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Kissed Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 3)

Page 13

by Nellie C. Lind

  Faye couldn’t believe they’d gotten to this point, but the question was; had they succeeded?

  Everyone’s head turned to Hunter.

  “Did you get it?” Celise asked.

  The tension in the air was so thick it was almost impossible to not hear everyone’s heart pounding.

  A wide grin split Hunter’s face. “I got it.”


  “Didn’t that go a little bit too easy?” A frown decorated Nightmare’s dark looks.

  “It did,” Celise said. “That’s why we don’t have much time. We must do this as soon as possible. We won’t get another chance.”

  They were all in the gathering room in the Fighters’ headquarters. Every Fighter that wasn’t locked up was there, listening and planning.

  Faye had never felt more cramped.

  Even if the room was huge, there were almost thirty people there. Some stood, some sat on the couches, and others leaned against the wall.

  Every single Fighter had a serious expression written all over their faces.

  Not just that. Although she was a bound one now, and the Fighters bonds didn’t count her as a potential bound one anymore, she still didn’t feel completely safe.

  One of them could snap any minute, just like Edge had. Luckily, he wasn’t here today, but who know what went through their heads. Their bonds screamed inside them, after all. Despite their devotion to the cause, their pain was impossible to miss.

  They were the Fighters.

  The dangerous and unpredictable cyborgs the world didn’t want anything to do with.

  Neither Hunter, Avril, Shade, or Phoebe were present, and Faye didn’t blame them. Hunter was bound now, and Shade didn’t want anything to do with the Fighters more than necessary.

  Celise and Wind were there, and they stood near Blaze and Nightmare. The doctor seemed oblivious to the potential danger with so many Fighters around. She was too swept up in the planning.

  This was a critical moment.

  They had to get everything just right, or they’d fail, and they’d never get the chance again. They needed the equipment to create a female cyborg. Without it, there was no way for them to move forward.

  “When?” Silver asked. He stood behind Faye with his hands on her shoulders.

  His touch made her feel safer.

  Her big blond cyborg would protect her if something happened.

  “Tomorrow”, Nightmare said.

  “I agree,” Celise said. “Hunter said that Jade, or someone else, will, sooner or later, discover her laptop has been tempered with. I wouldn’t be surprised if Soul suspected it when he checked it.”

  “True,” Blaze said, “but will they know what we were looking for?”

  “They’ll realize it eventually, therefore, we don’t have much time.”

  The blond Fighter, Heaven, moved closer. “I’ll prepare the vans. How many are going?”

  Faye didn’t know what to think of the attractive and muscular cyborg Heaven.

  He barely spoke or involved himself in any of the conversations. He stayed in the background. Heaven only opened his mouth when it was necessary, and when he did, it sounded stiff, almost robotic, in one voice tone.

  His eyes were dead, as if they were drained of all emotions. There simply wasn’t anything there. Apparently, Heaven had turned off his feelings after his bound one had died. Somehow, that had saved his life.

  “I’m going,” Nightmare said. “We need at least two vans. We’ll be getting a lot of equipment.”

  “And that’s why I’m also going,” Celise said.

  Faye gasped. “What?”

  The doctor spared her a glance. “I have to. I’m the only one who knows what we need.”

  Wind didn’t look the slightest bit excited. He stood with tense lips and fisted hands but didn’t say anything. Obviously, he agreed they needed her help.

  “You can’t be serious,” Faye told Celise. “It’s dangerous.”

  “I know, but do you have a better idea?”

  She gaped, unable to find an answer. She shot a look at Wind. “Aren’t you going to say something?”

  The cyborg gave her a sad smile. “Celise and I have already talked about it, and even if I don’t like it, she’s right. We can’t forget one single thing. If we do, it can ruin everything, but don’t worry, I’m not letting her go alone.”

  Faye sighed. “You’re both out of your minds.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Fine, I’m going too.”

  Silver spun her toward him. His eyes were big, filled with fear again.

