Alexander I: Tsar of War and Peace

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Alexander I: Tsar of War and Peace Page 66

by Alan Palmer

Hobhouse, John Cam, on A, 1, 2

  Hohenlinden, battle of (1800), 1

  Holy Alliance, Treaty of (1815), 1, 2n;

  read in Russian churches, 1;

  A’s intentions in, 1, 2;

  conspiracies against doctrines of, 1

  Hungary, visit of Allied sovereigns to (1814), 1, 2

  Ibrahim Pasha, commands army against Greeks (1825), 1

  India, Franco-Russian invasion of: preliminaries for, ordered by Tsar Paul (1801), 1;

  proposed by Napoleon (1808), 1

  Ionian Islands: Russia claims protectorate over, 1;

  ceded to France (1807), 1;

  become British protectorate, 1

  Italy: Russian victories over France in (1799), 1;

  Napoleon conquers northern, 1,

  and crowns himself King of (1805), 1;

  plans for future of (at Chaumont), 1, (at Vienna) 2;

  unrest in (1820–1), 1, 2;

  A offers troops to suppress unrest, 1, 2;

  Austrian army to be sent to Naples, 1, 2

  Jefferson, President, on A, 1

  Jena, battle of (1806), 1;

  Napoleon and A visit field of, 1

  Jerome Bonaparte, as King of Westphalia, 1, 2

  Jersey, Countess of, partners A at balls, 1, 2

  Jesuits, establish school in St Petersburg, 1

  Jewish communities in Germany, civil rights of, 1, 2n

  Joseph, Archduke, Palatine of Hungary, 1;

  death of wife of (A’s sister Alexandra), 1

  Josephine, wife of Napoleon: Napoleon’s letters to, 1, 2, 3;

  divorce of, 1; 2;

  A’s friendship with, 1, 2;

  death of, 1

  Jung-Stilling, J. H., A meets, 1

  Kalisch Treaty, between Prussia and Russia (1812), 1, 2

  Kamensky, Marshal: nominal commander-in-in-chief (1806), 1, 2

  Kamensky, P. General: takes Silistria (1810), 1

  Kammionyi Island, St Petersburg: A’s villa on, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  Maria Naryshkin’s villa on, 1;

  Caulaincourt’s villa on, 1, 2

  Karaite Jewish community, near Sebastopol: A visits, 1

  Karamzin, Nikolai: rebuked for translating Cicero, 1;

  and educational reform, 1;

  pleads for strong autocratic government, 1

  Karazin, Vassili, and A’s accession, 1

  Kazan, university of, 1

  Kazan Cathedral, St Petersburg, 1, 2;

  silence of crowd at (Sept. 1812), 1;

  rejoicing of crowd at (Oct. 1812), 1

  Kharkov, university of, 1n, 2

  Knights of St John, Malta: Tsar Paul as champion of, against French, 1, 2n, 3

  Kochubey, Count Victor, diplomat: and A, 1, 2;

  member of Secret Committee, 1, 2, 3;

  in charge of foreign affairs, 1, 2;

  with A at Memel, 1, 2, 3;

  Minister of the Interior, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  Speransky as deputy for, 1;

  on educational reform, 1;

  consulted on Council of State, 1;

  complains of Ministry of Police, 1

  Königsberg: A meets Frederick William at (1808), 1;

  French evacuate (1812), 1

  Kosciuszko, Tadeusz, Polish leader, 1, 2;

  A meets, 1

  Koshelev, Rodion, Grand Master of Court, 1, 2, 3

  Kotzebue, August, German dramatist, assassinated (1819), 1

  Krasnoe Selo, Empress Elizabeth on domination of army at, 1

  Kremlin, Moscow: Empress Catherine in residence at, 1;

  A at, 1, 2;

  Napoleon rides into (1812), 1;

  A’s body at (1825), 1

  Kronstadt dockyard, 1

  Krüdener, Baroness Julie von, evangelical prophetess, 1;

  A hears of, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  A meets (1815), 1, 2;

  and Holy Alliance, 1;

  A loses faith in, 1, 2;

  A meets again (1819), 1, 2, 3,

  and sends messages to, 1;

  asks in vain for interview with A (1824), 1;

  retires to Crimea, 1;

  death of, 1;

  daughter and son-in-law of, in Crimea, 1

  Kurakin, Prince: at Tilsit, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  Ambassador in Vienna, 1;

  Speransky as secretary to, 1;

  Ambassador in Paris, 1, 2, 3;

  transmits to Napoleon A’s proposals for a settlement (1812), 1, 2

  Kusmich, Fyodor, Siberian starets (holy man), 1

  Kutuzov, Mikhail, Prince and Marshal: in Paul’s reign, 1;

  commands Russian advance-guard (1805), 1, 2;

  character and earlier career, 1, 2, 3;

  with A at Olmütz, 1;

  at Austerlitz, 1;

  recuperating in Kiev, 1;

  on Turkish Front (1811–12), 1, 2, 3;

  appointed commander against Napoleon (1812), 1, 2;

  at Borodino, 1;

  abandons Moscow, 1, 2;

  hostility of A towards, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  counter-offensive in 1812, 1;

  reluctant to advance into Germany, 1, 2;

  receives A at Vilna (Dec., 1812), 1;

  and 1813 Campaign, 1, 2, 3;

  death, 1.

