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Claiming Their Cat

Page 11

by Maggie O'Malley

  She smiled as if she’d never received a compliment before. “Thank you.’

  He held the chair out, and she sat. Cat wolfed down the breakfast that made him proud of his cooking skills. He ate, enjoyed his black coffee, and watched her eat. Her long hair danced with a life of its own every time she moved. He couldn’t wait to feel it slide over his thighs and his belly.

  “Your grandmother’s not joining us for breakfast?”

  “She has already left, but she’ll be back when the baby’s due.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “How will she know that?”

  “Um, I don’t actually know. That’s just what she said, and I don’t usually question her.”

  After she had finished the last bite on her plate, Rio said. “Leave the dishes. Let’s go for a walk down by the lake.”

  “That sounds wonderful.” He helped her out of the chair and noticed the light in her smile. She genuinely wanted to go outside.

  They spent the morning walking around the lake. She loved the stories about how he and his brother, Creed, were always getting into trouble. He asked about her family, but she quickly shut him down, saying that her parents were dead and she didn’t have any siblings. Of course, it held the acrid smell of a lie.

  Cat loved the outdoors, enjoyed seeing the ducks take off and land. She ooed and ahhed over the bunnies eating grass. One day, she was going to love being a wolf and probably see those ducks and bunnies in a different way. He’d found out that she’d never been fishing, and that was so wrong. He loved to fish with a cane pole and he’d bet his boots she would too. He also warned her to stay inside unless he was with her especially at night. It would be difficult for anyone to penetrate his security, but anything was possible.

  For lunch, Rio went back inside and made sandwiches, which they ate on the pier. Cat appeared to be having a good time, but when she started yawning, it was time for a nap. Unfortunately, his package in town was burning a hole in his mind. He should have let Ila stay with Cat while he ran into town, but for some reason, it hadn’t even crossed his mind. He’d slip into town while Cat slept, but he’d wear her down first.

  Rio led her through the house. He felt her tense with each step they took. His beast bristled. He didn’t want her fearful. “Relax. Why are you afraid?”

  “I’m not afraid, but maybe I don’t want to be a prostitute.”

  “I’m gonna spank your butt for that.”

  “What? It’s true. I’m paying for protection. Trading sex for something defines a prostitute.”

  She had a point, one that pulled guilt from his wolf. Yes, he should be protecting her for free, would have done it anyway if she hadn’t agreed to the deal. But he needed to pleasure her and get her to trust him. He was a cad, plain and simple, but as stubborn as Cat was, she would have never agreed otherwise.

  “There’s one difference between a normal prostitute and you.”

  She arched her lovely brow I that do-tell fashion of hers.

  “First of all, you’re my very special mistress and not a prostitute. Prostitute’s relationships are like drive-through windows. Secondly, prostitutes hardly ever receive pleasure. They are there for the john’s desire and the money.” Rio knew that was partly true. The few times he’d hired a prostitute instead of picking a lady up at a bar, he’d always brought them to completion before he allowed himself his own pleasure. They always thanked him and told him how different he was from their other customers. To a wolf, sex was all about giving before getting.

  She stopped in the hallway and plopped her hand on her hips. “Let me get this straight. Because I have an orgasm that makes me a mistress instead of your whore?’

  The spin on all this was he’d found her in a brothel. He doubted that she was a whore because she was so shy at sex, not experienced in the art of pleasing a man.

  And he needed to know why she was there that night. “Have you ever been in a whorehouse?”

  Her heartbeat accelerated; her breath caught in her chest. “No.”

  The lie was acid in his nose. Taking her hand, he pulled her into the bedroom, knowing this was an excellent opportunity to discover her secrets. With an idea in his mind, he turned on the lamp, and then closed the heavy drapes at the large picture window. “I have a fantasy. Let’s pretend that you are a prostitute, and I’m your john. I’ll lie in the bed, and you’ll service me like you think a hired woman should.”

