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Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 53

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Everyone looked to the city they were destined to enter. Eeroan looked larger than the sight mirror allowed and it was both beautiful and cruel to look at. Off to the west they saw the island of Iron Mine and a long stone bridge and jetty combination that linked the mine to the city. Even from up high Cage and the others could see lines of movement that appeared like ants, but were actually slaves working. The bold layout of Eeroan was exceedingly simple, but it posed great problems compared to other cities he had ever seen. Eeroan had a plan that couldn’t be altered, or wasn’t allowed.

  Daku eventually landed an hour away from the city, but near a well traveled river that supplied the iron to the rest of the nation. Brooke and Moril sat down to take a few minutes to rest while Zatal and Lanna scouted the nearby area. Daku shrunk down to Frill’s size and they checked for game so everyone could eat.

  The moment they landed, Cage began preparing for the mission, one he never used outside of theory. He upended his bag and extracted everything from the pile to organize it. He found a spare robe while they sailed the freed captives to Emroc and prepared heavily for the rescue of Meeka, the woman he loved and missed dearly. He took the single, forest green robe with long sleeves and put it on. He tied a brown sash around his waist and checked all fit properly. Megdline had helped to alter the fabric to fit his frame since the last mage was over a foot shorter and stockier. She also said that no spells had been placed upon them. He had to admit, it was comfortable, but the excess fabric would be a liability in combat. Cage conjured a simple, full length mirror of himself and created a black knife with which only cut hair. He shaved and had a smooth jaw in minutes. His hair had grown longer than he usually wore and cut it to the desired length, but left the tribal beads alone. Cage grabbed the four bracelets and undid the string holding them together. He checked the small, oval plate to find the infinity symbol he placed in it. During the boat ride, he created the bracelets and the plans on how to effectively spring Meeka from captivity.

  Finishing the final touches to the plan, Daku and Frill returned wet with a fish in their mouths. Brooke and Moril began cleaning the fish while the two Familiars licked themselves dry by a smokeless fire after their time in the nearby river. Cage whistled a birdcall, the issue to have the scouts return to camp. Zatal and Lanna came in and sat down with everyone to hear what he had to say while the food cooked.

  “Chief, what is the plan?” Lanna inquired.

  “I’ve been studying everything I could about Eeroan. I cannot see inside the castle where it is located in the center of the city, but right next to it is where Meeka and other captives are being held. I know, just by observing, that what worked in Bepop won’t here. Eeroan is too precisely organized to be taken advantage of. The spider web-like roads are designed to prevent any type of sneaking around. We saw there are thousands of slaves, but in that city” he pointed to the southeast. “escape would be nothing more than a dream. The roads are too wide to not be spotted and using the rooftops to get close would be too far to jump. The city was designed to prevent escape, infiltration and to trap any who tried. The streets can be a deathtrap for any who disturb the peace.

  “At night, it gets more troubling. I’ve seen orbs zooming through the streets.” Cage created a ball of light and spelled it to speed all around them. It didn’t frighten anyone, but it did give a good description.

  “I wondered what those were.” Brooke said. “I never asked while you concentrated, but they did seem like spirits. What are they for, Cage Love?”

  The orb winked out. “My guess is they patrols the city, making stealthy attempts impossible. As of yet the balls of light move randomly. Some are fast while others are slow so you wouldn’t be able to time your moves with the sweeps. Guards patrol the streets along with the lights at all times to show they do not like others out during the hours of midnight to an hour before sunrise. With so many slaves, they cannot be lax or give them any hope of escape. They also have two mages rounding the streets with the four dozen guards. There is no way we can sneak into the city of Eeroan without getting caught. Even if I made us invisible there would be no way to not get in trouble if a mage felt the magic cloaking us. Whoever designed this slave run city knew just what they were doing.”

  “You make it sound impossible to save our sister, Chief.” Moril said while stirring the cooking pot of fish and vegetables.