  La Harpe, Frederick Caesar: tutor to A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

  A’s letters to, 1, 2, 3;

  A invites to Russia, 1, 2;

  in Vienna, 1

  Lafayette, Marquis de, A meets, 1

  Laibach, meeting of sovereigns at (1821), 1, 2

  Lamb, Lady Caroline: in Paris, 1;

  Glenarvon by, 1

  Land Cadet Corps College, 1

  landowning nobility: and Czartoryski, 1, 2;

  and Speransky’s reforms, 1, 2, 3;

  and A’s peace policies, 1

  Langeron, Comte de, Russian commander, 1;

  at battle of Austerlitz, 1, 2

  Lannes, Marshal, French commander, 1, 2

  Lanskoy, Count Vassili, Russian Senator: made chairman of provisional Supreme Council for Poland, 1;

  objects to Poles having army, 1

  Lauriston, Marquis de: French Ambassador in St Petersburg, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  sent to A to ask for peace (1812), 1

  laws of Russia, codification of, 1, 2, 3, 4

  League of Armed Neutrality (1801), 1

  Lebzeltern, Ludwig von: Austrian envoy to St Petersburg, 1;

  in Vilna, 1;

  in Kalisch, 1;

  Ambassador in St Petersburg, 1, 2

  Lee, Dr Robert, physician to Vorontsov, 1, 2, 3

  Leipzig, battle of (1813), 1, 2

  Liechtenstein, Prince Johann von: at Olmütz (1805), 1;

  Austrian commander at Austerlitz, 1, 2;

  sent to Napoleon to seek peace, 1

  Lieven, Dorothea: on death of Tsar Paul, 1;

  on Grand Duchess Catherine, 1;

  on A in London, 1;

  in Russia (1825), 1

  Lieven, Paul, aide-de-camp to A at Tilsit, 1;

  ambassador in London, 1, 2

  Lithuania, A considers proclaiming Grand Duchy of, 1

  Liverpool, Lord: British Foreign Secretary (as Lord Hawkesbury), 1, 2;

  Prime Minister (1812–27), 1

  Lobanov-Rotovsky, Prince Dmitri: as peace emissary to Napoleon (1807), 1, 2;

  at Tilsit, 1

  Loewenstern, General, Prussian in Russian army, 1

  London, banquet to Allied sovereigns given by City of, 1

  Londonderry, Lady, at Verona, 1, 2

  Lopukhin, Prince, consulted on Council of State, 1

  Louis XVIII of France: called to throne (1814), 1;

  A and (1814), 1, 2;

  reaches Paris ahead of A (1815), 1;

  calls on A, 1;

  and Congress of Aix, 1, 2

  Louise, Princess of Baden, 1, 2;

  takes name Elizabeth on marriage to A, 1;

  see further under Elizabeth Alexievna

uise, Queen, wife of Frederick William III of Prussia, 1, 2, 3;

  A and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  Napoleon and private correspondence of, 1;

  summoned to Tilsit, 1, 2, 3;

  in St Petersburg, 1, 2;

  meets Julie von Krüdener, 1;

  death of, 1

  Lübeck, reconstituted as Free City, 1

  Lützen, battle of (1813), 1

  Macdonald, Marshal, and Napoleon’s abdication, 1, 2

  Maevsky, General, assistant to Arakcheev, 1

  Magnitsky, M. L., publicist, involved in ousting of Golitsyn, 1, 2

  Mahmud II, Sultan of Turkey, 1

  Maistre, Joseph de, Sardinian Minister in St Petersburg, 1, 2, 3;

  on Speransky, 1;

  on A’s return to St Petersburg, 1

  Mallia, Joseph, agent of Speransky in Vienna, 1n

  Maloyaroslavets, battle of (1812), 1

  Malta: Tsar Paul and Knights of, 1, 2n, 3;