  Her blue eyes rounded in fear, the one thing he didn’t want her to feel. “Don’t be afraid. You’re in control.” He pulled off his shirt and tossed it on the floor. Then he shucked his boots, and his pants followed. Cat’s gaze followed his every move. Pulling the covers back, he fluffed the pillows and lay down, probably not like he did that night in the brothel. He’d been drunk, so he’d probably just fell in.

  “Can we turn off the lamp?”

  “Sure.” He did as she asked. “You’re in control. Make this your fantasy.”

  Cat couldn’t believe that he was letting her be in control. Heat rushed her body thinking about that night at the brothel. They’d made love several times, and once he had actually let her be in charge. That man had been wild, forceful, as if he couldn’t get enough of her. At first she was scared he would hurt her, thinking she’d made a terrible mistake, but he seemed to sense her fear, became gentle with her and made her feel cherished.

  Rio reminded her of that man in the dark, obviously, not in the looks category, but in their strength and mannerisms. She stripped, and eased to the end of the bed. That night she was shaking like a leaf in a tornado, but not tonight. Rio wouldn’t harm her no matter what their differences were. She crawled over him, and he immediately pulled her down for a hard kiss.

  She laughed against his lips. “Hey, I’m supposed to be in charge here.”

  “I know. I just wanted something to tide me over.”

  The shadowy man had kissed her too. The darkness now allowed her to relive that night. Straddling his hips, she positioned his shaft against her clit, thumbed its swollen crest. She pressed it against her and rocked, letting it drag along her clit. Cat loved the feel of his cock, knew it would be the source of pure pleasure. She leaned forward and kissed his chest, then sucked his nipple into her mouth.

  “That’s right, baby. Use those teeth.”

  Cat did, just like that night so long ago. She bit him hard, before he could ask. Apparently, some men liked it rough.

  “Fuck yeah.” His voice was gravelly, almost a growl.

  Cat felt her body quicken at his words. She could do this, give him pleasure, play the seductress—before she got him killed. She pushed those thoughts away. Cat nipped him as she eased down his body. His stomach hollowed when she kissed his bellybutton. She felt the goose bumps on his skin. After nestling herself between his thighs, she grabbed his shaft and licked the pearl of moisture that had escaped. He rewarded her efforts with a hiss and by pushing his hips up.

  She wrapped her hand around his cock and took the head into her mouth. Cat loved the salty taste, the feel of soft skin over hardened steel, the little growls he made when she took as much of him as possible.

  “Baby, you have no idea how awesome that feels. I can’t wait to taste your pussy.”

  Cat couldn’t wait for him to taste her either. She’d never had anyone do that until the man at the brothel did and god, it was the most erotic thing she’d ever had done to her. Well, except for the butt plug. That was wicked too. She sucked harder and pumped him with her hand. Cat reveled with delight when Rio’s thighs trembled, and he pushed his hips up.

  “Play with yourself. Come along with me, because baby, I’m almost there.”

  His suggestion intrigued her. Oh, she had gotten herself off many times, but never while she was sucking a cock. Her inner core quivered. She moved her hand down, around her belly, and found her clit extended and slick with her juices. She swirled her finger over the little bundle of nerves as she sucked his cock. Her desire was building. Rio’s balls were tight agains
t his body. She swirled hard against herself, building the pleasure, giving the pleasure.

  “I’m ready baby. Swallow all of me.”

  The first spurt hit the back of her throat. She swallowed and suddenly she was coming herself. She arched as pleasure shot up her spine, and she moaned around his shaft as waves of pure ecstasy surged through her. Rio’s shoved his cock deep and cried out her name.

  She sat up. She wished the lights had been on. She wanted to see Rio climax. Maybe next time.

  Cat crawled up beside him, laid her head on his shoulder, and slung her leg over his. Her belly pressed against his warm side.

  “Damn, woman. That was hot as hell.”

  “Mmm. It was. I just want to sleep now.”

  His arm pulled her against him. “You can sleep for now, and I’ll eat your pretty pussy later.”

  Her last thought was Rio was going to die because of her.