  “In truth, our chances of pulling off my idea is less than ten percent. All of the other scenarios I’ve come up with is less than three or lower. To get anywhere near Meeka I’ll put us all in greater danger than the past two weeks combined. The number of mages vary through the hours, mainly because Megdline says that these assholes are learning the darker aspects of magic, mainly necromancy. Because they are learning the bulk of them are out and about for the first three hours after sunrise or just as the sun sets. We have three hours before they come out. The danger will be greater because most of these mages are already skilled in the practical skills of magic, more so than I am.

  “The only way all of us can get into the city together and rescue Meeka is if you four pretend to be my slaves.”

  Brooke, Lanna, Zatal and Moril’s expressions were priceless. They didn’t expect that at all. Lanna’s eyes narrowed and her tone hinted at danger. “You want us to be your slaves? Explain yourself.”

  “Pretend, Lanna. Pretend to be my slave. I’ve been observing for nearly a week about the people of this city.” Cage pointed a finger for emphasis. “There are three types of slaves. The first kind are the most in number and they are slaves working the mine and the smelters. The second belong to local and rich servants. The last belong to a mage or lord. These slaves are allowed to move around without being chained or shackled so long as they sport the symbol or brand of their master. Plus, if they are seen as a mage’s slave, others cannot borrow or ask for their aid. And the largest benefit, that I have seen, is they get to carry their weapons. The other slaves are not allowed.” Cage held up one bracelet with the infinity symbol prominently standing out. “If the four of you wear this, we can stay together and have a better chance of success. Brooke has already cut her leather shirt so Lanna and Moril could wear bottoms and a strap to cover your breasts. Zatal will wear her pants.” Cage looked to Sean. “Son, when we get there you will still pretend to be my son and Brooke will be your wet nurse you call mother, if anyone should ask. If you are questioned why you two look nothing alike you can say I always say you take after your mother who died in childbirth.”

  “I can do that.” Sean beamed and looked to Brooke. “Are you alright with that, Mother?”

  “Yes.” Brooke admitted, liking the plan so far. “I could not pass for your real mother anyway because our skin is too different.” Her brown eyes turned upon her impressive mate. “And what will we have to do while pretending to be your slaves, Love? If we can keep our weapons, can we use them?”

  “Only as a last resort.” He explained while handing over the simple and shiny bracelets. “Granny, Frill and I will walk, with you holding Sean’s hand behind us. Daku will hide either in my pocket or robe because he will draw too much interest if seen. Zatal and Moril will lead and keep people away and Moril will stay with you and our son. Most mages who keep personal slaves use them to clear their path. When a mage does come, Zatal and Lanna will step to either side of me and Granny. That is proper courtesy I’ve come to understand. Two slaves of mages are to make way so their masters may speak and keep commoners away so they may speak privately.” Then he slightly changed topic. “When we get Meeka we will all return here, to this very spot before leaving.”

  “And just how are we going to rescue our love?” Brooke asked, wanting to know how long she had to wait to make love to her woman again, to hold her close again, to share warmth. She truly missed her Meeka.

  Cage smiled and laid out the plan with the highest chance of success.

  Megdline stared dumbfounded with the others at the boldness of it. Daku was the only one to chuckle. They were
quiet as he explained each of their tasks and Sean was put out, knowing he wasn’t allowed to be directly involved when it counted, again. The sorceress eventually spoke up as he ended the plan. “You’ve asked my opinion several times, but you haven’t confided your plans… I see why now. I could not come up with anything viable because I was stuck trying to stay secretive, but this plan has many risks and the reward will be left up to chance. I agree on some level, but this is hard to take in. You are the best manipulator of people I’ve ever known, but if you cannot replicate what you did last time, I’m not strong enough to last long without destroying…”

  “I understand.” He interrupted. “The best way to get into a secluded and heavily guarded area is to do something drastic and gain the attention of those with curiosity of the unknown. I know it will be dangerous, but we don’t have many days to work our way up the social ladder. We go big and get noticed. And I too worry it won’t happen again.” Something in Daku’s eyes didn’t seem to think it would. “It won’t take long for word to spread and people are gullible and will believe anything, if my plan succeeds in a crowd. If it doesn’t you can do what you must, but let me try first.” He met every eye. “What say you?”

