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Page 18

by Lietha Wards

  Augh, such bad timing. She took a large gulp of her glass and turned to face him. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that he had another bleach blonde on his arm. Tight clothes, exquisite figure and beautiful. His typical woman. Again though, the woman’s eyes went to Ryan and she licked her lips as they approached.

  Kat felt bile rise in her throat as flashes of Porsha’s lifeless corpse resurfaced in her mind. Hopefully this poor woman wouldn’t have the same fate. She couldn’t understand her sister’s anger toward her father’s girlfriends. It wasn’t their fault he was a pig. As twisted as her sister was, she wouldn’t kill her, even though she had no problem letting her men torture her. She had it figured out now. Anna was targeting her father’s weaknesses.

  Peter introduced his new girlfriend to his daughter. “This is Kitty VanDoonen, her father is a United States senator. Kitty, this is my daughter Kat, and her escort, Ryan.”

  Kitty giggled. “You know, together we’re Kitty-Kat.”

  You have got to be kidding me. Her mouth fell open and Ryan pinched her bum making her snap it shut. She might have even jumped a little but no one noticed. She managed to paste a fake smile across her face and bite back a sharp retort. The last time she released her wrath she couldn’t apologize for it. She vowed not make that mistake again.

  Still, how come her father always managed to find the most brainless pretty women on the planet? Again the woman was barely a few years older than her. Why couldn’t her father do anything normal? “Nice to meet you,” she said through tight lips.

  “Well, everything turned out just fine, didn’t it Katya?” He spread his free arm out indicating the party.

  “Yes, Eveline is amazing as usual,” she answered casually trying her best to keep her anger in check.

  “Here hold my glass.” He turned and handed his drink to his date. “I have to make an announcement.

  To Kat’s surprise he took her hand and led her toward the temporary stage where the orchestra was playing and led her up the steps. She cast a wary glance over her shoulder at Ryan who looked just as confused as she was.

  Peter raised his hand and stopped the music. One of his men came forward and gave him a microphone. He tapped it twice before covering it with his hand. “Stay close Katya. It’s important,” he said to her while smiling at the crowd.

  What on earth was this about? Again she pulled a fake smile across her lips. She had to stay strong and get through the night.

  “Everyone! Can I have your attention.”

  People started to make their way over to the stage. Katya figured there were almost five hundred people there by the looks of the crowd from where she stood. She knew most of them by past events that they’ve had and those she’d been invited to. She was relieved to see Ryan make his way to the front of the crowd. Kitty was hanging off his arm and waved to her when she was noticed. Well, she knew Ryan was just being a gentleman and keeping her company. It was the gentlemanly thing to do she supposed.

  Once everyone seemed to be crowded around the small stage Peter started talking. “As most of you know I’ve been sitting on Miami council for almost five years now.” There was applause from people in the audience. He lifted his hand letting them know he had more to say. When the crowd hushed, he continued. “I’ve decided that is enough for me. I’m not running for reelection.” This time sounds of disappointment reached his ears but he grinned. “I’m not done.” Laughter this time. “As most of you know we’ve had a lot of tragedy in our lives.” He reached over and put his arm around Kat’s shoulders, who looked completely lost. “First my wife, then my precious daughter Anna. I want to get through that and make a new life for us, and help defeat the people who put drugs on the street.”

  Katya stared at him in shock.

  “So, I’ve decided to run for Governor. So be generous with your check books tonight.”

  Cheers and applause erupted drowning out Katya’s gasp. Her father turned to her, hugged her and whispered harshly in her ear. “And you will act accordingly and keep your mouth shut!” Without another word, he released her and walked off stage to accept congratulations.

  Ryan met her as she followed suit, and the music started playing again. Her father was being mobbed by his guests, but he did shoot her a warning look before they engulfed him. “Did you know about this?” she asked Ryan.

  He shook his head. “I’m just as surprised.” He would have never thought the man had the balls to do such a thing. Campaign rivalry brings out all the dirty secrets. This man had to have had an edge before he went public with such an announcement.

  She lowered her voice so only he could hear. “He can’t Ryan. He just can’t. So many people will suffer.”

  Ryan nodded. “I won’t let it get that far.”

  “We. We won’t let it get that far,” she corrected.

  The corner of his mouth pulled up. “Brave words. Here I thought you were a spoiled princess. You keep surprising me.”

  She found it in her to smile. “And I thought you were a real bodyguard.”

  He chuckled and took her hand. “Let’s finish this horrible night by having more to drink.”

  Her eyes widened. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to get me drunk to take advantage of me.”

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I don’t need to get you drunk to do that, but I’m definitely going to take advantage of you. Now, shhh.”

  She laughed.

  After another two hours, she’d had enough of this crowd and her father being patted on the back for such a political move. Thankfully Ryan noticed and told her to go to bed.

  “What about my father?”

  “I’ll handle him,” he said just as the older man made eye contact with him and waved him over. “Besides, it looks like he wants my attention. He won’t notice that you’ve gone.”

