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A Second Chance at Love

Page 3

by LK Shaw

  “I don’t do it all the time. Like I told you, it’s been over a year since I’ve been with anyone. I’m not some guy who picks up chicks to fuck and then moves on. It’s not the way I was built, Callie.”

  Finally, she turned toward me, her posture remaining defensive as though warding off my words.

  “And I’m not some woman who begs for a man’s affection. You made it perfectly clear where you stood Kyle. I wasn’t asking for a ring on my finger. Hell, I wasn’t even asking for the promise of a ring. We don’t even know each other. The only thing I was looking for from you was friendship with the chance to see if it became something more. You seem like a good guy, and we hit it off well. Look, I think it would be best if we just avoided each other this week. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to have breakfast with my girlfriends.”

  She breezed past me, shoulders stiff and proud. Her words replayed over and over in my mind as I watched her trudge down the sand back toward their house. Everything she said was true. We had gotten along well. Don’t get me wrong; the sex had been out of this world, crazy good. But that wasn’t what had drawn me to her. It was her spirit. She had this personality that rocked me to my core. She listened as though she could hear all the hidden meanings behind your words, but it wasn’t like she was analyzing you. She accepted you just the way you were, flaws and all. It was nurturing almost.

  Suddenly, it hit me that she was the type of person who would never leave you. She would stick with you through thick and thin. No matter your relationship. Callie was the type of person you wanted to be friends with, because you knew she was the real deal. I hated that I’d caused her pain, and I swore I would do what I could to repair our relationship, even if we wound up just being friends. I needed all the friends I could get.



  After I walked away from Kyle, I headed back into the house to see about breakfast. Skye and Journey’s bedroom doors were still closed, so I assumed they were still sleeping. Liana’s was open, but the house was quiet. I peeked outside and saw her and Gannon sitting on a sand dune. Looked like they were having a pretty serious conversation. I was curious to know what was going on between them, but it wasn’t any of my business. Since it seemed as though breakfast was going to be on my own, I remembered this sensational diner my parents and I went to regularly each year. It was a little dive-y, but the prices were low and the food fantastic.

  After writing a note to the girls, I jogged down the stairs and hopped in the car. I rolled the windows down and cranked the radio up when my favorite song just happened to come on the radio, even though it was still practically the ass crack of dawn. I bobbed my head up and down to the music as I headed down the road.

  Sooner than I thought, I arrived at the diner. The waitress at the end of the counter shouted for me to have a seat wherever I wanted. I slid into a booth at the far end of the restaurant away from the rest of the crowd. The waitress brought me a menu, and I was so focused on deciding what I wanted that I didn’t see the man headed toward my table until I was jarred to attention when he slid into the booth on the other side of my table.

  “Kyle, what are you doing here?”

  He took the menu out of my hand, and his eyes moved side to side as he perused the menu now in front of him, acting as though he hadn’t a care in the world.

  “I’m getting breakfast, of course.” He said it like my question was the dumbest thing he’d ever been asked.

  I snatched the menu back from him and pulled it to my chest as though I was guarding it against some type of wrongdoing. I had the childish urge to stick my tongue out at him. Just then the waitress returned with my coffee.

  “What can I get you to drink, darlin’?” She was lucky she was sixty if she was a day, because I wanted to scratch her eyes out at the syrupy sweet drawl. Even more so when Kyle gave her a slow sexy smile that showed off his white teeth.

  “I’d love a coffee too, please. With cream and two sugars.”

  The older woman blushed as though no one had ever smiled at her before as she asked if we were ready to order. We both placed our orders, and the waitress scuttled off.

  “I like a woman with a healthy appetite. Nothing worse than a woman who orders a salad on a date when she really wants an eight ounce ribeye.”

  “This isn’t a date.” I hated that his charm was starting to work on me again. I hated that I couldn’t figure out what his game was. Everything that needed to be said had been said either in Miami or on the pier earlier.

  “Never said it was. We’re just two friends having breakfast together.” He cast that same charming, toothy smile my way when he said it. But, when I looked closer, I saw the tension around his eyes and the white-knuckled grip he had on his hands. As though he was fervently grasping his hands in prayer that I wouldn’t walk away from him this time. Wondering if I was making the second biggest mistake of my life, I nodded.

  “You’re right. Just two friends enjoying each other’s company this morning.”

  A slight puff of air escaped his lips, and I realized he’d also been holding his breath as he waited to see how I’d reply. At first, our conversation was awkward and uncomfortable, neither of us wanted to cross an unwritten line, but as we each ate our food, I felt myself relaxing more in his presence. Pretty soon it was like we were old friends. We avoided talking about the future or even anything sexual. We just enjoyed each other’s company. Time passed quickly, and when I glanced at my watch, I was startled to see how late it had gotten. I needed to get going and check on the others.

  “I’ve had a great time this morning.”

  “Me too. I’d like to spend more time with you. I know you’re here with your girlfriends, and I’m here with my buddies, but maybe we can grab dinner or something while we’re here. And I think we’re having a bonfire tonight if you all want to swing by.”

  I considered his invitation and hoped I didn’t regret agreeing to spend more time together. Without a doubt, Kyle had the capacity to break my heart.

