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Ambriel: Paranormal Romance

Page 9

by Hannah Davenport

  “Yes, you did.” He smiled at me. “That’s another reason why I know for sure that you’re my daughter. I met your mother many years ago. It was against our law to interact with humans but I couldn’t resist the pull I felt toward Amaya. I loved her very much; even though I knew it was dangerous to be with her.”

  “My people found out about our relationship. I went to warn her and learned she was with child. That was the last time I saw her. When I entered this realm, they were waiting for me. They forbid me from ever entering the human realm again. I was told they had killed Amaya. Obviously they had lied.” He took a few deep breaths before continuing. “Mikal, the Commander…the leader of our world, came to visit me the other day. He wanted to know about humans. Some 1000-year-old prophecy said that a human would determine the outcome of our war. Now that I’ve met you, I know you’re the one they are looking for.”

  “Why? Because you’re my father?”

  “Yes. You have gifts from both your mother and from me. You can also enter our realm and I suspect that’s why Ornias is after you. If he can persuade you to join his side, then you can bring him here.”

  “Are you going to turn me over to this Commander?” For the first time since meeting my father, I felt afraid.

  “Never!” He grabbed my hand. “I’ll never hand you over to them. I’ll keep you as safe as I

  possibly can, from everyone.”

  I felt instant relief. Lowering my head, my eyes fell on our clasped hands. It was then I noticed the scars. I took in more of him and noticed some peeking out from under his collar, too. Looking back at his hand, I grabbed his sleeve with my other hand and pushed it up. Surprisingly, he let me. Scars ran up his arm. I grabbed the other one and inspected it as well. Scars, everywhere. I stood walking behind him; I jerked his shirt down and noticed none of his skin remained unscathed, except for his face.

  Sitting back down, I grabbed his hand and took in his shameful eyes. “What happened to you?”

  “I would lie, but you need to know about the world you’re in. It was part of my punishment.” Anger built at a rapid pace as I asked, “Punishment for dating my mother?” “Yes.”

  Jumping to my feet, I paced as anger seethed just below the surface. I let out a humorless laugh, “So as a human, I’m supposed to determine the outcome of this war. They want my help even though they murdered my mother and tortured my father. Well they can all go to hell!” I continued to pace until he grabbed my hand.

  “Sit down, sweetheart,” he urged calmly.

  I plopped down in front of him as he stared at me. Tears filled his eyes and then he pulled me into his arms. “I love you, Ambriel. I’ve loved you from the moment Amaya told me she was with child. I thought I’d lost both of you.” We both cried for the time lost and it broke my heart to see this strong man brought to tears.

  “I know. I recently found a letter she wrote before she died. She didn’t know what happened to you, but she said you would have been with us if you could.”

  “Yes, I would have.” He released me and took a couple of calming breaths.

  “How am I supposed to help anyone? You said that it was against your laws to interact with humans.”

  “I don’t know the answers. I’ve lived by myself since I returned from your mother,” he admitted.

  “I’ve never felt like I belonged in my world and it’s forbidden to interact with anyone here.” I finally realized that what I’ve always believed is true, “I don’t really belong anywhere, do I?” I knew I

  sounded defeated and that’s how I felt, defeated.

  “Don’t say that!” He grabbed my hands. “You belong with me.”

  “But what if they find out? What if they kill you this time?” Worry evident in my voice.

  “They won’t, sweetheart. It’ll be okay.” He hugged me until I felt better.

  I spent the next couple of days getting to know my father and getting my emotions under control.

  In this realm, the warriors were expected to not show emotion. It was a strange place.

  Sitting outside on the porch, I couldn’t believe how beautiful his world…his realm was. The sky remained blue but it looked deeper, richer in color somehow. The sun appeared almost orange. The grass matched the sky. Flowers were in bloom. They stood about knee length and the pedals opened up to paint the ground. Colors varied from green, red, yellow, pink, lavender, brown and so on. I felt like I’d jumped into a painting and couldn’t stop staring in awe. Everything seemed so vibrant making me wish I could stay here forever.

  Des found me sitting on the porch and lowered himself down beside me. “I wish I could stay here forever,” I said quietly. “It’s so peaceful. My head is clear and my mind rested. All I hear is me.” He remained silent and after a little time had passed, I turned to him and asked, “I can’t stay here though, can I?”

  “You can stay as long as you want too sweetheart.”

  “But they’ll find me and then what will happen to you?”

  “I don’t care. You’re my daughter and my home is your home. I lost you and your mother once; I don’t want to lose you again.”

  “I’m glad I found you. I’ve wondered about you all my life.” I gave him a brief loving smile.

  “Me too.” He hesitated and then said, “If it’s okay, I need to check your power.”

  “I don’t know what that means. How can you check my power?”

  “One of my talents is checking inside you and removing any blockages that might hinder your strength. I did this with your mother and it made her more powerful. Is that okay?”

  “I guess. Maybe I won’t have any power and everyone will leave me alone,” I said solemnly. He gave me a doubtful look.

  “I have to remove your protection necklace but it’s okay, the Santiarns can’t travel to this realm.” “Okay, do it.”