  “Okay.” Ryan left her then. It seemed so impersonal but she knew he was trying to keep up the professionalism. She couldn’t really expect that he’d kiss her goodnight. She sighed and went back into the house and up to her room. The guests were thinning too. It was quite late and just a few loyal stragglers were left. Well, more than likely her father’s dirty business partners. She didn’t want to stick around while they chummed up to one another. She’d need a shower to get all the wicked slime off of her.

  She turned the corner of the upstairs hall to go to her room and stopped. Ivan was leaning against the wall next to her door smoking a cigarette. She narrowed her eyes and marched forward. “I don’t think my father would like you smoking in the house.”

  “He won’t know.”

  She paused and looked at him. His voice was cool and collected, like he had the authority to do what he wanted. Usually he was more than friendly to her even though she despised him. She placed her hand on the doorknob and Ivan stepped in front of her. His eyes went down her front to her breasts then back up to her eyes.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to use the other door?” He said with malice in his tone.

  She felt a little afraid of where this was leading, but covered it with irritation. She tossed her head. “Of course not. That’s Mr. Casey’s room.”

  He shrugged meeting her eyes. “Well, I assumed since you were sleeping with—“

  She slapped him across the cheek cutting off his words. Surprisingly the cigarette remained between his lips.

  Although it was now bent. In any other situation she might have found it amusing.

  His face twisted as he became enraged and grabbed her wrist. “If you do that again, I’ll break your hand!”

  “Let me go! You’re hurting me!” she shouted.

  He shoved her against the wall—hard. She released a painful gasp. He brought his face close to hers so she could smell his breath. She made a disgusted sound.

  “I know your screwing him. I’ve seen you together.”

  She laughed like he was being ridiculous.

  “Oh? What do you think your father will do if he finds
out? He’ll cut that man up into little pieces.”

  Her eyes met his. He was guessing. He had to be. With the exception of the party, which was an act of affection to cover what Ryan really did, they didn’t show any fondness in public at all. They hardly even looked at one another. She narrowed her eyes in hatred and decided to call his bluff. “I don’t Know what you think you saw, but you’re dreaming.” Oh, she was terrified though. What if there was a slip and she couldn’t remember; a small caress, a look, or a soft spoken word.

  “Oh I know what I saw. He’s taken with you. That man has no right, Kat! He’s an outsider. I’ve known you since you were sixteen.”

  “Oh my God. Let go of me.” She tried to move and he slammed her back against the wall again. She released a painful gasp. His face was still inches from hers.

  “You are going to fucking listen to me! I’m sick of your condescending and your uppity attitude towards me around that man. I’ve always been there for you. I deserve your loyalty—“

  She narrowed her gaze furiously. “Loyalty? You deserve a bullet for the crimes you’ve done.” She said viciously.

  It must’ve been effective because Ivan released her and looked a little shocked. She was sick of paying for her father’s sins. This was just another man thinking she owed him something. She’d been kidnapped, beaten and kept under a roof of a man she hated, and now this man thought he had the right to tell her what to do. She wouldn’t stand for it! The wine she consumed that night probably gave her a little courage also.

  She pointed a finger at him. “You! You are just as much as a filthy liar and murderer as he is. I blame you for what happened to me too! And if you ever touch me again, I’ll shoot you myself!” She turned abruptly, opened the door, stepped through it, and slammed it behind her. She leaned against it and desperately tried to catch her breath. She’d never spoken like that to anyone. She was terrified, yet exhilarated at the same time. She reached over and slid the lock on the door. She was worried he’d recover and come busting in. To her relief she heard his heavy footsteps down the hall.

  Should she worry about what he’d tell her father? No, if Ivan had something he would have already taken it to him. She was sure of it. Whatever he saw wasn’t proof enough. Now she understood what he was up to. He was trying to get a reaction out of her over it, and it didn’t work. She could thank Ryan for that. He always told her to use those feelings of rage to keep her focused, and it worked. She was sure she was convincing. She crossed her fingers.


  “Please say something,” she said softly.

  Ryan had returned to their rooms twenty minutes after Ivan left and she told him what had happened. He hadn’t said a word during or after she’d talked, and she honestly couldn’t decipher his expression. It was the same one he’d wear if he was reading a newspaper. He just lifted her arm to examine the bruise on her wrist. His fingers traced it gently.

  “Ryan?” He met her eyes and she clamped her jaw tight. Oh, there was definitely something there. He was enraged. “I’m okay.”

  He raised her arm to his mouth and placed a soft kiss on the inside of her wrist as his eyes remained on hers. “I know you are.” His voice was softe—concerned.

  She smiled. The anger wasn’t toward her.

  He then pulled her into his embrace and kissed the top of her head.

  “You obviously aren’t angry with me.”


  “Um, penny for your thoughts?”


  “That bad?”


  “Do you need a drink to calm down?” she teased, trying to lighten the situation.

  He moved her back from him. “No, but I do know something that would help.” He took her mouth aggressively stifling her gasp.