  “I’d really enjoy that. Thank you. Well, I better head out. I’d hate for anyone to send out a search party for me.”

  After paying for our meal, I resisted the urge to flinch when Kyle guided me out to our vehicles with his hand at the small of my back. He barely touched me, but the heat radiated off his hand, and my body temperature rose several degrees. He opened my door for me, and after a little wave good-bye, I sped off down the street. I was just a few short blocks away when I spotted Liana and Gannon outside another diner. I beeped my horn and rolled to a stop next to them.

  “Hey, you two. How’s it going?” I leaned on my elbow through the open window. “I was just on my way back to drag you out to the beach with me. Hi, Gannon.”

  He gave me a casual wave. Liana turned to speak to him before getting in the passenger side. We waved goodbye to him and headed back to the house.

  “How the hell did you two end up together?” I asked once Gannon was in the rearview mirror. Liana didn’t have an answer for me.

  After we got back to the house, Liana said she wanted to do some shopping. Since I hated stepping foot in any retail store, I told her I’d pass. Besides, I was ready to get some sunshine. I needed to free my mind from everything. Either that or spend the whole day trying to figure out what I was going to do about Kyle. It would probably be the latter.



  The guys and I spent the day drinking beer and playing foosball, air hockey, and pool. The state-of-the-art game room was every big kid’s wet dream. The coolest thing about the room was that it was on the bottom floor of the house with French doors that opened up to the patio with direct beach access. We fired up the grill and kept one door open to hear the ocean sounds in the background. We turned on the two ceiling fans in the giant room to help circulate the air. The day passed quickly, and I was proud of the fact that I only thought of Callie once or a hundred times.

  I made a quick run to the store to get some firewood for the
bonfire. As Trevor got the fire going, I cranked up the music and grabbed some beers for the guys. A noise from next door had my attention. Callie, Journey, and Skye were upstairs on their deck laughing and having a good time. It was crazy to believe that somehow each of us had managed to form a connection with one of the girls. Granted, three of us previously knew each other in some way already, but there had to have been some reason why it was this trip where we all found each other again. I expected there was a bigger plan for each of us. It was time I embraced it, because Callie and I were together again for a reason. Who was I to question it?

  “Hey, ladies! How many times do we have to ask you to come on over? Quit hiding out over there and join the party.”

  They all leaned over their deck at my yell and apparently they’d been drinking more than I realized, because they all started giggling like I’d said something hilarious.

  “We know, but we didn’t want to impose.” This came from Skye.

  “It’s no imposition. Come on down.” I hollered back.

  One by one, they disappeared out of view. Within moments, they joined us. The next few hours were spent laughing and having a great time. Except Gannon. He appeared to be having fun, but the smile never quite reached his eyes, and he was constantly glancing back at the ladies’ house. When he caught me watching him a couple times, he played it off even though we both knew what he'd been doing.

  Out of nowhere, a yell sounded from across the fire.

  “Hey, Liana! About time you got back. Get over here and join us.” Journey waved at the woman tentatively walking toward us, a huge number of shopping bags in her hands. She looked decidedly uncomfortable with everyone’s attention on her. Her eyes scanned the group as though looking for someone. She tried to mask the flinch when Gannon stepped out of the house.

  “Last case, unless someone what to make a beer run.” Carrying a twenty-four case of beer, Gannon strolled across the distance between our houses.

  Gannon passed out some beers before heading toward Liana with one. Wanting to give them some privacy, I made my way over to where Callie sat on a large log and plopped down next to her. We both stared into the fire, neither of us speaking. Thankfully, the silence between us was comfortable.

  “Did you do anything exciting today?”

  She shook her head and took a sip of beer. “Worked on my tan. Took a nap. That was pretty much about it. That’s the one thing I love about these yearly get-togethers. There’s no pressure to do anything. The days are ours to do with what we want and then the nights are to hang out and have fun. It works for us. We don’t talk about work or home. We reminisce. We talk about The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and The Real Housewives of Atlanta.”

  I groaned, over exaggerating my agony. “Please don’t tell me you watch that reality show crap?”

  Her infectious laughter had me chuckling with her. Between the firelight and the moonlight, her face shone brightly, and her eyes sparkled even this late at night. I could drown in her eyes and die a happy man.

  “I don’t watch it, but a couple of the other girls do. It’s still fun to laugh about the ridiculousness of it. I mean, for real, the lives those women lead. And the drama? Don’t get me started on it. But I do love The Walking Dead. It’s my guilty pleasure.”

  I studied her for a few minutes, her beauty breathtaking in the night sky. I opened my mouth to ask if she wanted to get out of here when Journey asked Gannon about his promotion. We all congratulated him and questions ensued about why they ever got divorced. From next to me, Callie dug her elbow into my side.

  I knew it was none of my business, but I’d been friends with Gannon for almost as long as he’d been divorced. He never discussed it, but even after all this time, I knew how broken up he’d been. We were guys though, so we didn’t dig too deeply into our emotions. A minor argument occurred after I asked if she’d sent him a “Dear John” letter, especially when I couldn’t keep the bitterness out of my voice. Offended and upset, Liana stormed off with Gannon following her shortly after.

