Crown of Smoke and Blood

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Crown of Smoke and Blood Page 13

by Sadie Jacks

  I shook my head as I walked back to my office. How the woman didn’t go up in flames every moment of every day was beyond my comprehension. I felt singed and had barely touched her.

  My cock twitched as my fingers burned. I wanted to touch her again. Learn every part of her. Memorize it with my fingers, my lips, my tongue.

  Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

  I almost jumped out of my skin when my phone vibrated in my pocket. Shite. My dick jerked.

  Yanking the new device from my pants, I glared at the screen. Feck. I blew out a breath as I connected the call. “Koehn.”

  The man on the other end of the line chuckled. “Is that any way to greet an old friend?”

  I barely hid the snarl. “I’m a bit busy, Michael. What do you want?” I pushed into the office and sat down at my huge desk.

  “We’ve the meeting tonight. I’m bringing the beverages.”

  Desire morphed into anger in less than a second. “You bring bags, not bodies. I won’t tolerate that shite in my house, Michael.”

  I heard his low growl. “It’s unnatural, Koehn. Feeding from bagged blood.”

  “You don’t like my rules, get out of my city. You know other covens are more than happy to feed on the living.”

  Just like you’d been willing to feed from Vari? You saved her life with the sole intention of feeding from her.

  I flicked my conscience away. They didn’t need to know that. And I hadn’t fe—Shite. I had fed from her. In my own house. Feck!

  “I’m not going to leave, my King. I’ve sworn my fealty to you.”

  I rolled my eyes at the overly ingratiating tone. “This isn’t the old days, Michael. You’re a grown arse man accountable for himself, and the rules you swore to uphold when you landed in my territory. You don’t want to live by those rules, move.”

  A soft creaking sound came through the phone. He didn’t say anything else for a moment.

  I sighed. Michael was trouble. I’d known it when he arrived almost a hundred years ago, and it was never more true than now. But when I had more than a hundred and fifty souls to manage in my coven, one power-hungry idiot upset things more than necessary.

  “Was there anything else, Michael?” I needed to focus on Vari. Get her some clothes ordered for later. Have a shop bring by some things to hold her over for now. Get her installed somewhere my coven wouldn’t discover her.

  “No, my King. I’ll be there in a few hours. Are you finally ready to discuss the problems?”

  I gritted my teeth. “How and when I discuss the problems is up to me, Michael. You will be informed if I decide to take action.”

  Another creaking noise sounded. “Yes, my King.”

  “Good. I’ll see you tonight.” I hung up on him. Sank back into the chair, blew a breath out at the ceiling. I needed to get Vari sorted. And fast. Figure out how to sanitize the house before the Council members of the coven all showed up.

  My email dinged with another incoming message. I sighed. Straightened up. One of the various businesses and clients I oversaw. Nothing that couldn’t wait for later.

  Switching back to my favorite online seller, I tried to guess at the size I’d felt. Fought to keep it purely a numbers game. Not to imagine her skin. The heat of it. The silky smoothness and the slight tension of finely honed muscles.

  Right. Not thinking about it. Not thinking about it.

  Shite. I clicked some buttons and pulled up the activewear section. I wasn’t sure if leather was going to be doable without getting her custom fitted, so blends were going to be the saving grace.

  Pictures of pert models in skin-tight workout gear filled my screen. And for each smiling face, I only saw Vari and her slight, grimacing scowl. Her small body tucked away behind clothing that left very little to the imagination.

  This was going to be the best and worst kind of torture. But it was better than seeing her in my clothes. Her skin hugged by my shirts, her arse dancing under the tails that reached almost to her knees. My scent getting rubbed into her flesh. Marking her as mine without my touching her.

  My dick ached, as it felt like someone scooped out my insides. Not even with Annabeth had I been this…focused on a woman. This intent. This aware. I’d been territorial with Annabeth, even as a human.

  But this driving need to make sure no one else even knew about Vari was bordering on psychotic. And I hadn’t even slept with her yet. She was essentially a stranger in my home. Granted, a stranger I was now bound to, but still.