  Her hands rapidly fumbled at the buttons on his shirt, and the zipper got stuck on her gown, so he just ripped it while pulling it down to bare her breasts.

  “That’s a two thousand dollar dress,” she murmured against his mouth. There was laughter in her tone.

  “I’ll replace it,” he said huskily, lifting her to him.

  She groaned feeling her bare breasts brush his naked torso. He was warmer than she was, and for some reason the hair on his chest felt erotic on her skin. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers in his hair kissing him passionately.

  He turned and walked past the bed to the large chair in his room. She didn’t understand what he was doing until he sat in it with her straddling him. He gathered the material of her dress and pulled it up her bare thighs. “Your skin is as silky as this material.”

  She reached down and undid his slacks, then lowering his zipper, followed by his underwear to free him. All the while her mouth never left his.

  He cupped her bottom and lifted her onto his member, releasing a deep groan of satisfaction as she enveloped him.

  They certainly didn’t get all their clothes off before he drove into her. His shirt was open and hanging off him, and her dress was still on but around her waist. He only managed to get his dress pants down to his ankles.

  She laughed softly at their disheveled state before his mouth smothered the sound. He made love to her possessively; hard and fast, and she knew then, that she belonged to him.

  An hour later, they were still in the chair with her laying against him. Her head was tucked under his chin. She could have stayed there forever because during moments like this, it washed everything evil out of her life.

  “A penny for your thoughts?”

  His deep voice brought her head up. “I was just thinking how you seem to take me away from all of this destruction.”

  His hands smoothed down her back and over her bottom. “You realize that it actually goes both ways. I’ve never known such peace until I’m with you.”

  Her eyes searched his as they started to water. That was the first deeply emotional thing he admitted to.

  “I love you Kat.”

  Now she was crying.

  “Shh.” He moved her head down to his shoulder. “I’m not leaving you, and I’m not leaving this place without you.”

  She knew he wouldn’t say such a thing unless he truly meant it. She also never knew what true love was until that moment. “What if this goes sour?”

  “It won’t.”

  She knew he was just saying that to reassure her, but it still didn’t take that dreaded worry away. What if she lost him too, just like her mother? The only other person in the world to truly love her.

  He shifted, and pulled her back. “Time for bed. We’ll wake up sore sleeping like this.”

  They removed the rest of their clothing and wrapped themselves around one another for a peaceful sleep.


  The next morning she awoke with him lying on his side, with his head propped up on his arm, staring at her.

  She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “How long have you been doing that?”

  “Long enough to appreciate your beauty.”

  She blushed and hit him playfully. “That’s so embarrassing. I know I’m a mess.”

  He smiled. “You looked thoroughly ravished, and trust me, it’s appealing.” He lifted his hand and used two fingers to move hair off her face. “You’re cheeks are flushed and your eyes are vibrant.”

  His hair was mussed up and he had thick stubble on his chin and jaw. “You should talk. You’re drop dead gorgeous. Even when just waking up. Is there any time you aren’t attractive?”

  He chuckled. Then it faltered to a smile. “I need you to do something for me.”

  “Anything.” Her tone meant absolutely anything.

  His smile widened.

  “All right. What do you desire?” she teased rolling to her back and splaying her arms.

  “I’d love to, but later.”

  She pouted.

  He flipped her lip with a finger. She had a beautiful mouth, and enticing as it was at that moment, he had another agenda. “I need you to pack
a small bag of essential clothing and toiletries.”

  She sat up abruptly knowing immediately that he was excluding her from the plan. “What? Why?”

  “I need you out of here before tonight. The shit is going to hit the fan and I can’t lose you in it.”

  “What is happening tonight?”

  He never said anything.

  “It’s what you told my father, isn’t it? You set him up?”

  “Not exactly, and I’m not telling you a damn thing because you’d get yourself into the thick of it.”

  She breathed deeply and stared at him. “We are in this together. You agreed.”

  He sat up and cupped her face meeting her eyes. “I’m serious Kat. Jackson is going to take you someplace safe. I’ll contact you as soon as I can.”

  “And how are you going to explain my absence to my father? You know he keeps close tabs on me. Ivan knows everything I’ve done outside of this bedroom, and suspecting things going on inside. He’s dangerous.”

  “They’re all dangerous, and that’s why I can’t have you hurt. I’ll figure something out with your father.”

  “He’ll know something’s wrong as soon as he sees you and not me.”

  “You’re not leaving until after supper. He’s got something going down tonight and I’ve given him an edge on finding the leak in his organization. I’ve decided I’m going—”

  “What? And get yourself killed?” She pulled back from him. “Oh hell no!”


  She scrambled out of his bed and shook her head. Then, without a word picked up her shambled dress, shoes, and underwear, and stomped into her room slamming the door.

  “Ah hell.” Ryan stared at the closed door. He expected resistance but this was a little more than what he’d bargained for. He got out of bed and pulled on his pajama pants, walked over to the adjoining door and tried the knob.

  It was locked.

  He pressed his lips into a thin line and shook his head. Well, he shouldn’t have expected anything less from her. He knocked softly.


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