  Callie made a sound of disgust from beside me, rose, and walked out toward the water. Knowing I needed to apologize, I went after her. When I stepped up beside her and matched our strides as we wandered down the beach, I formed my response.

  “I wasn’t trying to be a dick to your friend, and I’m sorry I upset her. Her leaving him when she should have been his biggest support struck me wrong. But how they handled their relationship is none of my business, and I’m sorry.”

  “Who hurt you?”

  I sighed in resignation, because I should have expected the question. In all this time, we’d avoided talking about past relationships. If we had any chance of forming something long-term, I knew I needed to open up to her. It was a struggle though. It had taken me months before I even opened up fully to my therapist back home. Feelings were meant to be tucked away, hidden from view until you forgot about them. They were too painful sometimes to bring out and analyze.

  “My ex-fiancée. We’d been together five years when I was injured in Afghanistan. One day, after I’d come back to the States and was still recuperating and learning to adjust to having only one leg, she decided she was tired of all the doctor appointments, the physical therapy, the mental therapy, all of it. I came home to a letter on the kitchen counter saying she couldn’t deal with it anymore.”

  My heart skipped a beat when her hand brushed mine, especially when the next time, she clasped mine in hers and intertwined our fingers. We continued walking hand in hand, the sound of the waves crashing against the sand, the night sky embracing us in our own private oasis.

  “She didn’t deserve you, and you’re better off without her. Either way, I’m sorry that happened to you. They say a relationship is fifty-fifty. I disagree. A relationship is hard work and requires both people to put in one hundred percent. If you both aren’t giving it your everything, then it’s doomed to fail. No relationship is perfect, but then, nothing is.”

  Something in her voice caught my attention. I stopped and with my free hand reached up to cup her cheek.

  “I think you’re pretty perfect.”

  She briefly leaned into my touch before turning her head and walking again, forcing me to either let go of her hand or continue along with her.

  “I’m far from perfect. Do you know that you’re the first man I’ve slept with in five years? Five years of rebuilding my confidence and self-esteem. I used to be so secure in myself, until I’d had the security beaten out of me.”

  She winced when I practically crushed her hand in rage at her words. I quickly loosened my grip and rubbed my thumb across hers, trying to soothe the pain I’d unintentionally caused.

  “I’ll kill him. Whoever hurt you will die a slow and painful death.”

  “He’s not worth it. Besides, it was a long time ago. I’ve become a better version of myself since I left him. I’m content with my life.”

  “Content isn’t happy, you know. I can tell you that. After Leslie, I guarded my heart, never letting my emotions get the better of me. It hurt less that way. But, I have no one in my life. It’s a lonely existence.”

  Callie spoke so softly, I barely heard her. “You have me.”



  My heart broke for Kyle. Both of us had our dreams shattered by those we thought loved us. It had taken a long time for me to recover from Travis, but from the sound of it, Kyle still hadn’t gotten over his ex-fiancée. Or at least from how she’d left him. Bitterness was a difficult pill to swallow. And Kyle was choking on it. Even if he didn’t realize it. I fully believed that was why he’d pushed me away in Miami.

  I had no expectations that this thing between us would miraculously heal him, but life was tough enough without going at it solo. He had his military friends back at the house, and I knew he cherished his friendships with those guys. I’m sure being around them was therapeutic for him. I wasn’t trying to play psychologist and analyze his relationships. Even ours. Although, I woul
dn’t classify what we had as a relationship, per se. I needed to stop trying to fit us inside some box and just be his friend. Even if I was a friend who desperately wanted him. He’d pushed me away the last time. If he wanted anything to happen, he was going to have to make the first move. Until then, I’d be there for him.

  He must have read my mind because the next thing I knew, he tugged on my arm and pulled me into his embrace. Slowly, as though gauging my response, he bent down and brushed his lips across mine. He kept his kisses light as butterfly wings, dropping them all over my face. He rested his forehead on mine, our mouths close, breathing in each other.

  “I don’t know if I can be what you need, but I have to try. Try to be a stronger man. For you. For me. For what could be between us. I can’t make you any promises. Can you live with that?”

  “Nothing is ever promised, Kyle. I’ve learned to take each day as it comes. Carpe diem and all that shit.”

  His strangled laughter echoed in the air. Considering I didn’t fancy sand up my ass, I led the way back to our house. Unsurprisingly, it took us no time at all to reach the house. We were both in a hurry to find some privacy. We quickly, but quietly, entered the house and practically tiptoed up the stairs to my bedroom, with me praying each step of the way that we didn’t encounter any of the girls.

  Thankfully, the coast was clear and once the bedroom door was closed, we frantically began tearing each other’s clothes off. Kyle didn’t even take the time to remove his prosthetic. A strangled gasp escaped when Kyle picked me up and flung me onto the bed. He quickly followed, covering my body with his as his mouth crashed down on mine.

  His hands skimmed every inch of my body he could reach. My core throbbed, and I begged for his touch.


  His mouth broke from mine, but his fingers continued their path up my thigh, stopping just short of where I was desperate for his touch.


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