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Peyton & Brag: City Boy [Silver's Studs 14]

Page 13

by Lynn Stark

  Sickened, furious, Peyton spun on his heel and would have gone after Roger if the large man returning to the room hadn’t stopped him. “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t let you go near him.”

  “But you don’t know what he’s done.”

  “I have a fairly good idea, sir. And I would like nothing better than to let you have a few minutes alone with him, but I have to follow the law, not my wishes.”

  “The victim is a juvenile,” Brag supplied helpfully.

  The tall security guard growled and his scowl deepened. “Someone from the sheriff’s department will be here shortly. A deputy was about five miles from here when the call went out.” The radio on his belt beeped. He picked it up and spoke. Peyton wasn’t shy about listening in. It was the deputy, who reported that others were on their way from Silver, including the ambulance with the paramedics.

  “You heard,” the security guard said when the radio went silent. “He won’t be much longer.” He looked past Peyton to where Brag was once again comforting the victim. “He’ll be taken care of. I need to get his name and his parents’ contact info. I’ll give the information to a deputy as soon as they arrive. Taking care of him is what’s important now.

  “Of course it is.” Peyton grimaced as he stepped back. “I wish I’d known Roger was here. Maybe I could have done something to prevent this.”

  “Mr. Greer?” The voice was soft and strained, as if speaking was an effort. Peyton turned in surprise. Then he was hurrying across the room. “Mr. Greer, it’s me. Ferrex Fitzhugh. Remember?” The young man was trying to sit up. Brag was trying to keep him down. Obviously knowing Peyton was a strong motivator. “Your parents and my grandparents were friends.”

  What were the odds that he would know both the victim and his attacker, and that they would meet up in what was, essentially, the middle of nowhere? Peyton was certain they were astronomical.

  “I remember.” Peyton hadn’t seen Ferrex for at least five years. He had been a child the last time Peyton had seen him at an anniversary party or something. His parents had been very good friends with Ferrex’s grandparents, which was why he’d been invited. They were such good friends they often took trips together. Yet, it didn’t explain how Roger would have been connected to the young man’s parents. As far as he knew, he’d never introduced Roger to anyone in the family. “How does Roger know your family?”

  Peyton was crouched down now so Ferrex wouldn’t feel the need to sit up to speak to him. He took the slender hand that reached out to him and held it gently. His gaze took in the cuts and bruises covering the delicate face and body. The fury he was experiencing built steadily.

  “My dad works with him. He’s been coming over for a couple years now.” Ferrex frowned. “But his name’s not Roger. It’s David. David Hunt. Can I call my mom and dad now?”

  “Yes, of course.” He pulled out his phone and handed it to Ferrex.

  Listening to Ferrex sob as he spoke to his parents was one of the hardest things Peyton had ever done. It broke his heart. His hands curled into fists in his pockets. The desire to beat the fuck out of Roger was so strong he could barely contain it. Not having an outlet was rather frightening. He really needed to hit something.

  The sheriff and paramedics arrived. Peyton and Brag stepped out into the hall. He didn’t know if Roger was still in the building or if he’d been taken to Silver. There was no way Roger would get away with this. He had kidnapped a juvenile and brought him two-thirds of the way across the country. What he’d planned to do after he was finished with Ferrex was the big question. He couldn’t take a bruised and battered young man back home. Had he planned on murdering Ferrex and disposing of the body in the wilderness surrounding them, before disappearing? The possibility chilled him.

  Peyton wasn’t surprised when Ferrex’s parents called Peyton and asked if he would stay with their son until they got to Silver. They promised it would only take a few hours. Peyton reassured them that he would stay as long as he was needed. After giving their statements, they returned to their room to dress quickly. Then they headed to Silver, following the ambulance at a slower pace.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through this,” Brag said gently.