  Cat awoke instantly knowing two things. She was alone in Rio’s enormous bed, and she had to pee. After taking care of the necessities, she opened the drapes. Rio had a fabulous view of the mountains from his bedroom. They rose majestically, their reflection shimmering in the lake. Her belly growled. The clock by the bed said 4:15. No wonder she was hungry. Time for a snack. Making her way downstairs, she headed straight for the pantry surprised she didn’t run into Rio along the way.

  After snagging some cookies and a bottle of water, she went to the back porch to sit on those wonderful rockers she’d seen this morning. It was serene here, which surprised her. Did a killer-for-hire need a peaceful, beautiful place to rejuvenate? She’d thought he’d live in a dim, intense cave or maybe spent all his time in a smoky bar.

  She sighed. Rio apparently had everything and she wasn’t sure he even knew it. The cookies were delicious, the water refreshing, and the rocking superb. All of which topped off a perfect afternoon of fantasy sex. Her insides rippled just thinking about the man. But she couldn’t stay. She still didn’t know why all this was happening. Why was he like…helping her? She didn’t feel threatened, which was why she needed to leave and save his ass.

  And where was he? She frowned. Something else was missing. Rio’s truck. He’d moved it to the back after his grandmother had left. She stood up and hurried to the front, looking out the windows on both sides searching for his vehicle. She burst on to the porch and grinned. Rio had made a mistake, and she was going to capitalize on it.

  Damn, she missed her backpack. She ran back upstairs and rummaged around his closet looking for a backpack. Not finding one, she snatched a pillowcase from the bed and stuffed her meager belongings in it. Back in the kitchen, she shoved food into her makeshift pack and smiled about the last time she had done this. She grabbed a knife, wrapped it in a dishcloth, and dropped it in her sack just for good measure.

  Sadness tiptoed into her heart, and she quickly pushed it away. This was the best thing for Rio. He was just too stubborn to realize it. Looking around one last time at his gorgeous home, she slipped out the front door and headed for the driveway. She had no idea how far he lived off the road, but it couldn’t be far. Hitching a ride would take her far away from Rio and in turn…keep him safe.

  Again, she had no money, but maybe something would turn up, and she could work for food and a place to stay since that worked out so well the last time. Not wanting to walk directly on the driveway, she veered to the left about sixteen feet into the forest in case Rio came back. It was hard going in the woods with flip-flops, but she hadn’t bought shoes yet. Rio was going to take her shopping for some when her feet healed. She couldn’t worry about that now. She had to get to the road before Rio returned and way before the sun went down. One thing she’d learned over the past week, she hated to be outside at night. Lots of creepy crawlies came out at night, and she hated every damned one of them.

  Rio drove like a lunatic. It was getting late, and the wreck on the road between home and town had been a frigging nightmare. Rio was glad he’d happened along since he had been able to pull the door off and snatch a car seat from a burning car before it exploded. Lucky for him, the explosion destroyed any evidence that he’d used his claws to sever the seatbelts anchoring the car seat. All that and dealing with the authorities and thankful parents had cost him precious time. He was supposed to be gone less than an hour, but it was pushing three. He should have never taken the chance and left her alone.

  He whipped the truck behind the house, killing the engine before it was even in park. Rio grabbed his packages and sprinted up the stairs. “Cat, where are you? I have a surprise for you.”

  Her scent was concentrated on the back porch and the kitchen, so she was up. Taking the stairs three at a time, he raced to his bedroom and checked the bathroom. His belly tightened as panic rolled through him. Where in the hell is she? Surely, she didn’t go walking by herself? His instructions were clear—stay in the house, especially at night.

  Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes to concentrate and keep his wolf under control. The wolf moved under his skin, reaching, clawing, wanting out to run and find his mate. He went downstairs and followed his nose to the front porch where her lone scent was laced with adrenalin. She was running. He couldn’t believe it. Why would she do that? Didn’t she trust him when he told her that he’d take care of Alvarez and keep her safe? He knew he should be pissed at hell at her, but he wasn’t. He felt fear instead.

