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Building Bridges (Sater's Creek Book 4)

Page 12

by Megs Pritchard

  Elias arched a brow and pointed at the wall. “Really. I mean, I like dicks as much as the next gay man, but I don’t like children drawing them on my wall. My bedroom wall along with a nice-sized pair of balls.”

  Tim sucked his lips in, and Elias could see he was struggling not to laugh. “Eli—”

  “Go.” Elias pointed toward his bedroom door. “Just go, and I’ll sort this out, but those two aren’t allowed in my room.”

  “Got it, Eli.”

  Once Tim had left, Eli sat on the edge of his bed and picked up his cell. They redecorated my room.


  Wait. I’ll send you a picture. Elias snapped one and sent it to Lachlan, who quickly responded.

  That’s very artistic. Low-hanging nuts with a nice-sized dick.

  Artistic! There’s nothing fucking artistic about that. I’ve got to get it off, or I’ll be going to sleep with it.



  It’s fucking hilarious, Eli.

  Elias chuckled and looked at the pictures. They are little shits.

  At least they drew something they knew you’d like.

  They shouldn’t know I like dicks! Aren’t they too young for that?

  How should I know? That’s Rory’s area, not mine. Make the kids clean it up as punishment. They’ll think twice about doing it again, or you could send them over here, and I’ll have them muck out the stables.

  Elias chuckled darkly. Stables sounds good. I’ll have them clean the walls and tell them if they do it again, they have to come over to yours to help clean the stables.

  Nice! That should work.


  Got to go. Bax is here.

  Have fun.

  Elias grunted and pocketed his cell as he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen, where the two boys stood, with their heads hung low. Tim stood in front of them, his hands on his hips, pointing at the sink. Elias furrowed his brow as he looked at Bax, who smirked and shrugged, pointing back to Tim.

  “The boys are going upstairs to clean your walls, Eli. They won’t do it again, will you?” Tim asked his sons.

  “Oh, don’t worry,” Elias said before they could answer. “If you do it again, you’ll go over to Rory and Lachlan’s place and clean the stables. I’m sure you’ll love that job. All that smelly horse shit.”

  “Dad! Uncle Eli said a naughty word,” Mac said, pointing at Elias.

  “It’s not like I haven’t heard you say that same word, is it, Mac? When you’re in your bedroom and you think no one’s here, I hear all sorts of things,” Tim told him, his hands on his hips as he glared at Mac.

  Mac swallowed, his face paling. “Sorry, Dad.”

  Tim shook his head and pointed at the sink again. “Get all the cleaning stuff and sort that out.”

  Eli watched the boys get a bucket and fill it with water and then grab some cleaner before running from the kitchen. As soon as they left, the three brothers looked to each other and laughed. “Now I know how our parents felt,” Tim said, shaking his head. “I’m surprised we made it to adults.”

  “Remember how Dad used to get that throbbing vein in his forehead when he was really pissed at us?” Bax said. “I saw that and knew I had to find a way out of there; otherwise I was in deep shit.”

  “I learned from you two, so I knew what to avoid or how to hide what I’d done better.” Elias chuckled.

  “You were good at hiding,” Tim muttered, throwing a dark look at Elias.

  “We’re not starting that again, are we?”

  “Still hurts, you know. I understand why you hid it, why you lied, but I hate the fact that you had to go through that. It doesn’t matter to Bax and me who you like, and it wouldn’t have mattered back then.”

  “Not that we can do much about it now, can we, Tim?” Bax said. “It’s over and done with, and at least Eli can tell us the truth now.” Bax turned to Elias and smiled easily, waggling his eyebrows. “So, you and Lachlan?”

  “There’s nothing to tell.” Elias shrugged. “We’ve been messaging each other.”

  “Just messaging?” Tim smirked. “I heard you two did more than messaging.”

  “Bax! I knew I shouldn’t have told you anything.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. To make your life hell.” He threw a look at Tim and said, “They kissed.”

  “Aww. Is our little Eli in love?” Tim teased. “I luuvvee you, honey.”

