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Kissed Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 3)

Page 4

by Nellie C. Lind

  The medic cyborg’s gaze shot to her. “No one’s blaming you, but Nightmare would’ve if Silver had died. At least you saved him from that, but the bond is still not sealed. One more flash to go.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t remind me.”

  “I still want to take a look at him,” Celise said. “You’ve said it yourself, Blaze, cyborgs aren’t your expertise. Where’s he now?”

  Blaze only nodded. “As you wish. He’s in the infirmary. We transferred him there just in case.”


  “There’s another Fighter we’d like you to examine, as well.”

  “Of course. What’s wrong with him?”

  The medic’s lips pursed. “We don’t know. Nothing’s working. Not even Nightmare’s signal that blocks the bond seems to be helping.”

  “I’ve seen him,” Faye said. “His name is Sphere, and he seems completely out of his mind. Nightmare said they were going to end his life, but they changed their minds when you came into the picture.”

  Anger dashed across Celise’s pretty eyes.

  Blaze squeezed her shoulder, earning a warning-glare from Wind. He quickly removed his hand but didn’t look away from Celise. “There was no other way. He’s in a lot of pain, and if you can’t find a way to fix him, he’ll die, sooner or later.”

  She sighed. “Let’s start with Silver. Wind and I have also examined the information on the portable hard-disk Nightmare gave me. We have a lot to talk about.”


  The infirmary was white and wide. It was filled with all kinds of machines. There were also three hospital beds, and two cabinets loaded with medicine, and necessary medical equipment.

  The light was bright, and the room had a hospital feel to it. Everything was fresh, and even a clinical scent filled the air.

  Faye tensed when she spotted Silver lying on one of the beds. She hadn’t seen him since she’d kissed him, and his striking and masculine beauty had an instant effect on her, awakening goosebumps on her skin.

  He seemed to be cared for. His blond hair was brushed, he’d been washed, and had different clothes on. An IV was attached to his arm, making sure he got all the nutrients he needed while he was unconscious.

  Nightmare stood by his bed. He raised his head as they entered the room, and for the first time in days, he smiled, as he spotted Celise.

  Faye snorted to herself. Of course, he’d be happy to see the human doctor. She was just as precious to him as any of his Fighters. She was the one who was going to help them change everything.

  Faye stilled. She suddenly felt like an unnecessary game piece.

  “Welcome back,” the leader said, but didn’t approach them. He gave Wind a nod and got one back. “Has everything gone well?”

  “Yes,” Celise answered and placed her bag on one of the beds.

  Nightmare turned to Wind. “And you?”

  His face was tight, tense. “I’m fine.”

  The Fighters’ leader studied him. “Just like that? Don’t you miss your late bound one?”

  Wind’s gaze darkened. “I do, but that’s not something I wish to discuss with you. We’ve buried her and are moving on. Let’s do what we came here for.” He was cold as he glared at Nightmare, and Faye didn’t blame him.

  They would probably never get along, and neither would she and Nightmare.

  The Fighters’ leader had planned to use Wind if his experiment on Shade would’ve failed. Thankfully, he never got the chance.

  Celise took a small device from her bag and approached Silver.

  Faye recognized it. It was the scanner used on cyborgs to determine their level of health and functioning. It was black with a screen on one side, and a metallic plate on the other. Faye moved closer to the bed. “Can I help?”

  Celise blinked. “You want to?”

  “Yes. I want to be useful.”

  Her friend relaxed and smiled. “I can teach you how to use the scanner, for starters.”

  Joy filled her. “That sounds great!”

  “Is that really necessary?” Nightmare didn’t look the slightest pleased.

  Celise glanced at him. “Wind and I’ve studied the information on the hard-drive you gave me, and trust me; we’re going to need all the help we can get. Besides, Faye’s talented with anything she puts her hands on.”

  “I don’t trust her.” His voice was dark.