  Then it hit her.

  The fear she’d seen in his eyes when he’d spotted Soul entering Shade and Phoebe’s house. He hadn’t been afraid of the cyborg soldier.

  He’d been afraid for her.

  A lump got stuck in her throat.

  “You’re not going!” her cyborg hissed. “I’m not letting you get near that place.”

  She took a deep breath, ready to argue, ready to yell and state her point over and over again, but when she looked into his shining eyes, and saw the desperation, her fire died. Instead, she grabbed Silver’s hands. “I’m going, big boy, and nothing you say, or do, will stop me.” She kept her voice calm, almost soothing, and it seemed to work.

  He stared, insecurity lingering in his expression. He seemed to be fighting with himself. He remained silent for several moments, switching from one emotion to another. Going from anger to frustration, to desperation and sadness.

  Then he took a deep breath, straightened his back, and all emotions washed off him. Silver looked at Nightmare. “I’m going.”

  Faye snorted. She wasn’t a bit surprised.

  Celise shook her head. “Faye, I really think you should stay.”

  She frowned. “Do I need to tell you what I just told Silver, minus the ‘big boy’ thing? You can’t change my mind. Besides, you’re going to need me.”


  “For moral support, and for carrying the light stuff.”

  The doctor’s lips twitched. “Fine, but if anything happens to you, I’ll never forgive you.”

  Faye grinned. “Same thing goes for you.”


  Blaze rose from his chair. “I’ll stay here and prepare the infirmary, just in case. We never know what might happen. I’ll be on standby, along with a few other Fighters.” He looked around, locking gaze with three other cyborgs.

  Faye didn’t know their names, but they each gave a nod. Maybe, they also had some medical skills.

  “I’ll drive the other van,” Phoenix said and grinned at her. “I’m a mean driver.”

  Sense, who stood next to her friend, chuckled and smacked his arm. “You sure are. I have to find new wheels way too often because of you.”

  Phoenix shrugged. “At least, I’m having fun, something all of us need more of.”

  Sense nodded. “True.” He looked at Nightmare. “Count me in.”

  A few more volunteered, and five minutes later, they had a full team, ready to go.

  She licked her lips. She doubted anyone had ever tried breaking in to wherever they were going. “Where exactly is this place?” Faye asked Celise.

  “About an hour away, in the middle of a forest. There’re no guards, only an Artificial Intelligence. With the help of the codes we took from Jade a MedAct doctor can enter. That’s why I need to be there.” She gave Wind a look.

  He didn’t say a thing, but his lips were a flat line.

  Celise pulled out a big paper from her bag. She placed it on a table and everyone gathered around it. “I prepared this before leaving home. It’s a map of the area. As you can see, a high stone wall surrounds it, and there’s only one way out. We’ll need a man there, keeping an eye on unwanted guests.”

  A brown-haired cyborg raised his hand. “I can do that.”

  She nodded. “There’s only one huge warehouse on the inside. It’s a labyrinth in there, but we only need to focus on the shelves closest to the gate, and
the storage room.”

  “Good,” Nightmare said. “That’ll make it easier.” He stood with his arms crossed over his chest and deep focus in his shining eyes. He was cataloging every single word Celise said.

  Faye grinned.

  The world feared him. He was considered the most dangerous, unpredictable, and fierce Fighter out there. The crazy look in his eyes, and the dark vibes he radiated didn’t ease that impression.

  The news gladly scared every child, woman, and man with Nightmare’s actions. They showed him storming and raving buildings, taking out police cars, and blowing up things. No wonder people feared him.

  Yet, Celise had him wrapped around her little finger.

  “I’ll open the warehouse with the codes we got from Jade. Once on the inside, we’ll need to grab everything fast.” The doctor whirled the map around, showing a big interior image of the warehouse. “This is what it looks like on the inside, roughly speaking. I had to draw everything from memory, but I doubt anything has changed.” She pointed to each area. “Everyone who’s going inside will get a task, and you’ll do nothing else but pick up the things you’ve been assigned to find. If someone lags behind, you only help once your own mission is completed. Understood?” She looked at everyone, getting nods back from every direction.