  Elias crossed his arms over his chest and asked, “Do you want to stay here tonight?”

  Tim and Bax laughed. “I’m just glad you’re happy. I think about high school and when you were there and hiding… Nah, it doesn’t matter now, does it? You’re an out and proud gay man, doing all that man stuff, which I don’t need to know anything about.” Tim gave him a look. “Really don’t need to know about the man love.”

  “I am out and proud, and I am happy to be me. But thanks for the support.”

  “Dinner at the Sunshine Diner?” Bax asked.

  “That’s if the gruesome twosome has finished cleaning my bedroom.”

  “I’ll go up there and make them work!” Bax rubbed his hands together.




  My place?

  Sure. What time?

  8pm. Bax is at his house tonight. Place is almost ready.


  It had been a long week of messaging and flirting, and tonight, Lachlan would finally see Elias. He had been dying to find out what was underneath those clothes, to touch Eli’s naked body, and finally, the day had arrived where he could do that.

  He had jobs to finish and then a long shower to make sure he was squeaky clean. A full week off getting to know Elias and the teasing nature of their messages had Lachlan more than ready. He only hoped Elias felt the same way.

  Lachlan paused outside the barn before slowly walking in. Sampson stood in his stall, and Lachlan cautiously approached. The horse hadn’t been properly trained and been on sale for a bargain because the owner couldn’t cope. A strong-willed horse that didn’t want to follow the rules, but Kian had taken one look and said Sampson was the one.

  He had to admit Kian had found a handsome colt. At two years, Sampson still had plenty of growing to do, and it was Lachlan’s job to help ease him in. He’d been around horses since before he could walk, so this wasn’t new territory for him, but he couldn’t recall ever having to train a horse like him.

  Sampson was black except for a white spot on his chest. Lachlan watched him as the horse watched him in return like they were sizing each other up. Lachlan half smiled and slowly made his way over. Picking out an apple from the bag he carried, he held it out and crooned softly.

  “Good boy.”

  Sampson nudged the apple, then knocked it from Lachlan’s hand. It fell in his stall, and Sampson’s head disappeared. He heard footsteps approach from behind but didn’t acknowledge them. His whole focus was on the colt.

  “He is handsome,” Rory murmured next to him.

  “Skittish, which is to be expected.”

  “Untrained from what Da said.”

  Lachlan nodded. “But he has great potential. From what Kian told me, the previous owner couldn’t handle him and was thinking of selling him for slaughter.”

  Rory hissed. “Shit. Why do people do that?”

  “It’s the easy way out, isn’t it? Can’t bend a horse or any animal to your will, and you either abuse it or get rid of it.”

  Rory grunted but didn’t comment, and Lachlan watched Sampson. Once he’d finished the apple, he lifted his head and stared at both of them. Lachlan tentatively reached out his hand and let him sniff it before turning it slightly and gently touching his nose. Sampson snorted but allowed Lachlan to stroke his nose again.

  He quickly pulled another apple out his bag and held it up so Sampson could reach it, and the horse did the same thing as before. Lachlan looked at Rory, then nodded toward th
e barn door. Rory nodded in agreement. He followed Rory as they left the barn, glancing over his shoulder to see Sampson watching them before he walked outside.

  “How long do you think it’s going to take?” Rory asked when they stepped outside.

  Lachlan shrugged and furrowed his brow. He honestly didn’t know, but he knew it wouldn’t be easy…for either of them. “All depends on the horse, doesn’t it? He’s two years old and has had barely any training at all. From what I can gather, he was removed from his dam far too early.”

  “Of course he was taken away from his mom too soon.” Rory shook his head, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “You definitely have your hands full, then. Let me know if you need any help. I’ll have the parents look after Keegan.”

  “What about Tucker?”

  “He’ll probably be with us watching what we do. You know he’s interested in how the farm runs and wants to learn more. He’s been over several times to see how you do things.”

  “I know he has, but he has his business now. The online side of things is taking off. He doesn’t have a lot of time, and what time he does have, he spends with Keegan.”

  “He sees himself as part of the family, and if we need him, he’ll be there for us,” Rory reminded him.