  Shaking my head, I ordered small sizes and dropped them in my online cart. Hit the buy button and paid the exorbitant rate for next-day shipping. My sanity demanded it. So did my honor.

  Clothing crisis averted, I went through some of my business correspondence. Put out a few fires, started new ones. The life of a securities trader and businessman were never finished. Luckily, I’d hired good people to run my normal life for me.

  I settled back into the rhythm that had been interrupted by the introduction of Vari into my life. Made a good dent in the needs for the rest of the week. I had a feeling I would need the extra free time to devote to the small woman at the other end of my hall.


  The house around me shifting into nighttime mode startled me. I’d let the day slip away. Shite. Vari was still here. And her scent was everywhere.

  Pushing back from the desk, I got up and raced down the hall. Knocked on her door. “Vari. Are you decent?” I pushed open the door before she could answer. Right now, I needed to get her out of here. Decent or not.

  No answer. No shriek of outrage. No naked Vari—more’s the pity. Shoving the door open all the way, I stepped inside. The scent of berries and lemon swamped me. Made me a little lightheaded. It’s like she’d lived in this room for centuries instead of a few hours.

  “Vari?” I looked around. Nowhere. The room was largely undisturbed.

  Visions of her stabbing herself filtered through my mind again. I rushed for the bathroom. Shoved the door open.

  “Hey!” She jerked upright in the tub. Her hand going to her waist in a habitual move I recognized from my fighting days. She’d been reaching for a weapon.

  I gulped as I watched bubbles slide over the length of her tight body. Sweet saints and all the stars. Naked, wet, and a little pissed. She was beautiful. “What are you doing in here?” The words grated in my throat like I had a cheese grater in there instead of vocal cords.

  She splashed back down, covered herself with bubbles. “Washing. Although, the bubbles were a delightful surprise.” She glared at me. “Now leave. I’m not done yet.”

  I smirked. “Oh, you’re done, princess. You’re going to get your sexy arse up, dry it. Then I’m taking you to a hotel. They’ll have a hot tub there that will blow your mind.”

  Her brow wrinkled. “I don’t need a tub that’s hot. This tub is quite fine. Even if it does get cool every once in a while. And I’m not leaving.”

  My mouth stretched with a dark smile. “You either get up and dressed, or I’ll do it for you.” Please, fight me on this. Pretty please. My fingertips itched and burned as I thought about getting my hands on her again.

  She continued to glare at me. “I could stay here. And make you happy about it, you know.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t care what kind of magic you have. You staying here tonight and me being happy about it won’t happen.”

  One of her dark brows rose in challenge.

  My dick jumped as my veins felt full of electricity at that look. She was feisty. And I loved it.

  Her amber eyes began to glow as she rose to her feet once more. “I’m staying, Koehn.” Her voice was full and thick as her magic pushed and demanded entrance to my mind. “I’m staying and you’ll let me do it.”

  As if from behind a thick screen, I could feel her magic. Almost see it as it danced through the air. But it didn’t touch me. Didn’t affect me. Not how she wanted it to, I bet.

  I smiled. “Nope. Still going to a hotel.”

  The ma
gic stuttered for a moment before it came back thicker. Harder.

  I smirked. Just like my dick. And watching her stand there as water continued to sluice down her body was definitely having an impact on me.

  “Koehn.” She put a little moan in her voice. Arched her back.

  “Yes, Vari?”

  She gave me a sharp look. Slammed her fists onto her hip bones. “This isn’t working, is it?”

  I shook my head. Almost laughed at the pout that rose on her face. “Not a bit. But you can certainly try again.” I smiled. “Later. As in tomorrow. Now, get out of the tub, dry off, and get some clothes on.”

  She huffed out a breath, stepped out of the tub. “You broke my magic, Koehn. I’m not happy.”

  I nodded. “You can be not happy in the hotel. Come on. Move it, move it.” I clapped my hands as she wrapped her body up in a towel that almost overwhelmed her. Her grimace as she passed made the lust tweak up a notch or two.