  Faye grinned. “I really like your new attitude. Where did all that strength come from?”

  Celise’s cheeks turned red. “I’m just passionate about this.”

  Nightmare chuckled. “She’d make a perfect leader.”

  Wind’s gaze hardened. “Keep dreaming.”

  The doctor cleared her throat. “Moving on. The most difficult thing will be the tank. We must plan that one out thoroughly. It should also be our main goal. Without it, we have nothing. With it, I can improvise.”

  “You should be assigned to the tank,” Blaze told her.

  She winced. “Why? I can’t help lift it.”

  “No, but it’s our most precious gem, is it not? If something goes wrong, we’re toast.”

  Celise nodded and her chest heaved. “True.”

  “Tell me about the tank,” Heaven demanded.

  “It’s huge and heavy, made from glass and metal. It’s about eighth feet, so we’ll need a big van to transport it.”

  “We have several vans, and I know the perfect one for this mission.”

  She smiled. “There’re several tanks stored there. Before we grab one, I’ll need to check it to make sure it’s functioning. Once that’s done, it will be easy to move. They’re all stored on wheels. You guys will only have to lift it into the van.”

  Phoenix pouted, disbelief filling his expression. “This sounds so simple.”

  “If everyone knows their role, it will be, but we need to keep our eyes open. Who knows if Soul and Jade have figured out that her laptop was messed with or not.”

  “They’ll come for us,” Nightmare said, his voice darkened. “They always do.”

  “Then let’s make sure we’re ready for them”, Faye said.

  Nightmare locked gazes with her. His serious expression melted into a grin.

  She grinned back.

  Maybe he was starting to trust her.


  “This has to be the longest hour of my life,” Faye said and sighed.

  She sat in the back of the van, and Heaven was driving. The vehicle was white and clean on the inside, just like everything else that had to do with the Fighters headquarters.

  The van was filled with everything they could possibly need. Flashlights, ropes, tools, and more, and the equipment was neatly stored in metal boxes that were attached to the floor.

  “We’re almost there,” Celise said.

  “I don’t like this,” Wind said and clenched his fists.

  “Who does?” Silver grumbled from his seat next to Faye.

  They’d barely said anything during the long ride to the warehouse where their future awaited.

  Either everything would be fine, and they’d get their hands on the tank and all the equipment they needed, or this was the last day of their lives.

  “I was looking forward to growing old,” Faye quipped.

  No one filled the ensuing silence. They all seemed to have disappeared into their own heads.

  For a long while, the only sound was the wheels rolling fast on the pavement.

  It was night outside, pitch dark. They were all dressed in black, equipped with weapons and night vision glasses.

  Faye felt her gun against her leg where it was hanging. Before leaving, Silver and Nightmare had taught her, Wind, and Celise how to shoot, just in case.

  A few hours of practice didn’t make her a professional, but at least now she wouldn’t risk shooting anyone by mistake.

  The plan was simple.

  Get in, get what they came for, and leave.

  Everyone knew where they were supposed to go, and they were all divided into groups of at least two. No one would be alone, and no one would play a hero.

  She couldn’t recall how many times Nightmare had shouted that into everyone’s heads, and thankfully everyone took him seriously.

  This wasn’t a game.

  Their future depended on this.

  Nightmare sat next to Wind, his gaze focused on the floor.

  Faye didn’t have to guess what was going through his mind. He’d been waiting for this day for over forty years. He’d been searching for an answer for so long, but never gotten anywhere, then Celise had come into his life, and everything had changed.

  Not just for him, but for all the Fighters.

  If someone would have told her a year ago she’d join them, she would’ve laughed. Yet, here she was, out on a crazy mission only God knew how it would end.

  Worst-case scenario, MedAct and their cyborg soldiers were already waiting for them.