  Celise’s expression hardened. “But I do, and you’re just going to have to trust my judgment.”

  Faye grinned. She had no idea where the doctor got her strength from, but she liked it. Faye doubted anyone had ever put Nightmare in his place before.

  He remained still, but it was impossible to miss his frustration.

  It almost felt like she’d just won a competition.

  “Let’s begin,” Celise said. “Faye, remove Silver’s shirt.”

  Her grin instantly died. “What?”

  “The scanner needs skin-to-skin contact, and since you’re his bound one, it’s best for all of us if you’re the one touching him in case he awakens.”

  Sweat broke out on her forehead. “But, I’m not his bound one … yet.”

  Nightmare sighed. “Stop denying it. It’s not going to help you, or him. You’re his bound one whether you want to be, or not. You became his bound one the moment you kissed him.”

  Faye swallowed. Breathing was suddenly difficult. “But, what if he wakes up and jumps me?”

  “Don’t worry. There are three cyborgs in here, and we’ll stop him from harming you,” Wind said with a smile.

  She swallowed again, but relaxed. He’d always had a calming effect on her. “Fine.” With shaky hands, she pulled down the blanket from Silver’s upper body. A breath got stuck in her throat as she stared at the attractive cyborg in front of her.

  He was a masterpiece with his strong jawline, well-defined brows, and high cheekbones. A masterpiece she could stare herself blind on.

  “Today, please,” Nightmare growled.

  Faye jumped from his sudden protest, but instead of arguing, she reached for Silver’s T-shirt.

  The warmth from his muscular body instantly hit her skin as her fingers grazed him.

  Why was she reacting like this? She wasn’t supposed to like him, damn it!

  He was just a cyborg she had to bind to herself for a while. Hopefully, it wouldn’t take too long before they’d be free from each other, but who knew.

  Worst case scenario, they’d be stuck together for years.

  She gasped when her sight was filled with the intensity of Silver’s muscular and fit chest. Her insides clenched, awakening a tormented longing within her. It was almost impossible to stop herself from touching and licking him all over, but somehow, she managed to keep her dignity.

  “Yes, we know he’s good-looking,” Nightmare said with a glare. “Can we please move on?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You’re awful.”

  “Nothing new, sweetheart.”

  What was going on with her? Usually, she’d be shouting at Nightmare by now, but something stopped her. When she looked at Silver, she just didn’t care about ending up in unnecessary discussions.

  Instead, she took the scanner from Celise and placed it on Silver’s chest. It activated itself and a blue screen lit up. “What should I do?”

  Celise leaned closer. “The scanner is easy to use. It has programmed sequences you can use, depending on what you’re going to scan. All you have to remember is the code for each sequence, push it in, and let the device do its thing.”

  She nodded. “Sounds easy enough.”

  “The code for a full-body scan is eleven forty-four.”

  Faye pushed it in, the device beeped and started working.

  No one said anything during the whole minute the scanner did its job.

  Once it was done, a bunch of numbers showed up on the screen.

  Celise studied the screen.

  Faye studied it too, but to her, it was gibberish. “What doe
s all this mean?”

  “View the information as a blood test. Every number must be within a certain range to be considered normal. Outside the range means something’s not right, but everything’s fine. I’ll teach you later how to read all the numbers.”

  She smiled, excitement filling her. “I guess I won’t have much time for my own business in the future, but I don’t mind.”

  Nightmare looked skeptical. “You’ll run away as soon as we’ll be able to remove Silver’s bond to you.”

  Anger boiled up and she clenched her fists. Only sheer will stopped her from smacking him. “With or without the bond, I’m staying. You might not like me, but I don’t like you either. At least one thing we agree on. It might surprise you that I really want to help. It’s obvious something fishy is going on, and I won’t just sit around and do nothing.”

  The rogue leader didn’t look the slight bit impressed. Instead, he crossed his arms over his chest. “We’ll see.”

