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Flash Burned

Page 28

by Calista Fox

  “I do. But … I’ll save it for later.” He lifted his flute in the air and announced, “Thank you all for joining us once again. I regret it’s been so long since we’ve all gotten together, but I do appreciate you spending the evening with us.”

  We all clinked rims. I noted Ethan’s curious glance at my clear, carbonated drink, obviously not champagne. He didn’t say a word, though. Didn’t quiz Dane further, either, on his absence of late. No one mentioned his unexpected reappearance. Shock lingered in the air, regardless.

  After polishing off our drinks, we all boarded a Gulfstream jet in the same hangar with the Lear, though this one was much larger to accommodate our group. I wondered if we owned it, too.

  No one knew where we were headed, and Dane didn’t elaborate. He didn’t even tell me. Then the Grand Canyon came into view, and we approached the landing strip. I still didn’t know what he had up his sleeve, but the location was spectacular, especially at sunset.

  I glanced over at him and smiled.

  He whispered, “I want to make you smile like that every day. Of course, that’s not all I want to do to you every day.”

  Heat, and likely pink, crept over my cheeks.

  Dane said, “I want to make you blush, too. And come.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath. Luckily, no one could hear it. We were in the back of the plane, not fully engaged in the animated conversations.

  I said, “You should behave.”

  “That’s not at all what you want me to do.”

  He had me on that one. “I’d say you win”—because I knew how much he liked to—“but we’re about to touch down, so we’re sort of at a stalemate.”

  “Hmm.” His lips pressed softly to my temple. “For now.”

  I brimmed with excitement and lust but tried to keep myself composed as we all exited the plane and took SUVs—one driven by Amano, the other by his new protégé, Kyle—to the famed El Tovar Hotel, which sat a mere twenty feet from the rim of the canyon. The vistas were astounding. So breathtaking, we all absorbed the wonderment in awed silence. Twilight provided enough of a glow to accent the sedimentary layers of the canyon walls and sprinkle golden light over the mesas.

  I hadn’t been here since I was a kid. My sixth-grade class had hiked a portion of the canyon and we’d learned all about the wildlife and plants. I appreciated the grandeur much more as an adult.

  Dane guided us to a private deck that was set for our dinner of nine. Lanterns and candles added to the gorgeous ambience. Music flowed from hidden speakers. Appetizer stations were set up, as well as a wine bar, with scotch and brandy in decanters. Dane played host, and I realized that was his way of keeping his appearance to a minimum—he didn’t want even the servers at El Tovar to get a glimpse of him.

  Everyone in our group seemed to grasp this, even my dad, though he was still stunned. I joined him at one point and said, “Again, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Warn you. Whatever.”

  His gaze slid from Dane to me. “When did you find out he was alive?”

  “A couple of months ago. We have to keep it quiet, Dad.”

  “Does this have anything to do with last night’s car wreck in Flag? With the FBI involved?”

  “Yes. Vale Hilliard was responsible for the bomb at the Lux. Though it was likely just his directive. Someone else did the dirty deed, we suspect.”


  “It’s really bad, Dad. Dane’s helping to sort it out. The bottom line is that few people know he survived the explosion and it has to stay that way.”

  “So, I’m guessing the all-expenses-paid vacay to Augusta wasn’t just luck of the draw?”

  “You catch on quick.” I kissed his cheek. Then I told him, “I swear I’ll explain it all to you as soon as everything’s settled.”

  “I don’t know, sweets. This doesn’t sound healthy for you or the baby.”

  “Dad.” I understood his concern. But I didn’t want anything—reality included—raining on my parade tonight.

  He fretted a bit, then asked, “Are you doing okay?”

  “So much better,” I said with conviction. “Kyle’s aunt and her specialists worked wonders. And then I found out Dane didn’t die at the Lux, and everything with the baby is going great. I feel fantastic, I promise.”

  “Well, you sure look fantastic.” Finally, he grinned. “Tamera is right. You’re radiant.” He studied me a few seconds more, adding, “You know, your mom never glowed, but sweets, you positively shine.”