  Phoenix was driving the other van, and it was ahead of them. It was a lot bigger, and the tank should fit, according to their calculations.

  Sense and other Fighters were in that van as well. Their mission was to take care of the tank. Plenty of hands were going to be needed. Some Fighters had guard duty, to make sure no one snuck up on any of them.

  “We’re here,” Heaven said from the driver’s seat. “I can see the gate on the GPS.”

  Everyone was instantly wide-awake.

  Faye’s heart tripped over itself.

  This was it.

  “Slow down,” Nightmare told Heaven. “We need to be sure no surprises await us up ahead.” He lifted the radio to his mouth. “You heard me, Phoenix?”

  “I did,” the cyborg answered on the other side of the line. “Slowing down.”

  A short silence followed. Faye couldn’t see anything because she was in the back, but this was the moment of truth.

  If someone stood by the entrance gate, the plan was to continue driving and go for plan B. Climbing over the wall was not a possibility, since barbed wires covered the top. Plan B was simple. Wait further down until the coast was clear.

  “We’re good to go,” Phoenix exclaimed through the radio.

  A big collective exhale went through the van.

  “We’re going to phase two,” Nightmare said. “Get ready.”

  Faye sat tense, staring at the floor. She had nothing to do with phase two, but Celise did.

  As soon as the van stopped, the rogue leader opened the doors. He, Wind, and Silver jumped out with their guns high, all scanning the area.

  Another silence followed.

  “It’s clear,” Wind said.

  Celise jumped out.

  It was time to open the gate.

  Faye closed her eyes. She wasn’t religious, but she prayed now. It’d be a disaster if the codes turned out to be wrong.

  The doctor had to do a lot of things to be allowed to enter. Not only did she have to program in the codes they’d stolen from Jade, she also had to scan her palm, eye, and enter her own code before the I.A would let her in.

  They could all only hope the CE
O hadn’t become suspicious and removed Celise from the list of the MedAct doctors who could enter this facility.

  One minute after another seemed to pass, and the tension in Faye’s body grew.

  This wasn’t a good sign.

  “Come on, Celise,” she mumbled.

  Movement from the opening of the van and crackling sounds from outside made her look up.

  A smiling Celise entered, followed by the Fighters. “It’s done. The gate is opening.”

  “Oh, thank God.” She felt herself relax, but this was just the beginning. At least they were in. “Was it difficult?”

  “No. Everything worked as it should.”

  Faye smiled. “That’s promising. Maybe Jade didn’t suspect anything, and all this will work out just fine. Maybe we worry in vain.”

  “Don’t let your guard down.” The Fighters’ leader’s serious gaze made him look dangerous, deadly. His black long hair, the scar on his throat, and his powerful radiance screamed it. Right now, he really was the cyborg most people feared.

  Faye didn’t let that scare her. “I don’t intend to.”

  Silver grabbed her hand, and her attention shot to him.

  He’d been by her side since he’d given in to the bond. It’d been three days since that night.

  She’d never seen the change coming, and hadn’t expected what she’d gotten.

  Her cyborg had spoiled her rotten with breakfast in bed, massages, beautiful words, and amazing embraces. He barely left her side, and all these wonderful things were slowly growing on her.

  Silver had still kept his word. As long as she wasn’t in love with him, they wouldn’t have sex, but he held her tight throughout the night, and his warm and strong body started to make her feel safe.

  Faye even missed him those short moments when he was away to talk to Nightmare, or just going to the bathroom.

  The leader closed the back doors, and as they drove through the gate, Silver pulled her close, wrapping his arm around her.

  A week ago, she would’ve hit him on the head for doing that. Today, she leaned into his embrace. Closed her eyes, enjoying the silent minute it took to get to the warehouse.

  For the first time in her life, Faye felt safe in a way she’d never felt before. She was starting to trust every word that came out of Silver’s mouth. Sure, he was still cocky, and flirtatious, but whenever he spoke about his emotions for her, he was always serious.


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