  Peyton thought about it for a few seconds before he answered. “I’m not. I’m glad we were there to hear Ferrex scream and were able to put a stop to a true monster. And it’s not about revenge. Of course it felt good to punch the bastard, but it’s more than that. We stopped a predator. Who knows how many other young men have suffered at his hands? I doubt Ferrex was his first.”

  “It’s not likely,” Brag agreed. “I suspect there are more. Aren’t there always?”

  “As unlikely as it is, I do hope there aren’t any other victims.”

  Was the man seeking out and abusing men when Peyton was dating him? He thought back and couldn’t pinpoint anything that might have made him suspicious. With the exception of when they were working, they were almost always together. There had been times when Peyton had felt like he was being smothered by Roger. The man’s attentiveness only grew worse over time, changing into controlling. It was when Peyton began to protest against having every second of every day monitored that the trouble between them truly began. Of course, that had only been a part of it. There had been other problems. They manifested into a beating that nearly cost Peyton his life.

  Peyton and Brag stayed at the hospital until Ferrex’s parents arrived late that night. There were no words he could say to them that would truly help them during this difficult time, but he tried. Bonnie and Ferris Fitzhugh hugged Peyton and Brag tightly as they thanked them for saving their son’s life.

  As they drove back to the hotel, Peyton thought about the strange turns life took. Never in his life would he have ever thought that meeting Roger again in a hotel in Montana would have even been possible.

  Then again, one strange turn—his father remodeling his great-aunt’s house and insisting he try living there for a while—was the reason why Peyton had found true love with Brag.

  He hadn’t seen that twist coming in the plot of his life.

  Chapter Twelve

  It didn’t take a genius to realize there was a lot going on in Peyton’s head. Brag was worried. Despite asking if Peyton wanted to talk about what had happened at the hotel after they had returned home, Peyton refused to speak on the subject. It was almost as if it had never happened, and Brag knew that wasn’t good.

  There didn’t seem to be a good time for them to talk. During the day, they were working. When Brag got home, they ate supper and then either worked getting the caretaker’s house ready to rent or finalizing the preparations for their wedding.

  Tonight, they were planning on picking up their tuxedos in Silver and having supper at the Silver Star Hotel.

  Before they went, however, Brag was going to get Peyton to talk to him. It was a discussion they needed to have. After storing the painting supplies in a room off the garage, he went in to clean up and change clothes.

  Peyton had finished his manuscript and sent it off. He was still in the outlining process for the first story featuring the Paradise Lake Hotel. Despite his lack of communication about how seeing Roger again was affecting him, Peyton was eager to share his writing process with Brag. What surprised Brag the most was how Peyton wanted Brag to contribute to the stories, making them partners in all things. It excited him. Helping to create the stories he loved so much was both a pleasure and an honor.

  Brag found Peyton in the bedroom. He was naked, wet, and absolutely gorgeous. The sight of him took Brag’s breath away and sent his pulse racing. But it was always like that, whether Peyton was clothed or unclothed.

  His lover smiled at him, but it didn’t reach his eyes. This was the moment. They needed to talk before they did anything else, especially pick up tuxedoes they might not need just yet. The possibility hurt like hell, but it would hurt less to slow down now than rush into something they would both regret later.

  After kissing Peyton, Brag kept
his hold on the other man. “Hon, we need to talk.”

  Peyton frowned. “About what? Do you have something you need to do tonight?”

  “No, nothing like that. It’s about whether or not you’re ready to marry me.”

  The frown deepened, reflecting Peyton’s confusion. Brag felt that was a good sign. “Of course I am. I don’t believe I’ve wanted anything more. I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “I feel the same about you. However, there’s something going on. Seeing Roger again and discovering he’s a class-A pervert came as a huge shock. Hon, when the two of you were together, you couldn’t have known. He didn’t give you any reason to suspect him. Are you blaming yourself?”

  A long sigh escaped Peyton. “Yes and no. You’re right. Roger never did anything to make me suspect that he preyed on the young and innocent. If he had, I would have called the cops on him without giving it a second thought.”

