the day you stood me up," Mandy boasted, staring off into the distance. "I sat there for hours at that dance, hoping you would eventually show up and prove me wrong...that you wanted to still be together.

  Well, after I could take no more of sitting at that punch bowl and looking like a retarded idiot, I left. I wanted to go confront you and ask why you
would stand me up when you had agreed to come to the dance.

  Well geez, when I get to your house I see your car parked in the driveway and someone else's vehicle parked on the sidewalk. I had no clue whose car that was, but I knew it wasn't one of your parents.

  So I go inside, thinking that I am going to find you with a family member or worse, some chick from school. But I could not believe my eyes when I saw you in bed, screwing that orangutan.

  I could not believe it! All this time I was thinking, Zack must just be confused. He has to still love me. But it wasn't that at all!

  You see, I did not know you were into bestiality.

  So as soon as that disgusting circus show was done I rushed to the police station, telling them that a math teacher at North High was having inappropriate relations with her student.

  They told me they could not act on my accusations without proof. I wracked my brain for a way I could get evidence. I was stupid for not recording you guys with my cell. You see, I was too shocked to see you sticking your dick into that thing.

  Anyway, knowing the horny horn dog you are, I knew that you guys must have exchanged texts on your phone, so all I had to do was devise a way to get it. Well, thanks to your mom letting me on the night of your birthday, I was able to fool you into giving it to me without even knowing.

  I was lucky. I had already searched your room for your phone, so I knew the only place it could be was on your person. So I waited for you to come back from...screwing that gorilla perhaps? And you know the rest of the story."

  Mandy smiled.

  "You fucking cunt!" Zack yelled, kicking the locker beside her with rage several times, creating large dents. It was all he could do to keep from punching her front row teeth out. He had never known Mandy to be devious and racist. There had been no sign the whole time he had been dating her.

  But maybe it was because she never had cause to be until now.

  Mandy tsked several times with her mouth. "Now, now, Zack, watch your temper. You are acting like one of those black animals."

  With a great, big laugh, Mandy produced his phone from her purse and handed it over. "Bye Zack...have a nice life." She walked several steps and then turned around to say. "Oh, by the way, have fun jacking off to that big, baboon ass."

  Then she melded with the flow of students in the hallway, leaving her mocking laughter to burn on Zack's ears.

  Zack kicked the locker in front of him with all his rage, pretending it was Mandy's face.

  Mandy had played him for a fool. He should have never agreed to go to the dance with the bitch. Then this would have never happened. But none of this lamenting would help Keisha.

  The woman did not deserve this. She had a husband with kids and now it was all about to be ruined by Zack's selfishness. This was his fault for ruthlessly pursuing the teacher. He had to do something.

  He had to think of a way to help her out of her predicament...and fast.

  Chapter 25

  "Tell us everything you did, Mrs. Johnson," the D.A., a blonde, hateful-looking white bitch named Lynn demanded of her. The woman looked bitter; mad at what Keisha had been accused of doing with such a handsome young man. Keisha did not know why though, because with the black pantsuit and crop haircut the woman had, she looked like a dyke, and not the Klondike kind.

  "When, where, how many times, and anything else you can add, and you will be looking at a lesser sentence when you're convicted."

  Keisha sat there silently, stone-faced.

  She wasn't telling the hoe anything. She had told the investigator men that she would not speak without a lawyer present. And it wasn't going to change with the woman they had brought in. She was not going to admit to shit.

  "Just think about what's going to happen to your children while you rot in jail," Lynn hissed, leaning across the table. "Those little nappy-headed boys aren't going to have a mother to protect them—"

  "Bitch, I don't know who the fuck you think you calling nappy-headed with your racist, stringy-haired, pasty-faced ass! I don't give a fuck what you say about me, but you ain't about to be talking about my children like that!" Keisha was mad at herself as soon as the emotion-filled words had escaped her lips. The woman had purposely evoked her children in such a manner to elicit an angry reaction out of her, because so far she had not been able to get anything else.

  Lynn smiled, victorious. "I apologize," she said insincerely. "I went a little too far. But it is how the world will view them, after all."

  Keisha did not give a fuck how the world viewed anyone, least of all, racist pieces of trash.

  "So you are still refusing to talk," Lynn asked incredulously, "even though your children are going to be forced to watch their father fucking their Latin maid every day?"

  Keisha's head snapped around, the breath leaving her lungs. "What did you say?"