  Lachlan nodded. “Yeah, the parents do love him like another son.”

  “So, Elias?” Rory asked with a glint in his eyes.

  “I’m going over there tonight.”

  Rory grinned and waggled his eyebrows. “Be prepared.”

  “That might not happen,” Lachlan said, shrugging and struggling to keep a straight face.

  Rory burst out laughing, shaking his head. “Please. You have to have been texting each other every day. I know you’ve been on the countdown until his brother was due to leave.” They walked over to the house, and Rory asked, “Does it feel strange being attracted to him?”

  “I thought he was fit as fuck back in high school, and that hasn’t changed now. You’re right, Ro. We can’t change the past, but he wants to make up for it.” Lachlan grinned saucily and bit his lip. “I want to see what he looks like with no clothes on.”

  Rory shook his head, smiling at him. “Just be careful this time.”

  “It’s just sex. And it’s an itch we both need to scratch.” Shrugging, he added, “This just might be a onetime thing, who knows?”

  Rory stared at him in disbelief. “I’ve seen the looks you two give each other, even when you’re screaming at each other. It’s not going to be a onetime thing, Lach, and I think you know that.”

  Lachlan looked away and rubbed the back of his neck. No, he didn’t think it would be a one-night thing either. He wasn’t sure where it was going, and more importantly, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to follow its path. He’d been hurt far too many times, and here he was with Elias, his high school bully.

  Even though he was moving on from what had happened in the past, he wasn’t sure if he could do a long-term relationship with Elias. He knew he could have sex with the man, had no problems throwing Elias on the ground and pounding his ass. A one-night stand? Yes. More than that? Definitely not sure.

  He glanced over at Rory, who stared at him with a worried look on his face. “I guess we’ll see where it goes, but don’t worry. I won’t do anything stupid this time. Trust me when I say I’ve learned my lesson.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure.”

  Lachlan heard the uncertainty in Rory’s voice and reached out to grip his shoulder. “I am, and I need to get ready for tonight.”

  They both walked into the house, taking their boots off in the mudroom. Lachlan smiled at Rory before he went upstairs. He was having sex tonight, and he couldn’t wait.

  “The love shack is a little love place—oof!”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Elias groused as Bax laughed.

  “Nope. I’m having far too much fun. You and Lachlan. Can you believe it? After everything that happened in high school, the guy is coming here.” Bax waggled his eyebrows. “Coming, get it?” Bax laughed again, and Elias couldn’t stop the chuckle from escaping.

  “We might just sit and talk.”

  Bax burst out laughing again. “Sit and talk? No fucking chance.” Bax spun around the room and said, “You’re cleaning this place up, and I know you changed the sheets on your bed.”

  Elias blushed, actually blushed, which made Bax laugh even harder. “I hate you sometimes,” he grumbled.

  Bax laughed again. “No, you don’t. You’re just annoyed that I know you too well.” Bax stopped laughing and, on a more serious note, asked, “Are you sure about this? Given the history between the two of you.”

  “Yeah, I am.” Elias sat on the chair and looked up at Bax. “I can’t change what I did back then, and he seems to have finally accepted my apology. I like him, Bax. I did back then. That hasn’t changed. It seems he feels the same way.” Elias shrugged. “I guess we’ll have to see where this goes.”

  “What if he’s doing this to get back at you?” Bax asked seriously, frowning as he watched Elias. “I don’t want you to get hurt, and Sater’s Creek isn’t a large place. You’re bound to run into each other if this doesn’t go well.”

  “I guess I just have to take a chance and trust that he isn’t doing this to get back at me. We all start relationships with the hope that maybe this is the one, but we don’t know for certain, do we? We start a new relationship and give it our best, and if it works, it works. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. This is exactly the same regardless of our past, and I want to see if we have something. I like him, Bax.”

  Bax sighed and sat next to him. “I know you do, and that’s what has me worried.”

  “Well, I’m a big boy now. I think I can take care of myself.”