  Zatal said “You can rely on me, Chief. You haven’t steered us wrong yet.”

  “You have my blade.” Moril stated and Lanna nodded in agreement.

  “My Love, it is dangerous and will put our son in danger, but if it works we could get our lover back and be gone soon. I will do anything to get her back, even do this.” She clasped the bracelet to her wrist.

  Megdline sighed. “Fine, you’ll be the death of me anyway. I consent.”

  Frill smirked. “Are you kidding, we travel with Lord Death himself. We’re on his good side.” The goofy face he made had an instant effect on his gloomy partner. Megdline burst out laughing. “You’re right. Necromancers beware, Lord Death is on his way!” She chuckled and made others join in.

  “Food’s ready!” Brooke stated and dished out fair portions. Cage ate some tubers and the last energy bar Megdline made weeks ago. It still tasted fresh and perfectly preserved without preservatives. While he ate he dramatically lowered the draw from his diamonds to recover nearly completely by the end of the meal.

  Sean slid on his shirt from his pack while his mother and her friends put on the bare minimum amount of clothes. He found the sleeves of his shirt covered his knife strapped to his forearm. Zatal slid into a pair of leather pants, but remained barefoot like his mother and those she called sisters. Sean laced his boots and watched as Daku shrunk to the smallest size he’d ever seen, like a humming bird, but far more beautiful and his wings didn’t blur. The griffin climbed into a pocket and held the edge to keep his head above. The next thing he saw was his dad having his mother and the others hold out their wrists to shrink the metal firmly and seamlessly to their left wrist so it couldn’t be taken off without cutting off the entire hand. He knew his dad would undo it later. Megdline gave everyone except his dad and himself two small gold discs which acted like earrings.

  In five minutes they left the small area and walked a few hundred feet opposite the river to find a game trail Lanna had found and marked secretly so they could find it again. The trail led to a small pond which joined another trail that ended near a road. They had to all carefully not disturb the shrubs and Sean found a rock that he placed just so he could remember where the hidden trail is. They then used the road and headed southeast towards the city of Eeroan.

  “State your business!” A well armed guard demanded at the outer wall.

  Zatal confidently stepped forward as he had been taught while the others stopped. Two dirty slaves nearby pulled a loaded wagon of stacked wood like horses or mules would, into the city, getting a casual glance from the guards at the load. Zatal learned how to address and alter his way of speaking to not be seen out of place. He stood larger than the guard to calmly state “Out of Lord Ceembura’s way, Peasant. Move now or I shall do it for you.”

  The guard became flushed in anger at being addressed in such a way by a mere slave. “I was not speaking to you, Slave. One more word and I’ll…” He went to grab for his sword, but Zatal’s life as a warrior on the plains hardened him into a lethal adversary. Zatal moved to grab the knife on his forearm, unsheathed it and slashed the man’s throat, where there wasn’t any armor protecting the soft flesh. He sheathed the blade before the guard fell to struggle for a fleeting moment and Zatal’s calm countenance made the guard’s death throes more dramatic.

  Six guards watched in horror as a slave killed one of their comrades and went to draw their swords until the body rose of the ground by an unseen force and was drug aside to be dropped at the feet of the nearest guard. All eyes turned to a tall mage in green robes with a bored expression as he lowered a hand. Cage yawned while pretending to be called Ceembura to say in a bored way “Dispose of the trash and get a guard who knows how to address one such as myself.” He looked down at Megdline to say “Where is it we are going again young lady?”

  Megdline sighed and said “Lord Ceembura, the empress wanted you to see how the students are doing after four hundred years. You are to see if they made any progress or if they hadn’t, you are to replace the Arch Magister and make an example of him. He hasn’t made a single contribution in thirty years, at least not of any worth to her.”