  “I am married to an amazing man and having his child. So, literally, I could swing from the chandeliers.”

  My father was wonderful enough not to mention the time Dane and I spent apart, the way I’d freaked because I’d thought he was dead, and so on. My guess was, his sole focus remained on the fact that Dane was here, we were together, and I had a baby on the way.

  We had a sensational dinner under the stars with the moonlight streaking over majestic Grand Canyon. The food was incredible, the company even better. And what pleased me more was that no one was in a hurry to end the evening. We lingered over dessert and cocktails. Kept the conversations flowing with no need to hastily wrap it all up.

  Midnight came and went. Dane finally said, “We should get you all home.”

  No one jumped on the offer. We continued on. I was basically curled against Dane on a comfy patio sofa when Eleanor eventually said, “Ari, you’re exhausted.”

  “Oh, keep enjoying yourselves,” I told them. “Don’t let the pregnant chick spoil your fun.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Dane said, “You should rest. Let’s not overdo it.”

  I hated to end such a wonderful evening. These types of get-togethers were much too few and far between. And would continue to be until this was all over.

  But I couldn’t deny I was wiped out. I crashed against Dane’s shoulder again on the flight to Sedona. I was barely cognizant as I said good-bye to everyone at the hangar and we made our way home.

  Before I drifted off on the drive to the fortress, I whispered in Dane’s ear, “Thanks for tonight.”

  * * *

  He was lying next to me in the morning when I woke. I rolled toward him, my lids fluttering open. He gazed at me and I smiled.

  “There it is again,” he murmured. “All I want is to keep you happy.”

  “You gave me so much last night,” I said. “It was incredible. I know it was risky for you. But you did it for me.”

  “Everything I do is for you.”

  Emotion welled within me. I ran my fingers through his hair. “Bringing everyone together gave me a sense of family. Thank you.”

  He leaned close and kissed the tip of my nose.

  I smiled again. “We’re perfect together. You know that, right?”

  “You’re perfect.”


  “Baby.” He looked deep into my eyes. “I love you more than anything.”

  “Trust me when I say the feeling is mutal.”

  And then he made love to me.

  chapter 20

  “This is heaven,” I said with a contented sigh as Dane slid a fat, wet bath sponge lathered with lavender-scented body wash up my arm to my shoulder. I was positioned between his legs in the huge tub in our suite, my back pressed to his chest. I’d piled my hair on top of my head and his lips grazed my neck as he eased the sponge along my collarbone, over my breasts, and down to my belly.

  He rubbed my stomach slowly, sweetly, practically making me purr.

  “You have just the right touch,” I murmured.

  “I’m guessing a foot massage might be in order after this, given that you haven’t been wearing high heels lately.”

  “I sat most of the evening.” He’d pretty much seen to it. “But, yes, I am out of practice with the sandals. They were just so lovely. I couldn’t resist.”

  “Back to your slippers.”


  He asked, “Does the lavender help?”

ely. It’s very calming, soothing. I ran out of the frankincense.”

  “I’ll get you more. Qadir will send it.”

  “So he knows you’re alive as well?”

  “Yes. As does Nikolai. I contacted them last night. Like Ethan, they were a bit put out that I’d kept this from them, but understood the circumstances and what needed to be done. Also, I think they’d already begun to suspect, when the indictments started coming.”

  “It must have been difficult for you to maintain the secrecy. Especially with Ethan. I know how close you are.”

  Dane let out a short, hollow laugh. “It was damn near impossible to keep this from him. I hated every second of it, but it was necessary.”

  “He must have been shocked to hear your voice.”

  “Even more stunned to see me in person, though he hid it well. I know he feels slighted that I didn’t trust him with my plans, but I also know that, were the shoe on the other foot, he would have likely done the same. Amano was smart enough to set it all up flawlessly. The only regret I have is that he didn’t tell you from the beginning.”

  “You can’t obsess over that, Dane. He did what needed to be done. We all have. And we’ve pulled through. Although … I do feel bad that Mikaela doesn’t know.”