  “See, that right there! That proves you have no reason to feel guilty. Let it go, baby. Roger will be going to prison for a very long time. You got to break his nose and save the life of a young man who now has a future thanks to you.”

  After spending a few days in the hospital, Ferrex had returned to Connecticut with his parents. Brag and Peyton had gotten to know him. He was gentle, quiet, loved to read, and created music he played on a variety of instruments. It seemed Ferrex was something of a prodigy. He also loved Peyton’s books. Peyton had given him a complete set, each of them signed. The younger man had positively glowed with pleasure.

  “You’re right. I have to stop dwelling on the negatives and focus on the positives. Roger will be going to prison, and Ferrex is still alive to hopefully enjoy a long and happy life. Do you think he’ll really come back to see us?”

  Brag nodded. “I think you made a good friend there. We’ll see Ferrex again. After he’s had some time to heal, we can invite him and his parents out to stay for a week or two.”

  “That would be nice. I’d like to see for myself that Ferrex is doing better in the future. When the time feels right, we’ll put the invitation out there and leave it up to him. Or we can go to Connecticut.” Peyton sighed. “I’m sorry I worried you, but all of these conflicting emotions have been difficult to deal with.”

  Moving closer, he wrapped his arms around Peyton so he could hug him tightly. When he released him, he told him quietly, “I understand completely. But talk to me, hon, when you’re having problems dealing with something. I’ll always be here for you to share things with. I don’t care what it is.”

  When Peyton’s strong arms rose to wrap around his neck, Brag realized things were going to head in another direction. Because he could feel that the tension Peyton had been carrying around for days had left him, he decided to drop the topic of Roger. He would, however, pick it up again if Peyton began to show signs of being stressed. It was his duty to care for the other man.

  Sliding his hands downward, they moved over the flare below Peyton’s waist to the mounds of the most perfect ass Brag had ever seen. They were firm and more than a handful. He gave both a squeeze, chuckling when he felt Peyton’s cock begin to thicken against him.

  “I think someone wants to fool around before we go in town.”

  Peyton chuckled and tightened his hold on Brag’s neck. “You’re very perceptive.”

  Because kissing Peyton was one of his favorite things to do, Brag closed the distance between their mouths, capturing the man’s soft lips in a kiss that soon had his toes curling against the soft rug beneath his feet. Peyton’s moans increased in number as their passion grew. It was a hot, intense living thing they shared. Brag had certainly felt nothing like it until he’d met Peyton.

  Brag kissed Peyton all the way to the bed. Once Peyton released him and crawled up on the bed, Brag undressed quickly, aware that his every move was being watched. The expression in Peyton’s hazel eyes was enough to make Brag want to do a bit of posing. He did so, eliciting a moan and a laugh from his lover.

  This was what their love was about. Passion and laughter. They were things Brag prayed they would enjoy for many years to come.

  Pressing Peyton into the mattress beneath him, Brag enjoyed how their cocks bumped and rubbed together. He stared down at Peyton, relieved to see him happy, relaxed, and ready to participate fully in making love.

  “Why are you staring at me?” Peyton asked.

  “I was just thinking about the future.”

  “How does it look?”

  Brag gave him a smile he hoped conveyed his innermost feelings. “Fantastic. I have you. I can’t ask for more.”

  Peyton lifted his head so he could kiss Brag. “I couldn’t have said it better. Now, are we going to make love or not? My bits are feeling neglected.”

  “Oh, we can’t have that, can we?”

  Peyton’s body quivered violently as he lifted his hands. Brag’s gorgeous brown eyes were watching him closely. There was love, desire, and humor in his gaze, all things Peyton cherished.

  They were so well-matched that there were times when Peyton wondered how his father had known. And he had known. Peyton was sure of it. Why else would he want Peyton to return to Silver? He could have moved anywhere and been as satisfied. Except that Brag wouldn’t have been any of those other places. His father had been a crafty devil.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” Brag asked curiously as Peyton finished straightening the gray and black diagonal striped silk tie he was wearing with the white shirt and black tuxedo.