  Bax sighed again but didn’t say anything. He just sat next to him in silence. Elias sat back on the sofa and rubbed his hands over his face, sighing deeply. He did want something more. Sex definitely, he was hard just thinking about Lachlan naked, but maybe something more long-term would come out of it.

  He liked the idea of waking up in the same bed as Lachlan. Liked the idea of seeing him when he finished work. Maybe he was rushing into things, not thinking things through, but he’d hidden who he was for a long time. His gut was telling him he was making the right decision where Lachlan was concerned. And his gut hadn’t proved him wrong yet.

  Standing, he stretched and grunted when he felt a twinge in his back. “Shit. Need to do more exercising.”

  “That’s what happens when you get older. Your body starts to fall apart.”

  “Thanks, Bax. Just what I wanted to hear. Get your stuff and fuck off so I can finish cleaning.”

  “Oooh,” Bax sang. “Gotta get the place all nice and tidy for lover boy.”

  Elias rolled his eyes. “That’s it. Get out.” Elias pointed to the door.

  Bax stood and walked away, laughing. Over his shoulder, he shouted, “Don’t forget condoms and lube!” After a few more steps, he shouted, “Sex toys! Ask Brad and Reece’s parents for tips!” Bax carried on laughing, and Elias shook his head. Yeah, like that would happen. Not!

  Now he couldn’t get the image out of his mind. “Bax! I hate you!”

  He heard Bax laughing from above. “Now you know what I’ve had going through my mind since I found out!”

  “But I didn’t! Why would you do that to me?”

  “Just sharing the brotherly love!”


  “Get yourself tarted up for your date. Squeaky clean!”

  “Fuck my life,” Elias muttered, shaking his head and closing his eyes. At least his brothers accepted his sexuality, but did they have to… they were like Brad and Reece’s parents. “Shit.”

  Then there was Lachlan, who was pretty straight talking too, which Elias liked. He wanted to know where he stood, and Lachlan had no problem telling him, and being punched in the face enforced it. Not that he’d hit Elias after that first time, and they’d had a few ups and down
s since then. At least, it appeared that Lachlan was willing to let go of the past, and Elias was grateful for the chance Lachlan was giving him.

  He’d always liked him, and he hadn’t hidden that fact from Lachlan once they started talking. Now they could explore their mutual attraction… once Bax had left.

  “Are you leaving or what?” Why haven’t you left yet?

  “What? Can’t you wait to fuck him or have him fuck you?”

  “Bax,” Elias warned.

  “How am I supposed to know? You’ve never told me if you top, bottom, or are versatile.”

  “Do you let your girlfriends fuck you up the ass with a strap on?”

  Bax tapped his chin. “Never thought about it. Is it as good as I’ve heard having your prostate touched?”

  “Bax,” Elias growled.

  “What? I’m serious. When you came out, I read some shit, and that was one thing that came up a lot.” Bax tilted his head. “I’m genuinely curious.”

  “Okay.” Elias could answer that. “If you’re with the right person, it’s amazing.”

  “Huh. Maybe I should talk to Brad and Reece’s parents.”

  Elias snorted. “Just prepare yourself. I heard they used a rubber band to show how to stretch the ass.”

  “I heard that one too, from Brad. He was horrified.”

  Elias chuckled. “Can’t see our parents doing that. The whole sex talk…” Elias shuddered.

  Bax winced. “An experience I never want to go through again.” He grabbed his bag and grinned. “Have fun tonight!”

  “Thanks. I will.”

  Elias smiled. He would have lots of fun tonight.


  THE FOOD SMELLED delicious, and Lachlan leaned on the counter, nursing a beer as he watched Elias cook. He had on another tight T-shirt like Elias knew how much they affected him. With the tight jeans… Lachlan licked his lips, eager for the night to move on.

  Lachlan’s eyes dropped down to the noticeable bulge in Elias’s jeans, and he smiled when Elias coughed. “How’s the horse coming on?”

  Licking his lips again, Lachlan slowly raised his eyes up Elias’s body. “Slow, but I don’t want to rush anything. He needs to learn to trust me. He can’t even walk on a halter, so it’s baby steps.”


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