  He was quiet a few moments, then told me, “As much as I hate how this has affected her—and I know she orchestrated my memorial service—I can’t tell her just yet. Not that I don’t trust her completely. She’s just so … exuberant. I wouldn’t want her to accidentally blurt out that I’m alive. Or let it slip to Brizio.”

  “I understand. In the long run, all that will really matter to her is that you are, indeed, alive.”

  He kissed my temple.

  Setting aside the sponge, he reached for a tube of sugar scrub. “What’s this?”

  “Exfoliates the skin.”

  “Huh.” He removed the lid and squirted a little onto the pad of one finger, inspecting it.

  I found his curiosity about all my girly stuff endearing. He’d grilled me endlessly as we’d cuddled in bed this morning, our legs tangled, our fingers entwined. He’d wanted to know all about how I felt in general and as a result of being pregnant. Had a number of questions about the baby and an infinite list of potential dos and don’ts he thought he should know about. It was really very sweet and charming. Such a nice change of pace from the dark and tragic drama we’d been embroiled in.

  Beyond the fact that his inquisitiveness and genuine concern touched my heart, it had felt so fantastic to finally share all of this with him. We even talked baby names, but nothing jumped out at us as a definite possibility.

  The only subject we hadn’t broached was where we’d live after all was said and done with the indictments. The fortress was growing on me, as long as I didn’t give too much thought to the look of the high-voltage wall. It wasn’t as though our friends would find the impenetrable security out of the ordinary, knowing what we’d been through. Well, Meg and Sean would. Then again, perhaps not, since Meg’s father was a global communications tycoon who had employed his own level of security to keep his family safe.

  I assumed that was why Kyle hadn’t wigged too much over all the gates and guards and even a watchtower. He’d been exposed to Meg’s family before he’d ever met me.

  Still, I hadn’t lost any love for the creek house, despite being away from it for so long. In fact, I missed it. So I wasn’t sure where we would reside in the future. For all I knew, Dane might want to leave Sedona completely. There was no Lux to bind him here.

  As I considered this, and leaving Kyle and my dad, Dane gently rubbed some of the sugar scrub on my shoulders and over my chest, using the sponge. My eyelids drifted closed as the slightly grainy, partially creamy texture worked its magic on my skin. The light vanilla aroma mixed with the lavender to create a lovely scent, and I inhaled deeply. I was thoroughly relaxed, though acutely aware of Dane.

  His muscles and presence surrounded me. His heat felt soothing against my lower back, which ached a little from the previous evening’s exertions. He left feathery kisses along my throat as my head rested against his shoulder. I felt his erection and grinned.

  “You can’t seriously want me again,” I softly joked. I’d lost count of the number of orgasms I’d had in the past forty-eight hours.

  “Of course I want you again.” His sexy voice rumbled against my neck. “The question is, do you want me?”

  “That never has been, nor will it ever be, a legitimate question. Certainly not one worth posing.”

  He chuckled. “I always have enjoyed your bit of sass, Mrs. Bax.”

  “I’ve always enjoyed how hot you get for me.”

  “More than you know.” He stroked lower to my breasts. The water only reached the top of my rib cage, since I’d complained it’d take half the day to fill the enormous tub and I’d been itching to get in.

  He swept the sponge over my already pebbled nipple as his teeth tenderly bit my throat. I moaned at the sensations he evoked. His mouth on my skin turned me on as much as the tiny granules he rubbed against the taut peak, making it tingle.

  “Feel good?” he whispered as he shifted the sponge to my other nipple.

  “Awesome.” I sighed. “They’re very sensitive and the sugar adds friction.”

  He tossed aside the sponge and squeezed more of the scrub onto a palm and rubbed his hands together. Liquid heat flared through my veins before he even touched me—the mere thought of what he was about to do excited the hell out of me.

  He cupped my full, aching breasts and massaged gently. “You always worry too much about your figure, but honestly, baby, you pregnant is the sexiest damn thing.”

  “I have a lot of competition,” I noted. “I see how women look at you. Gorgeous women.”


  “None more gorgeous than you.”