  Celise sighed and grabbed a bottle containing a transparent liquid from her bag. “I’ll give Silver some Areldin. It will speed up his recovery.” She injected the medicine into his arm and glanced at Blaze. “Here, I doubt you have this in your medicine cabinet. MedAct never gives it away.” She handed him the bottle.

  The medic cyborg gave her a wide smile. His shining red eyes sparkled. “Thank you. How do I use it?”

  “Five milliliters are enough, and no more than one injection. It gives an adrenalin kick, but without stressing the body, and it’s also not addictive. It’s perfect for exhausted cyborgs who need fast energy. The effect lasts for a few hours. Just don’t use it on humans.”

  “Got it.” He placed the bottle inside one of the cabinets.

  “He should wake up soon.”

  Some part of Faye wanted Silver to wake up. She was … almost excited about it. She grabbed a chair next to the bed and sat, earning a suspicious glare from Nightmare, but she didn’t care.

  Once Silver opened his eyes, he’d need her, and the least she could do was ease his pain. She’d bind him to herself, and once the binding was over, she’d help Celise with whatever she could. She didn’t give a damn what Silver did after, as long as he stayed away.

  He’d made his lack of interested in her pretty obvious.

  “What do you think about the information on the hard-disk I gave you?” Nightmare asked Celise.

  She took a deep breath. “It’s impressive. If all of it is true, which I assume it is, it will change everything.”

  He nodded. “It will.”

  “That means we have to figure out how to make the signal you used on Shade to work. In its present form, it’s dangerous, but if we find the missing component, we’ll be able to remove the bond.”

  Blaze moved closer. “As you know, we’ve been trying to find the missing component for a long time. The only one who knew anything about it was Alexander Fleming, and he’s been missing for the past fifteen years.”

  “Yes, and he’s likely dead.” She looked at Nightmare. “But I believe the answer’s staring us right in the face.” She grabbed the hard-drive Nightmare had given her. “I believe the answer is right here.”

  The leader’s eyes widened, and he stared with an open mouth.

  Faye felt the excitement rise in the air. Could Celise be right? “What do you mean?”

  “The female cyborg program,” Celise said.

  “We’ve checked it,” Wind said. “It’s complete. We should be able to create a female cyborg with it.”

  The doctor nodded. “Once she’s activated, we should be able to find the answer within her. Right now, the female cyborg program isn’t active. I’ve searched through it. There’s nothing there that can help us get rid of the bond, but in its active form …”

  Nightmare blinked. “You want us to create the first female cyborg?”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  Blaze licked his lips, insecurity shining in his eyes. “How? We don’t have the equipment. We don’t even know where to search for it.”

  Celise grinned. “Don’t worry. I know.”


  Silver’s eyelids felt heavy as bricks. He wanted to open them, but they didn’t obey. His body was in no better condition. It was as if something was weighing him down, stopping him from moving, but his mind was slowly coming to.

  He had a slight headache, but it was fading. At least he was lying on something soft, probably a bed, instead of being tied to the wall. How he’d gotten there was a mystery, but something told him he’d been out for a long time. Every muscle was stiff and aching.

  Although his body was still exhausted, he felt clean and not sticky from sweat. The ache and need for the second flash wasn’t there anymore either.

  Thank God.

  Instead, there was another ache now.

  An ache that wouldn’t go away any time soon …

  The more he became aware of everything, the more his bond started to act up again. His new bound one had been accepted, but the bond still needed to be sealed, and it wouldn’t accept anything else.


  He needed her.

  Where was she?

  Someone sat next to him, who, Silver couldn’t tell, but he sensed it, and there were other people around him. They were talking, but he had difficulty making out what they were saying.

  Something stabbed him in the arm, making him wince, but he was still unable to move. The deep sleep held him in its grip for a moment longer.

  A hand touched his arm. It made him inhale, and with some effort, he finally managed to move his head. The touch felt like a comforting embrace, soothing his slowly awakening needs.