  His wolf wanted to run loose, to find its mate, but Rio could locate her in human form. He could always shift anytime if he needed to. He took off running, following his nose. Shadows were growing long. It would be night soon, especially in the woods. What she didn’t know was that the house was a little over four miles from the road.

  Cat had veered away from the driveway causing him to smile. She was clever, but no match for the beast inside him. Trees and branches whizzed by at blinding speed as he stalked her like prey. To his wolf, finding her meant winning and winning meant claiming the prize. He’d have to be careful with her tonight, because his wolf would demand a mating.

  Her trail led away from the driveway, into denser brush, the last place she needed to go. She probably didn’t realize that it gets dark earlier because the sun sinks behind the mountains. Then the tree canopy would act like a blackout cloth. The forest was full of wolves and other not so nice wild animals. At least the snakes would have gone to ground since the temperature was dropping.

  Rio stopped running when he caught a whiff of urine, and he had to grin. So, she had to stop and piss. He’d have to ask her about pissing in the woods because it sure as hell was different from pissing in the barren desert.

  He moved deeper into the woods knowing she couldn’t be too far ahead of him. After five minutes, he stopped and listened. Her soft sobbing echoed on the breeze. Rio prayed she wasn’t hurt, just tired, or frustrated or hell, he’d even take pissed-off. His wolf eyes zeroed in on her. She was squatted, leaning her back against a tree, her head buried in her hands. Her body shuddered from her sobbing.

  She broke his heart.

  “Cat,” he said softly, not wanting to scare her any more than she already was.

  Her head popped up. She struggled to stand and then launched herself at him. He caught her, wrapped his arms around her, and lifted her off her feet. She slipped her cold hands around his neck.

  “Are you okay?”

  She shook her head.

  “Are you hurt? Show me where.”

  She shook her head again. He sat her on her feet and ran his hands over her. He smelled blood, but he was more concerned about if she had any internal injuries.

  Cat had a bloody rip in the sweats over her thigh. He dropped to his knee and ripped the material.

  “How can you…see?” she asked through her sobs.

  “I can’t. Just feeling around.” That was a lie. He could see a puncture.

  “Did you trip and fall?”

  She jerked her head yes.

  His best guess was she fell and jabbed a stick in her leg. �
�Well, it doesn’t feel too serious. Let’s get back home where I can clean it.”

  Rio scooped her up, and she laid her head on his chest. His Cat was cold, exhausted, afraid, and injured.

  She slept in his arms the entire way home. He went straight upstairs and gently laid her on his bed. She barely stirred. After grabbing the first-aid kit from the kitchen, he eased her pants down, not wanting to wake her. It was evident she’d tripped because the knees of her sweats were wet and dirty. The puncture wasn’t deep, but it needed cleaning. His wolf eyes could clearly see debris in the wound. At least she was on antibiotics, which would keep any infection from gaining a foothold.

  Why was she running from him? Was their…arrangement…that bad? She was safe. She was worshiped. Hell, it couldn’t be as bad as traipsing through the desert not knowing where your next meal was coming from or if you were going to be captured the next step you took.

  The game had changed. Rio would never let her go.

  Chapter Ten

  Cat bolted upright as a scream died in her throat. She was back in that dark, cold, scary place.

  “Take it easy. You’re safe now.” His strong arms pulled her naked body against his warm frame. Oh my god. She flung her arms around Rio. Relief made her giddy. She was safe.

  Where was the scolding, a reprimand for her foolishness? What she did was stupid, but really, who lived that far off the road? Hell, it felt like she’d been traipsing around in the dark for days.

  His silence grated on her nerves; she wanted him to say…something.

  “Your supper’s warming down stairs. Are you hungry? I can go get it.”

  She shook her head. “I can walk downstairs and eat.”

  He used his finger to tilt up her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’ve got a hole in your thigh, and your feet look like you blew out a flip-flop early in your getaway.”


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