  After he removed my necklace, he grasped both of my hands and with his eyes closed, he lowered his head. I felt a comforting warmth move through me, relaxing my body. When he finished, he opened his eyes and gasped. “Put your necklace back on,” he ordered. His tone scared me and I hurriedly put the necklace back around my neck.

  “What happened? What’s wrong?” I asked while I did as he instructed.

  “You are very powerful, Ambriel. The necklace dampens your powers a lot. Something else has blocked them off but I’m not sure who could have done that. When I removed the blockage, you’re eyes glowed blue. I’m sorry but they would have felt your power all the way to the castle.”

  “Will they know I’m here? Can they find me?”

  “They can find the general direction but with the necklace in place, they won’t be able to follow you. We have a couple of hours before they arrive. I’ll teach you all that I can and then you can decide if you wish to remain here or return to the human realm.” In the last couple of days, I had told him more about my life. I didn’t understand what he meant by teach me.

  I thought over what he just said and realized that I truly didn’t belong anywhere: neither with Cusas, nor humans. Only this man standing in front of me accepted me for who I am. I wanted to stay here with him, always.

  “Can they take me away from you?” I needed to know before I made a decision.

  “Mikal is the Commander here. He’s like the ruler of the Human Realm and his word is law. There are older laws put in place a long time ago that he follows but he can also change them if he so desires.”

  That didn’t help one bit. He didn’t answer the question, but I knew the answer. And if I hadn’t already, I watched the scene play out right in front of me, as if I was a bystander.

  “You’re not welcome here Commander!” Desambriel yelled from the front porch.

  “We know the girl is here. We felt her power and we’ve come to retrieve her.” Mikal stated, his tone allowed no argument.

  “She is my daughter and you cannot have her. Haven’t you punished me enough?” Desambriel pulled his sword.

  “You challenge me?!” T
he Commander pulled his own sword as rage took over his features.

  I watched as the two met in battle, swords clanging, sweat dripping but I knew my father would be no match for the Commander. I watched as another Cusas inched around the two, focused on battle and walked into the house. He found me hiding in the bedroom and roughly grabbed me by the arm.

  “What did you see?” Des had a serious look on his face.

  “It was odd. I watched the whole thing, yet I hid in the bedroom when the two men came. How is that possible?” I turned confused eyes toward him.

  “It’s one of your gifts. It allows you to take in the entire scene. You’re not really a part of what’s happening. Nothing can hurt you there, so you are free to walk around and take in the details. What did you see?”

  “The Commander and another Cusas showed up and demanded you give them to me. You challenged him and while you were fighting with the Commander, the other one found me hiding in the bedroom.” Sadness filled my eyes. “I have to go back.” I had just found him and now I needed to leave in order to keep him safe.

  “I have much to teach you before then. We have little time but know that you can come back here whenever you want. Just think of me and use the transport crystal.”

  He explained that the premonitions came from my mother, whom I found out was part witch. The ability to hear thoughts came from his side of the family. One extremely gifted Cusas was born every two-thousand years and he explained that it was me.

  “With the protection necklace in place, it dampens your abilities. I suspect that without the necklace, you’ll not only be able to hear thoughts but you’ll sense things as well. I don’t know how my Great-Great-Grandmother did it but she knew when danger was near. I suspect that you’ll be the same. She was very powerful.” I just nodded, taking it all in and happy to finally be getting some answers. “You have to erect barriers that keep the voices out of your head. Close your eyes and think of a great wall: tall, thick, and impenetrable. Okay, now imagine a door. When you want to hear a certain person, open the door and only let that person in. You can open it a crack or all the way.”

  I slowly opened my eyes as a lazy grin spread across my face. “This will work?” Glee was clearly in my voice.

  “It should, but you’ll need practice to get good at it.” “I can do that!” I laughed.

  “Let’s get you something to eat before you need to leave.”

  An hour and a half later I looked at Des, my father, and said, “They come.”

  “I’m sorry, Ambriel.” He pulled me in for a tight embrace. “Please, stay safe.”

  “I will Dad.” Those words felt so right when they left my lips. “I’ll be back; you can count on it.” Leaning away from him, I looked into his tear-filled eyes. “I love you,” I whispered. There was so much more I wanted to say, but my time had run out. I felt it deep within my soul. As I pulled away, I grabbed the transport crystal and felt the familiar warmth that started at my hand and then encased my body. I was gone.

  Chapter Eleven


  “What and who was that!?” Lukke asked as we stood on the training field, both turning our heads in the same direction. We had lost the girl and it made us edgy. The best way to deal with defeat was to train harder.

  “Power!” A surge of power unlike any other rushed through me. It was the strongest I had ever felt. It came from the Northeast and as I turned my gaze in that direction, I realized that Desambriel was the only one who lived that way living a life of solitude. It was time to pay him another visit. “I’m heading back to Des’; have the stable hand ready the Cefises.” I ordered.

  “Permission to accompany you?” Lukke asked.

  “Permission granted.”