  With each breath he took, it became easier to focus, and after a long minute, Silver opened his eyes … and looked straight in the eyes of a cautious Faye.

  She was the one who held her hand against his arm, and an electric spark jolted through his entire system.

  All he could do was stare.

  He’d never imagined she’d be this beautiful.

  Her long blonde hair hung loosely down her shoulders as her big blue eyes blinked, tempting him with her long lashes and full red lips. When she licked them, his desire ignited.

  It didn’t matter that she did so due to insecurity. To him, every move she made was seductive, and it filled him with excitement. Silver wanted to be seduced, for her to lay her hands on him, and bring a new level of pleasure.

  She was his queen, his Venus, and Aphrodite.

  His goddess.

  Only she could give him what he needed.

  Oh, God.

  He was so screwed.

  Silver noticed movement around him, but didn’t pay it any attention—couldn’t. His bond demanded closure. It screamed within him, filling him with great lust, making him inhale. Trying to remain sane was an almost impossible task when she was so close.

  He had no control. All he could do was obey.

  There was nothing else he could do.

  Without a second thought, he flew to his feet, making her jump, and when he wrapped his arms around her, Faye squeaked.

  She pushed at his chest. “What’re you doing?” There was anger in her voice.

  Silver was too strong for her. She wasn’t going anywhere, but he didn’t want to hurt her, so he loosened his grip without releasing her. He leaned closer and pressed his face against her neck. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Faye’s scent was an aphrodisiac he couldn’t get enough of. He groaned as the need grew stronger.

  “What the hell?” Faye shoved her fists into his chest. “Let go of me!”

  Four hands grabbed him, surprising him, and giving her the chance to get away as they forced him to let go of her.

  Horror filled him as he watched her run away.

  Silver roared and pulled with all his might, pressing his muscles to the limit, without ever removing his gaze from her. He had to be set free, but the hands holding him didn’t let go. He needed to bind himself to her.

Didn’t she see that? Didn’t she understand?

  He filled the room with another roar when she hid behind Blaze.

  How dared she hide behind another male?

  She belonged to him, not Blaze!

  “He can’t think straight,” a male voice said to his right.

  Silver whipped his head toward Nightmare.

  The Fighters’ leader was holding him, preventing him from going to Faye.

  Wind was holding his other arm, helping his leader.

  “The bond needs to be sealed,” Nightmare said. “Choose, Faye. You either do it now, or I’ll need to lock him up again, but that might kill him this time.”

  She licked her lips, yet again from insecurity, but it didn’t matter.

  To him, she looked so sexy it hurt.

  “I recommend sealing it,” Blaze said. “Get it over with. It’s best for the both of you. You can’t go on like this forever.”

  Faye gasped. “Are you kidding me? He’ll kill me within seconds. Did any of you miss the wild glare in his eyes?”

  “We can tie him down, and let you do all the work,” Nightmare said.

  Her mouth dropped open. “Are you crazy?”

  “It’s a solution. Either you come up with one yourself, or I’ll do it for you.”

  Faye stomped with one foot, fisting her hands, and tensed her jaws.

  Some part of Silver wanted to stop.

  She wasn’t ready for him, but the question was, would she ever be?

  The bond demanded closure, and honestly, the more he looked at her, the more that was becoming the only thing on his mind.

  He tried to set himself free from the cyborgs’ grips again, his eyes fixed on her.

  The object of his desire took a step back. “You need to hold him better, or he’ll break free soon.”

  Wind groaned. “We’re trying, but he’s strong.”

  “And we’re growing tired,” Nightmare said. “He has only one thing on his mind right now, and that’s getting to you. With a determination like that, it won’t be long before we won’t be able to hold him any longer.”

  Faye grabbed Blaze’s arm and pulled him closer. Her eyes were huge, filled with fear.

  Silver roared a third time.


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