  A and British occupation of, 1, 2, 3

  Marat (brother of Jean Paul Marat), tutor in Saltykov family, 1

  Marengo, battle of (1800), 1

  Maret, H. B., French Foreign Minister, 1

  Marie Feodorovna of Württemberg, Grand Duchess and then Empress (wife of Paul, mother of A), 1, 2, 3;

  and A’s marriage, 1, 2;

  birth of children to, 1, 2;

  as Empress, 1, 2;

  fears mutiny of Guards, 1;

  distrusts Poles, 1, 2;

  at death of Tsar Paul, 1;

  her circle at Court, 1;

  her influence on A, 1;

  approves A’s friendship with Frederick William, 1;

  takes precedence of Empress Elizabeth, 1, 2, 3;

  after Austerlitz, 1, 2;

  in internal affairs, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  and foreign affairs, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  Empress Elizabeth on, 1, 2, 3;

  and Grand Duchess Catherine, 1, 2;

  and proposed marriage of Grand Duchess Anna to Napoleon, 1, 2;

  at church ceremonies, 1, 2;

  gives banquet on A’s return (1814), 1;

  and marriages of her daughters, 1, 2;

  visits her daughters, 1,

  and death of Grand Duchess Catherine, 1, 2;

  and state ceremonies in absence of A, 1;

  and Grand Duke Michael’s wife, 1;

  informed of A’s illness, 1;

  sees A’s body, 1

  Marie Pavlovna, Grand Duchess (sister of A), 1;

  married to Crown Prince of Saxe-Weimar, 1, 2;

  at Opotschna, 1;

  at Vienna, 1;

  A visits at Weimar, 1

  Marie Louise, Archduchess of Austria: married to Napoleon, 1, 2;

  Metternich’s part in marriage of, 1;

  future of (1814), 1;

  in Vienna, 1

  maritime law, proposal for revised code of, 1

  Marlborough, Duke of, entertains A at Blenheim, 1

  Marmont, Marshal, French commander: corps of, goes over to Allies, 1;

  as envoy with Napoleon’s offer to abdicate, 1, 2, 3

  Masson, Frederic, tutor to A, 1, 2, 3;

  on Tsar Paul, 1

  Mediterranean: French recognize Russian interest in, 1;

  A and French in, 1, 2;

  Russia in, 1, 2

  Memel, A meets Frederick William at (1802), 1,

  (1807), 1

  merchants: effects of Continental System on, 1, 2, 3;

  contributions to war expenses from (1812), 1

  Metternich, Prince Clement von: on A, 1;

  as Austrian Ambassador in Berlin, 1;

  and Franco-Russian alliance, 1;

  as Ambassador in Paris, 1, 2;

  as Austrian Foreign Minister, 1n, 2;

  private plan of A and, to limit Russo-Austrian hostilities, 1;

  tries to mediate (1813), 1, 2;

  perplexed by A’s evasiveness, 1;

  meets A, 1,

  and Napoleon, 1;

  at Prague Conference, 1;

  threatens withdrawal of Austria from Allies if A commands, 1;

  proposes offering generous terms to Napoleon, 1;

  has interview with A on Poland, 1;

  reports escape of Napoleon to A, 1;

  on Paris society (1815), 1;

  and Holy Alliance, 1, 2n;

  distrusts Capodistrias, 1;

  alarmed by A’s Polish policy, 1;

  and Congress of Aix, 1, 2, 3;

  entertains A in Vienna, 1;

  his fear of Jacobin contagion, 1, 2;

  and Troppau Congress, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  profession of political faith by, 1;

  and Laibach Conference, 1;

  and Balkans, 1, 2, 3;

  at Verona Conference, 1, 2, 3;

  eager to avoid action in foreign affairs, 1

  Meuse, free navigation on, 1

  Michael, Grand Duke (brother of A): in Paris, 1;

  married to Elena of Württemberg, 1, 2;

  A dines with, 1;

  at A’s death, 1

  Michaud, General, aide-de-camp to Kutuzov, 1

  Mikhailovsky Palace, St Petersburg, 1;

  built by Tsar Paul, 1;

  Paul murdered in, 1;

  Paul lies in state in, 1;

  “grace and favour” apartments in, 1

  military colonies: first (1810), 1;

  large-scale (1816 onwards), 1, 2, 3;

  rising of soldiers and peasants of (Chuguev), 1

  Miloradovich, General Mikhail, Russian commander, 1;

  at Austerlitz, 1, 2, 3;

  in 1812 campaign, 1;

  and Decembrist insurgents, 1

  Ministers, Committee of, 1, 2;

  administration by, during A’s absence, 1

  Minsk, falls to Davout (1812), 1, 2

  Mitford, Mary Russell, on A, 1

  Moira, Lord and Novosiltsov, 1

  Monferrand, R. de, designer of column in memory of A, 1

  Morkov, Count Arkady, Russian Ambassador in Paris, 1

  Moscow: coronations at Uspensky Cathedral in, 1, 2, 3;