  “Ah, yes, that’s right.” He set his eyes on the nearest group of wide eyed soldiers. “Ah, it has been centuries since visiting this place. Has anything changed in my absence? Is the Quiet Dove still the best inn around?” Cage had spent plenty of time watching and listening to various mages and heard of the inn several times and made it sound as he were intimately familiar with the historic building.

  The soldiers seemed to have a change of heart after throwing Vika’s title of empress and the Arch Magister out where they could hear. The men snapped at attention, realizing this was no ordinary mage they dealt with. One of rank said “Yes Sir! You’ll find no better inn in all of Eeroan! Proceed, Lord Ceembura and I ask forgiveness, we did not get word one such as yourself would be coming.”

  Cage simply looked ahead and walked, not answering as he had seen many of nobility and mages do to lesser men. The others followed in unison and made sure the soldiers saw the bracelets and remember. It wasn’t hard to get attention of the guards as two drug the dead man away and secretly sent word to all other guards to watch out for four nearly naked slaves with the infinity mark on a bracelet and to inform the castle of Lord Ceembura’s first destination. Other onlookers gave a wide berth at such savagery, but seeing two mages didn’t really seem out of place here. Cage remained bored, but saw all of this and the likely possibilities.

  They remained together and walked unerringly down the street filled with many slaves working in low standard clothes and working their fingers and backs to the bone. In the fading darkness one or two mages were felt before being seen as they worked small magic, but the city’s spells were aggravating because the magic was everywhere, slowly feeding off all the mana from every individual in the city. When four mages got close, Cage used a small explosive spell in the crack of a building, but before it could detonate with the power of a firecracker, the city’s active spells sucked the power out in an instant. Megdline sent a small stone straight into her hand and tried to make it invisible, but the powerful spells layered in the city prevented such magics. It seemed several spells were banned, but the elemental spells of fire, wind, earth and water, worked well. Movement and simple shields also seemed to remain useful. The two friends looked to each other with knowing expressions and understood this to be their only means at the moment.

  The city made sure that what had been overlooked in Bepop didn’t occur here.

  More and more mages appeared the closer they got to the center of Eeroan. Some exited large establishments where magic seemed to be worked stronger. Each mage appeared adult with years of experience. Many were men, but there were a handful of women sorceresses and witches.

  Everyone stayed together, getting closer to their destination.

  On the left stood the inner wall with patrolling guards and behind the twenty foot wall towered a seven story castle. A market circled all around the wall where there is plenty of space, with master and slaves selling and buying whatever was offered. Zatal made a casual look back, the first he or Lanna had done since entering the city. Cage gave a subtle nod to begin and they headed near the Quiet Dove Inn. It was a five story establishment made completely of granite but it had a white tinge and had been polished to a half gloss. If not for the overworked slaves, the city would be nice and cozy. They got within a hundred feet before Cage made a subtle gesture to his leading companions.

  Ahead were three obnoxious mages laughing and telling crude jokes in the middle of the street. The loudest and cockiest walked to the side of their group. None had the wizened behavior of advanced age in a young body and Megdline once said that it is after the first eighty years that a mage truly matures. These three were still young in comparison, acting more like they came from a frat party with booze and loose women. They were the ideal targets.

  They walked right at Cage’s group, not paying any attention or actively used spells. Lanna intentionally shoved the most annoying mage into his buddies to say “Out of the way, Fools!”

  The three stumbled and crashed to the ground. The three mages untangled themselves as the crowd quieted after her loud voice lifted higher than necessary. The pride of the three were wounded and embarrassed, but when they got up they realized what the sneering woman had done and saw the gold earring. They had been accosted and humiliated by a slave and a woman at that. The leader raised his hands and shouted “That was your last mistake, whore!” A blue flame gathered in his hands before shooting straight for her.


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