  Lynn's smile was sweet as sugar as she replied, "You mean you didn't know? Your man has been vacationing in Mexico for many months now...enjoying all that the young, spicy taco has to offer."

  "You are a lying bitch!" Keisha yelled, her face flaming with anger.

  Lynn shook her head, smiling sadly. "It's true. We already questioned your man and your babysitter to see if they knew anything about your interaction between your student." Lynn smiled gleefully. "They were clueless to your whorish behavior, of course, but in the process of the investigation they disclosed their affair, knowing that they could get eventually get into trouble for perjury if they are called to the witness stand at your trial."

  My god, Keisha thought with horror as the full realization at what she had done sunk in. There is going to be a trial. And that damn bastard Davonte was cheating on me all that time. I was so clueless. It's a damn shame that Zack immediately saw it, but I did not.

  Keisha supposed she was mad...but not that mad about the affair. The intimacy in her marriage had been gone for a long time...and in the end, Keisha had gotten hers.

  Yeah, I got mine, alright, she thought sarcastically. Landing my big ass straight into a jail cell.

  Lynn sat there staring at her with a penetrating gaze, waiting for her to say something. If the woman thought that she would get Keisha to talk simply because she had revealed Davonte had been cheating on her, she had another thing coming.

  I'll be damned if I just give up. Let these motha fuckas fight for the truth.

  Shaking her head with disbelief, Lynn prodded, "It's a shame, too...a math teacher letting her husband handle the finances while he squabbles a good portion of their livelihood away on a wet-back whore and porn. It must be a sad thing to be that desperate for dick."

  Keisha stared straight ahead with her jaw set, refusing to let the woman antagonize her anymore.

  What the woman was saying was way out of line. Keisha was sure that these bastard investigators were not supposed to be saying racist things to an interviewee, but she was well aware of how bigoted people broke protocol whenever they wanted.

  She really wanted to take her nails and rake them across the woman's smug face.

  "I don't see why you are trying to be uncooperative," Lynn said when she saw Keisha was not going to have an outburst. "We have evidence of you sending inappropriate pictures to the boy's phone, as well as inappropriate texts. Also, your little boy toy will soon be brought in for questioning." Lynn smirked. "I highly doubt he's going to protect you after he realizes what an awful woman you are, taking advantage of him like that."

  Bitch, please. Taking advantage of him my ass.

  Keisha had believed that Zack would never tell them anything, but she was troubled as to how they could have gotten the pictures she had sent Zack if he hadn't revealed anything to the authorities. "How did you get this supposed evidence?" Keisha asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

  I am so dumb. Zack's ass probably boasted to all his friends about fucking me. I totally deserve this shit...getting caught up in a younger, white guy lusting after me. What the hell was I thinking?

  "I can't reveal the exa
ct method," Lynn coyly replied, "but what I can tell you is that the information was downloaded from the victim's phone."

  Zack might have been many things, but he certainly was no victim.

  Keisha would have no way of knowing why Zack had done what he did. The police had confiscated her phone and would use it for evidence against her in trail, and she was to have no further contact with the young boy.

  Luckily for her, she had deleted the sent outbox...but Zack had kept the damning evidence which was now getting her into trouble.

  Lord, have mercy. The entire school is now looking at my big ass and all the texts I sent Zack and laughing at me. And you know what all the adult faculty members are going to say, "we took a chance and hired this black bitch and look what she did".

  Keisha felt so ashamed.

  How am I ever going to tell momma this one?

  They sat in silence for a minute before Lynn impatiently asked, "Well?"

  Keisha looked the blonde woman directly in the eyes and said, "I ain't telling you shit."

  Racist ass bitch.

  After a long pause, the woman stood up swiftly, looking like she wanted to slap Keisha across the face. "Be prepared to do three-to-ten years in a maximum-security facility...and for your husband to have five different kids by five different women while you're on the inside and for your kids to grow up and be street thugs, becoming another statistic of the young black male.

  Meanwhile, you'll be entered into our system as a sex offender with your face plastered across sex offender websites that will include information on where you live at and your past crimes." Lynn sneered. "You can kiss your pathetic career goodbye." Then the woman turned and left the room.

  Several minutes later, men showed up in to haul Keisha off to a holding room...and when they shut the door on her, it was like they were closing the door to her tomb.

  Chapter 26

  "How could you!" Mike yelled.

  Zack was sitting in his father's business office. His father was pacing back and forth behind his desk, glaring at his son with furious anger. Patricia sat nearby Zack, a full glass of wine in her hands.


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