  A’s visits to, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  French enter (1812), 1;

  burning of, 1;

  Russians retake, 1, 2;

  A and Elizabeth in residence at (winter 1817), 1;

  see also Kremlin

  Mulgrave, Lord, British Foreign Secretary, 1, 2, 3

  Murat, Marshal, French commander, 1;

  at Moscow, 1, 2

  Muraviev, M. N., tutor to A, 1

  Muraviev-Apostol, Catherine, maid-of-honour to Grand Duchess Catherine, 1

  Naples: proposal for invasion of, 1;

  unrest in, 1, 2

  Napoleon I: on A, 1;

  Tsar Paul and, 1;

  political methods of, appeal to A, 1, 2;

  and German princes, 1, 2;

  suggests mediation by A, but rejects his proposals (1803), 1;

  insults Russian Ambassador (Morkov), 1;

  A is enraged by his execution of the Duc d’Enghien, and refuses to acknowledge him as Emperor, 1, 2;

  in abortive peace parleys (1805), 1;

  at battle of Austerlitz, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  aims at alliance against Russia (1806), 1;

  creates Confederation of the Rhine, 1;

  defeats Prussia (1806), 1;

  condemned by Orthodox Church, 1, 2;

  on Eylau battlefield, 1;

  holds peace talks with A at Tilsit (1807). 1, 2,

  and makes settlement and alliance, 1;

  Empress Elizabeth on, 1, 2;

  proposes Russo-French advance into Asia (1808), 1;

  his proposal to meet A, 1,

  is postponed, 1,

  and takes place at Erfurt, 1, 2;

  Grand Duchess Catherine suggested as bride for, 1;

  sends Caulaincourt as Ambassador to St Petersburg, 1;

  offers marriage to Grand Duchess Anna, 1;

  marries Marie Louise of
Austria, 1, 2;

  troubled by effects of Continental System, 1, 2;

  writes to A in pained surprise at war preparations (1811), 1;

  recalls Caulaincourt, 1;

  A on, 1;

  rebukes Russian Ambassador (Kurakin), 1;

  prepares for war on Russia, 1;

  will fight “in chivalrous spirit”, 1;

  in 1812 campaign, exchanges letters with A, 1, 2, 3;

  crosses Niemen, 1;

  enters Vilna, 1;

  on Borodino, 1;

  in Moscow, 1;

  disclaims responsibility for burning Moscow, 1;

  plans to use Grand Duchess Catherine against A, 1;

  seeks peace, 1, 2;

  nearly captured, 1;

  leaves front for Paris: calls up new troops, 1;

  takes initiative again, 1;

  sends to A to arrange armistice, 1;

  has interview with Metterternich, 1;

  at battle of Leipzig, 1;

  victories of, in campaign in France, 1;

  draws invaders away from Paris, 1;

  deposed by Senate, 1;

  question of Regency for son of, 1;

  A wishes to be generous to, 1;

  offers to abdicate in favour of Regency for his son, 1;

  abdicates, 1;

  social effects of reforms of, in occupied countries, 1;

  escapes from Elba, 1;

  reveals secret alliance against Prussia and Russia to A, 1;

  restoration of art treasures filched by, 1, 2n

  Napoleon III: as a child meets A, 1

  Narbonne, Count Louis de: envoy from Napoleon to A (1812), 1;

  and Mme de Staël, 1n

  Naryshkin, Prince Alexander, in suite of Empress Elizabeth, 1n

  Naryshkin, Maria, mistress of A, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  birth and death of daughter of, 1;

  renewed connection of A with (1806), 1, 2, (1808), 3;

  death of second daughter of (Zinaida), 1;

  in Vienna, 1;

  surviving daughter of (Sophia), 1,

  dies (1824), 1;

  A breaks with, 1

  Naryshkin family, Empress Elizabeth on, 1

  navy, Russian: in Adriatic (1806), 1, 2, 3;

  Sultan refuses passage of Straits to, 1

  Nelidova, Catherine, mistress of Tsar Paul, 1, 2

  Nesselrode, Karl von, 1;

  commercial envoy to Paris, as agent of Speransky, 1, 2;

  warnings about war perparations from, 1;

  returns to St Petersburg, 1;

  as secretary to A at Vilna, 1,

  and Äbo, 1;

  in negotiations with Napoleon, 1, 2, 3;

  and Teplitz Treaties, 1;

  and terms for Napoleon, 1, 2;

  receives messages from Talleyrand, 1, 2;

  in Paris (1814), 1;

  in London, 1;

  State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  at Vienna Congress, 1, 2;

  out of sympathy with A on Polish question, 1, 2;


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