  He looked gorgeous, and Peyton knew he could stare at him all day and never tire of the sight. “I was thinking of my father. He’s responsible for this. He knew we were meant to be together.”

  Brag nodded. “I believe he did, but he never said a word to either of us. It’s as if he knew that once we met again, we would figure it out.”

  There was a knock on the door and they both turned to see who it was as it opened. Craig stood there, a goofy grin his face. He was an older version of Brag, and Peyton knew what his soon-to-be husband would look like in twenty or so years.

  “Are you guys ready? Bart says it’s almost time for his snack.”

  Chuckling, they headed for the door. “We’re ready. You head out. I’ll join Bart.”

  Bart was standing in for Peyton’s father. He wished his parents could be there to see Brag and him get married. It was sad, but he wasn’t going to let it bring him down on this wonderful day. He had a terrific future to look forward to and he was going to live it to the fullest.

  Peyton had trouble keeping up with Bart as he headed down the aisle between the seated guests in the garden. His motorized wheelchair gave him the freedom to move swiftly. He and Brag shared a grin. Brag stood before the minister with his father and brothers. There had been some doubt about getting the brothers into tuxedoes, but they all looked like elegant gentlemen. Helena and Dee Dee were serving as his groom’s matrons. Their smiles were happy ones.

  Bart ‘gave’ Peyton away before cackling gleefully and spinning around in his chair, parking it on his side of the aisle. It was all Peyton could do not to laugh. Thoughts of laughter faded away when he and Brag joined hands, but his smile didn’t. The ceremony didn’t take long. They had written vows and recited them to each other. Peyton could barely get the words out. Emotion welled up in him and his throat tightened. Strong fingers gripped his firmly. Then it was Brag’s turn. The man’s voice wasn’t much more than a husky whisper. Looking into his eyes, Peyton saw the tears. His own filled and he sniffled.

  The minister seemed to realize that they were about to lose it. Peyton didn’t believe holding back so much emotion was healthy. A solution would be to wrap his arms around Brag and kiss him until they were both senseless.

  The moment they were pronounced husband and husband, Peyton and Brag closed the space between them. Their kiss was heated but respectful of those witnessing it. When they were alone later, they could toss decorum aside and get down and dirty. There w
as applause and cheering. They broke apart reluctantly and stepped back. Holding hands, they turned and raised their joined hands triumphantly.

  They had invited less than fifty people to the wedding. Most were Brag’s relatives and friends, though Peyton had made a few friends since arriving in Silver. Angel and Jade were there with their husbands, and Peyton’s editor and a few friends had flown in from around the country.

  Once they had been congratulated by everyone, they followed Bart into the hotel. The reception would be in one of the two smaller ballrooms so they didn’t disturb anyone’s stay at the hotel any more than necessary.

  When they reached the ballroom, Peyton and Brag laughed at the sight of Bart and his helpers moving along the buffet, filling up plates. They didn’t mind in the least and followed his lead. Snacks were important.

  With embarrassing toasts behind them, excellent food in their stomachs, and wedding cake washed down with sparkling wine, Peyton got up and tugged Brag to his feet. The string quartet had been playing quietly in the background during the wedding and supper, but now they were making room with a local country western band. They would all perform together, making the music unique.

  After Peyton and Brag completed the first dance, their guests joined them on the dance floor for a crazy good time, including Bart, who was spinning around in the center of the floor with Helena, Brag’s mother, as his dance partner. It was hilarious and he hoped someone was recording it. Peyton never had been much of a partying kind of guy, but this was one he was going to thoroughly enjoy.

  Brag was a great dancer. He was also something of a show off on the dance floor. At some point, he’d found his black felt Western-style hat. He looked dark, dangerous, and incredibly sexy, causing Peyton’s heart to flutter and his dick to twitch. Yeah, his new husband was a hunk.


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