  I was sick. That’s what was happening. She’d done something to me. Just like she claimed I’d ruined her magic. I might be a psychotic arsehole when I was with a woman, but this lust and driving need to touch her was all her fault. It was turning me into a lunatic.

  Watching her walk back into the room, I followed her. Opened all the windows in the room, hoping to dissipate the scent of her. The Council would be here in an hour or two. I needed every trace of her gone before they showed up.

  She was sliding her legs into a pair of shorts that hugged the lower curve of her arse. The ruined leather top had been chopped off just under her breasts. Her stomach, arms, and legs bare.

  Shite. Seriously? Was she actively trying to kill me? Could a man die from unresolved lust? Could a vampire?

  Once she had the essentials barely covered, she bent down and picked up her cloak. Instead of a single straight hem, it now fell in jagged lines around her body. Patches of leather making up for the holes in the heavy material.

  With a quick flick of her wrist, her entire body was shrouded. She glared up at me again. “Is this better?”

  Part of me howled like a wolf at the rising moon, while the other part of me sighed. Finally. I nodded. “Much.” Putting my hand out, I ushered her to the door. Tried to push her through it without actually touching her.

  “Koehn. Honestly, it’s like you’re disgusted by me. I can take a hint, you overgrown arsehole. I’m leaving.” She quickly stepped to push ahead of me. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She pulled her hands from under her cloak. With a sly smile, she drew a design in the air, snapped her fingers, then disappeared.

  What the actual feck? “Vari?!”

  Only her ghostly chuckle remained.

  Yanking my phone from my pocket, I dialed Tavis. “She’s gone. She just disappeared.”

  “What? Koehn?”

  “Yes. Tavis, she clicked her fricking fingers and disappeared. Do you know where she went?”

  “How the feck would I know that? I’m at home, not standing in yer house.”

  I snarled. “You’re Fae. She’s Fae. Can’t you track each other or something. She knew your name without having to be told. I thought you had some kind of connection.” That idea hadn’t dawned on me until the words tumbled out of my mouth. My fangs descended. “I swear to the saints, Tavis. She’s mine. Don’t you fecking touch her.”

  Tavis sighed. “Make up yer damn mind, Trick. She’s not here. I’m not interested in touching her.”

  I shook my head. Tried to clear my mind. “What the feck is happening to me?”

  “Ye should have asked Magda that before she left. Now ye’re on yer own.” He hung up.

  Shite. How did one call an Elemental Priestess? Was it like praying? I got down on my knees, folded my hands, and looked at the ceiling. “Magda? Um, if you can hear me, I kinda need your help finding Vari.”

  Something in the room shifted.

  I squeezed my eyes shut. “Magda? Are you there? It’s Koehn, we met today. You helped put Vari back together. Did some kind of mating bond ritual.”


  I opened my eyes to see Vari standing right in front of me. Anger was a living thing on her face. “What the feck have you done to me, Vampire?” Her blade was caressing my neck.

  Blinking, I shook my head. Until I felt my skin split open under her knife. “I don’t know. I was praying for Magda to come back.” I leaned back, got to my feet. “Where did you go?”

  “Why were you praying for Magda?”

  “Where did you go?” Both of us could play the non-answer game.

  She leaned forward, lowered her arm. Her blade slid against my dick. “What did you do to me, Koehn? I’m no longer playing games. I’m not being cute or funny. Answer me.”

  Reaching down, I knocked her blade away. “You think this is a game?” I pushed into her personal space. “You’ve upended my entire life in the space of twenty-four hours. And now my coven is coming and I’ll probably have to kill them all. And it’s your fault. Not mine. I didn’t ask you to come here.”

  She leaned up, shoved her nose into my face. “No. You’re the one who picked me up and dragged me to your house so you could suck me down. You might not have asked me to come here, but you literally carried me here. So don’t go laying your blame and sins at my feet.”

  Her breath gusted against my lips. Lemon and berries with a hint of spice that could only be her anger.