  He carefully rolled my puckered nipples between his fingers and thumbs. The sugar was a delicious stimulant, sending shock waves to my core. I writhed against him, pressing my thighs together as my pussy throbbed.

  Opening his hands, he used his palms against the sensitive points of my breasts, caressing in a circular motion. The erotic tingle against my nipples from the micro-beads turned me instantly restless, so aroused.

  “Dane,” I whispered. “Let’s get out of the tub.”

  His hands dipped into the water, washing off the sugar before he quickly rinsed my chest. Then he climbed out and helped me. He laid a towel over the marble vanity and lifted me onto it.

  My fingers curled around his wide shaft and I stroked him slowly. His emerald eyes blazed.

  “Ari,” he murmured just before his mouth sealed mine. He kissed me passionately, deeply. A searing lip-lock that conveyed lust and longing. And love.

  I wasn’t sure if it was the pregnant hormones, all we’d been through, or the fact that I now considered every single moment we stole together the most precious of time—or all of that combined. But this kiss was so much more stirring than ever before. That was saying something, of course, because I’d always found Dane’s kisses soul stirring.

  This one took me to all new heights of unrelenting desire and irresistible affection. He hooked a forearm under my knee and spread my legs. Our lips and tongues continued to tangle and taste as the head of his cock nudged my opening.

  I wrapped my fingers around his neck, keeping him close, keeping him kissing me. The other hand flattened against the vanity and I lifted myself slightly, angling my hips.

  He barely pressed into me. Electric currents ran through my body. His tongue toyed sensually with mine as he moved a breath deeper, just an inch more. Taunting me, torturing me in the most seductive, provocative way.

  I wanted him desperately, but the intimate teasing was sinful, playful. Downright exciting. As much as the urge to beg him to fuck me rose in my throat, I kept quiet as he dragged his mouth from mine and kissed my jaw, my neck. I luxuriated in the slow burn.

  My lids closed and I dropped my head
back. I concentrated solely on how he felt, pushing gradually in, filling me inch by glorious inch.

  “That is so amazing,” I gasped. “I love how you feel inside me.”

  “You make me come completely undone,” he said as he pumped slowly, pushing deeper and deeper with every measured thrust. “I can’t ever get enough of you.”

  A smile twitched at the corners of my mouth. “You know you’re driving me wild.”

  “I just like taking my time. Staying buried right here as long as I can.”

  “No rush,” I whispered against his lips. “My doctor’s appointment isn’t for another hour.”

  “I’m going with you.”

  “I figured you’d say that.”

  He continued to move within me, gliding slickly, stretching me. He kissed me again, and I reclaimed all my bliss from the nights at the creek house when he’d made love to me, held me, made me feel cherished and protected.

  Like those exciting interludes, he picked up the pace now, stroking confidently. His kiss turned demanding, territorial.

  I loved it when he got so caught up in the moment that he seemed desperate to have me—desperate to make me come.

  I returned the kiss with equaled passion and possession. Because he was mine.

  The bliss consumed me and the erotic sensations coursing through me erupted. I tore my mouth from his and cried his name.

  “Oh, Christ, Ari.” He groaned.

  I knew I squeezed him exceptionally tight. I couldn’t help it. I literally clung to every inch of him.

  “Baby,” he murmured before he thrust deep, his body jerked, and he came inside me while letting out that carnal growl that made all my nerve endings go haywire. Nuzzling the side of my neck, he said, “I have absolutely no control when it comes to you.”

  I smiled as euphoria flooded my veins. “Let’s keep working on it.”

  * * *

  We all drove to the retreat. An uncomfortable scenario in that I was there to see my OB-GYN for an ultrasound. I was thrilled Dane wanted to come along. I also understood that Amano preferred to chauffeur us for our own protection. And Kyle wanted to see his aunt and Chelsea.

  Still, it was a bit awkward.

  Regardless, it worked in our favor. Kyle cleared the way for us with Security and made it so that no one was around as we came through the door and entered Macy’s office, Dane with a ball cap pulled low on the brow and his head down—the fewer people identifying him the better.


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