  I headed to the Castle to change clothes and ready the supplies, while my mind churned with possibilities. Could the girl be here in the Cusaleon Realm? No, she’s human. How could she have possibly gotten here? If not her, then who? The words of the Elder Risya came back to me; she said something about her being human, yet not. What did that mean? As I entered my quarters, I almost missed Nanya lying naked on my bed. “I’ve been waiting for you,” she purred.

  Her body was beautiful as she lay posed to entice me. I couldn’t help but stare although I felt nothing, not even a twitch in my pants. “How did you get in here?” I asked, while changing from my training clothes and gathering a few knives for the trip.

  “Arron let me in.” I’ll have to have a talk with him. Nobody should be allowed in my private chambers without my say so. “Don’t be upset Mikal, he knows that I could be your mate and he didn’t want me upset.” It didn’t matter. She was not my mate yet.

  “Get dressed, Nanya. I have somewhere I need to go and you need to leave.” I never looked her way as I changed and gathered my sword, strapping it to my back and then gathering my knives.

  “Where are you going? I could accompany you.” Just like that, she was in warrior mode. I admired that about her.

  I immediately dismissed the idea; I didn’t want her near the girl. “No,” I said, never feeling the need to explain my actions. Leaving her there, I found Arron and told him to see Nanya out and not to let any more females in my bedchamber. Arron appeared startled, but nodded that he understood.

  I found a solemn, Lukke at the stable with the Cefises ready. “Do you think it was the girl we seek?” he asked as he mounted his ride.

  “If not her, then who?” I threw out the question, giving him something to ponder.

  Two hours later, we arrived at Des’s bungalow. Lukke took the reins as I slowly walked toward the porch. “Des,” I called.

  He stepped outside, grabbing the railing. The scowl on his face told me this would not be a pleasant meeting.

  “What do you want?” he called. His face was stern, non-welcoming.

  “We’ve come for the girl!” I yelled back, waiting for his answer.

  “You’ve wasted a trip, Commander!” I couldn’t help the humorless smile that graced my face. If

  he wanted a fight, then so be it.

  I walked onto the porch with my sword drawn, hanging by my side. “Where’s the girl?” I asked when I stood almost nose-to-nose with him.

  “Not here,” he smiled. I walked past him into the house, searching every room. When she was nowhere to be found, I walked back outside and looked at the smug expression on Des’ face. “I told you.” He stated simply.

  “Where is she Des?” I asked with my sword now at his throat.

  He laughed and I felt my rage take over. “I’ll ask you one last time. Where’s the girl?” The sword drew a trickle of blood.

  “Go ahead Commander, kill me. She’ll never help you then!” he sneered. I took a few calming breaths before lowering my sword. “She saw the scars; she knows how you feel about humans.”

  “What did you tell her?!” I yelled, wanting to slash his throat. It was very unlike me to lose my temper and show this much emotion.

  “I told my daughter that our people beat me, forbid me from being with her and my people killed her mother!” He screamed in my face. “Kill me Commander! Go ahead; I died nineteen years ago anyway!”

  As I let those words sink in, I realized that the road ahead of me would be much harder than I anticipated. She thought of us as the enemy and who could blame her? I also realized that I could never harm Des. As hard as it may be to win her over, it would be impossible if any harm came to her Father. Father I shook my head at the thought. I never would have imagined that a human and Cusas had a baby together. It made sense now. Ornias wanted her because she had Cusas blood running through her veins. With her, he could enter our realm. That thought alone made finding her imperative, now more than ever.

  “I’m not going to kill you, Des,” I said in a quiet, calm voice.

  That didn’t help his anger as he said, “But you’d take my daughter away, use her. Humans are beneath us, right?” he sneered.

  How could I argue with that? Humans have always been considered
an inferior race. When I remained silent, Des turned his head away with a disgusted look on his face. I couldn’t tell him that I

  was drawn to her unlike any other. That didn’t matter when the war was at stake.

  “What is her name?” I asked, needing to know.

  He didn’t answer. I watched the edges of his lips tip up in a slight smile but he said nothing. Instead, he walked inside, slammed the door and left me standing on the porch.

  Arriving back at the castle, I found Avis. “I want you to watch Des’ place. If you see the girl, bring her here. Do not hurt Des under any circumstances. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  “Lukke, gather the highest rankings warriors and meet me in the battle room in thirty minutes.”

  “Yes Commander.” I watched Lukke turn and leave before I headed to my rooms. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around the idea that Des had a daughter. A powerful daughter that I felt tethered to and we hadn’t even officially met.

  Walking into the battle room, everyone was waiting for me as I walked to the head of the table.

  As I slowly looked around, I saw that everyone was present except Avis who was watching Des’s place.

  Without wasting anymore time I started, “Ornias is after the girl and it’s imperative that we find her first. She is the daughter of a human female and Des, so Cusas blood runs in her veins. If Ornias gets to her first, I don’t have to tell anyone what that would mean for us.” I waited while the weight of my words settled around them and their faces showed understanding and fierce determination. “Lukke, I need you and Damien to gather some warriors and search the town she grew up in and the city her friend was killed in. Anyone have any other ideas?” With the shake of heads, I said, “Let’s find her!”


  Walking through the portal, I found myself back in the garage apartment in Chicago. I didn’t want to lead them to Sanstone or to Sarah.


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