  I snapped. This whole day had gone to shite, and I was sick and tired of not having the answers I needed. Out of control and in the dark were not two places I enjoyed being.

  With a quick motion, I knocked her blade to the ground. Grabbed her throat and pulled her mouth to mine. I sucked down her gasp and feasted on the lips that had been teasing me for the past day.

  The fire inside me flared up and bubbled over into molten lava as I tasted her. Teased her tongue with mine.

  Her fingers came up and dug into the muscles of my neck as she tipped against me. A low moan filtered from her mouth.

  I swallowed that down, too. Everything about her was mine. Every gasp, every sigh. Mine. With my free hand, I skimmed it down her body and hooked it under her arse. Pulled her snug against me as her legs wound around my hips.

  She threaded her fingers through my hair and yanked my head back. “What the feck are you about?”

  I snarled and pulled her towards me again. Less talking. We got nowhere, and I only ended up more pissed than before.

  She bit at my lips with her blunt teeth. Tried to bite my tongue as I flicked it out and tasted her on my mouth.

  You arse. Let me go! Her words boomed through my mind, so much louder than before. It was as if she’d turned up the volume to eleven on a one to ten scale.

  Not until you settled down. We need answers and to work together.

  A loud feminine shriek assaulted my mental ears. Settle down? Settle down?! Her body heated against mine until I swore blisters rose on my skin. I’ll show you settled down, you fecking vampire.

  The heat of her continued to grow until I had to let her go. Until I was pushing her from my body. Vari! Stop.

  An odd, animalistic screeching sound filled my ears. The whole room.

  I squeezed my eyes shut against the burning heat. Felt the fire burn through my head as if it sank in through my ears. The flames seemed to lick at me from every angle as the world around me erupted in lava.

  Settle this down!

  The room exploded into flames and rivers of molten heat.

  Chapter 19 – Vari

  The magic tore through me like fire through dry grass. No longer were the flames tickling against my barrier. No, they were raging through me. Around me. They’d filtered down the line of my mental connection to him. The one I’d thought I’d burnt.

  The beautiful room that I’d staked out as mine was awash in fiery oranges and dancing yellow flames.

  “No. No, no, no, no, no. Beastie. Help me!” I shoved back from Koehn. His body falling to the floor like a burnt log.

/>   “BEASTIE!”

  What the hell have you done, Vari? I shrank back from the censure in his voice.

  “I don’t know. He was pissing me off again. Like usual. But something went wrong. Something always goes wrong when I’m around him. What do I do?”

  Suck your power back in. I can feel where it is missing. Like a small map had unfurled in my mind, Beastie showed me the pocket that was pulsating.

  My eyes widened. “Where did that come from?”

  Just suck it back in, V. You can do it.

  “Where did I get that, Beastie? I don’t know that power.” Fear turned my limbs into frozen, unresponsive sticks. Terror ate at my insides. “Beastie!”

  Variance, pull your power back in. You know how to do it. This is no different. Now. Before you lose him.

  My gaze dropped to Koehn. His face was etched in agony, even though his chest wasn’t moving. I couldn’t hear his heart beating, either. Shite.

  Standing up straight, I spread my arms wide. Slowed my breathing, my pulse. I sucked it all down. The fear, the anger, the pity, the shame. Everything I could touch and taste. Everything but the one thing I needed.

  I shook my head, terror oozing through me. “Beastie. I can’t. It’s not working.”

  Then I apologize. A heavy force slammed into my head.

  The world went dark around me.

  Chapter 20 – Koehn

  Cool, sweet wind drifted over me. I swallowed the berry infused lemonade as it slid down my throat. Ah. That was nice. Certainly better than the baking sun.

  My brain ground to a halt. Sun. I should be dead. The sun was literally poison to my kind.

  A hard slap cracked across my cheek.

  “Wake up!” The voice was familiar. Kind of.

  I blinked one eye open. Stared at something that morphed into a face after a couple of moments. I blinked again. Shook my head.

  A slap to the other cheek had both eyes flying open. “What the feck?” I raised a hand. Touched it to the sensitive flesh.


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